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The Common Defence

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It has been my understanding that every able bodied man provide for the common defence. This has been my reading, and what has been taught to me in 11yrs of gun culture. Especially when reviewing the militia movement with their basis in historical facts. 


It is my impression that a smaller government inevitably leads to leads to more personal responsibility. Where you would outsource your defence to a third party with bigger government. You'd take the burden of such responsibility yourself when downsizing it. 


It has has always been men's responsibility to defend society, and the basis for our Militias is the Greek & Roman tradition of citizen soldiers. Drawing both from the Spartans, and Athenian examples. Now of course there is Anglo Saxon law as well, but it was a common European custom that men be well armed .


Fortunatly, there are many new gun owners since President Obama stepped into office, and subsequently left after his tenor. From 5 million to the current day 110 million. It'd be good to enter the dialogue of how we could better ourselves by engaging in exercises to better our combat readiness. 




Considering the enemies we face? It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to revive this old tradition. To speak of freedom without personal sacrifice is indulging in a lost cause. 




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Nice post but, with the lack of character in a significant portion of women, with the removal of the father figure, with the parade of free resources, the promo of 'sloot gonna sloot," single mother victimhood which accounts for the welfare state, the fallback of daddy government, and the corrupt court systems.


At the risk of sounding like a broken record; I give you the Jurassic World example.

Woman runs around in heels, "don't need a man" feminist nonsense. Dinosaurs break free and go nuts. Killing ensues. Said woman is back in the kitchen making sandwiches, tending to the children, and nurturing.


The crash is coming my friend. I wont be there to pick up the pieces, to raise some man's baby or save the stupid. Checkout Jordan Peterson's biblical series. He speaks about the covenant of Abraham with God, with Noah building a arch (symbolical for what we need to do in our own life). You got Noah and all the chaos around him; both internally and externally. We to have chaos all around us (list above ^^^^) and we need to create our own arch to shield us from the storm that is coming. There is a storm. Its present now. Noah shielded and saved his family, his wife, and children. Like Noah, I will go out on my shield to do the same for my family but, I will not be a martyr. When shit goes tits up, when the storm comes, when that flood hits, have your arch built, solidify your routine, shield yourself, and those you love.

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"Here is courage, mankind's finest possession, here is the noblest prize that a young man can endeavor to win." -Sparta


I never did attend Sunday school, and my OCD prevents me from adopting a biblical world view. The only woman that has truly put a wrench in my plans is my mother lol. Every other woman out there has been pretty easy to deal with. 


I'm to poor build an arch, to filled with responsibility to run away, and to determined to let wicked men succeed. I've spent over 15yrs of my life preparing for this, and warning others. There is no other purpose to my life. If you want to run then hide in some foresaken hole in the ground? Fine by me. I have my duty to fulfill. 


Ab honesto virum bonum nihil deterret.

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