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Advice needed on current life situation


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So to start I will say that I am a 26 year old man, I esteem myself to be an intellectual as are my friends.

I moved to Louisiana from Virginia nearly five years ago in an effort to gain a masters degree in geology. I moved so,far away because I was offered a paid assistantiship which I squandered within two years. I have completed my classwork for the degree but have made no progress towards my thesis, the last leg of my degree. Instead I have entered into blue collar oilfield work, which is not unacceptable to me as I was raised in a blue collar home and manual labor is very satisfying to me and I feel that I am doing a service to my fellow countrymen through this profession.

Anyway, to the crux of my isssue. I have felt strong sexual feelings towards a woman whom I have known since high school but never expressed these feeling towards. I have held these feelings without letting her know outright for quite some time. At this point in time she lives in Denver and I make an effort to go there as often as possible as she is a good friend and I have several friends who live there also so I always have a fantastic time reminiscing with old friends.

My goal in life is to find a wife, create the nuclear family and raise children.

My question I guess is whether I should 1) quit my blue collar job and finish my M.S. 

2) move to Denver and live a happy life with my friends in the hopes of finding someone to live my life with.

3) continue with my blue collar life in Louisiana with hopes of finding a wife.

4) move back to Virginia with no job but lots of family support and finding a job there.


5) as a trained environmental scientist move to any other place in the country.

6) any option I've not thought of yet

I can provide any additional details/answers as necessary.

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All crystal balls are inherently broken, there is no way to know what will happen in any of those situations.  Which choice has your passion?  Tho', caution there, passion may be emotional more than appreciative.  The woman in Denver, I get the impression you are wanting a situation, and you are looking for a person to put next to you in the play-house family car.  Being flippant a bit, asking if the tail is wagging the dog.  Another consideration: if SHTF in some way, where will you be in the most resilient situation?

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I don't know what you should do, but I can offer a few line of thoughts that might be of use.

Re. the girl, just tell her how you feel. It will be really awkward or maybe destroy the friendship if she doesn't feel the same way. If it doesn't go well, view it as a creative destruction. When old friendships breakdown, use this as a drive to try and make new ones. I'm guessing that telling her is going require surmounting a huge fear hurdle though. If you don't quit porn and masturbating. There is nothing like an overload of testosterone to put you in primitive auto-pilot to overcome fear.

As for your job, I'm a bit over than you and I know quite a few people who have made what they now say as serious wrong turns in terms of useless degrees and career choices. Some of these are intelligent people earning some very basic wages in jobs they dislike and you can see the depression and the helplessness piling on top of them. Earning a decent wage can give you some self-confidence and allow you better flexibility and options. You may not be i love with your job, it may be OK, you may dislike it. Many people dislike their jobs, but without hardship we would have nothing. Come to terms with whatever career path you decide on and stick it out.

Your life is what you make it. You can be happy if you take control over the perceptions of your life.

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Thank you all for the fantastic advice, I will surely take it into consideration moving forward. I am currently leaning towards letting Denver know my feelings and seeing what happens from there. I think the best course of action will be for me to finish my degree at whatever lengths necessary then packing up and going wherever the job market leads me.

Again, thank you all for your kind thoughtful words and advice.


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