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Looking for roommates in Bozeman MT

Jake Danczyk

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Hello all,

I am a 26 year old man living in Bozeman, Montana. I am looking for some fellow philosophers to share a house with, or to rent a room from. I am up for anything, my only needs are an internet connection and being within biking distance of someplace where I can get a part-time weekend job.

The house I currently live in is one option. 4 bedrooms, nothing fancy but everything is clean and in working condition, and a big yard (around 1 acre).  It is in a nice location in a nice town. Fairly cheap, rent+utilities average of $415/bedroom. I have a good relationship with the landlord, have been here for several years. The current lease is up at the end of July, other roommates are on the way out.

I have been an FDR listener since 2012. I devoured as much material as I could for several years, and while I learned and understood a huge amount at an intellectual level, it was not until 2 years ago, when I had the painful experience of a romantic relationship falling apart (a relationship that for a time I was certain would result in marriage), that I really began the deep emotional work of processing my childhood and learning to become my own "inner parent".

I am now ready to emerge from my 'chrysalis', and join in the fight for the future of the world. Right now my role in that fight is working to become a highly profitable day trader and acquiring resources for the forces of truth :). I've been interested in trading since my teenage years, began studying it more seriously 3 years ago, and have been going at it hard for the last 8 months. I estimate that I am at around 5,000 hours of studying theory and watching live charts. I have reached a point of being able to consistently win trades on demo accounts and with small orders, now I just need to steadily grow my account and confidence so that I will be able to remain rational when trading with more serious $$.

Edited by Jake Danczyk
Change of plans
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Have changed the thread title from USA to Bozeman MT. 

Thought a lot about my plans for the future over the last week and decided to return to school and finish my engineering degree. Day trading can be a career, but it is no easier (harder actually) than a more traditional profession. When I started I was thinking it would be possible to make millions within a few years. Now I believe it would take a decade or more, and I can do the same with engineering. And I find technology and engineering more interesting and satisfying than trading.

So I am staying here in Bozeman. Would still love to find some philosophical roommates. If you are here in the area already, definitely get a hold of me.

If you are in a position I was a few years ago: in therapy/wanting to be in therapy, not sure of what you want to do in life, want a safe, reflective space and a high quality roommate, I highly encourage (beseech?) you to get a hold of me. Bozeman is a very nice town, there are lots of jobs available, and a very decent number of therapists. And I have a lease on a nice but cheap house and would love to fill one or more of the rooms with a philosophical mind such as yours.

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