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science of free will vs determinism


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16 minutes ago, ofd said:

Where exactly is love non causal?

Not sure, but if you could  cause someone to love a person is it really love? Someone might say love is the reward for virtue but there doesn't seem to be any guarantees anywhere and Crucifixion seems to be the other reward. Guess it depends on your metaphysical basis. Purely chemical physicalism(which I guess could count S&M), A Conscious Universe, Panthesim, Spinoza and Lebiniz. (Everything that happens is Love and part of a greater whole). Or something else.

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29 minutes ago, ofd said:

Strawman via equivocation. Saying that love is causal doesn't mean that you can make people love somebody.

Ok fair enough, just because you might understand the physics of the Sun, doesn't mean you can cause it to burn brighter. But as you said "Attraction and love are pretty well understood from a biochemical perspective." Where did you get the information? Does it mean you can tell if someone is in love from measuring various hormones present in the blood? and what if the love is based on a lie? or unrequited?

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Where did you get the information?

To begin with, there is a wikipedia article on the subject. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_basis_of_love



Does it mean you can tell if someone is in love from measuring various hormones present in the blood?

Yes. Hormones and other physiological signs, like increased heartbeat when presented with a photograph of a loved, changes in pupil size, the skin changes electric resistance...



and what if the love is based on a lie? or unrequited?

I can't see how this matters. But you can test Adam and Eve independently of each other to determine their true feelings for each other ;) Or Adam and Steve.



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18 hours ago, JamesJoseph said:

If I was able to program some person to think a series of thoughts and arrive at a certain conclusion then it could not be said that that person did any thinking

So if you were able to program some person to walk a mile, and arrive at a destination, then it could not be said that the person did any walking? We might call it walking, but that is just an illusion?


18 hours ago, JamesJoseph said:

free will

Could you define free will in your context?


18 hours ago, JamesJoseph said:

What does a "society that has accepted" mean? 

Like most people accept that water is needed to keep the body hydrated. Or that people accept that they can not normally touch someone they are talking to over internet. Or that people accept that sunlight will make you warmer.


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17 hours ago, ofd said:

I can't see how this matters. But you can test Adam and Eve independently of each other to determine their true feelings for each other ;) Or Adam and Steve.

Abandoned Love?

I can hear the turning of the key
I’ve been deceived by the clown inside of me
I thought that he was righteous but he’s vain
Oh, something’s telling me I wear the ball and chain

I’ve given up the game, I’ve got to leave
The pot of gold is only make-believe
The treasure can’t be found by men who search
Whose gods are dead and whose queens are in the church


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