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I recently discovered the concept of Positive Disintegration from a COMMENT written on a post on DangerandPlay.com (said post is linked below)


After lots of reading and delving into the concepts Dabroski describes, I immediately related with most of the specific ideas therein. When viewed through the lens of Positive Disintegration, my own life from age 21-24 came into focus and finally makes sense. During those years I experienced a period of severe depression that was disproportional to any actual problems in my life. I "cured" myself of depression through self knowledge, self education, and my own form of "mindset" training. ( I had not yet taken The Red Pill  ) 

I now believe that it was not an accident that I discovered FreedomainRadio and other similar resources AFTER I went through the intense, volitional physiological development described in the theory of Positive Disintegration. 

I am very curious to hear peoples thoughts on this, and any related personal anecdotes are appreciated. This is my first post on FDR, so I apologize if I sound like a total "noob" in this post. 

Link to a good starting point for learning about Positive Disintegration:






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Looks a bit like Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle(but with psychobabble), people and civilisations are usually more productive when such ideals are embraced(at least according to Ayn Rand). An attempt to answer character ethics in the positive(like Nietzsche), as opposed to refraining from action, such as in the Categorical Imperative.

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