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Russia narrative propaganda as a threat to national security

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I think this is a excellent example of the importance of journalism in a free society and that their really needs to be some mechanism where you either are a "journalist" with associated access and the "Privilege" to be called a journalist, OR, you are an activist and therefore you do NOT get the journalist job title. It is not much different than police=>represents the power of the state, doctor=>represents a healer, journalist=>should represent a TRUTHSAYER!

You do not get to declare yourself a truthsayer because you have a voice on media, that is just freedom of speech. journalists would need to always document and SHOW how they reached their conclusions/story; references and evidence, not a circular collection of self serving rumors! For activities a rumor is all they need to spam the world, for  journalist a rumor is the START of the investigation. This would also mean that a "bad" journalist could lose their license to be truthsayer. 

How much of our mainstream media turned in political activists pushing an agenda vs journalists that have a focus on truth and integrity in their stories evolved over the past 40 years is an interesting topic in itself.

We have all these TV ratings (PG, MA, etc.)...perhaps we need one more and that is "NEWS" which means the stories are fact checked and you NEED to provide this information. Let CNN show rumors 23 out of 24hours a day, but if they label something as "NEWS" and it turns out they pushed an agenda, the FCC pulls their journalist license. Yes, that does mean that big brother is involved in the process and if you already have a highly politicized government out of control can you even fix the problem...

This is not much different than what happens with judges that decide they get to push an agenda or "write" the law from the bench rather than strictly following the law as written. Society as a whole suffers.

We NEED journalists as a group to swear to report the truth and not spam the world with click bait. Sadly, sensationalism pays and truth does not...sigh...



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Remember that Hillary Clinton had her sunshine-law defying email server operating at the same time as Wikileaks published the State Department cables in 2010 all the way through the end of her term in 2012.Since she did nothing to further secure her server after that event, any claims from her (and any party member unconcerned about her emails) to be concerned about Wikileaks as Russian spies have to be discarded.

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