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MGTOW - Any Useful Strategies for Women There?

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So.... I'm slowly getting acquainted with MGTOW and their philosophies. In particular, I've been listening to .  He's an amazing orator and excruciatingly clear in his delivery and presentation of the material.

One of the things that struck me was how revealing it is of women's nature and modus operandi - and I got to wondering if it were perhaps 'too' revealing - by that I mean, if women who were previously acting from a subconscious level but fairly harmless could now, armed with all this MGTOW knowledge -- act in discrete, calculated and strategic ways.

I generally a fan of raising awareness, having the discussions and getting them out in the open.  The thing is that individual women can either use the information to target and take down certain unsuspecting men -or- women can attempt to use the knowledge to understand our own nature and tendencies and to better ourselves and improve (make more authentic and honest) your interactions with everyone: both men and women.

So, my question to the community here is: Are there any useful strategies from MGTOW philosophy that women can use to improve their lives and interactions with people (i.e. to keep men engaged honorably before they MGTOW) and if so, what are they? 

(I know, I know.... how 'gynocentric' of me - spare me the accusation and just answer the question if you have it please, lol).

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" previously acting from a subconscious level but fairly harmless "...fairly harmless?   Ask the divorce raped homeless men about that, plus many others, which you'll surely hear/see if you stay with the MGTOW men, and there are at least several to listen to with good value.

As Meister said, I think you misunderstand.  MGTOW is in large part about how women's minds work, as self defense.  Like learning magician's tricks.  We are on to the tricks.  A woman using different tactics is still seen as a woman using tactics, just different ones.  And we get better and better at spotting the false moments.  Put in the hours. 

Howard Dare, MGTOW is Freedom, AngryMGTOW, Heartbern, just a few names.


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MGTOW is a product of men's tendency to hold grudges.  As such, it is rabidly irrational.

The best thing you can learn from MGTOW is... nothing.  It is not looking to absolve women.

As a tangent, I would point to the degree to which women don't know that they follow someone else's lead.  Once you realize this, you can find out who's lead you are following and perhaps begin to choose who you follow.  Just ask yourself : why am I doing this again?

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4 hours ago, Brainwright said:

MGTOW is a product of men's tendency to hold grudges.  As such, it is rabidly irrational.

The best thing you can learn from MGTOW is... nothing.  It is not looking to absolve women.

As a tangent, I would point to the degree to which women don't know that they follow someone else's lead.  Once you realize this, you can find out who's lead you are following and perhaps begin to choose who you follow.  Just ask yourself : why am I doing this again?


How is it holding a grudge to refuse a bad deal?

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On 4/23/2017 at 11:57 PM, Camille Lion said:

So, my question to the community here is: Are there any useful strategies from MGTOW philosophy that women can use to improve their lives and interactions with people (i.e. to keep men engaged honorably before they MGTOW) and if so, what are they? 

Spread your legs cheaply.  Not rocket science.

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"MGTOW is a product of men's tendency to hold grudges.  As such, it is rabidly irrational." -- That is such reflex shaming tactic, based upon an opening statement which is untrue, that I am guessing Brainwright is a girl.  If you are not a girl, BW, then you are a brainwashed mangina and really need to look into it.  Seriously.  I wonder how many MGTOW videos and comments you actually saw.  Because your statement is so devoid of core understanding, that it is essentially fabrication.  If you actually read the comment sections, you'd see many men, different ages, who simply saw with their own true eyes how very often and very severely men are destroyed by a woman with a mood, and chose to avoid women and avoid the problems, ya' can't hold a grudge if nothing happens in the first place.  And the courts are bogus...now I'm just repeating the standard stuff, go watch the videos for better analysis.

The TRUTH is that men have a tendency to honestly analyze -- something rare in females -- and we honestly see how dangerous and worse-than-worthless most women are.  No woman commentator, or Brainwright him/herself, will speak of the elephant in the room:  the women (large yet valid generalization) are crap, they are NOT attractive, NOT feminine, NOT very bright, NOT honest, and possibly NOT well behaved.  So how do those female widespread (pun) traits supposedly originate with male grudge???  Victim blaming.


Running with the pun, Caley is on target.  It endlessly impresses me how many females don't understand that they are...girls.  Squishy warm body parts, well behaved.  Without that, women don't have any value, in fact it's negative value.  Quote by Blonde In The Belly Of The Beast, look her up for image, she's the perfect out of the box porn toy, not a bitter spinster with persistent nose zits:  "Modern women no longer have anything of value to offer men."

Women aren't very interesting to talk to, very surface, run from uncomfy facts like roaches from a room light.  Chronic liars.  And can be lots of time, money, trouble, and THE MAJOR POINT OF MGTOW, the man's will and activities are blended and diluted with the female's, and while this may be a good thing, often it is not.  I can cook and clean just fine by myself.

The following instructions are fundamental for a woman's value, and can have other things added later if deserved, yet the core must first honestly be there:  Give head, make sandwich, shut up.  And keep yourself clean and healthy. --- Like those are bad things!!!  In my senior citizen life, I've maybe met one woman who understood that.  MGTOW men, thru sharing endless stories, tell so very much the same thing.  "The juice isn't worth the squeeze" is practically a slogan.  So how is it a "grudge" to see that the product offered for sale is worse than junk???


Saving my best shotgun for Camille:  If you put that same question on many Youtube men's channels (Howard Dare, MGTOW Is Freedom, Sgt. Terence Pott at Redonkulas.com, and the under-appreciated brilliance of AngryMGTOW are good starts), you'd get a philosophy course provided by many men, far more than my overworked typing fingers can provide here.  Actually try it.  I will cover the most immediately obvious points:

You, a girl, right up front, are asking for "strategies."  Which is femalese for "manipulative techniques."  What about the strategy of just being a good sexual servant and rip out of your brain with laser blasts any trace of entitlement?  Oops, don't wanna mention that.  Not like it's perfectly obvious or anything....It is clear that you are trying to weasel your way into a men's space, playing the innocent card, that it's really just about "that women can use to improve their lives and interactions with people (i.e. to keep men engaged honorably before they MGTOW) "

I don't even know what that means.  Not just because it's missing at least one verb.  Actually, I, that is to say, we, DO know what it means.  Improve their (women's) lives = but the heck with the men's lives?  All about that girl greed?  Interactions with people...a generic innocent glance to the side, oh it's just for the betterment of humanity, you know we women are so spiritual and all.  WTF is engaged honorably before they (become) MGTOW?  Do you mean "keep them bullshitted as long as possible before they come to the unmistakable conclusion that we belong in the dumpster"?  

As you would be told in any comments section:  "What are you really doing here?"

Girls, we are on to your shit, we tell each other, it's the internet age, and we know your brains better than you do.  The ugly base truth of female nature has been let out of the bag, and it won't go back in, no matter how many times you try to innocently flutter your eyes.

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On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 11:10 AM, AccuTron said:

Running with the pun, Caley is on target.  It endlessly impresses me how many females don't understand that they are...girls.  Squishy warm body parts, well behaved.  Without that, women don't have any value, in fact it's negative value.  Quote by Blonde In The Belly Of The Beast, look her up for image, she's the perfect out of the box porn toy, not a bitter spinster with persistent nose zits:  "Modern women no longer have anything of value to offer men."

It comes with a shock to really see the little man behind the curtain.


I spent a good portion of my dating life on the outside. I was liked by a girl here or there but, few and far between. It would be a social circle or school. It would be some scenario of a warm approach and all the stars aligning. Insert pua and a whole new world sort of became aware to me. I began to see something entirely. Some men are fortunate to "get it" or win the genetic lottery. Most are somewhere in between or just average.

I went from a few dates a year to pickup. To getting numbers and hooking up. This isn't to say, its some magic pill and I wall run like the Matrix. I am saying, an outrageous amount of time, effort, and energy equates to a more active sex life. That is all.

I've then watched as a woman will beta cuck a guy, will sleep with me, and dangle the carrot as if the beta had any chance. It pisses me off to see because I was that beta at one time. The difference is now, I don't get friend zoned because I don't spend the sort of time around a woman that isn't dating me EVER. Much to my own pride and dismay, it was resorting to pickup to see the little man behind the curtain, to see the lies in society, in "she's not like that." The meaning to this sentiment is, "NOT LIKE THAT WITH YOU!" PERIOD!

Stefan is much more eloquent in his words then I ever will be. I would love to call in one day when I can organize my thoughts and argue this point better then I am capable at this time. I never wore wigs or did magic. I never did routines or tricks. I approach and talk to lots of women all the time. Small talk and then eventually, actual conversation, and rapport building. Once there is a hook-point, there is something of chemistry and a connection, numbers are exchanged, dated are made, and sex is had. Granted, it is not always a linear process. Women flake. Some women are crazy. Some have boyfriends and are seeking other options. I can tell a woman, I just want to have sex, and see how that goes or I can be smart, and let her bring it up. As I matured, more and more women will pursue me or suggest sex. The text is always blacktops espionage style "want to hangout" or "want to get drinks?" or my favorite, "want to watch a movie?"


Stefan's point on sexual market value is never lost upon me so, the trade and exchange of a woman during the very years she could be locking down a good man is more times then not, pissed away as a booty call in the name of chasing bad boys. In my teens and early 20s, it really ate away and at the core of me. As I learned about pickup, I stopped giving a fuck. As I got older, as I had more sexual experiences, and dated a lot more, I saw abundance. I realized there was more and more women out there and that, my time will come. I just had to have blind faith in myself. As I got older, I watched as women I would have once loved to date had children out of wedlock with the bad boy, got fat, had other kids from different men. I watched what a disaster I had avoided. Meanwhile, I dated other girls younger then me.


Every dog has his days.

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