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Finally, if Temporarily, Have Custody of My Kids!

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My ex and I have been divorced since April of 16 and we are still making adjustments to the agreement.  Kind of frustrating because at this point she is talking about going 50/50 custody which eliminates child support.  Sounds great except when you take into account we spent the last year and a half duking it out in court and costing me thousands in lawyer fees and child support along the way.  After the kids being kicked out of three day cares in less than as many years I finally said enough and asked her to let me have them and put them in day care under my supervision and parenting and see if there is a change.  Going on a month with not even close to the incidents that went on at daycare under her..."care".  

This scenario has me wondering if kids are actually ADD/ADHD or just under structured at home and just put on meds because of a lack of the parent/s desire to control their kids as opposed to them having to deal with uncontrollable kids.  They are talking about putting my kids on meds and I am like well if they aren't acting like that with me than it is consistent behavior thus it must be something external to the kids that is the problem.  

Their mom continually lies during the sessions and I am about to put a stop to them altogether because I feel like it is a waste of time for me and the kids.  Hopefully we will make it to court to file for custody of them full time soon and be done with her insanity altogether.  

Anyone else successfully get custody of their kids?  Or even remotely going through this hell storm that I am?  would love to discuss :)

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