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Is it just me or is this forum pretty empty nowadays?


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Jews have an evolutionary incentive to be subversive towards the cohesive ideals of their host nation, they will work like crazy (especially in the arts) to push against any ideas that would rally a people to a defense of itself (why white men are cucked) even against invaders. Whoever is in the majority they seek to break down their cohesiveness and numbers in order to better survive themselves.

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11 hours ago, shirgall said:

1. The positions of influence they occupy are dominated by people with superior verbal skills.

2. Jews tend to score very highly in the verbal component of IQ and other standardized tests.

Actually, a recent study showed journalists have a lower IQ than average. And banking doesn't require genius verbal skills. So... that leaves us with their genetic predisposition of in-group preference and subversion (and boy, can I list obvious examples). 

Why are you normies so comfortable with noticing positive racial patterns, but very resistant towards anything negative?

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6 hours ago, Erwin said:

Why are you normies so comfortable with noticing positive racial patterns, but very resistant towards anything negative?

Is name-calling normally a useful tactic for you? It's not valid with those that use logic, reason, and evidence to evaluate claims. I'm open to evidence for genes that select both positive and negative traits. Have you presented evidence that the trait "sinister conspirators" is genetic?

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48 minutes ago, shirgall said:

Is name-calling normally a useful tactic for you? It's not valid with those that use logic, reason, and evidence to evaluate claims.

"name-calling" is a word that liberals and women (but I repeat myself)  use as a means to avoid being held to standards. Quite gay indeed.

What we are doing is called "riffing" and a natural part of non-sperg male banter, and a quick way to weed out the women from the conversation.

58 minutes ago, shirgall said:

Have you presented evidence that the trait "sinister conspirators" is genetic?

Epic strawman. ROFL.

I never claimed that they are sinister conspirators, or that such a trait is genetic. I claimed that they are a problem. As for why, @Eudaimonic made a compelling case (I won't reiterate for brevity but read his posts above), but I would add this: sure, every group can have bad apples, but when a pattern exists in disproportionate amounts, I won't ignore it because some Jew calls me a Nazi or anti-semite. That's about as faggy as ignoring crime stats by race because a dindu might call you a racist. Ew.

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1 hour ago, shirgall said:

Is name-calling normally a useful tactic for you? It's not valid with those that use logic, reason, and evidence to evaluate claims. I'm open to evidence for genes that select both positive and negative traits. Have you presented evidence that the trait "sinister conspirators" is genetic?

None has been done on Jews, most people don't consider them a race and if you think genetic testing of other races riled people up, just wait until you suggest the same testing on the Jewish people. People who push the JQ are hounded out of almost every political movement for no real reason other than questioning (and fear of a repeat Hitler.) You yourself called JQ aware people "shit posters."

Much of the evidence is anthropological, read The Culture of Critique, it will blow your mind, seriously. Just check out the reviews!

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11 minutes ago, Eudaimonic said:

None has been done on Jews, most people don't consider them a race and if you think genetic testing of other races riled people up, just wait until you suggest the same testing on the Jewish people. People who push the JQ are hounded out of almost every political movement for no real reason other than questioning (and fear of a repeat Hitler.) You yourself called JQ aware people "shit posters."

Much of the evidence is anthropological, read The Culture of Critique, it will blow your mind, seriously. Just check out the reviews!

Calling me a normie was the name-calling I was calling out, alleging I am mainstream and therefore out of touch with reality.

I was quoting an earlier point in this same thread to reference shit-posting.

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6 minutes ago, shirgall said:

Calling me a normie was the name-calling I was calling out, alleging I am mainstream and therefore out of touch with reality.

I was quoting an earlier point in this same thread to reference shit-posting.

Oh, well I was talking about the perception on JQ aware people and the lack of genetic testing on the JQ.

I don't think name calling is productive in a discussion generally. Especially if you're not friends with the person. I wouldn't debate for long with someone who did that, so I have to say that I don't support the behavior @Erwin

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55 minutes ago, Eudaimonic said:

I don't think name calling is productive in a discussion generally. Especially if you're not friends with the person. I wouldn't debate for long with someone who did that, so I have to say that I don't support the behavior @Erwin

This womanly attitude is a prefect example of what makes women support goat-fkers coming into our countries, because at least rapists have a pair.

I think riffing is funny at all times, and always a fantastic debating tool to either get to the crux of an issue and butt heads where it's needed, or to cut the debate short if the person is too gay to do so.

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10 minutes ago, Erwin said:

This womanly attitude is a prefect example of what makes women support goat-fkers coming into our countries, because at least rapists have a pair.

I think riffing is funny at all times, and always a fantastic debating tool to either get to the crux of an issue and butt heads where it's needed, or to cut the debate short if the person is too gay to do so.

You riff to insult people who make bad arguments in front of people in order to discredit their position as ridiculous.

If you riff on people that you're trying to convey the truth to, you isolate yourself. If you just expect everyone to take your bullying, no one is going to want to talk to you for very long except for fellow abusers. You become the ass clown of the group rather than a guy who makes a few funny jokes (about himself and others.)

In fact, to not call you out for being abusive would be the pussy thing to do here. You also don't seem aware of the hierarchy dynamics. @shirgall is a respected member of this group for a reason.

You sound like you have a lot of Internet courage

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4 minutes ago, Eudaimonic said:

You riff to insult people who make bad arguments in front of people in order to discredit their position as ridiculous.

Oh, thank you for telling me why I do things. Very informative.

5 minutes ago, Eudaimonic said:

If you riff on people that you're trying to convey the truth to, you isolate yourself. If you just expect everyone to take your bullying, no one is going to want to talk to you for very long except for fellow abusers. You become the ass clown of the group rather than a guy who makes a few funny jokes (about himself and others.) In fact, to not call you out for being abusive would be the pussy thing to do here.

Oh, stop it with the hero complex already. You want a medal for standing up to an "abusive bully"?

I would very much prefer to isolate myself from weaklings, in favor of strong-minded people who will riff back.

14 minutes ago, Eudaimonic said:

You also don't seem aware of the hierarchy dynamics. @shirgall is a respected member of this group for a reason.

Sheeple upvote sheeple. In the end, the trend is that this forum is losing members, because of this feminine high brow attitude. High rep in a dead forum, is no rep at all.

We keep this up, and we'll get the same results. If we want to buck this trend, we need to purge the estrogen from this forum. And we don't need the admins for this, all we need is 2 things:

- purge estrogen from our own character

- shame estrogenic users

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12 minutes ago, Erwin said:

Oh, thank you for telling me why I do things. Very informative.

Oh, stop it with the hero complex already. You want a medal for standing up to an "abusive bully"?

I would very much prefer to isolate myself from weaklings, in favor of strong-minded people who will riff back.

Sheeple upvote sheeple. In the end, the trend is that this forum is losing members, because of this feminine high brow attitude. High rep in a dead forum, is no rep at all.

We keep this up, and we'll get the same results. If we want to buck this trend, we need to purge the estrogen from this forum. And we don't need the admins for this, all we need is 2 things:

- purge estrogen from our own character

- shame estrogenic users

Why try to change the Mafia from the inside?

Try a different forum. All I smell is internet courage and it's not useful here.

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11 minutes ago, Eudaimonic said:

Why try to change the Mafia from the inside? Try a different forum.

I'm not trying to change anything. I am what I am, and it works for me. Either you swallow your pride and do what works, or have fun with your dead forum.

13 minutes ago, Eudaimonic said:

All I smell is internet courage and it's not useful here.

All I smell is a hero complex. And it's very useful here, as a demonstration of how this forum is dying.

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Just now, Eudaimonic said:

At this point he's trolling for our attention...

He's enjoying this.

Not trolling, but it's very tempting. When I spot someone as emotionally frail as you, I feel like a shark who smells blood.

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Just now, Erwin said:

Just good 'ole riffing for added humour. Heck, I call myself an assh*le all the time lol

That's great, but this is a philosophy forum. While we have our times for banter, addressing a comment at a person instead of their argument is counterproductive.

I'll give The Culture of Critique a look but my argument is still that we want individuals to be treated like individuals and that the solution to conspiracies is to compartmentalize the control any group may have over us by limiting power and opposing consolidation.

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8 minutes ago, shirgall said:

I'll give The Culture of Critique a look but my argument is still that we want individuals to be treated like individuals and that the solution to conspiracies is to compartmentalize the control any group may have over us by limiting power and opposing consolidation.

I appreciate that, I think at the very least it will be interesting for you to read and put some history in perspective (similar to reading The Bell Curve imo.) As well, I think you can get the Kindle version cheap if you don't want to invest in the actual book.

I also agree that we should treat individuals as individuals but stay open to the idea that a post-violence society may naturally segregate for specific biological/anthropological reasons, that a multicultural based society may not be the most efficient society.

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Just now, shirgall said:

That's great, but this is a philosophy forum. While we have our times for banter, addressing a comment at a person instead of their argument is counterproductive.

I did address your comment. My "normie" statement was literally the last sentence, and was a valid question at that. Before that, I cited a source, made a couple arguments, etc. Anyways, no biggie.

8 minutes ago, shirgall said:

I'll give The Culture of Critique a look but my argument is still that we want individuals to be treated like individuals and that the solution to conspiracies is to compartmentalize the control any group may have over us by limiting power and opposing consolidation.

Is this an argument against the JQ? Cuz I don't disagree with it, and I think JQ and your argument can be true at the same time.

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On 6/28/2017 at 8:29 PM, Byron said:

You can join FDR's (unofficial) discord here if you'd like 



Other than that, I don't know what the answer to the question is. 

I was never a regular on the forums myself :( I liked the chat which is gone now (hence the discord channel above). 


Here's what's likely another


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This suggests the fascinating possibility that the key for a group intending to turn Europeans against themselves is to trigger their strong tendency toward altruistic punishment by convincing them of the evil of their own people.

Preface to The Culture of Critique.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎2017‎-‎06‎-‎30 at 7:10 PM, Spenc said:

If you're interested in more focus on the content of the earlier shows, I had made a topic a month ago or so about starting a skype chat (or similar group chat) and reviewing and discussing the earlier FDR podcasts, from FDR001 and working our way thrugh the whole catalogue of classics.

Ok, here goes. Anyone wanting to join can introduce themselves here.  "Free Domain Chat" https://join.skype.com/yBa1OUkuuURB


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Excuse my noobiness. 

This link is set never to expire: 



Please join us, more and more FDR people are joining us everyday and we're having excellent conversations. I've been getting health/self-esteem tips from fellow members. Someone even gave me a free account to Jordan Peterson's self-authoring suite which I immensely appreciate. 

So please come by and say hi. Everyone is awesome. 


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  • 1 month later...

A few months ago I decided I had enough of Erwin for a lifetime and enough of mob rule.  While Stef complains daily about the IQ composition of electorates, anyone that can push a lawnmower can purchase the privilege to ignore the rules while spamming votes to hide other users and hold posts in abeyance.  One can do much better at other forums.

Far more concerning is that I posted stats from Bryan Caplan contradicting something Stef has started repeating often.  That never got past abeyance.  I asked why through "contact us" and got no reply.  Stef also ignored or didn't see my comment about this.  If I'm not even allowed to post GSS data on race here, it signals that FDR is against the facts that it poses as being all about and there is no point to trying to schedule a call in that case.  That's a big problem because it means I will need to start notifying everyone elsewhere both of that data plus the intent to ignore and hide it, if no good excuse is forthcoming.

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41 minutes ago, Caley McKibbin said:

A few months ago I decided I had enough of Erwin for a lifetime and enough of mob rule.  While Stef complains daily about the IQ composition of electorates, anyone that can push a lawnmower can purchase the privilege to ignore the rules while spamming votes to hide other users and hold posts in abeyance.  One can do much better at other forums.


Users do not get to hold posts in abeyance. Only admins can do that. Donators do not become admins.



Far more concerning is that I posted stats from Bryan Caplan contradicting something Stef has started repeating often.  That never got past abeyance.  I asked why through "contact us" and got no reply.  Stef also ignored or didn't see my comment about this.  If I'm not even allowed to post GSS data on race here, it signals that FDR is against the facts that it poses as being all about and there is no point to trying to schedule a call in that case.  That's a big problem because it means I will need to start notifying everyone elsewhere both of that data plus the intent to ignore and hide it, if no good excuse is forthcoming.

I would be interested in seeing what you have to show

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/30/2017 at 12:39 PM, neeeel said:

Users do not get to hold posts in abeyance. Only admins can do that. Donators do not become admins.


I would be interested in seeing what you have to show

JamesP has a pinned thread admitting offloading admin duties here.

I'll PM a link to the data at the forum I post on for anyone that is still on my good side.  I won't be posting info publicly on FDR again.

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(adressing the thread's query.. )


Pretty cosy, all is well.

I wish to see the continuation of growth of the forum and it's 'inhabitants' the same.

/About the vote system - I support and facilitate any mechanism that enables greater self-awareness and the opportunity to experience positive/negative consequences closely mirroring choices of individuals. So, that's exactly what I have experienced, so far. Still cosy and having a good time. If it gets better, fantastic./

Have a good one,


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adding (votes, perception)
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  • 5 months later...

To the FDR team,

Humbly, greatly appreciate your dedication. I'm including all whom I seen, most importantly the ones that convinced me through reason & evidence...(feels like the 'phaaauwer' of thought, and some more.)

Thank you, best creation on the Internet!


post script (1000+1 comment)

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