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Preparing for world economic meltdown and societal apocalypse


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Well observing the news these days and it's not hard to get very worried about the future and be skeptical about things getting any better: Islamisation of the West, fast rising debts of the world economies, migrant crisis, rise of the new Soviet Union (eg the EU), creeping socialism, nuclear arms race in the middle east, north korea, there's a lot of bad stuff happening all at the same time. Question is if things go to worst case scenario and everything on the list that could go wrong goes absolutely wrong, what steps should you take in the meantime to prepare yourself for when things go tits up? Eg, economic crash, civil war with the muslims, possible nuclear exchange. I know everyone says that in the event of thermonuclear war you might as well just shoot yourself because everything is totally hopeless, which it would be in the scenario of a full on nuclear exchange between Russia, US, China, but i'm one to not go down without fight. So what steps could you take in the meantime? I'm thinking everything to do with survival. For example:

1. Total self sufficiency: Being able to grow your own food eg tomatos, lettuce. Being able to hunt and fish for meat, storing up food

2. Self defence: Being able to fight in order to protect your resources eg proficient in some martial arts, having some sort of weapon at home. Could even be a crowbar or shovel. 

Now regarding being able to feed yourself, i've been thinking about storing up lots of food at home. I've got a lot of tinned food, but the issue i've got with that is i've heard that the tinned food contains BPA, a chemical which can cause cancers, so what would be the better alternative? Does there exist any canned food which doesn't have any BPA in it? If not what's the alternative? Bottled food? Also i'm guessing if you wanted to cook, seeing as how power and gas would be down, one option would be having barrels of water and finding a way to boil it. But what would be the best way to do that? storing up lots of wood and burning it on a fire? Or should you get a gas generator? Also I assume it runs out eventually. If so how do you replenish the gas supply. Also any ideas how you could heat up water? Would some sort of water generator work where you heat up the water?

Then there's finding fresh water and I guess you'd have to find go find a spring in order to find some. Also would I also have to do some filtering to get rid of dirt and filth from the water? Finding a cascade or waterfall or lake with clean water could be a good idea as well in order to wash and keep clean. Learning how to make soap I think is also an essential skill to have in order to keep clean.  Learning to hunt, learning how to build shelter. These are all good things that could help you survive. Does anyone have any other ideas?


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Yea there are can foods without BPA(not sure how relevant that is) I personally enjoy canned sardines from wild planet with olive oil. Taste great especially with hot sauce:) 

Every fiat currency in history has collapsed but many people survived. The best way to survive is to not depend on the state and have things like silver, gold, bitcoin(to beat inflation), and guns(to beat parasites who want to continue to gather resources through theft). Just look at places like Venezuela.  Inflation is insane and of course, the food situation is terrible.

I personally feel the USA will be the last to "collapse" as it does seem to work like the worlds reserve currency. I also feel this "meltdown" wont be as bad as people think. Since we have the internet people will quickly realize what happened and we can hopefully build a free society. 

However, the only worry is internet censorship, which is pretty rampant and will continue to get crazier the sooner the collapse gets. The globalist obviously dont want to be blamed for this, some say they also want to deploy communism. I can see infamous people like George Soros shorting currencies for profit like he did the bank of England where he made a billion dollars. 

Overall tho, Im not worried about it much, If you thrive in the free market now you should have no problem thriving in a freer market when the collapse happens. Just remember when the globalist try to blame the free market for people acting crazy, remember to tell them the root cause.

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A good topic, but without real information difficult to come up with a plan or response.

I found this video to be very helpful:  Great Depression, What You Didn't Learn in School - Part 1

and there are 4 parts. The 'education' we received omitted a lot of this stuff.

Be paranoid. They are really out to get you...

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  • 2 weeks later...

No wonder I've been searching to learn anything that I want to fix at home. 

I'm more likely to concern about internet censorship. Just look at China and Russia, they are banning VPN.

@ofd id be interest in how we can stop those huge forces. Just as Stefan said, spreading the right concepts is a long road. 


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On 7/22/2017 at 1:50 PM, Crusader1986 said:

Well observing the news these days and it's not hard to get very worried about the future and be skeptical about things getting any better: Islamisation of the West, fast rising debts of the world economies, migrant crisis, rise of the new Soviet Union (eg the EU), creeping socialism, nuclear arms race in the middle east, north korea, there's a lot of bad stuff happening all at the same time. Question is if things go to worst case scenario and everything on the list that could go wrong goes absolutely wrong, what steps should you take in the meantime to prepare yourself for when things go tits up? Eg, economic crash, civil war with the muslims, possible nuclear exchange. I know everyone says that in the event of thermonuclear war you might as well just shoot yourself because everything is totally hopeless, which it would be in the scenario of a full on nuclear exchange between Russia, US, China, but i'm one to not go down without fight. So what steps could you take in the meantime? I'm thinking everything to do with survival. For example:

1. Total self sufficiency: Being able to grow your own food eg tomatos, lettuce. Being able to hunt and fish for meat, storing up food

2. Self defence: Being able to fight in order to protect your resources eg proficient in some martial arts, having some sort of weapon at home. Could even be a crowbar or shovel. 

Now regarding being able to feed yourself, i've been thinking about storing up lots of food at home. I've got a lot of tinned food, but the issue i've got with that is i've heard that the tinned food contains BPA, a chemical which can cause cancers, so what would be the better alternative? Does there exist any canned food which doesn't have any BPA in it? If not what's the alternative? Bottled food? Also i'm guessing if you wanted to cook, seeing as how power and gas would be down, one option would be having barrels of water and finding a way to boil it. But what would be the best way to do that? storing up lots of wood and burning it on a fire? Or should you get a gas generator? Also I assume it runs out eventually. If so how do you replenish the gas supply. Also any ideas how you could heat up water? Would some sort of water generator work where you heat up the water?

Then there's finding fresh water and I guess you'd have to find go find a spring in order to find some. Also would I also have to do some filtering to get rid of dirt and filth from the water? Finding a cascade or waterfall or lake with clean water could be a good idea as well in order to wash and keep clean. Learning how to make soap I think is also an essential skill to have in order to keep clean.  Learning to hunt, learning how to build shelter. These are all good things that could help you survive. Does anyone have any other ideas?


I'm incredibly optimistic about the future. Trump = another 30-50 years of kicking the can down the road in the worst case and that much time to fix things in the best case. This is the most patrician timeline for sure. 

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