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Authoritarian parenting is much like an authoritarian government.

Consistent rules and laws do not matter as much as obedience. Punishment is doled out and often will include time out, grounding, physical punishment, and humiliation. The parent is the absolute ruler. The child is property.

Permissive parenting is what the article is describing about how Swedes are currently parenting, and it is the opposite of Authoritarian parenting. It says, there are no rules, do as you wish. A permissive government is one that has no rules, that is to say, a complete absence of a governing system. This is anarchy as the red-and-blacks desire, and what some ancaps/voluntarist/etc might call pandaemonium.

An authoritarian parent will punish a child for drawing on the walls. A permissive parent will let a child draw whatever (s)he wants on the walls. Often, authoritarian and permissiveness will go hand-in-hand. A parent might lean more toward one extreme in a certain area, time, or circumstance, and then over-correct on the other hand to counter-balance it.

There is another type of parenting that is known as Authoritative parenting. There are rules and limitations, but a lot of parenting is based on explanation, negotiation, and agreeing to rules beforehand and enforcing the consequences that were agreed upon. It is peaceful parenting; peaceful parenting is not permissive parenting.

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