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Why one woman instead of many?

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Mainly for 3 reasons, at least that come to mind.

1: It is in our nature to only really care about children born of us. If a woman were to raise children that were not her own alongside children that were her own, then she would naturally treat that child with less care than her own biological offspring, and that would negatively impact the child who would most likely become jealous of the biological children. Then there is the possibility of the woman abusing children not born of her, or otherwise treating them badly, especially relative to her own biological children.

2:The Children themselves would have a hard time respecting the authority of their non-biological mothers, and chances are with competing women there will most likely be friction among the children and lack of respect for maternal authority. 

3: A man can love more than one woman, but not without dividing his attention and loyalties. Should one wife make an ultimatum about another wife, the man must choose between them or else lose them both.

Over all, it's a time bomb waiting to explode. Culturally, if you want to see the success and lack thereof for polygamy, see the Islamic, Hindu, and Himalayan (where women marrying multiple men was common until they went effectively extinct) nations. 

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With respect to your thoughts on youth and SMV, we are in agreement but, I disagree with the multiple women LTRs and dating. Unless you are Justin Beiber, you do not have the resources for that, and in the west, women can just get pregnant and take your resources. Marriage and even common law living is dangerous now a days.

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More partners = higher risk of STDs
More partners generally means more time spent on the partners which could have been spent with children
Bad social stigma for children 

And for the practical, I believe its illegal 

I am unaware of any long term studies on polygamous families. I would be curious to see the results.

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Most men in non-western societies have multiple women in their lives. It is impossible to find accurate numbers on this, but those of you living in the west may find that about 50% of men have extramarital relations. As for Eastern Asia, I would say the number is as high as 80%-90%. In countries like China, open marriages are unofficially the norm. To go further, in Africa or the Middle-East, it is an absolute mess. People there have sexual relations with their close family members as well as with others. This gives us that only about a fifth of the world population lives in a society where one woman is generally considered enough. ...But then you also have the mormons...


So is your question then "Why do Western societies generally think one man and one woman is the ideal?"?

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On 6/26/2017 at 7:40 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

1: It is in our nature to only really care about children born of us. If a woman were to raise children that were not her own alongside children that were her own, then she would naturally treat that child with less care than her own biological offspring, and that would negatively impact the child who would most likely become jealous of the biological children. Then there is the possibility of the woman abusing children not born of her, or otherwise treating them badly, especially relative to her own biological children.

I don't think so. It would be like an adoptive relationship. One big family. And sure maybe a little but its not like they don't have their own biological mom as well. Kids get baby sitters and such so its not like they don't spend time with someone who doesn't treat they as their own anyways.


On 6/26/2017 at 7:40 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

2:The Children themselves would have a hard time respecting the authority of their non-biological mothers, and chances are with competing women there will most likely be friction among the children and lack of respect for maternal authority. 

Do they listen to baby sitters, aunts, etc. yes they do. They also would have their own biological mother don't forget.


On 6/26/2017 at 7:40 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

3: A man can love more than one woman, but not without dividing his attention and loyalties. Should one wife make an ultimatum about another wife, the man must choose between them or else lose them both.

It takes a special kind of man to do this. If you don't know the how... don't worry about it. ;)


On 6/26/2017 at 7:40 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Over all, it's a time bomb waiting to explode. Culturally, if you want to see the success and lack thereof for polygamy, see the Islamic, Hindu, and Himalayan (where women marrying multiple men was common until they went effectively extinct) nations. 

I don't think it makes sense for one woman to have multiple men because it doesn't help reproduction.

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20 hours ago, Boss said:

More partners = higher risk of STDs
More partners generally means more time spent on the partners which could have been spent with children
Bad social stigma for children 

And for the practical, I believe its illegal 

I am unaware of any long term studies on polygamous families. I would be curious to see the results.

+ 1


Now a days, there is this huge promo for single moms, 'sloot gonna sloot,' diva antics, and of course, victimhood when SMV craters. A buddy and I were discussing our pasts, women getting pregnant or just messing up their life and the child's. I don't know a solution but, I think dating younger has been a strategy men have implored for as long as I recall. Women closer to my age have been on a sexual rampage, many have children, and have cratered their SMV. I am not rich. I am a regular guy who did not win the genetic lottery. If I had won the lottery both financially and genetically, I would likely have entirely different experiences. What I am trying to do is maximize the strengths and qualities I do have. I want to add value but, I am really turned off by the dating world and the egoic gynocentric filth that awaits most guys. A lot of men are getting cucked and its just normalized. Many men are raising some man's baby. They are allocating resources to win a woman's favor short term. I know a man who is engaged. His gf has an active tinder account. Its pretty messed up but, there are so many cucks now a days.

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Harems and Reverse-harems is an idea that goes back a long time. It's usually considered Eastern where women have a status similar to a prostitute. In the past women occupied a higher status in the West. Now the status, wealth, and self-respect of women is low so it is very possible to have numerous wives, concubines, or girlfriends. This is a reflection of the will of the dominant rulers.

It's less common for women to have multiple men because men prefer to monopolize a woman and they're willing to fight over it.

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I mean going off many of the principles Stef is for... they do support building a harem. Not all of course and I am pretty sure Stef has never advocated for it, but with a few tweaks to the logic it does make sense.

Having lots of kids

Wide genetic variety

Obviously male is head of the household and such his principles and teachings of life would be upheld

Only a strong, intelligent, wealthy male could pull this off to a high level. So these children would not be exposed to beta cucks.

Financially beneficial. (# of women would provide lots of supervision and make it easy for home schooling without any external help)

ALSO: There will be less female logic issues because instead of a man telling them 'NO', the man can also have the support of the other women saying 'NO'. ie say one man, three women, two kids each. If one woman wants to leave, the other two will be very hostile to the idea because the child support will take away from them and their kids. So instead of one man fighting it, its one man and two women. Now say she leaves and does get child support, I believe she will get significantly less since he has so many other children he supports. This is a win both in prevention of child support AND in asset protection of child support. (Not sure exactly how it works in general about the amount, but just guessing)

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10 hours ago, Tony Crowe said:

It's usually considered Eastern where women have a status similar to a prostitute. In the past women occupied a higher status in the West. Now the status, wealth, and self-respect of women is low so it is very possible to have numerous wives, concubines, or girlfriends.

Women have lowered their SMV so low as a whole they aren't valuable any more. Even a high SMV is so risky they will crater themselves randomly you can't bank on even if you find a quality woman, all she needs is some feminist to be friends with her and she might flip practically over night. So even with a high SMV, there is a chance it will become 0 on any given day.

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On ‎7‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 1:39 AM, Tony Crowe said:

Harems and Reverse-harems is an idea that goes back a long time. It's usually considered Eastern where women have a status similar to a prostitute. In the past women occupied a higher status in the West. Now the status, wealth, and self-respect of women is low so it is very possible to have numerous wives, concubines, or girlfriends. This is a reflection of the will of the dominant rulers.

It's less common for women to have multiple men because men prefer to monopolize a woman and they're willing to fight over it.

A lot of women who are ridiculously attractive actually believe that Drake is their boyfriend. Obviously, he screws other women. 25 sitting on 25mill. Female hypergamy.

Its funny how society demonizes man. Man is a dog but, who has the most sex? Who is sleeping around? Who craters their SMV and then, uses shaming language and manipulation to rope in beta male provider? The single ladies atlantic article is a glimpse into female logic, hypergamy, and the dark reality that permeates the dating pool for most men today.

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On ‎7‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 11:44 AM, smarterthanone said:

Women have lowered their SMV so low as a whole they aren't valuable any more. Even a high SMV is so risky they will crater themselves randomly you can't bank on even if you find a quality woman, all she needs is some feminist to be friends with her and she might flip practically over night. So even with a high SMV, there is a chance it will become 0 on any given day.

Women I overheard talking about "women age like milk." A woman was then upset about her aging, having cratered her SMV, spent her youth like the woman in the 'single ladies' Atlantic article. 20s were for "finding myself." As in, "sloot gonna sloot." Of course, its victimhood time, demonize man, and the blame game because self ownership and responsibility has no place in female logic arguments.

Women can age terribly but, a lot of it has to do with partying, sleeping around, treating her body like a dump truck, and accumulating high kill count as well as bastard children out of wedlock. If not for pickup, I would have easily been cucked, bought into social conditioning, been a beta male provider, married a woman after she cratered her SMV, and not take the time to actually become a man in my prime which takes a long time. Its about living at your edge, blowing past your fears, challenging oneself to overcome things like rejection, taking a stance in this life, dedicating life to self knowledge, reason, and evidence while pursuing your dream with or without a woman.

I think a harem is a male fantasy. Juggling multiple girls be it through online game or through cold approach pickup is not a cake walk. Some girls get flaky. Some numbers get played out. Some girls go cold and others that disappeared come around. Women are running on the same life track as us men but, at a much faster speed and therefore, are requesting serious LTR much faster due to fertility and biology. IMO if not for this decline in fertility, in biological clock, and cratering SMV, I think women would be content with sleeping around for the rest of their days. With daddy government, with the parade of money, and the welfare state, there is little fallout for her. There is a safety net so, female recklessness is without direct consequences until of course, its too little too late.


Truth on sex portrays the dangers of promiscuity, female kill count, and risks of a woman being hyper sexualized at a young age as well as the gurantee of divorce thereafter. Not hard to imagine. Furthermore, this same reason and evidence puts a stake through the heart of every vampire trying to blood suck the resources out of men after SMV has cratered. There is a key to youth and I cannot stress this enough. I know Stefan emphasizes the risk for divorce once the gap is so large. I think he even went as far as defining it as "creepy" with respect to huge age gaps. Still, this is not an argument. A woman age 18 meets a man 28. When she is 25, he is 35. As his resources and earning power increases, a woman nears her SMV top form. And if not dedicating these vital and important years to a man, why would he marry her? With pickup, girls come and others drop off so, if you sit back and play the LTR game, it pedals towards women in the short term who have all the options but, more opportunity presents itself later on. So, once the game and her SMV begins to shift and go south, its suddenly a different expectation comes along. I always recall women not wanting a LTR in her late teens and early 20s. These same women are very sexualized later on when not willing to give the time a day but, their competition is younger and better attractive so, it becomes irrelevant then.

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It was at one point illegal to be in a consenting relationship with two women. More recently the Supreme Court said it isn't the government's business, but they did not grant them equal protection when they bequeathed it to gays vis a vie licensure. 

One detail to keep in mind, a minority of very active women do most of the sleeping around. Majority of women (in the US) are not promiscuous. 

I see less genetic variety by this strategy. If my friend and I marry Sally and Jane (two unrelated women) we 4 create two sets of unique genetic children. If I marry both women, the two sets share genetic info. 

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5 hours ago, Jsbrads said:

I see less genetic variety by this strategy. If my friend and I marry Sally and Jane (two unrelated women) we 4 create two sets of unique genetic children. If I marry both women, the two sets share genetic info. 

For society. Be selfish for a minute... there is more variety for YOUR dna.

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On 7/6/2017 at 8:12 AM, smarterthanone said:

For society. Be selfish for a minute... there is more variety for YOUR dna.

This is the case but, daddy government allocates your resources for when women trap a men and get pregnant on purpose. This is where there are holes in this little plot. Furthermore, read 'The mating Mind' by Geoffry Miller. Very few males have access to a variety of women IN THEIR LIFE TIME. Never mind options on a consistent basis.


Lets say, someone here (me) does pickup. Lets say, I approach 100 women in a week. Lets say I get 10 numbers being on the bottom end of the genetic lottery. 10% ratio. Lets say 7 flake. 3 date. I have sex with 1 girl. We either date for a bit or she tries to cuck me and then, I go approach more girls. The process begins again. I have not fucking clue about success rate, the analysis for pickup or ratios for my own experience. I just know, a significant portion of my life and the life of most men, we are 'chasing phantoms.' Carrot on a string in the form of a pink wet hole. Even if you acquire, she is not going to stay thin, attractive, and hot forever. So, you get this mini time period where she is great and then, a life time where she is sloppy, track pants, pair shaped, and pissy. It just seems like a losers game as is the case with marriage given the outrageous amount of women that file for divorce and jump back on the pole be it tinder or pof.


Pending where you are with game, with the genetic lottery, SMV, resources, etc. it makes a huge difference in access to women. A outrageous amount of women sleep with the top percentile of men. This is a reality and men will get cucked or marry some whore after Smv plummets or craters all together.


The answer is that, most men would do that, and not think twice about it. A vagina is a vehicle to push your genes on throughout the ages. Women are chasing careers, cratering them SMV, and abeing a booty call during their thinnest years.



A male friend of mine preached about their biological clock. He and another friend are married. Acknowledge, these said males had their woman when thin, young, and attractive dedicated tot heir LTR in their teens or early 20s. Of course, this creates a level of compassion. As a single male as been the case most of my life in between flings (due to pickup), I hear something different when this topic comes up. These guys won the genetic lottery and acquired a young hot girl. All is well now. Who knows about the future?


I believe their route of a girl young and dedicated is key otherwise, I am better off on this path I am on now. Even if i were pushing forties, I would still want a girl in her 20s. Mid to late 20s but, I would rather pursue this and fail then sign up for cuck central.

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17 hours ago, meetjoeblack said:

This is the case but, daddy government allocates your resources for when women trap a men and get pregnant on purpose. This is where there are holes in this little plot. Furthermore, read 'The mating Mind' by Geoffry Miller. Very few males have access to a variety of women IN THEIR LIFE TIME. Never mind options on a consistent basis.


Lets say, someone here (me) does pickup. Lets say, I approach 100 women in a week. Lets say I get 10 numbers being on the bottom end of the genetic lottery. 10% ratio. Lets say 7 flake. 3 date. I have sex with 1 girl. We either date for a bit or she tries to cuck me and then, I go approach more girls. The process begins again. I have not fucking clue about success rate, the analysis for pickup or ratios for my own experience. I just know, a significant portion of my life and the life of most men, we are 'chasing phantoms.' Carrot on a string in the form of a pink wet hole. Even if you acquire, she is not going to stay thin, attractive, and hot forever. So, you get this mini time period where she is great and then, a life time where she is sloppy, track pants, pair shaped, and pissy. It just seems like a losers game as is the case with marriage given the outrageous amount of women that file for divorce and jump back on the pole be it tinder or pof.


Pending where you are with game, with the genetic lottery, SMV, resources, etc. it makes a huge difference in access to women. A outrageous amount of women sleep with the top percentile of men. This is a reality and men will get cucked or marry some whore after Smv plummets or craters all together.


The answer is that, most men would do that, and not think twice about it. A vagina is a vehicle to push your genes on throughout the ages. Women are chasing careers, cratering them SMV, and abeing a booty call during their thinnest years.



A male friend of mine preached about their biological clock. He and another friend are married. Acknowledge, these said males had their woman when thin, young, and attractive dedicated tot heir LTR in their teens or early 20s. Of course, this creates a level of compassion. As a single male as been the case most of my life in between flings (due to pickup), I hear something different when this topic comes up. These guys won the genetic lottery and acquired a young hot girl. All is well now. Who knows about the future?


I believe their route of a girl young and dedicated is key otherwise, I am better off on this path I am on now. Even if i were pushing forties, I would still want a girl in her 20s. Mid to late 20s but, I would rather pursue this and fail then sign up for cuck central.

I must have hit the "lottery". I feel like I haven't but I guess I have. This doesn't sound like my experience at all. I am actually better than average either slightly to moderately in every major category you would rank a man on paper. So while I am not the hottest or the smartest or the richest... I am probably the hottest guy who is also smart and rich.... or the richest guy who is also hot and smart, or the smartest guy who is also hot and rich... you know out of any random set of 100 guys.

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6 hours ago, smarterthanone said:

I must have hit the "lottery". I feel like I haven't but I guess I have. This doesn't sound like my experience at all. I am actually better than average either slightly to moderately in every major category you would rank a man on paper. So while I am not the hottest or the smartest or the richest... I am probably the hottest guy who is also smart and rich.... or the richest guy who is also hot and smart, or the smartest guy who is also hot and rich... you know out of any random set of 100 guys.

Same. Then again, given your predicaments, your experiences, I would place you ahead of me in this game. I would say slightly above average however, we differ on the topic of promiscuity and kill count. Here, I align with Stefan's perspective here as provided in the Truth about Sex. High kill count equates to divorce at a alarming rate but, I digress.

I am a slightly above average, hard working, aspiring entrepreneur, middle income, several side projects in work, home owner, no wife or gf, no children, no student loan or line of credits. I live within my means. I budge and I save. With respect to my counter balance, the slightly above average woman is running through playboys several deviations above her SMV. She is swinging through dongs like Tarzan on a vine. Of course, its only when SMV craters or plummets, when dating options begin to wear thin, suddenly, its baby rabies, and white picket fence time. Sounds cynical but, my eyes are open. Sadly my beta male provider genes would have been run into the ground, cucked, and ruined.


I am hoping to figure out a solution or algorithm or I will just call Stefan/FDR. I want to better organize my thoughts and proceed with the call having worked out my contradictions. I disagree with him on the "creepy" point he makes about dating younger. I know a man pushing 40 dating a woman late 20s. Not sure if he would call this creepy? I know he dislikes pickup. I approach loads of girls. Success rate is terrible as would be my "bating average" however, this is the way the mainstream media would glare at me. The alternative is to put up the good fight, settle for what life hands me, and STFU. I wont do that.


With the way IG and social media is, women are running wild, and males, particularly betas are expected to clean up the mess in society. I simply wont do it. I wont LTR or wife up a woman who spent her best years skiing down cock mountain and doing three ways. The indoctrination of this madness of men and even the promotion for single moms is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Free thinking goes a long way.


I want to create freedom for myself. I want to have several owned properties and streams of income coming in outside my regular day job. Between now and 35, I would like to acquire my wife, the mother of my children, and I want to get married. The thing is, she must be dedicated to our relationship in her youth, when young, thin, and attractive or I wont ever trust her. Not now or ever. Furthermore, it needs to happen before my resources increases, as I acquire more assets, and pursue several different ventures.


I've met some new young girls. They're on the early side of 20. Letting the dust settle. Wish me luck friend :D

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