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How will the unholy alliance between the Left and Islam end


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Did Jeremy Corbyn attend the Armed Forces Day at the weekend? 

No, he was at the Glastonbury festival spouting his Utopian drivel to thousands of middle class elites with their Hunter wellington boots who have paid £260 quid for their ticket and god knows how much else to get there and to eat and drink there for three days. All safe and secure from the outside masses (ie the people that used to go there, like myself, but could now not possibly afford it) ...and protected by an impenetrable wall that Donald Trump would die for.


Meanwhile there has been the Al Quds Day March through London by terrorist organisations and a leftist 'Day of Rage' both condoned and encouraged by Corbyn, McDonnell, Kahn and no doubt all the rest of the Marxist vanguard...all happening whilst the blood of the victims of terrorism including innocent children a has hardly even dried on the pavements.


He and the labour party of which he leads are a party of islamist entryism and supporters of other terrorist factions like Hamas, Hezbollah and historically the IRA. His number two, McDonnell, was seen on a recently unearthed video from a few years back, shrieking with glee that the recession was the moment he'd been waiting for to use as an opportunity to push his Marxist agenda. 


And this is what Corbyn and McDonnell are all about. They are the torch bearers and vanguard of Economic Marxism, which by osmosis and patient stealth via the vehicle of Cultural Marxism is actually looking like an imminent reality. 

 A myriad of ethnic minorities and victim groups ( actually hapless, useful idiots) are now currently pitted AGAINST the British working class and who are the pied pipers leading these victim groups? ANTIFA, everone of whom is a devout and loyal Corbynista.



Sadiq Kahn refuses to support the deignation of 'Terror Group' to the Jew destuctionist, Hezbollah organisation


The left calls for 'Unity' after the recent Islamist terrorist attrocities whilst calling for a 'Day of Rage' after the results of a democratically held general election.


Shadow chancellor John McDonnell has claimed the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire were murdered by political decisions.



A recent Panelbase/ Sunday Times survey  showed that Labour has climbed to an 18-year high in the polls, with the party overtaking the Conservatives and winning the support of 46 per cent of voters. (Corbyn's party political broadcast at the Glastonbury festival getting a free, multi- channel, three day airing to millions of people won't do him any harm either)


So here is what we are possibly facing:


Another general election which sweeps Corbyn and co. Into power. He would have no immigration limits, renege on leaving the single market, renege on keeping trident etc. But...most frighteningly, and here's the real danger, he will do absolutely nothing about the Islamist terror threat and will continue to vilify those that speak out against it and he will use the (false) equivalence of occasional right wing revenge attacks to justify a clamp down on free speech especially through  the internet. 

The continual narrative of 'carrying on as normal' and ' we will not be divided' etc. will not actually be good enough for some people who don't want to accept that this is just 'part and parcel of living in a city' 

Without being able to express anger at what is happening to society because of  political correctness and nothing, absolutely nothing being done at all by the authorities to tackle the problem then it will ultimately result in certain people forming their own militia and taking the law into their own hands.


The confusion for me though is this..

The situation I describe is that which the Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School would say is now ripe for a Marxist  takeover - but how does Islam fit into this?

The unholy alliance that the left and Islam have formed will not be an alliance that Islam would continue if they were to gain critical mass and thus more power. The left along with moderate muslims would soon realize that they have been used as 'useful idiots' by both the radical Islamists AND the Marxist vanguard as these two ideologies have the final conflict.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great question. The left has allied itself for sure with Islam at the moment just like the Soviet Union allied itself with the Nazis before the Nazis ditched the alliance in 1941 and full on attacked the Soviet Union. In my opinion Islam is the Nazi Ideology of today (except Islam is far worse due to it being totally anti civillization, anti progress, anti technology) and it's only a matter of time before they attack the Socialist cowards and idiots that are the left, led by Jeremy Corbyn and his idiotic followers who have no concept of history or really anything at all. My bet is that it could easily go something like this:

2017-2019: Brexit fails and we are stuck in the EU. Jeremy Corbyn wins the next election and we see the UK's first ever Marxist government.  He then decides to totally abandon security and the number of terror attacks goes up drastically. In addition to that the waves of mass immigration just keep on coming into the country. Censorship of the internet is increased and sites like Rebel Media, TNTV, Info Wars, Stefan Molyneux are banned from the UK.  The pressure just keeps on building up and the economy gets bad very quickly with unemployment going through the roof. Nothing is done about stopping benefits for muslims, closing down mosques, jailing radical preachers. The British white working class just get more and more pissed off and see themselves becoming a minority in their own lands until suddenly we have one terrorist attack too much.  This happens sometime between 2020 and 2035. Right wing militias are set up throughout the UK and as a result mosques and young muslim faith schools are bombed and it's the start of a civil war. It gets very bloody and escalates very quickly. We have a repeat of Bosnia but this time much worse. A civil war with butchers knives, baseball bats and crowbars. However seeing themselves with their backs against the wall, all the moderate muslims are radicalised by the radicals and become jihadis themselves. They also start attacking all the left wing liberals as well and anyone who's not a muslim. As a result every Brit and non muslim in the country sees themselves threatened and turns on the muslims. And the British Right Wing militias have machine guns and grenades and it becomes just one big slaughterhouse of muslims.  We have a complete genocide of muslims as the muslims experience the full wrath of the British and Whites who have such a rich historical experience and track record of waging war and slaughter on other human beings that the muslims get a complete thrashing.  The number of dead muslims is in the millions. If any survive the Civil War those remaining muslims are all either deported or sent to live in a ghetto in an isolated part of the UK, a bit like the Warsaw ghetto. This settlement is basically a prison with huge walls surrounding it and men guarding the walls with machine guns and snipers making sure that no one ever leaves...

This could happen. I personally don't want it to but if politicians keep on burying their heads in the sand and doing nothing about the problem of Islam things could get very bad in the coming decades and we all know what happens when whites get really pissed off.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/11/2017 at 5:37 PM, Crusader1986 said:

It gets very bloody and escalates very quickly. We have a repeat of Bosnia but this time much worse. A civil war with butchers knives, baseball bats and crowbars.

Oi, you cheeky cunt. You can have your civil war, but with butter knives only. 

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The situation I describe is that which the Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School would say is now ripe for a Marxist  takeover - but how does Islam fit into this?

The Kalergi plan for Europe (see Practical Idealism for details) calls for a mongrelisation between Muslims, Europeans, Eurasians, and Africans. That new sort of people will then be ruled by the Jewish Elite. The problem with that idea is that it doesn't work. Muslims and Africans don't change their opinions and start chimping oiut against Jews and White People the same.

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15 hours ago, Crusader1986 said:

Also when you say right wing death squads, do you mean these will be state run or paramilitary militias set up outside government?

Government is the claim to the legitimate use of force in a region. So it'll either be the current government or whoever the next government is going to be. Whatever happens, I'm sure glad I'm not in Europe right now. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Most likely, it will end with the death of current modern leftism, and quite a lot of blood split. If you look at the Islamic religion, you'll notice several things about it

1 - It is a blueprint for a society, a society envisioned by an individual who created it (Muhammed). It is a terrible society, not only wrought with economic, moral and civil rights issues and inequality but also with extreme limitations on what progress could ever possibly be made, but it IS a society that won't fold in on itself. That sets it apart from Communist economic systems, which are made solely to take root in Capitalist society and strangle the capitalism out of them. Once that has been achieved, there is no progression, there is no societal shift. It just sits there and self implodes, because the purpose of Communism has been achieved. Communism is NOT a blue print for a society.

2 - The Islamic society preaches "peace", through conquest. The mindset of the Islamic militant is "there will be peace, when all my enemies are dead or have come over to worship Allah". That is peace only by the definition of Islam, and their tenants all reflect this. Their conquest tactics are literally built into the religion. First they migrate, then they secure land inside enemy territory, then they "influence" the will of Allah on the country. They convert as many people as are willing, then they kill all the rest and anyone who converted but isn't Islam enough. Their faith is their weapon, because their holy book describes to them that what they are doing is actually bringing peace to the unfaithful. Like it literally says that death is preferable to a life without Allah.

3 - Islam's religious text generally says that everyone who is a follower of Allah has the protections of Allah, and anyone who harms or wrongs them will bring upon themselves the wrath of Allah. The unfaithful, however, have no such protections and you can literally do whatever you want to them. This is how one could legally murder their neighbor in any Islamic state, you simply accuse him of blasphemy. This makes it VERY easy to cut ties with mooks who have served their usefulness.

Now, the reason this is important is because a LOT of the left have become just obsessed with this idea that they NEED to help people. The problem with that is their idea of "Help" is twisted and perverted. Members of the left have become arrogant and disillusioned, and convinced themselves that anyone who is not white is inferior to them and needs their help to become successful. Their skill, intelligence, ambition and wealth mean nothing next to their skin color to the left. However, this isn't something that the ENTIRE left believes, but a significant portion certainly does. They are literally letting the killer in, and then giving him a loaded gun so that he can kill them. Consequently they will be the first ones to go, Islamists will justify their actions by claiming that the people they are murdering are all infidels, that we westerners simply don't believe in Allah (which again, is supposedly WORSE than being dead.) and then they'll start killing. They'll meet strong resistance from everyone who isn't a leftist, and even then quite a number of leftists will realize what's going on and abandon their ideology in favor of survival. That civil war you talked about will happen, but it'll go slightly differently. Islam is not a cohesive functioning state, it's very loose and poorly organized. They literally cannot infiltrate and take over so many states at once, but they CAN cause significant amounts of damage in them before they get forced back to the other side of the Muslim blockade. They will kill the SJW's, in all honesty. SJW's will be the people closest to them, and so Islam will start with the SJW's. Plus, let's be real, any SJW near an Islamic militant is so clearly not a follower of the deity that thinks showing your ankles is a sin worth dying over that no Islamic militant will think twice about just killing them. We haven't reached that point, but we will, it's a natural part of the Islamic life cycle. What's going on in the UK today, is exactly what went on in the city of Macca before Muhammad took it over. Islam is following Muhammad's playbook, but it's severely out dated.

When we do reach that point, it'll signal the death of the left. Islam has NEVER spread this far before, even during the crusades. There won't be anyone in the west who doesn't get the message when it finally does happen, and seeing first hand how far the Left has fallen, and what it's values have brought, will cause the pendulum to swing back with immeasurable force. What was once the left will change, but into what I have no idea. And then the Muslims will be easily pushed back, as I already said they are NOT organized in any capacity to fight and take over the European population, and once this starts going down there will be no one to protect Islam in the west. They've been shielded by our willingness to adhere to our own laws, they technically haven't committed a crime yet. The real question is going to be "How much blood must be shed?". In all honesty, we have no way to predict how many people will initially die, or how well the west will respond to it. Maybe they'll be slow to respond, and not only a lot of SJW's but also significant numbers of other citizens. Maybe they'll respond quick, and only some of the SJW's will be killed.

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