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Music Video (Song): Chained to the Rhythm (Katy Perry)

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Thoughts on the symbolism?


This song absolutely blows me away in the interpretation I have and the overall feel is so melancholy. It's so critical of the tradcon family unit, but offers no happy alternative. This is life, in its regretful condition, and so very true, even if still worthwhile.


One of my favorite scenes is when Katy is being manhandled by the group of sailors who buy her drinks and take turns tagteaming her, eventually dumping her on some poor sap (@ around 2:20) This is totally the cock carousel.


I thought the idyllic nuclear family "propaganda" with the half black dude coming out of the tv was interesting, shortly thereafter followed by her general confusion and disjunction with mainstream society's rhythm as she turns to them but they ignore her.


Another video of hers that absolutely blew my mind was the wedding running groom (you're hot then your cold, etc). Near the end of the dream montage, she finally "dream confronts" him with a zebra, he then snaps out of it, and he chooses to marry her. (thus averting her getting fucked by black dudes and making half white half black babies) It's totally anti-MGTOW, but the racial element with the african animal was pretty overt in my opinion.


I think culture is going to take on some impredictable forms in the coming years as the populace is able to handle greater nuance, and see thru the subtle messages being sent. Laci Green's conversion to the right is a tipping point IMO. I think the fall of leftist culture is a guarantee, no matter the rate.


I can never take story at face value any more. A lot of this probably has to do with Stefan analyzing Disney movies. I LOVE KATY PERRY'S WORK, even if she doesn't understand the messages she accidentally sends. The messages I get, and the public statements she makes are not in alignment. Secretly I hope she is aware of the great cultural drama unfolding and wisely sends anti-western messages to wake people up, by shocking them. The words of her songs ring true on many levels.

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