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Syria Strike - Genius or Lunacy.


Syria Missile Strike.  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Syria Missile Strike.

    • Genius.
    • Lunatic, or given over completely to "Special Interests".

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The only good thing that has come out of this is, I think, the last nail in the coffin of mainstream media credibility in the minds of empiricists of any political persuasion. Looking on the left I see as much criticism as on the right as to the MSM's coverage of this affair.

Since a young age I have been highly skeptical of the media and under the impression there were agendas they both masked and advocated for at the same time. But I hadn't completely written them off. That ended with the 2016 election cycle. The mask had slipped and they were revealed as paid shills and sycophants who would rather destroy themselves than allow their agendas to be derailed. I moved from distrusting them to utterly despising them. Yet they were able to go lower still. The mainstream media has to go. It doesn't matter how.

No one could act in such a ridiculous manner without a few dodgy photos hanging over their head. As the cesspool of the USSR and China has only begun to trickle out after their respective fall and reform, what horrors lie at the heart of the decaying west?


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Think its Charades. Crossing Chess(Perfect Knowledge) with Poker(Imperfect), if you think its Poker not all the cards are down yet. Hilary more entertaining in a homicidal way, but depraved in being cruel. Keen to see who thinks what in poll, gauge foresight. Maybe "In Trump we Trust" turns out to be a bad joke, the author gave up faith quickly.


In terms of using force the airfield is not painted red. John Von neumann a H-bomb physicist said to bomb the soviets while the USA had superiority. Give the Chinese a military advantage perceived or real? invite further conflict with coming economic collapse, History repeating again. Throw out some gambits, I don't know, maybe someone does, curiosity, a bit of entertainment, people don't care, want conflict.

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I watched that debate too.

PJW had no arguments.

He said the airbase was protecting a christian town nearby.

An airbase is a military target, it being near a town is putting that town in danger because it's in the enemy's best interest to make a settlement there. Villages or towns in the middle of nowhere are the safest places in any conflict.


I said he messed up at first and I said only the supernatural can make him come out on top again. The only possible way it wasn't a bad move was if he didn't kill anyone, which seemed impossible to my mind seeing how he fired 59 rockets at an airbase. Lo and behold that's exactly what happened so yesterday I would've said "it was a genius move".


Now Cernovich confirmed this morning that McMaster is planning the deployment of 150 000 ground troops in Syria. I can't possibly see how this could be a good thing.


Right now I can't say it was either genius or lunacy. I can however say it was a bold strategy.


My litmus test now is whether or not Bannon gets fired.

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Yeah the 150,000 troops doesn't sound good. Kind of being optimistic on the missile strike, things seem to just get crazier. I think the false flag chem attack still seems likely, can't see how Trump wouldn't know this, could be acting, what is his "high IQ" doing. Since 2001 things in general globally just get worse and worse. If he's given over to the deep state completely, then what big war, civil in Europe, organs sold to the Chinese? Perhaps should turn off Youtube. Saw a video of Bill Mitchel talking to guests after PJW, praising Trumps strike and affirming it as an Assad Chem attack. Wonder how many people get paid off, I mean then there isn't exactly an excess of alternative news or political activist forums if any, FDR making the wise choice to remain politically neutral, until Trump at the time hands down better choice. Hilary is crazy, would kind of suck if Trump is as well. Unless you work in the  CIA or deep-state I guess mere mortals may never know. Next to no doubt this site is monitored, 1984 or N.Korea perhaps an over reaction, but unless the currency collapses maybe near permanent tyranny for most, kind of a decadence tyranny already. One step at a time perhaps.

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Is there no third option? If not, why?


I haven't thought of one, maybe there is. If he's a Genius; then he's acting largely before others can reply to his actions and adjust. Otherwise he's crazy, perhaps has conceptions of Good and Evil in Politics, which makes him liable to be manipulated. Or he's not as smart as some people think and is subordinate to powerful individuals in the Deep State. 

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