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Before listening to his definitions, I'll try to predict what he thinks "multiculturalism" and "diversity" are euphemisms for:


They are euphemisms for the host culture, the majority culture, being deficient, lacking, impoverished, and generally unsatisfactory and in many cases wrong, evil, and bad, and in need of being diluted, colonised, and replaced by those outside majority culture.


This in turn is a way of saying that the West is too European, too male, too straight, and too Christian and that all of those four things need to go.  Hey hey, ho ho.


Let's listen in and see how well I guessed...

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2 hours ago, Donnadogsoth said:

Before listening to his definitions, I'll try to predict what he thinks "multiculturalism" and "diversity" are euphemisms for:


They are euphemisms for the host culture, the majority culture, being deficient, lacking, impoverished, and generally unsatisfactory and in many cases wrong, evil, and bad, and in need of being diluted, colonised, and replaced by those outside majority culture.


This in turn is a way of saying that the West is too European, too male, too straight, and too Christian and that all of those four things need to go.  Hey hey, ho ho.


Let's listen in and see how well I guessed...

I posted this not to hammer in the familiar talking points, I posted it to point out that a lot more smarter people have identified the problem more than 20 years ago. It's a condemnation of those that just stood by and did nothing and an exaltation of those that have been fighting against it till this day.

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Libertarians, Ancaps, Free Market proponents focused only on economic problems. They didn't realize that the culture is more important than economy. And that's where the Left has had cultural hegemony for well over 50 years. The Alt Light and the Alt Right both realize that to change a society for the better you have to first win the culture war.



The Camp of the Saints (Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French novel by author and explorer Jean Raspail. The novel depicts a setting wherein Third World mass immigration to France and the West leads to the destruction of Western civilization. Almost forty years after its initial publication, the novel returned to the bestseller list in 2011.


You can go back the last 50 years and find that smart people came to the same conclusions. Now, these talking points have begun to infiltrate mainstream discourse thanks to independent media.

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20 years ago I was 7...  and someone was able to identify the start of this leftist politics push...  Now I'm 27 and most of the people I once called friends would rather virtue signal to reaffirm their egos on the internet...  and degrade and dehumanize someone that doesn't fit into one of their boxes of oppression, than actually do something meaningful...  

I honestly don't know how I avoided this indoctrination.  The frightening thing is I see it leaking into everyday life.  Some of these people aren't college educated.  

I still haven't accomplished what I strive to do.  I've spent so much time battling demons.

I express a moderate point of view I'm attacked.  The other day I said to one of these individuals that it was immoral for a trans person who had undergone  a sex change not to reveal their biological sex to a potential sexual partner...  I am now officially a transphobe.  I posted this opinion publicly, and held my ground, but it's difficult when you have 10 people you care about to some extent jumping down your throat, you start to question yourself.  I never used to have a backbone, but I'm glad I do now.  The old me would have caved to peer pressure.

When will my generation begin to see this...  How long will this pot of feces continue to boil over before the average person realizes everything is getting covered by more and more shit?

I know this comment isn't 100% related but it's something that's been on my mind, and I'm limited in who I have to talk to at the moment. 


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