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What to Do for the West?


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"What do I actually do?" is a question I hear an awful lot from young European men like me. I decided to make a checklist to make things simple for myself and to whomever is interested.


The west is dying. Our governments are monstrously large, our vote doesn't seem to matter 80% of the time, and we are all isolated in our own little worlds. So what are the concrete steps to take to save Europe? This is what I want to initiate a dialogue about.
Here are what knowledge I have accumulated from men and women much wiser than I: simple and doable for every common European young man. (To not make it seem like I am all words and no action, I will add what I am doing specifically under every point.)


1. Don't drink. Drink once with your family as you reach legal age, then don't drink again until you drink with your son. It's a waste of money, neurons, time, self-respect, health.
- I drank a few times with my family only. I don't anymore, because I have seen my loved once drunk, and that was a sufficient argument for me.

2. Don't have sex. Until you can provide for a family, just don't. Plus, using other people for pleasure is the most repulsive thing in the world, even if it is consentual.
- Unfortunately, I failed at this one. I was far too curious, but I haven't done it for a solid 2 years now. 

3. Get into 3 fights. Loose one, win one, and draw one! If you haven't done this before you finish school, you can get back to this anytime.

4. Finish school. I know, school sucks, and it is essentially the latest form of slavery. But the fact of life is that you need that piece of paper to be considered a human being. Plus, school isn't THAT hard.
- I got suspended numerous times for my behaviour (got a big mouth) at school, and I hated every minute of it, but it is good to know that I could survive that whole thing.

5. Get away from your parents! Use your momentum, and get away from the town your family lives in. Get into university, enlist in the militray, go volunteering, whatever really. Just get out!
- I went to another city for university as soon as I finished school. It sucked, but I learned to be independent.

6. Go to 1 grownup party. You have to know how decadent your peers are. If you think you are missing out, trust me, you are not. There is nobody there that you want to be associated with once your career kicks off in a few years.

7. Work for free. This might sound weird to some people, but you have to learn what it is like to be a slave. Your currency is work ethic, experience, contacts, and above all, trust and appreciation. Money will follow.
- I have worked as a volunteer for  the Jesuit Order for a year, and seeing my value, they hired me as a part-time employee. Still, the biggest reward is that I have allies all around the world now.

8. Find what your mission. There are actually 3 steps to this:
- What do you do in your free time? Your freetime activities are a good indicator to what you have affinity for. If you play games all day, you may have a future as a sortware developer.
- What looks awful? Look around you, and find what you want fixed. Then fix it.
- How do you look before God? At the end of your life, what will you have had to achieve in order to not to be ashamed to stand before your creator?

9. Eat well, sleep well, work well. 3 filling meals, 8 hours of sleep, 6 hours of work minimum, and 20 pushups per day. Simple as that.

- I wake up every morning at 6 to go work out by the Danube river for an hour. Even in the winter.

10. Become independent of your parents if you haven't already. Get a paying job, or a scholarship.
- I have been getting nothing from my parents for over a year. Feels pretty good.

11. Clean up your past. Arrange a meetup with your parents as soon as you become independent, and sit down to talk with them for 8 hours. If they refuse, offer to pay for their time. If they still refuse, they don't love you. Try again in 3 years or so.
- I couldn't set things straight with my father yet. I invited him to Budapest, I arranged accommodation, entertainment, everything. But then he told me he was disappointed in me. It was a disaster. I shall try again next year, when I will invite him to Belgium.

12. Join a community. If you can't find a community, then make one. 
- This was probably the hardest for me, even though I am extremely blessed, as I have the best people around me as my colleagues.

13. Dress well. No need to complicate this. Just dress as if you were going to see your dream girl for the first time every single day.
- Got this one down.

14. Read the Bible. Whether you like it or not, the bible is the foundation of western civilisation. Literally every single fairy tale, and movie production is a "gesunkenes Kulturgut" of the Bible. If you haven't read the Bible, you don't know what you are fighting for.
- Checked.

15. Choose your place. If you haven't already, find a good spot to create your family, and to live out the rest of oyur life. This may be almost as difficult as predicting the stock market.
- I am not here yet, but I have begun the research.

16. Find a woman, marry her, and love her. However, do not ignore the power of boners. Do not make your choice alone. Have your allies give you the green light. 
- Not there yet, but I have begun the research.

17. Make lots of soldiers. A population needs 2.1 babies per woman to sustain itself. But since not everyone has such foresight as you, you should make at least 6. Plus I need men for my crusade.

18. Homeschool your children for as long as it is legal.

19. Do not divorce. Affections will die, the wife will get old. It will be tempting, yet you will be a man of your word.

20. Fulfill your mission. You will know when you have.

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This is quite the post. While I agree with some parts I have to challenge you on some others.

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

1. Don't drink.

I think this alone is sufficient. Alcohol-based ceremonies aren't worth keeping; nothing that is bonding is true if it requires inebriation.

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

2. Don't have sex.

Stef's Truth About Sex video is all you need to know as to why I fully agree with this sentiment. 

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

3. Get into 3 fights.

I'd argue it'd be better to do this in something like boxing, where the environment is controlled and the practice is for mutual benefit than petty disputes. If you're getting into fights you are straying from the path that ensures the survival and prosperity of your progeny, excluding war of course since when war really happens most of us will have no choice. 

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

4. Finish school

Once I became red pilled, this was almost impossible for me. The academic work itself was mindlessly easy, however the psychological breakdown I was experiencing made it excruciatingly painful. I tried some things I'm not proud of to escape it, needless to say therapy was a literal life savor. 

For most I'd say "keep your head down and keep marching". It'll soon be over, and none of that will matter afterwards. Unless you go to the College Concentration Camp of course...

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

5. Get away from your parents!

Whatever you do, don't enlist. Unless of course you think running the risk of shooting White Christians in the name of the Late Roman Hellhole is worth it...

If you have good parents I'd suggest asking them for advice (assuming you don't already know what to do from them) and rely on them as necessary to quicken the building of your own financial and career foundation.

Unless you're naturally r-selected, in which case you can't rely on anyone lest you become immobile. If you're a K though it's an effective way of paying for College (which I only recommend if your chosen career requires the paper) or as a slush fund.

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

6. Go to 1 grownup party. You have to know how decadent your peers are. If you think you are missing out, trust me, you are not. There is nobody there that you want to be associated with once your career kicks off in a few years.

If you're K-selected, skip this. Why waste time with this bullshit if you already know deep down how terrible it is. If you're r-selected, or inclined that way, then I guess it's a good way of tasering your temptations. 

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

7. Work for free. 

I did work unpaid labor as my first job, unfortunately it was a scam. I do not recommend working for anyone who isn't willing to pay you at least minimum wage. I speak from the perspective of a poor person, if you're wealthier than welfare than I'd say it's not a bad idea but if you're poor, don't do anything unless it'll contribute to your own financial elevation out of the ghetto.

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

8. Find what your mission. There are actually 3 steps to this:
- What do you do in your free time? Your freetime activities are a good indicator to what you have affinity for. If you play games all day, you may have a future as a sortware developer.
- What looks awful? Look around you, and find what you want fixed. Then fix it.
- How do you look before God? At the end of your life, what will you have had to achieve in order to not to be ashamed to stand before your creator?

:thumbsup: This was how I became a novelist.


5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

9. Eat well, sleep well, work well. 3 filling meals, 8 hours of sleep, 6 hours of work minimum, and 20 pushups per day. Simple as that.

- I wake up every morning at 6 to go work out by the Danube river for an hour. Even in the winter.


5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

10. Become independent of your parents if you haven't already. Get a paying job, or a scholarship.
- I have been getting nothing from my parents for over a year. Feels pretty good.

Yep. That's the first goal you should make as someone joining the labor force or graduating the concentration camp to do certified professional work. Creative professionals might have a harder time of it early on, I'll see how it goes. I might have to drag my mother with me since I need someone to take care of whateverr property I buy/rent.

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:


11. Clean up your past.

Good idea.


5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:


Arrange a meetup with your parents as soon as you become independent, and sit down to talk with them for 8 hours. If they refuse, offer to pay for their time. If they still refuse, they don't love you. Try again in 3 years or so.
- I couldn't set things straight with my father yet. I invited him to Budapest, I arranged accommodation, entertainment, everything. But then he told me he was disappointed in me. It was a disaster. I shall try again next year, when I will invite him to Belgium.

...This is not how you do it. If you have to pay for your parents to have a serious conversation with you, they aren't your parents. Or they may as well not be. And if you can't reach a breakthrough when you need it most, you won't ever be able to. You have to let go and accept them as they are and swear to be a better father for your own children. Otherwise you're opening up an exploitable hole to be raped by predators.

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

12. Join a community. If you can't find a community, then make one. 
- This was probably the hardest for me, even though I am extremely blessed, as I have the best people around me as my colleagues.

Definitely helps to break out of the bubble.


5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

13. Dress well. No need to complicate this. Just dress as if you were going to see your dream girl for the first time every single day.
- Got this one down.

Bro I'm way ahead of you. Although my "good clothes" are my own clothes, and I don't much so...yeah. Lucked out. 

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

14. Read the Bible. Whether you like it or not, the bible is the foundation of western civilisation. Literally every single fairy tale, and movie production is a "gesunkenes Kulturgut" of the Bible. If you haven't read the Bible, you don't know what you are fighting for.
- Checked.

Ehh...on one hand it may help, on another hand you might want to defer this until you're able to devote time for it regularly. Speaking from a poor person starting from rock bottom or welfare level.


5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

15. Choose your place. If you haven't already, find a good spot to create your family, and to live out the rest of oyur life. This may be almost as difficult as predicting the stock market.
- I am not here yet, but I have begun the research.

I'd argue this is the same as "Become Independent of Parents". 

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

16. Find a woman, marry her, and love her. However, do not ignore the power of boners. Do not make your choice alone. Have your allies give you the green light. 
- Not there yet, but I have begun the research.

Mostly agree. I'd recommend pursuing Stef's advice video "How to meet a nice girl..." for more on that.

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

17. Make lots of soldiers. A population needs 2.1 babies per woman to sustain itself. But since not everyone has such foresight as you, you should make at least 6. Plus I need men for my crusade.

I prefer the Habsburg route to survival and supremacy myself, but having as many children as you can afford is a good idea since they'll all benefit from each others' company, and become more self-sufficient from having each others' support. A family that is strong is one built of the Stefanist Way of Peaceful Parenting and UPB. I'd wait on teaching them Christianity outside of the morals and lessons until they're old enough to choose on their own to become Christians. 


5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

18. Homeschool your children for as long as it is legal.

At all costs, do this!

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

19. Do not divorce. Affections will die, the wife will get old. It will be tempting, yet you will be a man of your word.

Better still; don't marry a bad woman. You don't have to worry about divorce if you're like Stef and marry a good woman. See his "How to meet a nice girl..." and other videos for more. If you have to consider divorce; you fucked up. At the very least wait until your youngest child no longer needs deadbeats like the deadbeat and ho considering divorce.

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

20. Fulfill your mission. You will know when you have.

You won't. At least as far as self-esteem goes. Man is naturally inclined to give himself new missions to achieve. The end-goal of every man's existence should be the creation of a big and prosperous family based on the principles of UPB and NAP. Everything else is but a stepping stone in building a dynasty.

A few step I'd like to add: 

Know Yourself: By this I mean actively pursue self knowledge; "Why am I wanting to do this? How would I know when I've achieved this? What do I want in life? Why do I want that? What can I do to achieve that from X?"

DON'T DO DRUGS: Need I say more?

Treat Men and Women Alike: If you're speaking to a woman you'd never speak to if she didn't have a nice ass or big boobs, you shouldn't be speaking to her. As Stef says "imagine if she were an Elderly Asian Gentleman". Don't treat women like children; you cannot marry a child and children aren't going to make good parents for more children. Treat women exactly as you would your guy friends, this way you can filter out the gold diggers, whores, and Feminazis while aiming for the true women who can build and maintain families, as well as be loyal and good spouses. 

Don't Waste Time With Bullshit: Or more precisely, don't engage with people who aren't giving you anything. Spiritually, intellectually, etc. Don't engage with deadbeats, idiots, lazy deadbeats, sluts, etc. Just don't.

Also, don't waste time doing a 46 hour per week job below minimum wage like I did. Being desperate for a job doesn't mean selling yourself (for free) to slavery. Instead focus exclusively on what you plan on for a career. I want to be an author, therefore I spend 30-40 hours a week doing just that. Once I'm done I'll be sure to show off to you guys... ;-)

Disclaimer: I'm not saying "don't have fun" or whatever. Just filter out the terrible people and terrible hobbies (like drugs or sex), as well as the dead-end jobs and Concentration Camp College. If you want to be an entrepreneur, be an entrepreneur. Don't waste time. Get started now.


What do you think of my additions?



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9 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

0. This is quite the post. While I agree with some parts I have to challenge you on some others.
1. I think this alone is sufficient. Alcohol-based ceremonies aren't worth keeping; nothing that is bonding is true if it requires inebriation.
3. I'd argue it'd be better to do this in something like boxing, where the environment is controlled and the practice is for mutual benefit than petty disputes. If you're getting into fights you are straying from the path that ensures the survival and prosperity of your progeny, excluding war of course since when war really happens most of us will have no choice.
5. Whatever you do, don't enlist. Unless of course you think running the risk of shooting White Christians in the name of the Late Roman Hellhole is worth it...
6. If you're K-selected, skip this. Why waste time with this bullshit if you already know deep down how terrible it is. If you're r-selected, or inclined that way, then I guess it's a good way of tasering your temptations.
7. I did work unpaid labor as my first job, unfortunately it was a scam. I do not recommend working for anyone who isn't willing to pay you at least minimum wage. I speak from the perspective of a poor person, if you're wealthier than welfare than I'd say it's not a bad idea but if you're poor, don't do anything unless it'll contribute to your own financial elevation out of the ghetto.
11. ...This is not how you do it. If you have to pay for your parents to have a serious conversation with you, they aren't your parents. Or they may as well not be. And if you can't reach a breakthrough when you need it most, you won't ever be able to. You have to let go and accept them as they are and swear to be a better father for your own children. Otherwise you're opening up an exploitable hole to be raped by predators.
14. Ehh...on one hand it may help, on another hand you might want to defer this until you're able to devote time for it regularly. Speaking from a poor person starting from rock bottom or welfare level.
15. I'd argue this is the same as "Become Independent of Parents".
19. Better still; don't marry a bad woman.
20. You won't. At least as far as self-esteem goes. Man is naturally inclined to give himself new missions to achieve. The end-goal of every man's existence should be the creation of a big and prosperous family based on the principles of UPB and NAP. Everything else is but a stepping stone in building a dynasty.
21. A few step I'd like to add: Know Yourself, DON'T DO DRUGS, Treat Men and Women Alike, Don't Waste Time With Bullshit:

1. Drinking has been a part of human history since before scripture was. You have to know what it is. But I agree, if you can avoid it, just do.
3. Controlled confrontation is nothing like a real fight. Even if you skip this step, sooner or later antifa or some muslims will assault you. By then, it pays to know what a fight is.
5. If Eastern Europeans had decided to not enlist, the 100thousand migrants stuck in the Balkans would be on their way to Malmö by now.
6. You have to see it to know it.
7. I am poor. My mother earns eastern european minimum wage, and my father gives me nothing. Working for free is not meant to be a pleasant experience. It is supposed to teach life.
11. We can disagree on this point.
14. Don't tell me you don't have 20 minutes to spare while sitting on the loo.
15. I was talking about findng a place to settle down where you can raise your family.
19. Nobody wants to marry a "bad woman". Yet people make mistakes. Once you do realise what a mistake you made, it is the Christian way to stand by your word.
20. Yes you will. 
21. I appreciate the points you added, although they are all too vague to be added to my list. My list contains only concrete steps. Even the "don't do drugs" rule is too ambiguous. We call medication drugs too. Sometimes marijuana can help people with parkinsons. I think what you meant to say was: "Don't mess your brain up if you don't have to"

By the way, could you start condensing your posts a bit? They are really hard to navigate.

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4 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

1. Drinking has been a part of human history since before scripture was. You have to know what it is. But I agree, if you can avoid it, just do.

Slavery has also been a part of human history since before the New Testament, that doesn't mean it's worth preserving or experiencing. 

4 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

3. Controlled confrontation is nothing like a real fight. Even if you skip this step, sooner or later antifa or some muslims will assault you. By then, it pays to know what a fight is.

Of course. However it also pays to have a gun. If you can't keep one for legal reasons, then don't obviously. I just wonder how you can get into a "real" fight without actively looking for one. I got into a few fights in elementary and middle school, some where I lost teeth. I wouldn't say they've made me harder as a man, in fact I'd say they made me weaker and more fearful. I got lucky in High School because I was big enough to intimidate would-be challengers. 


5. If Eastern Europeans had decided to not enlist, the 100thousand migrants stuck in the Balkans would be on their way to Malmö by now.

And that's why I, as an American, don't want to enlist to kill the very Slavs who've historically fought Turks in our defense.


11. We can disagree on this point.

For you especially, this point is the most important. I don't want people looking for guidance to read this and think it's the smart/moral thing to do. 


14. Don't tell me you don't have 20 minutes to spare while sitting on the loo.

If I'm not busy working, I'm resting from work. I could spare the time, but I'd have to first get a bible than find a way to balance study with work and recovery. I did read a 200 page children's bible back when I was a small child, and still remember the lessons in it. At least a few of them. 


15. I was talking about findng a place to settle down where you can raise your family.

Which I'd argue is the same as getting away from parents.


19. Nobody wants to marry a "bad woman". Yet people make mistakes. Once you do realise what a mistake you made, it is the Christian way to stand by your word.

The threat of divorce is part of what keeps husband and wife faithful and in good order. If a man, say, knew his wife could never divorce him than what's the stop him from growing fat and lazy? Likewise what's to stop the woman from becoming fat and abusive? The threat of divorce as a last resort is part of what keeps a marriage strong, although obviously without a bunch of other things it is not enough. 


20. Yes you will. 

Leonardo da Vinci himself died regretting how little he did in his life, despite the fact he accomplished more in more fields than most people ever have. We must find fulfillment in the journey, among other things, or else we'll never be fulfilled. Man is designed to keep doing more things, not resting upon achieving his first thing.


21. I appreciate the points you added, although they are all too vague to be added to my list. My list contains only concrete steps. Even the "don't do drugs" rule is too ambiguous. We call medication drugs too. Sometimes marijuana can help people with parkinsons. I think what you meant to say was: "Don't mess your brain up if you don't have to"

I wouldn't say they're vague at all. In fact they're the most important, especially Know Thyself, as it is critical to being a functional and productive human being. The other three are also necessary for both getting a good woman (as well as male friends) and building (and sustaining) a career. 


By the way, could you start condensing your posts a bit? They are really hard to navigate.

I can't condense more than what I am replying to. If you write 50 lines, I will most likely write another 50 plus quote the last 50. If you want my replies to be smaller, than you must write less yourself. I will not ignore or gloss over lines I consider important to respond to. 

Edited by Siegfried von Walheim
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16 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

1. Slavery has also been a part of human history since before the New Testament, that doesn't mean it's worth preserving or experiencing.
3. Of course. However it also pays to have a gun. If you can't keep one for legal reasons, then don't obviously. I just wonder how you can get into a "real" fight without actively looking for one. I got into a few fights in elementary and middle school, some where I lost teeth. I wouldn't say they've made me harder as a man, in fact I'd say they made me weaker and more fearful. I got lucky in High School because I was big enough to intimidate would-be challengers.
5. And that's why I, as an American, don't want to enlist to kill the very Slavs who've historically fought Turks in our defense.
11. For you especially, this point is the most important. I don't want people looking for guidance to read this and think it's the smart/moral thing to do.
15. Which I'd argue is the same as getting away from parents.
19. The threat of divorce is part of what keeps husband and wife faithful and in good order. If a man, say, knew his wife could never divorce him than what's the stop him from growing fat and lazy? Likewise what's to stop the woman from becoming fat and abusive? The threat of divorce as a last resort is part of what keeps a marriage strong, although obviously without a bunch of other things it is not enough.
20. Leonardo da Vinci himself died regretting how little he did in his life, despite the fact he accomplished more in more fields than most people ever have. We must find fulfillment in the journey, among other things, or else we'll never be fulfilled. Man is designed to keep doing more things, not resting upon achieving his first thing.
21. I wouldn't say they're vague at all. In fact they're the most important, especially Know Thyself, as it is critical to being a functional and productive human being. The other three are also necessary for both getting a good woman (as well as male friends) and building (and sustaining) a career. 

1. I don't disagree. However, if slavery were still prevalent in America, I would strongly advise you to visit a plantation to see for yourself what a horrible thing it is. (BTW I didn't mean you should get wasted drunk, just simply get a taste of what alcohol is.)
3. If you happen to live near a parisian ghetto, you are in luck, as you only have to walk down a street, and you will surely get attacked. You can even keep to your sweet NAP streak.
5. The Latins have failed, the Germanics have betrayed us, and if the Slavs fall, then it is up to the Americans to save the West. I am no Slav, just to be clear.
11. In my view, conversation, all conversation, is very important, especially with parents. If you can't get it for free, you try to purchase it. If you don't have a confessor, you get an expensive psychologist.
15. Oh, I think I get your point. I misunderstood you.
19. Separation is permitted by the Church, but divorce is another story. I think you would agree that divorce is the worst invention ever that has affected the family.
20. I think you misunderstood me. I said "mission", not "goal". A life's mission is, I agree, a journey. If you are on the path, you are happy and fulfilled, and if not, then no. Unlike in modern military vernacular, the word "mission" is used in the same manner as in the Church. A missionary never says "mission completed", because a mission lasts until the end of time.
21. So to the uninitiated, what are the steps to "knowing thyself"?

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7 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

3. If you happen to live near a parisian ghetto, you are in luck, as you only have to walk down a street, and you will surely get attacked. You can even keep to your sweet NAP streak.

Yep. Helps to be packing in those kinds of bergs too.

7 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

5. The Latins have failed, the Germanics have betrayed us, and if the Slavs fall, then it is up to the Americans to save the West. I am no Slav, just to be clear.

You are a halfy, and you do  act awfully invested in the Slavic race for a disengaged halfy.

If the Slavs fail, then bloody internecine war in Europe is imminent. The Turks are going one way or another; I'd rather it be nice and easy, walls of men against walls of men in a remote field, but I think it'll be mostly in the streets and be a multi-way fight against reactionaries, nationalists, Leftists, fascists, blacks, whites, etc. 

Only Russia, and a few others I think, are likely to be spared the horrors of the future.


7 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

11. In my view, conversation, all conversation, is very important, especially with parents. If you can't get it for free, you try to purchase it. If you don't have a confessor, you get an expensive psychologist.

"Dad: Fuck you boi.

Son: Sorry sorry. I pay top dollar next time".

I suppose you could say a conversation like this lets you know how little your parents care for you, but I think you already have that information. Seek professional help if aren't already; you have some serious shit that you actually have to pay your father of all people, like a prostitute, to do so much as talk  with you. If you don't think this is fucked up beyond all repair, then you really need bro help before you attract some real predators.

7 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

19. Separation is permitted by the Church, but divorce is another story. I think you would agree that divorce is the worst invention ever that has affected the family.

Divorce alone isn't the problem; it's recklessly getting married; feminist poison; dicknapping; etc. All that piles up to divorce. The threat of divorce is part of what keeps husband and wife vying for each other's favor, assuming it isn't because they already desire each other so much that they want to do whatever they can to keep each other. It takes two to keep a marriage going, and the option of divorce can be helpful as a means of preventing marital laziness.

Of course I'd argue "don't marry someone who'll be a slob as soon as you swear your vows", but idiots and the autistic will have a hard time recognizing the slobs from the active.


7 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

20. I think you misunderstood me. I said "mission", not "goal". A life's mission is, I agree, a journey. If you are on the path, you are happy and fulfilled, and if not, then no. Unlike in modern military vernacular, the word "mission" is used in the same manner as in the Church. A missionary never says "mission completed", because a mission lasts until the end of time.

What, so like a generational goal? In which case I'm definitely a Habsburg as far as my goals go. 

I'd argue it's good to have long term goals, but I'd also argue it's pretentious to assume the problems of today will exist 100 years from now, unless it's a very basic thing like national security and food production. Therefore while doctors may be needed today, there may be too many tomorrow. 

However beyond the idea that it's supposed to be forever, I can't imagine any examples of a "mission". 

I would argue the Habsburg mission is one that could be followed forever, since it's essentially nepotism to the highest degree plus Jewish-like inter-family promotion and elevation (assuming that isn't covered in "nepotism"). I'd add making Peaceful Parenting and all the good stuff Stef teaches as part of it as well, since I know that'd put my descendants at least a standard deviation above the normies. 


7 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

21. So to the uninitiated, what are the steps to "knowing thyself"?

1: What are my strengths?

2: What are my weaknesses/limitations?

3: How do X people make me feel? (I.e. friends and family)

4: How active/lazy am I without self-directing?

5: What are my goals in life?

6: Why do I have those goals?

7: What would I think/feel if I accomplished only some or part of these goals?

8: How was I raised?

9: Why are my parents the way they are?

10: What can I do to improve based on my parents?

11: What are my politics?

12: Why do I believe in these political ideals?

13: Does any of my current beliefs/prejudices hold out against standard Socratic reasoning, or basic criticism in general? Could I argue against myself and still be able to hold water?*

*I'd argue this one may be better done with others', ideally someone like a good relative or tough-minded therapist, or Stefpai himself, since it's easy for us to fool ourselves and believe our existing or pre-existing beliefs are worthwhile/correct.

These are just the first 13 things that come to mind in the long and short journey of getting to know who I am, and what that means in transforming my life based on what I know about myself and those around me, and my limitations that invite the predators around me.


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16 hours ago, ofd said:

Promote White Sharia.

Would a half-white guy like me have a place in White Sharia?

16 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

1. You are a halfy, and you do  act awfully invested in the Slavic race for a disengaged halfy.
If the Slavs fail, then bloody internecine war in Europe is imminent. The Turks are going one way or another; I'd rather it be nice and easy, walls of men against walls of men in a remote field, but I think it'll be mostly in the streets and be a multi-way fight against reactionaries, nationalists, Leftists, fascists, blacks, whites, etc.
Only Russia, and a few others I think, are likely to be spared the horrors of the future.

2. I suppose you could say a conversation like this lets you know how little your parents care for you, but I think you already have that information. Seek professional help if aren't already; you have some serious shit that you actually have to pay your father of all people, like a prostitute, to do so much as talk  with you. If you don't think this is fucked up beyond all repair, then you really need bro help before you attract some real predators

3. Divorce alone isn't the problem; it's recklessly getting married; feminist poison; dicknapping; etc. All that piles up to divorce. The threat of divorce is part of what keeps husband and wife vying for each other's favor, assuming it isn't because they already desire each other so much that they want to do whatever they can to keep each other. It takes two to keep a marriage going, and the option of divorce can be helpful as a means of preventing marital laziness.

4. What, so like a generational goal? In which case I'm definitely a Habsburg as far as my goals go. I'd argue it's good to have long term goals, but I'd also argue it's pretentious to assume the problems of today will exist 100 years from now, unless it's a very basic thing like national security and food production. Therefore while doctors may be needed today, there may be too many tomorrow. However beyond the idea that it's supposed to be forever, I can't imagine any examples of a "mission". 

1. Wait... You don't think Hungarians are Slavs, do you? Do you think Albanians, Romanians, Moldovans, Finns, Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians are Slavs as well?

The reason why Slavs are so concerned about this issue is the following: Muslim Population by country:
Russia 15%, Bulgaria 8%, Macedonia 35%, Bosnia 40%, Montenegro 20%. The slavs will not be spared the horrors of the future, as they have already been infiltrated.

Ones who will be spared in Europe are: Iceland, Portugal, Andorra, Switzerland, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Luxembourg maybe, Poland, Baltics, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Liechtenstein, Malta if they are smart, San Marino, and of course the Vatican.

2. It is messed up. But You have to have that conversation to find out where your parents stand, and you have to hear them say it. But like I said, this is just my wisdom.

3. Divorcee is what has made marriage unserious. Since one can make up their mind later, why would they put much effort into finding a good mate? But if you are going to have to live with your decision of all eternity, a sane man might really try to make it work. I did include the "picking a wife" step aside from this.

4. For example, Mr.Molyneux has a mission to spread philosophy and good arguments. But not only while he is alive. He envisions teenagers like us a thousand years from now looking up his videos, learning and arguing.
Your mission is to recreate the Holy Roman Empire, and a dynasty to rule over it for all eternity. That is also a mission, since it is beyond what you are.

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5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

1. Wait... You don't think Hungarians are Slavs, do you? Do you think Albanians, Romanians, Moldovans, Finns, Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians are Slavs as well?

Off-hand? Yeah, I'd say everything from Greece to Archangel is Slavic, and would group Finland and Estonia with the Scandinavians, based mainly on the commonalities of their languages. gene pool, and history.

Hungarians; what would the descendants of the Huns with Asian-styled names consider themselves ethnically closer to, then? Germans who've they've been allied with/a vassal to for centuries, or Russians with whom their blood and language is closer? 

If Russian was my standard for Slav, then I suppose a country like Bohemia or Hungary would be "on the fringe", and most likely ethnically mixed with its "out group" neighbors, however I don't know if they're so different as to be given a different race name. Magyars are Magyars, but they're White and either Slavic, or a forced marriage of Germans and Slavs.

One question: what exactly are Moldovans? I know the country exists in the shadow of the Ukraine, but...is it even really an ethnicity? It looks like it ought to be absorbed by the Ukraine like Austria and old Prussia. 

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

The reason why Slavs are so concerned about this issue is the following: Muslim Population by country:
Russia 15%, Bulgaria 8%, Macedonia 35%, Bosnia 40%, Montenegro 20%. The slavs will not be spared the horrors of the future, as they have already been infiltrated.

I've heard a few different reasons as to why Slavs don't consider X countries to be Slavs, and while I can't say about the Balkan States Islamic population, I will say that Russia's Muslims are mostly from the Kazan Khanate, which has been a Muslim-majority state since...well, since they first got taken over. They've been a constant part of the Russian Empire since its founding, and from what I understand, are unlike the Arabian Muslims in their Whiteness and Russian nationalistic identity, and Slavic blood. 


5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

Ones who will be spared in Europe are: Iceland, Portugal, Andorra, Switzerland, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Luxembourg maybe, Poland, Baltics, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Liechtenstein, Malta if they are smart, San Marino, and of course the Vatican.

Most of those countries lie between the war zones of the future, I wouldn't expect them to be spared, although I'm sure the Poles and Magyars will have it easier than the Germans, say, given their greater sanity.


5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

2. It is messed up. But You have to have that conversation to find out where your parents stand, and you have to hear them say it. But like I said, this is just my wisdom.

If you mean "I have to find out if that is really true by trying it", yeah, I agree. But in your case specifically, actions have spoken louder than words.

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

3. Divorcee is what has made marriage unserious. Since one can make up their mind later, why would they put much effort into finding a good mate? But if you are going to have to live with your decision of all eternity, a sane man might really try to make it work. I did include the "picking a wife" step aside from this.

Marriage is always series to the K-selected; marriage is only as serious as it is legally or fiscally binding to the r-selected. Since the rabbits are going to be rabbits regardless of what we do (and if left alone, they'd die off like all rabbits do), we should not amend or force laws upon a general populace where the good people people will be disproportionately affected by it.

Not to mention, history has shown that laws and enforcement is hugely ineffective. Wife/husband beating used to be far more common back when divorce was illegal. Now it's mainly just common among the rabbits. The possibility of divorce makes the marriage participants active to keep their marriage, and the K-selected man's ability to realize how important marriage is ensures he'll pick well. Christian teachings also help greatly here. 

I think those that divorce and remarry, especially when children are involved, ought to be ostracized but the option should remain because it is part of what keeps couples dedicated to making a marriage good rather than letting it entropy, and the threat of ostracism helps in part to make rabbits behave better, as the K-selected will behave well either way.

5 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

4. For example, Mr.Molyneux has a mission to spread philosophy and good arguments. But not only while he is alive. He envisions teenagers like us a thousand years from now looking up his videos, learning and arguing.
Your mission is to recreate the Holy Roman Empire, and a dynasty to rule over it for all eternity. That is also a mission, since it is beyond what you are.

I think I get the picture, and you aren't far wrong as to what my long-long term goal is beyond myself lol.


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On ‎2017‎. ‎06‎. ‎25‎. at 6:08 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

1. Off-hand? Yeah, I'd say everything from Greece to Archangel is Slavic, and would group Finland and Estonia with the Scandinavians, based mainly on the commonalities of their languages. gene pool, and history.
Hungarians; what would the descendants of the Huns with Asian-styled names consider themselves ethnically closer to, then? Germans who've they've been allied with/a vassal to for centuries, or Russians with whom their blood and language is closer?
If Russian was my standard for Slav, then I suppose a country like Bohemia or Hungary would be "on the fringe", and most likely ethnically mixed with its "out group" neighbors, however I don't know if they're so different as to be given a different race name. Magyars are Magyars, but they're White and either Slavic, or a forced marriage of Germans and Slavs.
One question: what exactly are Moldovans? I know the country exists in the shadow of the Ukraine, but...is it even really an ethnicity? It looks like it ought to be absorbed by the Ukraine like Austria and old Prussia.
I've heard a few different reasons as to why Slavs don't consider X countries to be Slavs, and while I can't say about the Balkan States Islamic population, I will say that Russia's Muslims are mostly from the Kazan Khanate, which has been a Muslim-majority state since...well, since they first got taken over. They've been a constant part of the Russian Empire since its founding, and from what I understand, are unlike the Arabian Muslims in their Whiteness and Russian nationalistic identity, and Slavic blood. 

2. Most of those countries lie between the war zones of the future, I wouldn't expect them to be spared, although I'm sure the Poles and Magyars will have it easier than the Germans, say, given their greater sanity.

3. Marriage is always series to the K-selected; marriage is only as serious as it is legally or fiscally binding to the r-selected. Since the rabbits are going to be rabbits regardless of what we do (and if left alone, they'd die off like all rabbits do), we should not amend or force laws upon a general populace where the good people people will be disproportionately affected by it.

1. Ethnicity is complicated, and has vague definitions at times, so I don't expect to win this argument. Naturally, interbreeding was never rare among europeans, and you are right that Hungarians haven't got much on common with their ancient ancestors by now. That however does not matter. Traditionally, we have always grouped Hungarians, Estonians and Finns in the Altaic family. Genetically, Hungarians are about 45% Slavic, 40% German, and only about 5% Mongolic, but we still don't consider them slavic. For a more extreme example, Slovenians are more than 70% Italian, yet we do consider them Slavic. 
Moldovans are Romanians. Thats all to it.
You are pretty much correct about the Russian muslims, however, the Muslims of the Caucasus have been terrorising the Russians since the 80s. Ever heard of Chechnia, Dagestan?

2. All of the countries above will be spared not because of their geographical location, but because of their strong border security. For instance, when it comes to the open borders debate, Luxembourg is the biggest hypocrite of them all. Go and see how many muslims live in Luxembourg.... I'll wait. You can bet that as soon as the ship hits the fan, not even a fly will be able to get into Luxembourg.

3. I kindof lost you on this point. So are you saying that the action of divorce is good or bad? I am not arguing legality, nor practicality, but morality on the part of a K-selected man.

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49 minutes ago, Mishi2 said:

1. Ethnicity is complicated, and has vague definitions at times, so I don't expect to win this argument. Naturally, interbreeding was never rare among europeans, and you are right that Hungarians haven't got much on common with their ancient ancestors by now. That however does not matter. Traditionally, we have always grouped Hungarians, Estonians and Finns in the Altaic family. Genetically, Hungarians are about 45% Slavic, 40% German, and only about 5% Mongolic, but we still don't consider them slavic. For a more extreme example, Slovenians are more than 70% Italian, yet we do consider them Slavic. 

Interesting. I guess self-identification and culture will have to matter more since I don't think Eastern Europe is doing anything productive by excluding potential allies from whatever defensive or mutually beneficial circles would otherwise be created by an ethnically homogenous population.

Ethnicity is essentially defined as being larger than a family or group of families (think town), and smaller than race (think Germans, Slavs, etc.). However my definition isn't necessarily someone else's definition. I'd argue Prussian, Bavarian, and Austrian would be separate ethnicities due to a combination of genetic differences (slight but different enough to be distinct), cultural differences (also slight but different enough) and historical rivalry.

However I can't say I know how many ethnic groups there are, using this definition, for say, Russia. 

The fact it's more confusing for Slavs I imagine has to do with why they've/you've failed to unite as a race while Germans have managed to unite about half of historical Germany as one nation. Similar for Poland and the Ukraine (both of which I'd argue are sub-sets of Slav, similar to Prussians and Bavarians being sub-sets of German).

But...all this is largely abstract. De facto people are as compatible as they think they are multiplied by how compatible they actually are. Prussians and Bavarians are pretty similar, and think they're pretty similar. Russians and Ukrainians are pretty similar, but think they're different enough that they ought to be separated.

However I wouldn't argue this very far, since my own ignorance as to the details of their affairs and their history makes me a poor judge of them.


49 minutes ago, Mishi2 said:

Moldovans are Romanians. Thats all to it.

Then there's "what's a Romanian?". From what I understand; White people who used to live under Islamic rule. 

49 minutes ago, Mishi2 said:

You are pretty much correct about the Russian muslims, however, the Muslims of the Caucasus have been terrorising the Russians since the 80s. Ever heard of Chechnia, Dagestan?

Yeah but both are frontier states whereas Kazan is about as deep-Russia as you can get. Hypothetically Putin could Build a Wall around the Russian Caucasian border and ignore them for all eternity like China did (mostly successfully) with the Mongolians (until Genghis came around. Don't want to repeat that history).

49 minutes ago, Mishi2 said:

2. All of the countries above will be spared not because of their geographical location, but because of their strong border security. For instance, when it comes to the open borders debate, Luxembourg is the biggest hypocrite of them all. Go and see how many muslims live in Luxembourg.... I'll wait. You can bet that as soon as the ship hits the fan, not even a fly will be able to get into Luxembourg.

I don't know much, but I do know Luxembourg was historically a super-fortress held by many different kingdoms and empires over its history until it was made into an independent city-state sometime after the founding of the German Empire.

I'm curious as to what's going on.

49 minutes ago, Mishi2 said:

3. I kindof lost you on this point. So are you saying that the action of divorce is good or bad? I am not arguing legality, nor practicality, but morality on the part of a K-selected man.

I'd say the threat of divorce is practically good, and but morally dark-gray. I consider it evil to enable bad behavior, therefore if a spouse is bad than divorce is a moral imperative.

Children make this complicated, as it is no longer a dispute between two people. I'd argue divorce should be delayed until the youngest child is married and effectively independent of their parents.

However I'd still argue it to be morally negative since a moral/life crime must have been committed for it to be a real possibility as compared to a "stick" for the r's.

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11 hours ago, smarterthanone said:

Work for free is the most important thing on the list IMO. I would be nowhere today if I didn't work for free multiple times.

Could you give us some details?

11 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

1. Interesting. I guess self-identification and culture will have to matter more since I don't think Eastern Europe is doing anything productive by excluding potential allies from whatever defensive or mutually beneficial circles would otherwise be created by an ethnically homogenous population.
Ethnicity is essentially defined as being larger than a family or group of families (think town), and smaller than race (think Germans, Slavs, etc.). However my definition isn't necessarily someone else's definition. I'd argue Prussian, Bavarian, and Austrian would be separate ethnicities due to a combination of genetic differences (slight but different enough to be distinct), cultural differences (also slight but different enough) and historical rivalry.

2. Then there's "what's a Romanian?". From what I understand; White people who used to live under Islamic rule. 

3. I'd say the threat of divorce is practically good, and but morally dark-gray. I consider it evil to enable bad behavior, therefore if a spouse is bad than divorce is a moral imperative.
Children make this complicated, as it is no longer a dispute between two people. I'd argue divorce should be delayed until the youngest child is married and effectively independent of their parents.
However I'd still argue it to be morally negative since a moral/life crime must have been committed for it to be a real possibility as compared to a "stick" for the r's.

1. This is a very interesting topic you touched on. It is not ethnicity that makes allies of nations, nor is it really history. It is IDEOLOGY. I wrote that in capital because in the field of geopolitics, the ideology factor is often ignored. Ideology is the biggest factor that makes and breaks allies; not ethnicity, not money, not interests, not even geography.
I could write a book on this, because it is so interesting, but I think this is a bit off topic for the thread.

2. No, not all Romanians were dominated by Muslims. A Romanian is someone who speaks Romanian as a native tongue. Transylvanians are genetically closer to the Slavs than Vlachs, and yet they are Romanians. Their ethnicity is determined by their language. Same goes for Hungarians, Finns, Germans, as they are genetically indistinguishable from their closest neighbours. A Swiss however is someone who lives by the Swiss constitution, and the same goes for an American. Makes sense, right?

3. I think I get your point. That said, I do not agree with that point. The threat of divorce creates distrust between spouses, not security. And unless you can show me that spouses work more on their marriages when divorce is on the table, I will not agree.
To be honest, the threat of divorce is exactly that - a threat, it is coersion. "If you behave that way, then I will leave you and good luck raising 5 kids on your own" or "If you behave that way, I will leave and break your heart". This is absolutely wrong and impractical for a society. When you say your vows, you swear to be by their side no matter what, even if they sink into a deep depression and drink themselves to paralysis. Such backbone is what the West was built on.

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All of these are good ideas.  My contribution is merely this:  

Discover principles!

Principles of metaphysics, art, economics, morals, science.  Not just facts but what we might call laws of  nature, which are fragments or splinters of the Æternal Law.  That is, there is only one Law, but we can discover facets of it by which we understand how the world works.  The more such principles we discover, the more clearly we will see the world, and in turn the more clearly we will see the problems facing us as Westerners.  E.g., Kepler's universal gravitation, Fermat's principle of least-time, the principle of sufficient reason, the principle of least action (maximum-minimum), the principles of simple machines, and others.

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4 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

Could you give us some details?

1. This is a very interesting topic you touched on. It is not ethnicity that makes allies of nations, nor is it really history. It is IDEOLOGY. I wrote that in capital because in the field of geopolitics, the ideology factor is often ignored. Ideology is the biggest factor that makes and breaks allies; not ethnicity, not money, not interests, not even geography.
I could write a book on this, because it is so interesting, but I think this is a bit off topic for the thread.

It is established that in general, morality trumps ethnicity. The Thirty Years' War having a prime example (as well as having counter example) of this, as Germans were fighting other Germans (an example), while the French were fighting other Catholics (a counter-example), and the Danes and Swedes, historical rivals, were united against Austrian-German supremacy over the Baltic sea region (another counter-example). 

Does morality always trump ethnicity? Sometimes, it appears, survival trumps all. If the French Catholics had joined the Holy Roman Empire's Catholic League, then the Thirty Years' War would have ended very differently, instead they chose to fight them for both national sovereignty and to curb the power of the Kaiser, as well as make allies with the Protestant rebels. 

4 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

2. No, not all Romanians were dominated by Muslims. A Romanian is someone who speaks Romanian as a native tongue. Transylvanians are genetically closer to the Slavs than Vlachs, and yet they are Romanians. Their ethnicity is determined by their language. Same goes for Hungarians, Finns, Germans, as they are genetically indistinguishable from their closest neighbours. A Swiss however is someone who lives by the Swiss constitution, and the same goes for an American. Makes sense, right?

Yes, and no. While self-identification plays a big role, I'd argue that it playing an entire role is only accurate for countries like Switzerland and Luxembourg, both very small and historically not really countries (defining it as a nation, or group of genetically similar states, like the former French Kingdoms, and the former German States), as they're both mixed to the point of becoming an independent ethnic group as well as historically pulled around in a tug-of-war long and often enough to not have any special loyalty, collectively at least, to their neighbors.

America is very different. Historically an American is a W.A.S.P.: A White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, and this became the big definition for citizens while countrymen were mostly German Protestants. I being a German Catholic am not really an American by historical standards, but closer than most other ethnic-groups because I am genetically a German and closer to the original WASPs that founded America than say, a Negro. 

"What is an American?" and to some degree the old German question "What is the American Fatherland?" are very real questions as both cultural and racial identities among native Americans has been slashed to the point where if we identify as Americans and give a definition for an American beyond "muh magic soil", then we're "wayciss".

I wouldn't call the Constitution to be the foundation of Americanism, because it is a "living document", i.e., it has no moral weight nor long-term consistency. Free Speech and Private Arms may both be abolished if the wrong person becomes the President, even though both are long-held principles of the American race. 

I'd argue an America is either A: A WASP with four great-grandparents who were born in America; B: A WASP with two grandparents born here, with all the associated English/American values of hard work, innovation, and anal retention (not always the best of our traits, but a defining one); C: A Saxon (or something close to it, like a Prussian or Dutchman) with two born grandparents and assimilated to the historical culture of WASPyness (no disrespect, since had proven itself the greatest culture ever); or D: Americans are Pan-Aryan: I.e., if it's White, it's an American-potential, all that's missing is WASP values.

I'd argue the last definition is de facto what an American is, however I don't think there are any "Americans" in spirit anymore since White culture has been made practically illegal and even though this country was partially founded on White Nationalism, we have to fight tooth and nail for our ethnic sovereignty and to purge the Fatherland of looters and invaders. 

To say "What is an American" is both a touchy and very personal question, is to underestimate the potency and power of it today. 100 years ago an American was a WASP, and the Irish, Germans, and Italians were all just "minorities". After intermixing, by the 50's, American became a hybrid of these three things. With laws and guilt trips aplenty since, American became merely a piece of paper. Now the Prophet Mohammed himself could be an American if he so desired! 

I'm curious as to what you think of our hunger for an identity (in fact I think the reason a lot of American youths like myself seek out White nationalism is in order to have an identity more than anything) and how similar (or not) that is to what happened with Yugoslavia?

4 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

3. I think I get your point. That said, I do not agree with that point. The threat of divorce creates distrust between spouses, not security. And unless you can show me that spouses work more on their marriages when divorce is on the table, I will not agree.
To be honest, the threat of divorce is exactly that - a threat, it is coersion. "If you behave that way, then I will leave you and good luck raising 5 kids on your own" or "If you behave that way, I will leave and break your heart". This is absolutely wrong and impractical for a society. When you say your vows, you swear to be by their side no matter what, even if they sink into a deep depression and drink themselves to paralysis. Such backbone is what the West was built on.

"If you steal my bread, I'll  hit you with a stick." Is that coercion? If so, then coercion can be good. If not, then the threat of divorce (unspoken in general, spoken when a marital promise was broken) isn't coercion. 

Marriage is founded on promises like a business contract; if one of those promises is "I promise to never be a deadbeat", then the wife has every reason to threaten divorce if the husband is a deadbeat. Likewise if "I promise to never be a bitch" is a part of the contract, then vice versa. However what ought to be on a marriage contract is "I promise to make it work, at least until our youngest is married, because it is forever, if I have children since it's no longer just a deal between two people, but a deal involving helpless dependents", because like I wrote, it is supposed to be "forever", so long as the promises are kept.




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16 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

1. America is very different. Historically an American is a W.A.S.P.: A White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, and this became the big definition for citizens while countrymen were mostly German Protestants.
I wouldn't call the Constitution to be the foundation of Americanism, because it is a "living document", i.e., it has no moral weight nor long-term consistency. Free Speech and Private Arms may both be abolished if the wrong person becomes the President, even though both are long-held principles of the American race.
To say "What is an American" is both a touchy and very personal question, is to underestimate the potency and power of it today. 100 years ago an American was a WASP, and the Irish, Germans, and Italians were all just "minorities". After intermixing, by the 50's, American became a hybrid of these three things. With laws and guilt trips aplenty since, American became merely a piece of paper. Now the Prophet Mohammed himself could be an American if he so desired! 

2. I'm curious as to what you think of our hunger for an identity (in fact I think the reason a lot of American youths like myself seek out White nationalism is in order to have an identity more than anything) and how similar (or not) that is to what happened with Yugoslavia?

3. "If you steal my bread, I'll  hit you with a stick." Is that coercion? If so, then coercion can be good. If not, then the threat of divorce (unspoken in general, spoken when a marital promise was broken) isn't coercion.
Marriage is founded on promises like a business contract; if one of those promises is "I promise to never be a deadbeat", then the wife has every reason to threaten divorce if the husband is a deadbeat. Likewise if "I promise to never be a bitch" is a part of the contract, then vice versa. However what ought to be on a marriage contract is "I promise to make it work, at least until our youngest is married, because it is forever, if I have children since it's no longer just a deal between two people, but a deal involving helpless dependents", because like I wrote, it is supposed to be "forever", so long as the promises are kept.

1. America is no doubt an interesting subject. America was founded before the rise of nationalism, and in fact was never touched by nationalism. In those days, a country was founded on either a crown or a constitution or both, since the colour of one's skin was not that much of an issue as it has become now. People back then simply didn't imagone such a massive movement of peoples that woud bring about the question of race. Nowadays, of course, it has become somewhat corrupted. Half of all americans are borderline traitors to their own country. 
About the US constitution, it has a very strong foundation, and I would dare say it has the strongest foundation possible: the inalienable rights of man bestowed upon him by the one almighty God. 

2. In my opinion, it is perfectly natural to seek identity. Everyone does it at some point in their lives. What is going on in America right now, is that people are reaching out in the dark looking for others like them to feel supported. This is happening because you have not been faced with an existencial threat for nearly 30 years, and you have gotten lazy, sloppy, and divided. That's what happens to a species with no natural predator. But now you are banding together again in the face of cultural annihilation, and that is very good.

3. Coercion is never good. We got one gift from God that distinguishes us from animals, which is free will. It must be respected. 
Marriage is not a contract, not a social contract, not a business contract, not a deal, not a treaty, not even a gentlemen's agreement. It is marriage. You cannot break a marriage agreement, because there is no agreement. It is a vow. When you make that vow, there is the implied statement that you are going to remain by each other's side even if one of you happens to be a complete liar. 

More personally on the same topic of marriage and divorce... I understand that maybe you haven't gotten a good hand in life, and you don't have too many martyrs of marriage to look up to. But I know a good number of men and women in my life who took their word very seriously, and have suffered for their honour and their vows. And I refuse to accept your definition of marriage, because it minimises the heroism of these people, or even outright deems them idiotic.
By the catholic definition, which is the only definition that counts, marriage is not a contract, it is a sacrament.

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10 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

Could you give us some details?

I had three people I learned the most from in my life. All three required I work for free.

1. I met through an acquaintance a woman who owned a small but successful b2b financial company. I was not qualified to work a job there, I had no degree or any experience, I think I was like 19 or 20 at the time. I said, let me work for free and if I prove myself I get the job. She said ok. I trained for 2 months with no pay, and I worked for about another 2 months with no pay. Then I finally closed a deal and she gave me salary + commission. First year I broke $100,000. I learned a lot about the finance world and sales. Unfortunately the real estate downturn 

2. I met a guy who was starting a tech company. Yeah he was all talk. He had no employees, office, or anything at all... except he had 3 investors and already raised $1,000,000! He must know something. So I said lets give this a try, I asked if I could join into the company. He said sure but he wasn't ready to hire people and start paying yet. Well I saw the value in being involved since day 1 so I offered to work for free. So there I was working for free. Next thing you now I am the #2 guy there and managing multiple departments and over 40 people. I got to go to investor meetings and do pretty much everything there was to do there. I learned a ton and was offered a piece of ownership of the company but decided to go in another direction.

3. My father, since I was about 10, he made me work for the family business. If he hired someone to clean leaves up outside he gave them a leaf blower and gave me a broom, just to save a buck. I didn't catch any breaks. I worked for him off and on over the years... for free or later on at very low wage.

Now I built my own company in the same niche as the family business and am quite successful. I used things I learned from the prior two experiences to be even better at my business and taught my pops some new tricks that really helped him.

Each of these experiences I learned more than a full college degree worth of valuable to the point actionable knowledge and got the experience to back it up.

My whole life, whichever opportunity I was in, people were always like, how did you get that job, or start that business or whatever... well certainly not by applying to some job on a job website or anything like that. I highly suggest thinking about what you want first, then figure out how to get it, and when the opportunity is there, if its any good, it should be a stretch for you to reach, so yeah, you may have to offer up your work for free.

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10 hours ago, smarterthanone said:

I had three people I learned the most from in my life. All three required I work for free.

My whole life, whichever opportunity I was in, people were always like, how did you get that job, or start that business or whatever... well certainly not by applying to some job on a job website or anything like that. I highly suggest thinking about what you want first, then figure out how to get it, and when the opportunity is there, if its any good, it should be a stretch for you to reach, so yeah, you may have to offer up your work for free.

Thank you very much for your encouraging testimonies! 

My generation has been sold a myth that as soon as they graduate higher education, they will be given a 6-hour job and a six-figure paycheck. This is clearly not the case, as every honest entrepeneur knows full well. An entrepeneur works 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, and earns negative profit for the first 2 years at least.

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6 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

Thank you very much for your encouraging testimonies! 

My generation has been sold a myth that as soon as they graduate higher education, they will be given a 6-hour job and a six-figure paycheck. This is clearly not the case, as every honest entrepeneur knows full well. An entrepeneur works 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, and earns negative profit for the first 2 years at least.

Yeah I was doing 80 hour weeks at certain points. No overtime pay, at minimal hourly rate. Just has to be done.

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I don't think you can list bullet points as a guide on 'what to do to save western civilization'

For example not consuming alcohol or finishing school (Which I disagree with) may help you personally lead a better life, but in the context of saving an entire civilization and destroying the welfare state; it won't do much. In fact in the case of finishing school you'd be hurting your own cause. 

You seem to be simplifying a very complex thing (human life which is complicated already) multiply it by the thousands of cultures, hundreds of millions of people, that consist of the West, into a bullet point list. 

I have a suggestion. 

If you want to save the west, make yourself the best western man you can be. That way, instead of telling people what you think they should be doing... They'll ask you what you did to be the human titan that you are. 

Women will tell you how lucky your wife must be to be with you. Men will ask you what you did to be so successful. Kids will want to be just like you when they grow up. 

Your words will have gravitas, and if your way of life is successful, it will replicate itself and spread.  


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8 hours ago, bohemund said:

I don't think you can list bullet points as a guide on 'what to do to save western civilization'

For example not consuming alcohol or finishing school (Which I disagree with) may help you personally lead a better life, but in the context of saving an entire civilization and destroying the welfare state; it won't do much. In fact in the case of finishing school you'd be hurting your own cause. 

You seem to be simplifying a very complex thing (human life which is complicated already) multiply it by the thousands of cultures, hundreds of millions of people, that consist of the West, into a bullet point list. 

I have a suggestion. 

If you want to save the west, make yourself the best western man you can be. That way, instead of telling people what you think they should be doing... They'll ask you what you did to be the human titan that you are. 

Women will tell you how lucky your wife must be to be with you. Men will ask you what you did to be so successful. Kids will want to be just like you when they grow up. 

Your words will have gravitas, and if your way of life is successful, it will replicate itself and spread.  


Very good point. I'm endeavoring to follow my own advice and make myself the best man possible, not just for the West but for myself, my future wife, and my future descendants. 

I know it's not an original point, but the "become the example that inspires the rest" argument is a very strong one, since we tend to emulate those who are successful (like Stef for example) rather than those who talk about it (like maybe the version of Stef that didn't make a philosophy show but talked about making one, only to stumble upon FDR and be like "why didn't I do it sooner?").

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11 hours ago, bohemund said:

I don't think you can list bullet points as a guide on 'what to do to save western civilization'
For example not consuming alcohol or finishing school (Which I disagree with) may help you personally lead a better life, but in the context of saving an entire civilization and destroying the welfare state; it won't do much. In fact in the case of finishing school you'd be hurting your own cause.
You seem to be simplifying a very complex thing (human life which is complicated already) multiply it by the thousands of cultures, hundreds of millions of people, that consist of the West, into a bullet point list. 

I have a suggestion.
If you want to save the west, make yourself the best western man you can be. That way, instead of telling people what you think they should be doing... They'll ask you what you did to be the human titan that you are.
Women will tell you how lucky your wife must be to be with you. Men will ask you what you did to be so successful. Kids will want to be just like you when they grow up.
Your words will have gravitas, and if your way of life is successful, it will replicate itself and spread.  

I can see the points you make, and I appreciate the input.

Of course, I am simplifying, which I love doing. I believe that someone who fulfilled all of these bulletpoints cannot go wrong. And it all starts with the individual. We very often use the word "society", but like all group-nouns, it does little to solve anything. You cannot "change society" so to speak, the way that goes is by changing individuals one by one, or rather, prompting them to change themselves.

I think we completely agree on the second part of your post. Perhaps, if you disagree with what I deem "best western man", you can give us some of your criteria. In my opinion, and in the opinion of any absolutist, WE MUST PROACTIVELY TELL other people how to live before they make the mistakes we made. Values and traditions are passed on verbally. And once again, these are not my original thoughts, these are the thoughts of the wiser people in my life.

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