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High IQ but struggle to understand concepts and ideas


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High guys, first time commenting on free domain radio form.  Got something I dont quite understand.  Basically I've always struggled and taken longer to understand concepts and basic ideas that other people have no problem or little problem understanding.  Up until the last few months I always thought I was stupid, kind of thick.  Then I took an IQ test and to my surprise I scored 135 (I was surprised as I thought I'd score low like 80 or 90, one of the reasons why I put off taking an IQ test for ages).  Yet although this has increased my self esteem it's also made me quite angry/frustrated/confused as if I'm more intelligent than the average as a result of having an IQ of 135 how come I've always had problems understanding things and grasping concepts?  It also puts massive pressure on me as now I feel I have to understand things quickly and when I don't I get really angry with myself, frustrated, upset and feel i'm always destined for failure.  I've always had lots of self doubt as well. Also it doesn't help that I've always struggled MASSIVELY to concentrate and focus my mind on things as I always have a billion different things going through my mind and I get distracted easily.  Any help would be much welcome, thanks.

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On 6/20/2017 at 11:33 AM, Failla86 said:

High guys, first time commenting on free domain radio form.  Got something I dont quite understand.  Basically I've always struggled and taken longer to understand concepts and basic ideas that other people have no problem or little problem understanding.  Up until the last few months I always thought I was stupid, kind of thick.  Then I took an IQ test and to my surprise I scored 135 (I was surprised as I thought I'd score low like 80 or 90, one of the reasons why I put off taking an IQ test for ages).  Yet although this has increased my self esteem it's also made me quite angry/frustrated/confused as if I'm more intelligent than the average as a result of having an IQ of 135 how come I've always had problems understanding things and grasping concepts?  It also puts massive pressure on me as now I feel I have to understand things quickly and when I don't I get really angry with myself, frustrated, upset and feel i'm always destined for failure.  I've always had lots of self doubt as well. Also it doesn't help that I've always struggled MASSIVELY to concentrate and focus my mind on things as I always have a billion different things going through my mind and I get distracted easily.  Any help would be much welcome, thanks.

Without a lot to go on, I'll throw some darts and see if anything sticks.

First off; how did you get an IQ test? Perhaps you really are an idiot and are being mislead to think you're intelligent. I highly doubt this because stupid people are seldom self-aware, and if you think you're a self-aware stupid person, one of those things most likely isn't true. 

Second: what was measured in he IQ test, exactly? I can't recall the proper names, but I know that the ability to learn new things is only a third of what is calculated in most standard tests. The other two major measures are "ability to learn a new concept based on knowledge of existing stuff, i.e., the ability to learn more of something you know a little of) and verbal acuity. If you truly aren't good at learning new things, then perhaps you compensate with the ability of being better and learning more in-depth versions of old things, or are very verbally acute. This is possible; Einstein only had an IQ of around 140-something, because he was extremely high (180+) in one area (can't recall but a quick study of his IQ may answer this specifically) and very low (like, a retarded 80) verbal acuity, or something like that.

Third: You have low self-esteem, and therefore self-sabotage. Perhaps you were treated poorly by your parents, either through neglect or outright abuse.  Perhaps you have/had bad peers in your circle who often put you down, thereby retarding your actual ability due to low self-regard.  This is what I think is most likely, in which case I'd recommend doing some personal digging followed by therapy. Short that, call the Stefpai for an interview on the Call-in-Show, or if you're unable, describe something here and maybe we can help with anecdotes or studies. 



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1 problem that high IQ presents is boredom (and thus, inattention).

Everyone thought my little brother had ADHD. He took an IQ test, and it turns out he zones out from boredom since the course material is so dull.

Teachers usually present a concept then beat it to death. That may be necessary for most people, but the problem with high IQ is you'll get the jist of what the teacher is saying quickly. Anything else becomes repetitive. which can lead to boredom. If you are bored in class, chances are you'll zone out. If the teacher presents new material, you might miss out on it.

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47 minutes ago, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

Forget IQ. Focus on your will, drive, and persistence. Pick a goal and move towards it. Work and success will help take you out of paralyzing self-analysis.

As always, Dylan kills it with his pragmatic, brief and to-the-point solution. Love it.

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From all the claims from all the forums I have read on the Internet with regards to one's IQ, I would average a value between 130-140...leaves you wondering how come the average IQ of the general population is just 100. 

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21 hours ago, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

Forget IQ. Focus on your will, drive, and persistence. Pick a goal and move towards it. Work and success will help take you out of paralyzing self-analysis.

How did you conclude he is engaging in a "paralyzing self analysis"? He is certainly looking critically at himself, but how do you know it is paralyzing? 

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On 6/22/2017 at 10:38 PM, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

Forget IQ. Focus on your will, drive, and persistence. Pick a goal and move towards it. Work and success will help take you out of paralyzing self-analysis.

If a low-IQ person takes your advice and attempts a high-IQ endeavour, then he will end up pissing away his life.

Don't you think it's more humane to stay in your lane?

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I have a high IQ and sometimes basic things go over my head. Usually if I find it boring, or if it is explained in a non logical way I just won't understand it at all.

For example: I posted a topic asking about a concept on here, mainly because I couldn't find a simple explanation via Google. As soon as I got the simple explanation it was an easy concept to understand. But when I was looking at articles that were like 20 pages long of science jargon I just couldn't concentrate on it enough to realize how simple it was. Doesn't mean anything is wrong with me, its just my other characteristics overrode my raw IQ (mainly interest in the subject and commitment of effort to solving the problem).

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It was an online IQ test, not sure which one.  As for what was measured, it tested me by asking me to correctly name the next pattern in the sequence, the number in the next sequence, the incorrect numbers in a particular sequence and a bunch of other things i cant remember. Also 4 shapes flipped around on their side and i had to name the correct one matching to the main shape by flipping each of the four shapes on every possible side in my head to figure out which was the matching shape. As for my history, I feel I was very well treated by my parents though there were one or two traumatic episodes. I'm adopted as well so that might be a cause for concern as adoptee trauma is well documented. Also I was bullied at school so that might have played a part.

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If possible, take a learning disorder exam. Some people are smart but they have to compensate when material is presented in a certain way. 

Im very visual, so I converted some ideas into a simple Mandela rather than as lines of text. It helped me understand them better and remember them much better. 

Persistence is good, but see where you can more efficiently put that energy. 

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Ok, ok, ok... everyone please stop this right now. I've noticed this little trend coming up these past weeks.

Let's not turn the whole IQ conversation into a IQ-signaling circle-jerk like we're fucking Mensa or something. C'mon, guys, we're better than that !

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54 minutes ago, Wuzzums said:

Ok, ok, ok... everyone please stop this right now. I've noticed this little trend coming up these past weeks.

Let's not turn the whole IQ conversation into a IQ-signaling circle-jerk like we're fucking Mensa or something. C'mon, guys, we're better than that !

Hmm... You're giving me ideas.... :devil:

IQ is basically a smart man's cock after all. We compensate for our small penises and inability to handle monotony and social conformity with grandiosity and a hyper-charged brain cock with which we build and destroy societies. 

Whose brain cock is the biggest???

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On 6/25/2017 at 4:07 PM, Failla86 said:

It was an online IQ test

ohhh the problem with online tests is they are incomplete

At best, it tests your spatial reasoning.

But then there's working memory, reflex, and verbal ability. For a real test, check out the WIAT, but it's only sold to licensed psychologists.

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3 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Hmm... You're giving me ideas.... :devil:

IQ is basically a smart man's cock after all. We compensate for our small penises and inability to handle monotony and social conformity with grandiosity and a hyper-charged brain cock with which we build and destroy societies. 

Whose brain cock is the biggest???

Societies are built and kept by people with IQ's between 90 to 120 (this covers professions from garbage men to doctors). Above and below are where the dangerous parasites lie.

I'm gonna have a new rule for myself. Whenever someone IQ-signals I'm gonna assume it's 100% BS until they prove it by showing off their accomplishments.

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27 minutes ago, Wuzzums said:

Societies are built and kept by people with IQ's between 90 to 120 (this covers professions from garbage men to doctors). Above and below are where the dangerous parasites lie.

I don't know about parasites but the higher the IQ the higher the propensity for the "retard" gene. Like you know the people that are so smart but they miss completely obvious stuff? Many FDR followers are like this.

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1 hour ago, Wuzzums said:

Societies are built and kept by people with IQ's between 90 to 120 (this covers professions from garbage men to doctors). Above and below are where the dangerous parasites lie.

Below, yes. I wouldn't call anyone with an IQ below 90 even human.

Above? The people that invent and innovate are the geniuses, and the people best able to rule a society of followers are the ones with the highest IQs. Of course whether they rule for themselves, an ideal, or something practical effectively determines whether or not they could be called "parasites" since I think it's fair to say most aristocrats are fundamentally parasites of the lesser peoples, however I have a hard time condemning a genius for manipulating the stupid since the stupid are so easy to manipulate and so historically destructive. 

However all this struggle would end in a mutually beneficial victory for all in AnCap, since the well-intentioned geniuses would produce the most and the geniuses without "noble" intentions would have their ability to cause harm severely curtailed. 



I'm gonna have a new rule for myself. Whenever someone IQ-signals I'm gonna assume it's 100% BS until they prove it by showing off their accomplishments.

Not a bad idea, since it's often better to infer IQ based on merit than take the word of someone who hasn't proof to back up their supposedly large brain cock. 

However language skills is tied heavily to IQ, at least in one particular metric part of it. Therefore eloquence in speech can be a good measure for IQ short of grand achievement. 






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2 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Above? The people that invent and innovate are the geniuses, and the people best able to rule a society of followers are the ones with the highest IQs. Of course whether they rule for themselves, an ideal, or something practical effectively determines whether or not they could be called "parasites" since I think it's fair to say most aristocrats are fundamentally parasites of the lesser peoples

Are you familiar with Nassim Nicholas Taleb? He's one of those true geniuses. In one of his books he criticizes science and scientists as pointless people. Specifically those that have a PhD or work in academia. The example he give kinda gave me a shock and kinda disenchanted me with the whole idea of research, me wanting to be a researcher and all: Picture how many scientists passed through the gates of airports or train stations going to one conference or another, carrying their luggage from place to place, discussing science stuff since the dawn of science until 1970 and it was just some luggage salesman that thought of putting wheels on those damned heavy suitcases. How much taxpayer money is being poured into research and how much return on investment are the taxpayers seeing? If I were to snap my fingers and make all the astrophysicists in the world disappear, would we even notice? What about nurses, would anyone notice if all the nurses in the world disappeared, or as many nurses as there are astrophysicists disappeared?

I also got really into forex trading at some point but Taleb cured me of that idea too. 


2 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

however I have a hard time condemning a genius for manipulating the stupid since the stupid are so easy to manipulate and so historically destructive. 

Fair enough.


2 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Below, yes. I wouldn't call anyone with an IQ below 90 even human.

Biologically speaking you're wrong.

Practically speaking that would cut the "human" population by half.

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5 minutes ago, Wuzzums said:

Are you familiar with Nassim Nicholas Taleb? He's one of those true geniuses. In one of his books he criticizes science and scientists as pointless people. Specifically those that have a PhD or work in academia. The example he give kinda gave me a shock and kinda disenchanted me with the whole idea of research, me wanting to be a researcher and all: Picture how many scientists passed through the gates of airports or train stations going to one conference or another, carrying their luggage from place to place, discussing science stuff since the dawn of science until 1970 and it was just some luggage salesman that thought of putting wheels on those damned heavy suitcases. How much taxpayer money is being poured into research and how much return on investment are the taxpayers seeing? If I were to snap my fingers and make all the astrophysicists in the world disappear, would we even notice? What about nurses, would anyone notice if all the nurses in the world disappeared, or as many nurses as there are astrophysicists disappeared?

Yeah, I remember Stefpai mentioning in an old podcast about how useless and pointless most scientific research is today, to the point of it being mere hobbyist.

I can't say I'm familiar with Taleb. 

I can say though that unfortunately most branches of science that isn't directly medical or martial is...largely irrelevant. I wouldn't want to force people to fund anything, therefore I am principle against the way science works today. However I can't say what science is valuable or mere hobbyist because I know I am extremely ignorant--borderline retarded even--as far as science is concerned, 

Give me a political machine: I can dissect it. Give me science? I din done not know what I is readin!

5 minutes ago, Wuzzums said:

I also got really into forex trading at some point but Taleb cured me of that idea too. 

Based on a glance of a google search, currency exchanging right? Basically the idea is to "buy" a currency while it's low, then sell when it's high? I can't imagine the profit margins being very high, unless very large sums of money was being traded.

5 minutes ago, Wuzzums said:

Fair enough.

Yet at the same time, I can't say I 100% agree with my own statement because not all stupid people are evil or willfully blind. That, and frankly I have a strange pain in my chest when I say this sort of thing aloud. My self-doubt is why I don't want to be mistaken for an expert.

5 minutes ago, Wuzzums said:

Biologically speaking you're wrong.

Yeah, I know.

5 minutes ago, Wuzzums said:

Practically speaking that would cut the "human" population by half.

I know that too. Most biological humans, counting all 6 (or is it 7?) billion, are disgusting and parasitical savages, with only a billion being civilized, and among them most are mere sheep compared the builders and directors of society. However not all sheep are bad, in fact I'd argue some herds are actually pretty decent. 

America has a huge demographic problem, not to mention a huge cultural and governmental problem, among other things. Cutting the bottom 50% of my nation's population would free the top 50% from their oppressive and blood-sucking shackles, allowing the nation to perhaps become the NatCap paradise of our dreams. 

Or not. The Jews have such high IQs thanks to losing the stupid among them over the course of centuries, however I don't know if the Jews would rather there be more, even if that lowers the IQ average, Jews or keep it small and smart.

I'd prefer small and smart with NAP and UPB principles imparted, as it would eventually result in big and smart, and therefore invincible and utopian by historical standards. 

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50 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

What do you think my answer is going to be, after I gave a lot of venom about low IQ people and tax parasites? 

In your ideal world, how do you plan to deal with those with mental retardation?

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Well, The idea that scoring high on an IQ test = no struggle in understanding ideas/concepts is wrong. Correlation doesn't mean causation. I know Stefan talks greatly about IQ but I still hold firm on that premise. But if you do believe in the correlation research, there is also research that shows discipline is more important for success than IQ so maybe try to increase your discipline ability?

Also, just because someone has a low IQ doesn't mean they can't figure out concepts/ideas. For example, Muhammed Ali had an IQ of 78 but still figured out the concepts/ideas in boxing to become world champion and to many, the greatest. There are many examples of this. Like in Chess, the highest IQ people dont do the best. 

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4 minutes ago, S1988 said:

In your ideal world, how do you plan to deal with those with mental retardation?

Charity. I don't know what's right, but I do know forcing people to pay for retards isn't. While I may be more eugenics inclined, I can't say I'd be willing to force someone to make such a draconian decision. Therefore I'd let people responsible for the retarded and charities make these decisions. 

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24 minutes ago, Boss said:

Also, just because someone has a low IQ doesn't mean they can't figure out concepts/ideas. For example, Muhammed Ali had an IQ of 78 but still figured out the concepts/ideas in boxing to become world champion and to many, the greatest. There are many examples of this. Like in Chess, the highest IQ people dont do the best. 

True, true. It's also like people with Down Syndrome and other disabilities who compete in the Special Olympics and win medals.


24 minutes ago, Boss said:

Well, The idea that scoring high on an IQ test = no struggle in understanding ideas/concepts is wrong. Correlation doesn't mean causation. I know Stefan talks greatly about IQ but I still hold firm on that premise. But if you do believe in the correlation research, there is also research that shows discipline is more important for success than IQ so maybe try to increase your discipline ability?

That's true, too. My IQ is between 120-130, but I have a bad habit of procrastinating, and I sometimes have a hard time following directions and paying attention because my mind wanders a lot.

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Most scientific research is wasted, but we dedicate only a couple % of our GDP to it. The benefits that couple % create are completely out of proportion to the inputs. Medicines, buildings, defense, etc. 

i am not promoting government be involved in research. No one here thinks congress could find their --- in the dark. 

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