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Why Humans are Not Fully Satisfied With Themselves


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Who honestly can say "As a  human I'm fully satisfied in all aspects -including morally speaking- with myself. Because in all aspects I'm absolutely perfect, and there is nothing my conscience can ever accuse me of, as I'm not only completely innocent, but infinitely good. Meaning that there is absolutely nothing else in and about me than my infinitely great perfect goodness, because It being infinitely great, there is no opposite in me."

How could a human being compare itself to infinite perfection unless it at least subconsciously knew what perfection is? Could imperfection know perfection? Or can only perfection know perfection? And would anyone but someone who is perfect, but under the impression of being someone imperfect, know that as that imperfect being it seems to be it is not perfect? 

It is the perfect Being you really are reading this now in your human appearance. But for as long as It believes as you it is but a human It will not accept as true that in truth It is indeed the infinitely Good One remembering Itself by becoming aware of Itself as you. For It's conscience will not allow It to believe it to enjoy such a lofty Self-recognition. It will feel unworthy of it.

If you don't accept that in truth you are the infinitely great Good one, it is because you don't seem to be That, and care more for the truth as it seems to be and you believe it is, than for enjoying true happiness. Yet only a Being that is infinitely great Goodness Itself would react that way while believing It is but the human It seems to be. And still long for that perfection as the highest moral Ideal, and miss it, because That is What It really Is. 

All this is taking place in a virtual reality. Yet the One constantly creating it and making it appear -the Creative Power- is experiencing everything you experience. Even being you. When you think "I", the infinitely great perfectly Good One is thinking "I" as you. This is so for everyone. And this is the truth that will set everyone free from whom everyone but seemed to be and do, and thus of all suffering, as no one but the infinitely great Good One would suffer believing it was not Who It is, nor doing What It is really doing. Yet for Who and How It is It willed also others would enjoy what It enjoys, so It imagined being each one of them, identifying with them, which would cause It great suffering as them, but eventually make It realize in them entirely to their benefit that It is infinitely great courageous pure altruistic Charity.

Nothing but this recognition will make us fully respect and love ourselves and each other. Nor will anything but this recognition make us truly lastingly happy and glad and grateful for Who we really are, and for What as Such we are really doing and accomplishing. Yet with it no words can do justice to the glory we will increasingly enjoy. For as the Love. Intelligence, and Creativity of our true Being is infinitely great, so is Its potential for enjoying It's true happiness in and as each one of us, and of us in It. The Whole in every one, and everyone Whole in It.

Who we really Are is our Salvation from whom we but seemed and seem to be, and in that sense our true Identity is our Savior; it brings us back to our real Life from a pseudo "life" which was more like a constant dying while being attacked by false accusations of who we appear to be and for what we seemed and seem to do.

The fact that you morally fully approve but of the highest moral Ideal, and disapprove of everything that is not in accord with It, proves that you love It. Yet this is the way the Ideal loves Itself, and rightly so. For should not infinitely great altruistic Love love Itself for What It is, and is accomplishing for so many others, all to their eternal benefit? That also they may know that they are the eternal -immortal- Power and Wisdom of the purest Love?

What you morally like you are like, and what you morally dislike is dislike (unlike) you.

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Mirror Mirror....

"I've never seen perfection, but no woman could come closer to it." --Kirk

Sounds like you're on to something good. Well thought out post, some deep topics and potentially deep thinking required. Thought I'd throw around a couple of references, the Tantalus Myth is another. Get a few additional ideas rolling around in people's minds. 

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23 hours ago, Lode said:

All this is taking place in a virtual reality. Yet the One constantly creating it and making it appear -the Creative Power- is experiencing everything you experience. Even being you. When you think "I", the infinitely great perfectly Good One is thinking "I" as you. This is so for everyone. And this is the truth that will set everyone free from whom everyone but seemed to be and do, and thus of all suffering, as no one but the infinitely great Good One would suffer believing it was not Who It is, nor doing What It is really doing. Yet for Who and How It is It willed also others would enjoy what It enjoys, so It imagined being each one of them, identifying with them, which would cause It great suffering as them, but eventually make It realize in them entirely to their benefit that It is infinitely great courageous pure altruistic Charity.

doesnt this also mean that its the inifinitely great good one who is murdering someone in a back alley or dropping bombs on civilians?

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17 hours ago, Donnadogsoth said:

Sounds like another pantheist has joined the fun.

Pantheism: Athanasius of Alexandria "What is, is good"? (said by another forum member, couldn't find an Internet Reference)  Read on the Internet that Spinoza was a Pantheist. God manifest in the Material World(Immanence). Could Pantheism be considered indistinct from physicialism?

Read that Subjective Idealism, refutes materialism. Isn't this be closer to the Catholic position? Compatible with the idea of a personal God? Mind > Matter (Faith). Revelations etc

Kind of confusing all the different terminology.


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1 hour ago, RichardY said:

Pantheism: Athanasius of Alexandria "What is, is good"? (said by another forum member, couldn't find an Internet Reference)  Read on the Internet that Spinoza was a Pantheist. God manifest in the Material World(Immanence). Could Pantheism be considered indistinct from physicialism?

Read that Subjective Idealism, refutes materialism. Isn't this be closer to the Catholic position? Compatible with the idea of a personal God? Mind > Matter (Faith). Revelations etc

Kind of confusing all the different terminology.


Do you believe in pantheism, Richard?

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On 2017-5-13 at 10:44 AM, neeeel said:

doesnt this also mean that its the inifinitely great good one who is murdering someone in a back alley or dropping bombs on civilians?

Only someone who has numbed his or her conscience would not mind causing suffering on others for selfish reasons. Those are the ones considered socio- or psychopaths. Yet they are also the ones who cannot truly love themselves in the sense of accepting that the are in truth the perfectly altruistic Good One. So ultimately they are depriving themselves of the only Self-recognition that can truly make happy.

Others with less or no suppression of conscience ined to hear moral justifications for the bombing. Otherwise their conscience will balk and protest.

These are the words of our true Identity:

"Without Me (separate from Me) you can do nothing." http://biblehub.com/john/15-5.htm

That is also a reference to our conscience, which is the conscience God experiences having as we.

St. Augustine wrote:

"He who confesses his sins, and accuses them, doth now work with God. God accuses thy sins: and if thou also accusest, thou art united to God."
~Augustine Homilies on John Tractate XII chapter III §13 on John 3: 6-21 

That is to let us know that it is God experiencing everything we experience, as each one of us. Including disproving of ourselves and our acts, and feeling guilty. 

"Sin" is a translation of Hebrew and Greek words which mean "missing." As in "missing the mark." Like misguided aiming. Not reaching the center or essence of our Being.

It also means missing God, by identifying with the human experience. As in "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" That is the experience of being crucified to the merely human self and its world.

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Suppose you had a daughter that was taken hostage by terrorists, and they
threatened to torture her and kill her. And you offered them to be
tortured and killed in her place instead, to save her from that hell. And
they accepted, and let your daughter go free. Would that not be a most
loving deed of yours towards your daughter? And would you then not be
worthy of the greatest love and respect towards yourself as an immortal

That is what is taking place right now in the sense that as Who we really
are -God- we let ourselves be tortured to death by the human we experience
being. For as long as we don't yet enjoy our true Identity, the human
experience and consciousness is torturing and spiritually "killing" us.

Just think of all the guilt feelings humans undergo for example, all the
fears and pains, frustrations and other myriad forms of suffering.

Not experiencing Who you really are is like being dead. So not
experiencing being Who we truly are -God- is like experiencing a living

(But I guess only those among us that have had a good taste of God and
heaven know that the merely human experience is hell compared to our
original state of infinitely great full Divine blissful Self-awareness and

And just as you would deserve the greatest respect and love for having
given your life for your daughter in the example given, so do you and we
all deserve the greatest love and recognition for having given our Life
for the human souls. That also they would know and enjoy the fact that in
truth they are not really the human they seem to be, but the One -God- as
Whom they gave their Life for the human they but seem to be.

This was done by us as God to share our perfect infinitely great Divine
happiness with the human souls, replacing all suffering caused by doubt
about the nature of the love of Who their true Identity is with the
certainty that Who they are is pure heroic infinitely great altruistic

So in truth we only have reason to be perfectly happy with ourselves for
Who we truly are and for What we have done for the human souls we
experience being in this world. We are free to really love ourselves and
each other. We are the One as Whom we gave our Life for these souls. To
have our Divine Life back again only when also they would have it. It is
our Divine inheritance and resurrection. Entirely to the benefit of the
human soul.


Our true Identity says: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."  http://biblehub.com/john/14-6.htm

Seeing this video the idea came up to post the above:


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On 6/24/2017 at 4:23 PM, Lode said:

Suppose you had a daughter that was taken hostage by terrorists, and they
threatened to torture her and kill her. And you offered them to be
tortured and killed in her place instead, to save her from that hell. And
they accepted, and let your daughter go free. Would that not be a most
loving deed of yours towards your daughter? And would you then not be
worthy of the greatest love and respect towards yourself as an immortal

That is what is taking place right now in the sense that as Who we really
are -God- we let ourselves be tortured to death by the human we experience
being. For as long as we don't yet enjoy our true Identity, the human
experience and consciousness is torturing and spiritually "killing" us.

Yeah, except the analogy is more like, Suppose you paid the terrorists to take your daughter hostage and torture her, and threaten to kill her.  Then you offer yourself to the terrorists in place of your daughter ( the terrorists accept because you briefed them before, they are in on it), and then the terrorists let you go unharmed, and you go and live in a cave for the rest of your life so that everyone thinks you are dead, and everyone thinks you are a hero


this doesnt sound very loving to me

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That indeed doesn't sound too loving to me either, to say it mildly. Nor that way of interpreting or perceiving how things are.

The original Hebrew and Greek words translated as "sin" mean "missing" or "missing the mark." One accuses oneself for things one dislikes about oneself, is accused by others for many things, and one accuses others for things one dislikes about them. And we all feel guilty. Welcome to hell.

Yet Who is it that is willing to experience that hell as we?

"He who confesses his sins, and accuses them, doth now work with God. God accuses thy sins: and if thou also accusest, thou art united to God."
~Augustine Homilies on John Tractate XII chapter III §13 on John 3: 6-21 

Accusing what we morally disapprove of we learn that those things are not really who nor how we want to be, so they are not according to our real will. They might be according to the outer man, but are not in accord with the inner man.

Obviously whose thoughts you wrote are moral accusations, and you morally dislike what you point at, meaning that your conscience tells you that you are dislike (unlike) what you have come to believe about who you and others are, are and how things are according to that perception or translation. Because that perception is obviously a projection of an erroneous Self-perception. And I would say it is a satanic anti-Christ view. Yet also in this case the following is valid, as believing the upside-down perception you described so well is also part of the crucifixion process, which includes being falsely accused by the human ego and trying to get rid of the guilt by projecting it out on the Cause of the human experience, without ever succeeding in thus getting rid of the guilt. The only way is to pay the recognition due to Whom it is due: the One Who is our true Being:

Taking on the human experience we knew beforehand would be like letting yourself be crucified and a constant dying compared to enjoying our original infinitely great happiness, yet as the One Who is our true Being we did it anyway. 

Whether already enjoying heaven or still suffering hell, remembers the One:

"Also this was I beforehand willing to experience out of infinitely great courageous pure altruistic Charity for and as this human, entirely to its and its neighbors benefit, that also it and they would know and enjoy being Who I am in oneness with Me, the One experiencing this now."

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Lode, as humans we can sense many different things across gradients, spectra, and frequencies. In ancient times they had the idea of the Aristotelian Mean, or Golden Mean. https://infogalactic.com/info/Golden_mean_(philosophy)

For example:

[bass] ------ [mid] ------ [treble]

[darkness] ------ [indoor light] ------ [sunlight]

[silent] ------ [conversationalist] ------ [motor mouth]

[lazy] ------ [engaged] ------ [obsessed]

Perfection is an idea representing the far end of one of the spectrum that we measure. It's just an idea and not practically attainable. Perfection, like lowering or raising the bar, can be moved to where you see the highest heights of a quality that you desire.

No God, deity, or creator is required to understand perfection. Alas, it's a human word and idea! <3

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No one but the One Who is perfect would discern imperfection in case It would be under the impression of not being perfect, and no one but the perfect One would long for perfection in that case. 

Because this way the One would have created a new being as which It comes to realize It must in truth be a perfect Being, also this process is perfect as a method to also let a newly created being know and enjoy that it is indeed not the imperfect being it seemed to be, but the perfect Being it is. In this case that it is not the merely imperfect human it seems to be, and as which it disapproved of its seemingly imperfection and condemned itself for it, but that it is in reality the perfect One Who was willing to experience being imperfect and suffer for it, for as long as it would take for the new being It has thus created to realize It is indeed the perfect One, and begin to enjoy that. Only then the perfect One would have its original joy back, thus proving that It is indeed the perfectly infinitely Good One in the newly created consciousness of the new being. That also that newly created consciousness may know and enjoy Itself as the infinitely great perfect One. 

(Infinity leaves no space for there to be anything it is not. Even what seems to be finite serves Infinity, as Infinity extends Itself this way to those as whom It at first imagined being finite.)

Only Someone Who in essence is infinitely great perfect Goodness could even conceive of such a highest moral Ideal while still under the impression as a human that as that human It is not perfect. No one but the infinitely Good One would as a human even hold it as a utopia. And would hold nothing but that as the highest moral Ideal. And would compare its human self and it human acts to It while under the impression of not being It, and miss being It... and long to be It.

Our moral conscience is the internal compass always pointing to Who and How our true Being is. Although it can be ignored and suppressed. Yet it is there, like a hot inextinguishable ember glowing below the ashes of the material experience. Giving it attention is like blowing on it...  <3

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Here's a bit of that blowing:

By taking upon us the human experience we have let ourselves be falsely accused of being but humans and of all the bad things humans seem to do by the humans we experience being, thus having given ourselves into the hands of cruel accusers who as devils torture us with feelings of never being good enough at best and guilty as hell at worst. Experiencing being but a human is like letting ourselves be crucified and spiritually constantly tortured to death. That is the meaning of the following words of a Spanish sage:

"What more horrible thing could there be than to see the Son of God take on the image, not just of a sinner, but of even a condemned man?"

"Think, then, to what depths now that divine Highness has descended for you, for he arrived at the last of all evils, which is to be handed over into the power of the demons. And because the pain that your sins merit is exactly this, then He sought to submit Himself to this pain so that you might be freed from it."

"Whoever heard of such a degree of charity, that even suffers death to free from death those very people that inflict it?"

"And do not think of this as something already past, but as present; not as a foreign sorrow, but as your very own." 
~St. Peter of Alcantara. Treatise on Prayer and Meditation 

That all of us may come to the realization of the greatness of the Love -the infinitely great courageous Charity- of Who our true Being is, that also as humans we may begin to enjoy God's infinitely great happiness; the perfect happiness we as God gave up for the humans to have it back again only when also the humans would have it.



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