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Constitutional changes and Amendments I would like to see


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Changes to the wording of Article 1 Section 8 to read: 1)...general welfare of the united states by the exercise of these specifically enumerated powers. 2)...to cause to function in an orderly and regular manner that trade that exists between the individual states and with foreign nations. 3)...to make all laws which shall be clearly incidental to and necessary for providing means to effectuate the execution of  enumerated powers. 4)Alter Takings Clause to read...no private property thus taken shall be subsequently given, sold, or awarded to a private organization, person, or corporate entity for private  use without the consent of the owner. 5) 10th Amendment to read...Expressly delegated 

Changes to the Definition of and Types of Treason to be divided into 1) High Treason and 2) Low Treason. High Treason to be waging war against the states and aiding and abetting a foreign power in war against the states.  Low Treason to be added as Sedition, Seditious Conspiracy and Seditious Subversion.

Seditious Subversion: "Any person or persons subject to the jurisdiction of the united States who lends aid and comfort to or adheres to any individual, group. or organization whose fealty be to an individual, group, organization, or Foreign State having a willful intent to promote, assist, instigate, or direct insurrection with the purpose of overthrowing the lawful government of the united States or any of the several States shall be committing Seditious Subversion.

The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights shall not be construed to extend its protection of any speech that is disseminated by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the united States that is knowingly and intentionally communicated in such a way that a reasonable listener would interpret that speech as a True Threat that would  cause a reasonable person to interpret the speech as a serious expression of an attempt to cause present or future harm to the united States.

Some Amendments I would like to see adopted:

1) Term Limits for 1) Congress: 3/2year terms 2) President: 1 six year term 3) Senate: Senators as Ambassadors of States to be appointed by State Legislatures and being subject to No Confidence votes and recall shall have NO term limits or shall they stand for public election.

2) All States and the General Government shall submit Balanced Budgets

3) No branch of the general government shall not shirk responsibility for the execution of specific powers, alter the identifying characteristics of enumerated powers or re-delegate delegated powers. 

4) All elections of officials in the General government and all State governments shall be publically funded. All Private contributions as well as those from foreign individuals, organizations or States are Outlawed.

5) Income tax abolished substituting a flat tax on consumption or a national sales tax.

6) Withholding taxes abolished. Social Security transferred to State administration changing the accounts to individual retirement accounts with disbursements indexed to cost of living fluctuations. Participation in state programs voluntary.

7) Supreme Court Rulings affecting the Constitution subject to Ratification by State Supreme Courts and also supermajority votes to overrule by both houses of Congress.

8) Citizenship of the UNITED STATES abolished. Citizenship is to be a State honour exclusively. All persons born to parents one of both of whom are a citizen of a State of the united States are citizens at birth. No person born to an individual person not subject to the jurisdiction of the State but rather a foreign national residing in the united States shall be considered a citizen but rather a resident Alien.

9) Banking Amendment: the general government of the united States shall not establish by charter any Central Bank or National Bank in any State. Fractional Reserve banking is outlawed. Compound Interest is outlawed. The Department of the Treasury shall be the ONLY entity authorized to Coin Money or emit Bills of Credit. Bills of Credit shall be issued only if they be redeemable for an equal value in gold or silver. Gold or silver shall be allowed as tender in payment of debt. Firewall between investment banks and commercial banks to be permanent.

10) No agency of the General Government shall have any Arrest Powers within the united States with the exception of the Military which is required for its internal policing of its personnel.

Did I leave any out? Feel free to comment with your opinions or additions to the list. 


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Once you remove the Federal Reserve/Central Bank, you don't need any regulations. 

Let them offer the types of loans they want, pay any rate of return, maintain any reserve, so long as it is public knowledge. 

Some will offer the types of products you like and you will engage there, others won't.

Once it is a private business, you should have no control over how two consenting adults engage in business. 

Everything I like should be protected, everything I don't like outlawed? 

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