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Rip in peace youtube


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Thanks for posting, This is the main thing I gathered

"We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech "

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"Hate speech refers to content that promotes violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on certain attributes, such as:

  • race or ethnic origin
  • religion
  • disability
  • gender
  • age
  • veteran status
  • sexual orientation/gender identity

There is a fine line between what is and what is not considered to be hate speech. For instance, it is generally okay to criticize a nation-state, but not okay to post malicious hateful comments about a group of people solely based on their ethnicity."

Direct source

Well, hatred could just mean dislike and it seems on youtube you may no longer be allowed to dislike the irrational 30+ different gender identities anymore. Something popular among youtubers lol

It will be interesting to see how this actually plays out. 

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Unfortunately there won't be alternatives to youtube in the near future. Despite being heavily commercialized and pretty efficient on the back end of the service, youtube is losing money. If the service is as popular as youtube, it will provide 10 Exabytes per year. Amazon charges around $0,10 per customer for a gigabyte. If you are efficient, you can bring that down to say $0,01 per gigabyte. If you do the maths, you will see that it costs around 180 million dollar just to stream videos. You haven't employed anybody, nor did you store the videos. Storage is relativeyl cheaply, so it doesn't cost that much next to employing people, bribing politicians, litigations, parties with hookers and god knows what else. Lets assume it costs 200 million dollar a year just to run a popular youtube clone, then you still have to finance the losses and come up with excuses for investors why they don't see dividends.

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26 minutes ago, ofd said:

Unfortunately there won't be alternatives to youtube in the near future. Despite being heavily commercialized and pretty efficient on the back end of the service, youtube is losing money. If the service is as popular as youtube, it will provide 10 Exabytes per year. Amazon charges around $0,10 per customer for a gigabyte. If you are efficient, you can bring that down to say $0,01 per gigabyte. If you do the maths, you will see that it costs around 180 million dollar just to stream videos. You haven't employed anybody, nor did you store the videos. Storage is relativeyl cheaply, so it doesn't cost that much next to employing people, bribing politicians, litigations, parties with hookers and god knows what else. Lets assume it costs 200 million dollar a year just to run a popular youtube clone, then you still have to finance the losses and come up with excuses for investors why they don't see dividends.

How do other video sites work and make enough money? Vimeo or even pornhub? Somehow they run tons of video. Hmmmmm.

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we just need a new business model.

with the success of patrion filling the pay gap for demonitized youtubers, why not have a donation based video host?

maybe something like..hosting is free on a trial basis, and if users like the videos, they can donate directly in the app rather than going to patrion, and then eventually the tuber has to pay a hosting fee for their storage and traffic, but it's ok, because they are making donation money now.

combine that with advertisers and voilà?!

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1 hour ago, ofd said:

Unfortunately there won't be alternatives to youtube in the near future. Despite being heavily commercialized and pretty efficient on the back end of the service, youtube is losing money. If the service is as popular as youtube, it will provide 10 Exabytes per year. Amazon charges around $0,10 per customer for a gigabyte. If you are efficient, you can bring that down to say $0,01 per gigabyte. If you do the maths, you will see that it costs around 180 million dollar just to stream videos. You haven't employed anybody, nor did you store the videos. Storage is relativeyl cheaply, so it doesn't cost that much next to employing people, bribing politicians, litigations, parties with hookers and god knows what else. Lets assume it costs 200 million dollar a year just to run a popular youtube clone, then you still have to finance the losses and come up with excuses for investors why they don't see dividends.

I have YouTube red for $10 per month. I'd be willing to pay that much towards a censorship free youtube. I'm pretty sure streaming services like Spotify and Netflix make a tonne of money with subscription based models. 

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I mean there are a ton of youtube clones out there.

But you won't see the NEWTUBE so to speak until the prime content creators out there now get fed up and organically do their own exodus. Whatever site they gravitate to will be a function of the climate at the time.

It feels like one of those situations where once you stop watching the still water for a while, you come back and it's been boiling. One day we will wake up and the youtubers will be pointing us to a new site or even a new concept altogether.



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11 hours ago, Dylan Lawrence Moore said:

Yea, has this been started, yet? Seems ripe for the picking.


10 hours ago, smarterthanone said:


10 hours ago, RamynKing said:

I mean there are a ton of youtube clones out there.

But you won't see the NEWTUBE so to speak until the prime content creators out there now get fed up and organically do their own exodus. Whatever site they gravitate to will be a function of the climate at the time.

It feels like one of those situations where once you stop watching the still water for a while, you come back and it's been boiling. One day we will wake up and the youtubers will be pointing us to a new site or even a new concept altogether.



I guess the real problem is that as totalitarian as youtube is getting, it's still the most convenient site and is still quite functional. You'd be hard pressed to get people to switch over an abstract moral issue. That's the same reason why Twitter hasn't been overtaken by gab.

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Just an update, I've heard a possible solution is to hit companies like YouTube with antitrust lawsuits. It's certainly pragmatic, but I'm not sure what to think about that. On the one hand using the power of the state is immoral, but on the other hand youtube is violating the nap by promoting totalitarian ideologies. 

I'm leaning more towards the second. 

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13 hours ago, mgggb said:



I guess the real problem is that as totalitarian as youtube is getting, it's still the most convenient site and is still quite functional. You'd be hard pressed to get people to switch over an abstract moral issue. That's the same reason why Twitter hasn't been overtaken by gab.


YouTube is already giving me problems, and I'm only a couple videos in lol. I guess a psycho/political analysis of their plans targeting Chicanos is a no no. Can't have one of the biggest minority groups getting red pilled now can we?


Anyway, people have been moving away from YouTube for years. Full30 is the gun community's safe haven, because they kept getting shut down for years. Good website too.


Gab looks like it's going to be a nitch market toward Alt Righters. Those damn autists keep driving everyone away. Although, there are some members working to diversifying the community. It doesn't help there is constant cyber attacks. Possibly from competition, or political opponents.


My closing point is that if YouTube experiences an exodus then it could mean people enter their own echo chambers. Making it more difficult to reach different audiences. Which of course means certain groups will continue to be pawns, because of our inability to do outreach.


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2 hours ago, Soldado De Aztlan said:

My closing point is that if YouTube experiences an exodus then it could mean people enter their own echo chambers. Making it more difficult to reach different audiences. Which of course means certain groups will continue to be pawns, because of our inability to do outreach.

This would be terrible imo, but inevitable given the current trajectory. I can only speak about my own experience, but it was through youtube that I was able to discover atheism, libertarianism, fdr, and many other ideological structures that make up who I am. 

But I think the real magic (for want of a better word) is that everything is aggregated together. So you can easily search for "x" and "rebuttals for x". The recommended videos feature is probably the most underrated feature of the site because it gradually exposes you to new ideas. I would have never sought out fdr just based on who I was at the time, but found it through related videos on economics.

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1 hour ago, mgggb said:

This would be terrible imo, but inevitable given the current trajectory. I can only speak about my own experience, but it was through youtube that I was able to discover atheism, libertarianism, fdr, and many other ideological structures that make up who I am. 

But I think the real magic (for want of a better word) is that everything is aggregated together. So you can easily search for "x" and "rebuttals for x". The recommended videos feature is probably the most underrated feature of the site because it gradually exposes you to new ideas. I would have never sought out fdr just based on who I was at the time, but found it through related videos on economics.

This is a good point. There have been plenty of things I've been exposed to, because of the suggested video catagory. However, shadow banning has become more of a thing also. Google's take over of YouTube has been a gradual slide to censorship. 


Im personally getting tired on online activism though, and just want to form groups. Been in the game for 9-8yrs now. Many of the things I warned about have come true, but I'm not exactly the beaming charismatic leader lol. So trying to find a mod of exposure for me is getting increasingly difficult. 


Just to note. If you aren't getting flake? You're not over the target. The closer you are the faster they hit you. 

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1 hour ago, mgggb said:

This would be terrible imo, but inevitable given the current trajectory. I can only speak about my own experience, but it was through youtube that I was able to discover atheism, libertarianism, fdr, and many other ideological structures that make up who I am. 

But I think the real magic (for want of a better word) is that everything is aggregated together. So you can easily search for "x" and "rebuttals for x". The recommended videos feature is probably the most underrated feature of the site because it gradually exposes you to new ideas. I would have never sought out fdr just based on who I was at the time, but found it through related videos on economics.

What I highlighted is similar to how I found FDR. Initially I was researching race and racial realism, as well as the Donald Trump phenomenon back when he first declared himself (I am semi-proud to admit I've been following/on the TrumpTrain since August 2015), I saw a certain bald head which I remembered because someone shared some of his race/IQ related videos. I started watching his political stuff, and after some inertia, watched some videos on anarchism and capitalism as well as peaceful parenting and all that good stuff. 

For all it's faults YouTube remains the dominant platform for content-seekers, especially directionless or fence-sitting ones. Alternatives might arise, but it'd take some major transitions for any real competition to arise and when it does....well, I'm sure it will be interesting. 

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31 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

What I highlighted is similar to how I found FDR. Initially I was researching race and racial realism, as well as the Donald Trump phenomenon back when he first declared himself (I am semi-proud to admit I've been following/on the TrumpTrain since August 2015), I saw a certain bald head which I remembered because someone shared some of his race/IQ related videos. I started watching his political stuff, and after some inertia, watched some videos on anarchism and capitalism as well as peaceful parenting and all that good stuff. 

For all it's faults YouTube remains the dominant platform for content-seekers, especially directionless or fence-sitting ones. Alternatives might arise, but it'd take some major transitions for any real competition to arise and when it does....well, I'm sure it will be interesting. 

Do you know who Joe Rogan is? I think if youtube seppukus itself his podcast becomes the defacto place to find new content because he has everyone from Alex Jones to the amazing atheist on. But my money is a creators union forming. 

40 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

For all it's faults YouTube remains the dominant platform for content-seekers, especially directionless or fence-sitting ones.

They're sitting on a gold mine tbh. So much energy is wasted on unproductive time fillers. 

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It comes down to what Vox Day commented here on his blog, see comment 56:

Q:      "What does it take build a counter platform?"
VD:    "A very rich man willing to lose a lot of money indefinitely."


I'll repost something I said a little while back about the costs of YouTube:

"It's a very tricky situation. The losses stat is a very interesting thing to note. From one of Sargon's latest videos (I recommend watching it all, it's interesting):

(Stats from 23:03 if it doesn't timestamp my link properly)

"YouTube, is not profitable. The annual cost of running and maintaining YouTube, is almost 6.5 Billion dollars - And the annual revenue generated by YouTube, is only $4 Billion..."

$2.5 Billion annual loss? And I imagine the most experienced company in the world when it come to hosting media content is doing all it can to cut costs already... I just don't know another platform could compete, and that could swallow a yearly loss like that, should there be a mass migration.

They're almost running on charity as it is, unless I'm missing something? Plus users are getting more and more savvy to ad-blockers, surely. I always wondered how the hell YouTube could be make profit from that much HD content being chucked on there every day, taking that much server power / space and networking infrastructure, always more, more, more. And apparently, they don't. They run at a loss."

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Joe Rogan is so pozed out. I don't know how people can listen to that ex junkie. My brother listens to him, and loves his show. He also is a liberal that just recently revealed his wannabe dictator ambitions. 


Maybe I'm to picky for wanting quality content over quantity. Filtering out bad information is a huge waste of time for me, and there is a ton of bad information on his show. 

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18 hours ago, Xdreamist said:

YouTube, is not profitable. The annual cost of running and maintaining YouTube, is almost 6.5 Billion dollars - And the annual revenue generated by YouTube, is only $4 Billion..."

Maybe I'm just being thick, but how is that even possible? Is it just a loss leader for other Google products? 

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With the rise of the the alt right movement on YouTube being successful .The left can't have that so now you need to be saying I love illegal immigration,Muslims,transgender and most of all feminism the new God or no money when that did not work now they put you in limbo and yes were are all racist especially all white Men. As for Google are they losing money on youtube there books can't lie ?

Before you start am using a new voice program sorry for any error


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On 04/08/2017 at 7:38 AM, mgggb said:




For sure, but I'm actually excited!

Content creators are going to be placed into a position wherein their continued existence, or perhaps it is more accurate to say their continued success, will now be a function of their ability to activate their audience.

So one outcome one might expect from this new process is that some content creators will acquire, or reveal, such skills. Some content creators are going to fail, sure, but their audiences can be cannibalized by this newer iteration of content creator. Moreover, this new iteration is yet more free to speak uncomfortable truths.

Consider also the increased appeal of making this particular fruit yet more forbidden, the increased need for collaboration between content creators, the increased redundancy of finances and the drive to increase this yet more!

Well, I'm excited! I don't think Google have quite thought this through.

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On 04/08/2017 at 7:51 PM, mgggb said:

Maybe I'm just being thick, but how is that even possible? Is it just a loss leader for other Google products? 

Eli the Computer Guy has a few good videos on the topic. He has changed the name of his "Eli the Computer Guy Live" channel to "Failed Normal Redux". Attached is one such video, but he has many such videos should you care to browse his back catalogue.



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5 hours ago, lorry said:


For sure, but I'm actually excited!

Content creators are going to be placed into a position wherein their continued existence, or perhaps it is more accurate to say their continued success, will now be a function of their ability to activate their audience.

So one outcome one might expect from this new process is that some content creators will acquire, or reveal, such skills. Some content creators are going to fail, sure, but their audiences can be cannibalized by this newer iteration of content creator. Moreover, this new iteration is yet more free to speak uncomfortable truths.

Consider also the increased appeal of making this particular fruit yet more forbidden, the increased need for collaboration between content creators, the increased redundancy of finances and the drive to increase this yet more!

Well, I'm excited! I don't think Google have quite thought this through.

So what you are saying is that we will live to see the day of "pewdiepie news network"? 

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On 06/08/2017 at 6:08 AM, mgggb said:

So what you are saying is that we will live to see the day of "pewdiepie news network"? 

I think we have already seen PNN, well, sort of.

News isn't just information about what happened (or fake information (anti-information?) or the spinning or suppression of information), it is said information in addition to cues as to what the reader/viewer is supposed to feel about what happened.

Pewds has already waded straight into this area. Take for example the series of videos that the WSJ freaked out about. On one level its just a prank bro, on another he is presenting you information, be it partial, and conditioning your emotional response. PNN!

On a side note, viewership activation is, I think, why the forum is empty.

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