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So in this age of modern feminism, We Love Islam, LGBT rights, Transgender bathrooms, Gay Adoption and Social Justice Warriors, the next thing we have now is people pushing for polyamorous marriages http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-40655103 This has now gone beyond ridiculous, we in the West are literally desperate to destroy nature.  Despite all my hatred for Islam I can now understand why they despise and loathe us calling us decadent and immoral. We have completely forgotten and tossed away the values which made our Civilization so great, and replaced them with pathetic, "tolerant" ones such as pushing for polyamorous marriages.  Wonder what will be next, allowing married polyamorous transgender lesbians to adopt children? And what will come after that? Pushing for married polyamorous transgender lesbian muslims to adopt children? Woops, forgot that transgender lesbian muslims don't exist, let alone married polyamorous transgender lesbian muslims. Pretty sure that the liberal left wing progressive idiots will end up having that one backfire right in their faces, as we all know how unprogressive and unliberal the muslims are. But then again, all this multiculti, ultra-progressive, virtue signalling of truly insane proportions has by now turned the left totally insane and made them completely detached from reality, to the point where they'd actually be surprised that the muslims would be outraged by it. And when that happens maybe the muslims will go and massacre a couple dozen of those left wing idiots. Hopefully they'll wake up then. 

  • 3 months later...

That's why there should be smaller fully autonomous states, so people with very different ideologies shouldn't have to live with each other. In that way you could have conservative christian communities and also crazy liberal ones and nobody would be forced to listen to the other party's opinion. 


From what I understand according to the research, the best situation for the children is for them to have both biological parents raising them. 

I haven't seen much research on polyamory, but I believe it includes other partners which are not the biological parent so that may be an issue.


Posted (edited)

The main problem with polygamy, just speaking practically, is something like this:

Assuming 1 Man 3 Women, then either the 3 women need to have really low self-esteem (and therefore become unlovable since they aren't virtuous as a result of selling out virtue for male access) or the 1 Man is so great he's worth 3 decent women, in which case how can he really enjoy the company of women who are only a third his own value (as a person--however this'd be measured I don't know for sure). 

Now with polyamory it simply can't work. The children will be scarred and the parents will have minimal care for them since they're more interested in cheap orgasms than great cataclysmic ones capable of only being experienced by those truly in love (and in raising children of course).

Morally; both are disgusting but not evil (unless there is children involved) since both involve either 1 or some low number of persons aiming low or a group settling for a piece of a pie rather than a whole (and as a man I find women willing to settle for pieces somewhat of a turn-off, unless it's a piece of god in which case it's somewhat understandable but I can't see myself doing the same in the reverse). Polygamy is a bit more complicated since if the sex is kept discreet and the partners involved are faithful to each other with each other, and they are all somehow able to raise lovingly children that isn't theirs (which presumably means only 1 man can be the father of the children since I don't think it is possible or mentally healthy for a man to raise another man's children while women have evolved somewhat to raise other women's children, although I'm sure it'd still be a challenge both mentally and spiritually), then, if all these high standards can be met, it could maybe work as a 7 out of 10 (1 being Hitler's childhood and 10 being Stef's daughter's childhood) at best. 

Of course as far as the West is concerned, either is another blow against the family (with polygamy only being possible when there are far fewer males than females perhaps as the result of a terrible war or plague), though I doubt the West can take much more without vomiting and going into emergency room.

Edited by Siegfried von Walheim

I meet the great grandchildren of a polygamous couple, the ggkids told me that the other half of the family were illegitimate, tho that wasn't the case. 

Children of different mothers seem to compete in a way children of the same mother do not. This was also historically true.

And that may often pale in comparison to the animosity the wives feel for each other and the disruption they cause in the home. Also historically true.

In Russia, after WWII, they should have been polygamous, as almost half the male population was destroyed and polygamy would have been less dangerous than leaving 1/2 the female population unmarried. But admittedly we don't have, within our culture, the way to live in such a relationship.

Even if an individual believes he has the ability and two agreeable women who are willing to try, even if they do nothing wrong, the children will still be singled out as different, if not pariahs and that is the last thing you want your children to need to overcome. 

  On 10/27/2017 at 11:37 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

The main problem with polygamy, just speaking practically, is something like this:

Assuming 1 Man 3 Women, then either the 3 women need to have really low self-esteem (and therefore become unlovable since they aren't virtuous as a result of selling out virtue for male access) or the 1 Man is so great he's worth 3 decent women, in which case how can he really enjoy the company of women who are only a third his own value (as a person--however this'd be measured I don't know for sure). 


Well shouldn't all men strive to be so valuable? But societies value is all screwed up. There are excellent women who are complete failures at working in say an office and never went to college that live at home with parents. Lots of men overlook them as bad but why do I care if she never figured out how to have a successful career? In fact its a strength. So she is valued by society as low but really is not.

  On 10/27/2017 at 11:37 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Of course as far as the West is concerned, either is another blow against the family (with polygamy only being possible when there are far fewer males than females perhaps as the result of a terrible war or plague), though I doubt the West can take much more without vomiting and going into emergency room.


And with all the beta cuck male feminists, there is a huge shortage of men.

  On 7/23/2017 at 12:40 AM, Crusader1986 said:

So in this age of modern feminism, We Love Islam, LGBT rights, Transgender bathrooms, Gay Adoption and Social Justice Warriors, the next thing we have now is people pushing for polyamorous marriages http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-40655103 This has now gone beyond ridiculous, we in the West are literally desperate to destroy nature.  Despite all my hatred for Islam I can now understand why they despise and loathe us calling us decadent and immoral. We have completely forgotten and tossed away the values which made our Civilization so great, and replaced them with pathetic, "tolerant" ones such as pushing for polyamorous marriages.  Wonder what will be next, allowing married polyamorous transgender lesbians to adopt children? And what will come after that? Pushing for married polyamorous transgender lesbian muslims to adopt children? Woops, forgot that transgender lesbian muslims don't exist, let alone married polyamorous transgender lesbian muslims. Pretty sure that the liberal left wing progressive idiots will end up having that one backfire right in their faces, as we all know how unprogressive and unliberal the muslims are. But then again, all this multiculti, ultra-progressive, virtue signalling of truly insane proportions has by now turned the left totally insane and made them completely detached from reality, to the point where they'd actually be surprised that the muslims would be outraged by it. And when that happens maybe the muslims will go and massacre a couple dozen of those left wing idiots. Hopefully they'll wake up then. 


While I agree, I think men need to grow up, stop dating crazy, marrying skanks, and LTRs with single moms; raising the alpha male's bastard children after the milk's gone bad. Same woman would never give the man a time a day beforehand but, cucks are jumping on that grenade.


Every podcast by FDR/Stefan with respect to MGTOW/Dating/PUA/LTRs/Truth on Sex/Single MOMs/Gene Warfare/Genetic ostracism etc I have listened to and learned a ton of info. Still, Stefan points to the problem, gives rational arguments, stats, data, and is well articulate in doing so. Unfortunately, he DOESN'T PROVIDE A SOLUTION!

Instead, he points to not dating single moms which is a given. He illustrates the fallout of female promiscuity and the likelihood of divorce given female crazy and discontentment. A lack of stability and divorce definitely correlate. Again, there is no solution or bullet proof means to navigate female vanity and pretentious narcissism that pervades the western dating pool. He knocks pickup but, provides no alternative means. Arguing to wait for the state to fail, for the parade of free money to go bust, and for WOMEN TO NEED MEN AGAIN is not a SOLUTION. DO NOT WANT THANK YOU VERY MUCH AFTER PLAYBOY STOPS CALLING; AFTER SEXUAL MARKET VALUE HAS CRASHED, AFTER ABORTIONS, STDS/MUTANT-LIKE, YEARS OF BOOTY CALL, AND THE MILK'S GONE BAD!

Stefan is a intelligent man. I no doubt suspect he has triple digit IQ. Still, when he dated, Tinder was not around nor the attention whore social media platform. This doesn't negate his wisdom, knowledge, and life experience. I just do not think he comprehends the gluttony of punishment that awaits your average man in the dating market today. So, if someone cannot provide a solution, what is a man to do?


I cannot speak for every man alive. From what I witnessed, most betas/white knights/cucks are lining up to the foot the bills after the milk's gone bad; wife up single mother victimhood before she jumps back on that carousel again and shakes said man down for his resources having unleashed the dogs of the state.


What I have come to do is approach tons of women 'unattached to the fruits of my labor.' Freedom from outcome plus intent. The desire to get married, have a family, and children out weighs the risk of a series of rejections. I've approached more women in one month then most men have in THEIR ENTIRE LIFE. The pattern is repetitive. Lots of attention whores, lots of 'sloot gonna sloot' with playboys/alphas/sociopaths/psychos followed by female/single mother victimhood. In the process, I date more, more hookups, sex, flings but, it moves me further away from that lifestyle I always thought I would have.



*** Same woman posts social media ass pics on the regular like clock work! ***



This is the sort of horse shit that pervades the western society and dating pool. Meanwhile, she is running around getting her brains banged out by scum bags and playing victimhood when its all said and done. THE CRASH IS COMING. You don't need to be enlightened to see it or be precognitive to know, this wont end well. Rest assure, some betas/cucks/white knights will still buy her the ring, will get divorced, and be a MGTOW in no time.



I ask, what alternative is there but for a man to put himself out on his shield? To take that risk? To leave it all out there. EVERY MAN can mental masturbate how easy it would be if he just approached, broke the ice, and made a pass. Majority of men are wall flowers or need to be drunk in order to find some balls to talk to a beautiful woman.


Finally, Stefan as much as I agree with him, he deems dating younger "creepy" which is as much of an argument as a screaming SJW or feminist yelling racist or misogyny. Its not an argument. I think Stefan is blinded by having his daughter. I think there is correlation between marriage, divorce, and a wide age gap. Then again, one way to ween out shady women would be to pursue younger, and value the LTR based upon their commitment without any sort of ambiguity. With that said, the only way I can see myself getting married is with someone young, who could have played the 'sloot gonna sloot' liberal jump off cawk carousel route but, truly wanted to build something more then the beaten path of that leads to victimhood as well as needing daddy government.


I am all ears for ideal solutions but, I totally get MGTOW and why many men are taking their ball and going home. The cards are stacked against man. Furthermore, he meets woman at 24, has 6 yrs where she is thin, attractive, and then, bulking season happens after marriage. She gives a blowjob to the random guy at the bar who wont give her the ring but, the many who gave her kids, married her, staked everything on her "isn't in the mood."


Gentlemen, marriage is becoming a thing of the past in the west. In my early 20s, I went home with a girl aged 18. I wasn't with her for more then an hour in the bar before going home with her. She gave me head at her place. Something that her husband today doesn't get which makes me question as to why are men bothering with this nonsense? I am 30 and I have dated girls in their early 20s. I feel more in common at about 24-26. Still, I feel ambivalence with respect to marriage even though, I know its holy, its better for the children, and the symbolism behind the unity between the two becoming one. I see the value in as indicated by great minds like Jordan Peterson.


I came here for a solution. My mind is solution oriented but, guys, I am definitely at a loss for words with what is socially acceptable. If you guys seen anything mainstream these days, look at the promo for cuckoldry these days (breaking bad, Stranger things, HIMYF, etc). Its just common place for 'sloot gonna sloot' no shame or judgement for poor lifestyle choices and well, its cool because she can still get the ring. Any time a woman ghosts me and then blows up my phone, she jumped off some dude, got dumped/chucked, and is seeking beta male provider. Ego of mine still wants to hookup but, I grow avoid(ant) by my very nature. The fear of getting cucked, of being put on the hook for some girl getting pregnant, "that baby is yours" or just the accidentally on purpose pregnancy that follows women late 20s or early 30s is just common place. No thanks.


  On 11/1/2017 at 9:56 PM, smarterthanone said:

Well shouldn't all men strive to be so valuable? But societies value is all screwed up. There are excellent women who are complete failures at working in say an office and never went to college that live at home with parents. Lots of men overlook them as bad but why do I care if she never figured out how to have a successful career? In fact its a strength. So she is valued by society as low but really is not.

And with all the beta cuck male feminists, there is a huge shortage of men.


I know many women who are college educated, career women, and all of them would trade it in for being a stay at home mom. They do fear the repercussions from the feminazis they work around. The college bubble is 4:1 female to male. The college bubble is predominantly women. You cannot declare bankruptcy on student loans. Its a perfect way to get dumb asses running on that conveyor belt, for more taxes, for debt, and its unnecessary social conditioning.

I would prefer to have a old school woman, stay at home mom, and yet, I would like a woman who is "educated." Then again, government education is a joke in the west now a days. I would rather a woman be a high school grad and educated in self knowledge. An outlier. A woman who contrary to social condition (IE 'sloot gonna sloot') wants to get married, start a family, and has higher ambitions then being a booty call through her 20s.




Every man should read that article before considering their current LTR and marriage. Dumps bf to  use 20s to "find herself." Translation; social media ass pics, attention whore, and squandered SMV as a booty call when thin, young attractive.


She cannot get the ring from the sort of man she wants. Note the paradigm - >>>> pretentious narcissism/diva behavior/attention whore/cawk carousel at SMV peak followed by >>>>> single mother victimhood after hitting the wall.


I completely agree with your point and I would prefer the conservative, stay at home mom, old school, and yet ambitious in other ways (sexually, gym goer, avid reader of something with respect to self knowledge versus fifty shades or celeb gossip rubbish). Educated in the sense of valuing self knowledge, family, motherhood, marriage, children, and into exploring her consciousness.


There is a dominance hierarchy. People are playing the dating Olympics game. With the promo for no shame for women, 'sloot gonna sloot, and single moms; its a poor attempt at mitigate plummeting SMV. For any free thinker, there is no way of doing this if you follow that path, and the SJWs/Feminism are only fronting to have women's best interest at hand. Women are being cheered off the cliff. Its a means for more screaming liberals, for R selection/prey and spray, larger government, and broken nuclear family.


Again, as a man, if I want a family, I must sift through the chaos, tucking my chin, take my blows/rejections/failures, dust myself off, and plow forward. The outcome of marriage, wife, children out weighs the above circumstances. YOUTH IS THE KEY IMHO. I could never articulate it as well as Jordan Peterson but, in his biblical series, he depicted the "potential" of youth. A woman's SMV at youth is potential and a good portion of the population are pissing it away following the beaten path of attention whore and booty call yet, seeking marriage as salvation when the well runs dry.

No commentary by anybody arguing "creepy" at this will suffice. Potentiality at youth cannot be denied. Even at 30, a woman dedicated in early 20s, I will let play because I know what she gives in potential there she cannot ever have back. No ambiguity and that girl would get the ring.


Needless to say, most men who have invested as much a time as me would have became a MGTOW already lol

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