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4 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Agreed. Only exception would be those who are, visually and culturally, white unicorns. (Basically the "if it quacks like a duck; looks like a duck; and speaks like a duck; it is a duck" parable)

that and, you know... a ((( gene ))) test :D

4 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I think Holy American Empire will do

Amen lol

4 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I'm assuming you don't know a lot about Asian history given you assume they just copied stuff from us. They invented the first firearms, a repeating crossbow, cannons, and until Western surgery was a thing they had the best doctors, and their art, well I suggest googling Japanese and Chinese artwork for an idea. More 2-D than ours but attractively so. 

Interesting, I didn't know that. I've been meaning to learn more about north east Asian cultures, do you know any videos or movies on the topic? I saw a (very tragic) movie on North Korea a month ago... very emotionally difficult watch but great movie. But I can't find anything on Japan or China...

Regarding the art, I was comparing this:


with this:


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1 hour ago, Erwin said:

that and, you know... a ((( gene ))) test :D

Amen lol

Interesting, I didn't know that. I've been meaning to learn more about north east Asian cultures, do you know any videos or movies on the topic? I saw a (very tragic) movie on North Korea a month ago... very emotionally difficult watch but great movie. But I can't find anything on Japan or China...

Two shows: Three Kingdoms (2010) which can be found on YouTube and is a historical drama about the legendary Three Kingdoms period, which has the awful record of being the bloodiest and longest war in history (106 years straight plus I think around 100 million deaths, with the nation's population starting at 50 million and ending at 13 million. As you might imagine the birth rate compensated greatly but gave the feudal warlords human cannon fodder).

And "Oda Nobunaga: King of Zipangu". You used to be able to find the whole 50 episode series on YouTube, now it's just the first 25-ish (which is still very good). You might be able to find the missing episodes elsewhere, but I'd say overall this is a great history drama which portrays both the Late Warring States Period (1531-1600), focusing on the titular Nobunaga Oda (first name last name) and the Christian missionaries, particular Luis Frois, and his historically recorded interactions with both Japanese culture and the future Supreme Ruler Nobunaga himself. 

Neither are documentaries but very entertaining non-video game ways of getting into East Asian culture/history.

Also for China there is the history drama "The Great Revival", which portrays the State of Yue's resistance to the State of Wu during the Spring and Autumn period (give or take 1000BC to 0AD), which has a lot of parallels with Christian lore and Jesus's crucifixion in particular. The attention to detail portrays super-ancient China very well.

Lastly there's Yoshitsune, another Japanese history drama but made in 2006(?), about the hero Yoshitsune Minamoto and his struggle with the Heike Clan in the rise of the warrior class in medieval Japan (1080's), again used to be on YouTube but harder to find now.





Regarding the art, I was comparing this:


with this:



Just found these for Japan.


Japanese Sun Goddess Amaterasu (basically an asexual Zeus-Jesus hybrid) behind the rock and the supposed supreme ancestor of the Imperial Family.


Izanami and Izanagi, think Eve and Adam as Izanami (the mother of all gods) was tempted by the abyss and fell in while Izanagi (the father of all gods) tried and failed to rescue her, the two becoming essentially Mama Satan and Papa God.






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