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The Red Pill movie on Amazon Prime and others

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I saw it this weekend.  One idea I had about documentaries while watching the film:  I wish docs would post in the credits the total screen time of each interviewee in the film, as well as the total minutes/hours of footage/length of interview(s) that were recorded and selected from for the film.  Like, if a filmmaker sits down and interviews an advocate for 90 minutes and selects 90 seconds of footage to make the cut into the film, that seems like relevant information.  Not specific to The Red Pill, but just in general...


Anyways, I really think the most important part of the film was Cassie's video journal.  Like, when she was talking about how she kept feeling more and more in line with the MRAs but then she would question if they were tricking her or something because how could such a small minority be right and the general society be wrong?  It reminded me a lot of progressing down the path to libertarianism, minarchism, anarcho-capitalism.....I continually decided to throw out all external sources and start over from (what I later learned was called) first principles and figure it out fully within my own mind to ensure I wasn't being fooled somehow against the wisdom of the majority.  After a couple years, I finally had to accept that the majority was not so wise afterall and the principles held

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