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High IQ but struggle to understand concepts and ideas


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6 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I can say though that unfortunately most branches of science that isn't directly medical or martial is...largely irrelevant.

No, no, medical included. It might actually be the biggest offender of wasting taxpayer money. The medicine we use today is almost exactly the same as the medicine we used 100 years ago.

6 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Based on a glance of a google search, currency exchanging right? Basically the idea is to "buy" a currency while it's low, then sell when it's high? I can't imagine the profit margins being very high, unless very large sums of money was being traded.

1000$ controls about 1 million $ in the forex market. If the value of the dollar goes up by 0.0001 cents you earn about 100$.


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On 20/06/2017 at 4:33 PM, Failla86 said:

High guys, first time commenting on free domain radio form.  Got something I dont quite understand.  Basically I've always struggled and taken longer to understand concepts and basic ideas that other people have no problem or little problem understanding.  Up until the last few months I always thought I was stupid, kind of thick.  Then I took an IQ test and to my surprise I scored 135 (I was surprised as I thought I'd score low like 80 or 90, one of the reasons why I put off taking an IQ test for ages).  Yet although this has increased my self esteem it's also made me quite angry/frustrated/confused as if I'm more intelligent than the average as a result of having an IQ of 135 how come I've always had problems understanding things and grasping concepts?  It also puts massive pressure on me as now I feel I have to understand things quickly and when I don't I get really angry with myself, frustrated, upset and feel i'm always destined for failure.  I've always had lots of self doubt as well. Also it doesn't help that I've always struggled MASSIVELY to concentrate and focus my mind on things as I always have a billion different things going through my mind and I get distracted easily.  Any help would be much welcome, thanks.


There's concrete thinkers and abstract. One will blow each other away in certain situations.


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19 hours ago, Wuzzums said:

No, no, medical included. It might actually be the biggest offender of wasting taxpayer money. The medicine we use today is almost exactly the same as the medicine we used 100 years ago.

1000$ controls about 1 million $ in the forex market. If the value of the dollar goes up by 0.0001 cents you earn about 100$.



Interesting given that steroids and PEDs have been amplified to ridiculous levels. I am finding drugs are getting even stronger and stronger. At the Arnold, Jackson Martinez stood in front of Arnie to receive an award for the comp. Jackson Martinez is a Jr HW class, a foot shorter then Arnie yet, he is 50lbs heavier due to the power of today's steroids and PEDs. Phenol is another example. The tweaking and altering of already powerful drugs. Geranium stem is powerful. Then you got 1-3Dih/DMAA. Its crazy powerful. While I know we still use a lot of the same stuff, a lot of the stuff is much more powerful. When I was a kid, ecstacy was huge but, now everything is Molly. If you order a supplement off bodybuilding dot com, guaranteed, you will piss hot if you were screened by USADA.

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On 6/20/2017 at 5:33 PM, Failla86 said:

and when I don't I get really angry with myself, frustrated, upset and feel i'm always destined for failure.

This reeks of emotional trauma. I had similar feels a while ago and the way I started working through it was by deciding to adamantly learn something totally new (in my case math). Some skills just take time to grow on you.


The only solution I see is proving to yourself that you can do it, and get out of your head a little. Drink a beer to calm down or something, most of the stuff you read will still stick.

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On 6/25/2017 at 4:07 PM, Failla86 said:

It was an online IQ test, not sure which one.  As for what was measured, it tested me by asking me to correctly name the next pattern in the sequence, the number in the next sequence, the incorrect numbers in a particular sequence and a bunch of other things i cant remember. Also 4 shapes flipped around on their side and i had to name the correct one matching to the main shape by flipping each of the four shapes on every possible side in my head to figure out which was the matching shape. As for my history, I feel I was very well treated by my parents though there were one or two traumatic episodes. I'm adopted as well so that might be a cause for concern as adoptee trauma is well documented. Also I was bullied at school so that might have played a part.

Did you look up divergent thinking? 

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1 hour ago, meetjoeblack said:

Today, I watched a Vid by Jordan Peterson on why high IQ individuals make more money. It has to do with learning of skills faster so they mitigate their time to acquiring more skills, making more resources, and repeating the process again.

can you tell me the name of that video? or link?

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20 hours ago, Wuzzums said:

No, no, medical included. It might actually be the biggest offender of wasting taxpayer money. The medicine we use today is almost exactly the same as the medicine we used 100 years ago.

Ahh...government programs. Can't you just smell the progress? I'll take your word for it since I'm not interested enough to do my own research, nor knowledgeable enough to recognize truth from fiction in the medical world. 

20 hours ago, Wuzzums said:

1000$ controls about 1 million $ in the forex market. If the value of the dollar goes up by 0.0001 cents you earn about 100$.


Ahh...gambling. Since the stock market is apparently completely unpredictable, I'll assume the forex market is as well. I can't say I'm betting positively on fiat currency, especially over the long run.

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10 hours ago, Boss said:


can you tell me the name of that video? or link?

15% of the population - 90IQ = read and follow instructions lol



Ideally, this is what I am trying to do with my career, business, and in acquiring skill sets. Not do a job for the exchange of money keeping in mind, we obviously need resources. I look to have these skills blend over into other areas but as Peterson stated, its very difficult, and it doesn't always go this way. He was saying, even with a IQ of 115, you will still struggle in a very difficult uni. At 135 IQ, you will be graduate school material. Over 145, you pretty much have a free for all (nearly). Just as you move up, the variations in areas of IQ begin to standout more, and more. For instance, high IQ in math but, struggle with English heavily as you go into the higher learnings.


TS, you may have high IQ in a specific area like sciences but, abstract ideas are elusive. The more you are around high IQ in abstract ideas, the more you feel like you are drowning. We can't be great at everything. Anything in respect to aesthetics/looks/IQ/family history/family name/resources we are born in among a variety of things are outside our control and mostly 'fate.'


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I was tested in my junior year in high school. They told me the IQ value, and I was disappointed. I thought I was a genius. Eventually I learned what that 'number' meant. I was also tested for 'reading', as junior in high school I was tested as reading 3,500 words a minute, at 99 percent comprehension. It was years later I discovered just how unique that 'score' is. I learned that most university graduates read at 1,100 words a minute, at about 80 percent comprehension. They also gave me what I think was a Rorschach test. I don't know what the results of that one was.

Eventually what I learned of the IQ number was I had a 'faster' brain clock speed. That 'notion' only came about after working in the computer industry for a while and learning the hardware, the clock speeds, and so on.

Part of the reason I thought I was a genius? In the school system I was was in, starting the 5th grade, the American History would alternate with World History, every year. One year American, the next year World. In a class, I would remember not only that day's lesson, the that same lesson from two years earlier, and the lesson from 4 years earlier. Plus I had done a LOT of reading.

Yet, my classmates could not remember yesterday's lesson.

So, you are wondering why you cannot 'agree' with the notions of the people around you? The most likely reason is their 'notions' don't make sense. They have 'agreed' to believe something, and you have a different opinion, or perhaps no opinion on that 'something'.

As a kid, I watched the Three Stooges, almost daily because they were so silly. But when I did some part time work in construction (My father and step-father were both in construction) while in middle and high school, I saw people on the job site do exactly the thing the three stooges had done. I was shocked. And I dared not comment on what I saw. And that was my introduction to the 'work world'. Too many people making silly and sometimes dangerous mistakes, on the job.

Now retired, I can escape a lot of that. But on the job, this 'confusion' by other people meant I had an advantage. When the 'pain' of other's misconceptions of the world and how things actually work got too much, I would be asked to look at the problem. And in almost every case, I found a simple solution to the problem.

What I found was a world of people who don't actually 'see' the world, as it is. They have ideas that overcome their eyes. They believe somethings so strongly, that what is in front of their face, that contradicts those ideas? They cannot see and won't allow the truth of things to 'get through' their self-programming.

It gave me a long career. Thank 'God' for that...

You will have to 'adjust' your words to that world, just as I had to, and as how many other people had to.

In retirement I can relax. I can, mostly, ignore that mental illness that is all around us.

Is it any wonder I am an extreme introvert?


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