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Explosion at Ariana Grande Concert in England


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1 hour ago, Soulfire said:

Neeel: To treat someone as an equal would be to treat them with the same degree of respect as you would prefer to be treated with yourself. You know the whole Golden Rule thing? Literally every religion has a version of that rule: do no harm to others if you would not have them harm you, and so forth. As for why we ought to be peaceful, as I say, are we no better than animals or Neanderthals flinging rocks at one another? If humans are as great as we think we are when compared to the animals, as I do because I'm a humanist, I think we ought to put our money where our mouths is (mouths are?) and live up to what we have the potential to be. Besides, why not get along? It's easier.

A4E: Your statement was that the West treats people as equals and I was responding to that statement. In terms of Islam, no, they don't. And neither does any other religion or philosophy. Except Pantheism but I won't go there unless you want me to. Point is, we can, collectively, as a species, do a lot better than we're doing.


I didnt ask, why should we be peaceful, I asked ,why should treat people as equal, and how do you know that will bring peace?


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We should treat others as equals in order to prove our superiority to animals. We should treat everyone as equals because it's the decent thing to do. We should treat others as equals in order to depart from our violent roots. We should treat others as equals in order that they might reciprocate. We should treat others as equals because it's the most disarming thing we can do, so that peace might come of it. Will that suffice as reasoning for you, my friend?

PS: Auditory awesomeness, and I liked this song before it was cool.


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On 5/24/2017 at 0:53 AM, RoseCodex said:

So you had a suspicion based on observable patterns, which turned out to be correct...and you are ashamed of yourself?  Sorry I don't see why.

The degree that this person has been programmed by the government/media is quite impressive. They are completely unable to accept "reality". Is this not the basis of radical faith based religions? Such a person so easily and completely  manipulated is just the type of person that radical Islamist would probably want to recruit.

FYI, I do not feel "sorry" for them as they are choosing to hide from themselves how much harm they are doing to society. what do you do if someone has accepted that it is "good" to allow the innocent to die to preserve an illusion that others want. I mean, if you are tossing in your entire thought processes behind something that actually benefits you (e.g., your local church will usually "help" you if something happens), well, at least you get something...in this case it is pure social engineering that provides the convert nothing more than a "more" dangerous society they must live in. It seems like its a "kind of" individual catharsis where they are willing to support a societal suicide so they can feel "better".

I know this type of programming "does" happen, I just individually cannot understand "how" you fall in the trap. At some point as you leave the teen years behind you just have to look up and do the math.


Edited by jimofflorida
remove name of other poster so its more generic
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16 hours ago, jimofflorida said:

The degree that this person has been programmed by the government/media is quite impressive. They are completely unable to accept "reality". Is this not the basis of radical faith based religions? Such a person so easily and completely  manipulated is just the type of person that radical Islamist would probably want to recruit.

FYI, I do not feel "sorry" for them as they are choosing to hide from themselves how much harm they are doing to society. what do you do if someone has accepted that it is "good" to allow the innocent to die to preserve an illusion that others want. I mean, if you are tossing in your entire thought processes behind something that actually benefits you (e.g., your local church will usually "help" you if something happens), well, at least you get something...in this case it is pure social engineering that provides the convert nothing more than a "more" dangerous society they must live in. It seems like its a "kind of" individual catharsis where they are willing to support a societal suicide so they can feel "better".

I know this type of programming "does" happen, I just individually cannot understand "how" you fall in the trap. At some point as you leave the teen years behind you just have to look up and do the math.


I think its more genetic predisposition, pantheism(animism) as a default position for most early tribal societies, so can't be deprogrammed. Reminds me of someone similar on the forum a while ago, that would not answer questions, ignore faults in logic or argue over trivia(then not respond)Though their reputation was very high. Can't play the word game, they churn out more like the media and keep going, drown you in volume. Consciousness is costly.

Makes me think of the film Mars Attacks with Jack Nicholson having a Martian flag sticking out his back, towards the end of the movie.

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On 26.5.2017 at 4:51 PM, Soulfire said:

if we want peace, we have to start treating people like people, like equals


On 25.5.2017 at 10:43 PM, Soulfire said:

And you can save your misogyny and xenophobia for someone who gives a feck. I do not, however, give a feck.

It does not look like you are treating Erwin as your equal here. If its ok for you to call Erwin a misogynist and a xenophobic. Can we call a muslim individual that if it is true?

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3 hours ago, RichardY said:

I think its more genetic predisposition, pantheism(animism) as a default position for most early tribal societies, so can't be deprogrammed.


The history of america is that somehow those with the "predisposition" to be followers were filtered out for most of its history; we only had "strong" personalities enter the country for most of US history. With this boon of thinkers the US had a period of enlightenment. However, somehow, in the last 50 years we have had a huge influx of only followers and a rise in leaders without scruples. Which if true and If the majority really cannot be "deprogrammed" implies:

1) the followers will breed much faster than the strong personality types

2) in no way/fashion will the current narcissistic  leaders allow beneficial leaders to take change the current course

2) "follower" votes carry the same weight as thinking voters so the downward spiral cannot be stopped by a rational discussion

This means the USofA has crossed a genetically based tipping point that it cannot recover from?????

Seems rather doom and gloomy...not necessarily wrong...but not rosy looking.


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9 hours ago, jimofflorida said:


The history of america is that somehow those with the "predisposition" to be followers were filtered out for most of its history; we only had "strong" personalities enter the country for most of US history. With this boon of thinkers the US had a period of enlightenment. However, somehow, in the last 50 years we have had a huge influx of only followers and a rise in leaders without scruples. Which if true and If the majority really cannot be "deprogrammed" implies:

1) the followers will breed much faster than the strong personality types

2) in no way/fashion will the current narcissistic  leaders allow beneficial leaders to take change the current course

2) "follower" votes carry the same weight as thinking voters so the downward spiral cannot be stopped by a rational discussion

This means the USofA has crossed a genetically based tipping point that it cannot recover from?????

Seems rather doom and gloomy...not necessarily wrong...but not rosy looking.


Not to be "Followers" more like dissolved in solution or crowds/tribes. Like a "school of Piranhas" or the movie World War Z. Zulu, Zulu......

1)Yes reproduction rates are higher on average. The unconscious being more dominant.

2)Yes they identify with the masses now, have become absorbed for the large part.

3)Probably not. The whole Will to Power thing as Stefan mentioned in a recent video "REINCARNATION". Going along a similar vein. I think the best solution other than Kant's Moral Imperative, would be to multiply out countries to the point of absurdity, going from thousands of Gods in early eastern religions to No Gods or maybe just the one, but not an Earthly one. To do this would require a band of conscious individuals/brothers to focus their efforts in strategic locations to maintain local superiority to create smaller countries or self sufficient units of organisation, kind of outnumbered. Maybe someone has a better idea. I'd leave the UK for the USA if I could easily get the paper.

Well if the USA does descend into chaos, at least you guys have loads of land to move around to. You can farm and don't have to keep cattle in feedlots. Isn't Florida pretty much Spanish again?


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On 5/26/2017 at 8:52 PM, Soulfire said:

We should treat others as equals in order to prove our superiority to animals. We should treat everyone as equals because it's the decent thing to do. We should treat others as equals in order to depart from our violent roots. We should treat others as equals in order that they might reciprocate. We should treat others as equals because it's the most disarming thing we can do, so that peace might come of it. 

So you would treat your own children as equals of other people's kids.

Mother of the year!

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On 5/27/2017 at 3:52 AM, Soulfire said:

We should treat others as equals in order to prove our superiority to animals.


F**k you !

I am not equal to a child murderer. However I am a very, very open minded person. If you do wish to be treated equally to those losers then I'll oblige: go burn in a fire with all of those proto-humans, that way all of us good people can finally live in peace.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/24/2017 at 6:27 AM, Soulfire said:

RoseCordex: I can't believe I'm quoting him again, but as Stefan says, "To see the farm is to leave it." So get up and leave the farm, my friend. I'm waiting on the other side of the gate. And of COURSE I was ashamed of myself. I'm always telling people I know not to paint everyone with the same brush, and my stupid brain went on media-created autopilot and said "Oh, a Muslim...of course...". And I'm just like, brain, FECK OFF. Things like that shouldn't be there if you're me. I try to be as open-minded as I can be, see.


  I didn't downvote you, I appreciate you trying to be honest here.  So I'm sorry for the harshness of the comments to follow.

  This is exactly why white people are getting our AAAAASSSSSES kicked.  You are more focused on your own guilt about being "raaaaaycist" than anger at the fucking murderer who just killed 20 children, and the community and culture which bred him, indoctrinated him, supported him, and radicalized him.

 Have you tried therapy?  Because it could help you with this self-attack.  You referred to your brain has stupid, and "things like that shouldn't be there".  This fundamentally doesn't make any sense from a psychological standpoint; self actualizing means uniting all your parts, even the one's you think are "bad".

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