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Stephen Fry on political correctness and clear thinking:


This is probably the the best explanation about why the people are irrational I've heard.

Fry says that people are refusing to grow up, and refusing to see the world the way it is with it's complexity.

That made me think of a documentary I watched a few years ago about how the media is trying to keep us infantile to sell us more.


I wonder what we can do about this?

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On 5/17/2017 at 8:54 AM, plato85 said:

Seems to me that what Thomas Szasz referred to as the 'Therapeutic State' - drawing parallels with the Theocratic State - has high profile, celebrity, Mental Health lobby-endorsing Stephen Fry on  a very short leash.

Notice how the article I link to - which amounts to a feverish attempt at damage-control by the mental health lobby - constantly affirms Fry's endorsement of 'mental illness'.


The charity praised Fry, who is currently working in the US, for his work to raise awareness and understanding of bipolar disorder and other mental health problems.

And from the article you linked to, preceding it, the Charity he is President of said this ...



“As president of Mind, Stephen Fry has done a huge amount to raise awareness and understanding about bipolar disorder and other mental health problems. He has supported Mind in our campaigning activities over the last decade and has helped enormously to change public attitudes in the UK about mental health for the better.”

Constantly trying to re-assert, to the unsuspecting public in general, that the presumed legitimacy said people confer on the Mental Health industry is reasonable and justified. Yet they can't rely on the force of argument alone.... they need to have the gun to back up their argument. Otherwise it doesn't work so well.

Mouth-pieces of the Mental Health lobby should be accountable for the effect on society - of undermining of individual responsibility - which their considerable influence has.... whether it be in the 'charity' space or the 'journalism' space.

You will never hear the mental health lobby emphasize the fact that individual liberty and individual responsibility (for knowing what goes on in the world) are 2 sides of the same coin. If, for instance,  you wanted to undermine individual liberty you could attack it outright, overtly, and be shown to be the holder of a degraded view of mankind that you are.... OR... you can chant freedom slogans whilst at the same time doing everything in your power to effectively undermine individual responsibility. What you do to one side of this coin, you ipso facto do to the other. It's not a new trick and it is still very effective.

This is exactly what the Mental Health lobby does.... it uses its considerable societal influence to undermine individual responsibility for becoming and remaining well-informed. It wants the State to be responsible for your decision-making.... because then making the State's case for violating your property rights, on their holy whim, is as good as a done deal. The one thing they fear - more than anything else - is that you'll be free not to associate with them.

Public education institutions are a great example. Their curriculae are decided at crony-level. The narrative on curriculae is controlled by the politically-protected class i.e. those protected by the State from the consumers' only real ally.... would-be competition.

Stephen Fry makes good comments, but then backtracks when he feels the sharp pull on the lead around his neck.

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