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90% of household spending by women


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hey thinkers,


i'm confused regarding this.

please help me out.


Stefan mentions quite often that 80 to 90 percent of household spending is done by women.

He uses this stat to point towards female power/authority. Or at least, as a counter-argument to the patriarchy.


i've seen this, but am still confused as to what exactly it means.

If my wife buys me pants this counts in that figure, no?

Like...if women buy the laundry machine, and the groceries...this counts towards the figure.


So i'm not exactly sure what this says about women "controlling" the purse.

Doesn't this stat just prove that women do more shopping for the household?


Or am i missing something.




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Women control 90% of what is bought for the household. That is pretty interesting but not totally surprising. Could you link to the episode where Stefan talked about this?

My guess is women buy the nutrition, games/toys, makeup? maybe the art, books, movies and that can influence the kids. So it was probably push back against the feminist narrative that woman have less control over men or something

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Wish I knew which shows. I've heard it on several shows, but i'll pay attention and ear mark it next time it comes up. 

Yeah, it's definitely push back against the patriarchy narrative, which I agree with and understand. But wish I had more clarification on the figure. thanks, boss!

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