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Conquering meta-politics using cultural marxist strategy

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I have been reading about the identitarian groups in europe and their fight. Briefly on how they see things:
* The socialists took power by first winning what they call meta-politics (everything in society besides politics), by activism, pushing their views in the face of people, slowly taking control of the culture, later the media and government. 
* The old right have (as Stefan also points out) used the same failed method: "the best argument will always win". Problem is that most problem can't think critical, the best arguments don't win. 
* And the old right have been trying to please the left. When the left went crazy, the right backed out and gave up. The left keep repeating this until they win. These old right-wingers are also known as cuckservatives.
* The last 10-15 years the right wing battle in europe has been fought by the lower class (often people impacted by the problems of middle eastern immigration in europe), but these people have poor argumentation skills, are "uncool" and can't start a counter culture.
* The new rights strategy, use the cultural marxist strategy (activism, make fun of their opinions in public, shaming, expelling them, build our own medias and communities, produce our own culture etc.) except for their bad strategies (violence and lying). And don't compromise with the left when they start whining, ignore them.

What do you guys think about it, can the right-wing win meta-politics?

I think it's very interesting to see the Identitarians work. Check out Martin Sellner's videos. Hint hint: Stefan should do an interview with him.


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The Left would have made no progess if it weren't for their backing by multinational corporations. They are useful idiots to further the globalist agenda. The agenda of the NWA is pretty simple and mundane. Make more money by removing all borders, so capital can flow freely and workers all over the world compete against each other for who gets paid the lowest to have a job at all. The lack of self awareness among the New Left is really astonishing.

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3 hours ago, Kristoffer Trolle said:

Anybody knows some sources (books etc.) about how to create a political counter culture? Us on the right seem to only care about the problems, not so much on how to get the power back.

I would check out the book by Milo Yiannopolous. he addresses the exact same issues you mention. https://www.amazon.com/Dangerous-Milo-Yiannopoulos/dp/069289344X

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Yeah Milo's book is a good laugh. Real easy to read. I read it the whole thing the day it came out.


John Taylor Gatto was famous in home schooling circles in 90s. He won teacher of the year awards. He explains in his books that because he was under the radar teaching ghetto kids in Harlem, he got away with disregarding the curriculum, and taught partly based on the elite private boarding school model to think like aristocrats. He talks about how he built up a culture in his classes of kids who actually wanted to learn and how He built up their character and intellect.

'An Evening with John Taylor Gatto' which is a series you can on Youtube or Free podcasts.

'Underground History of American Education' is his best book and there is a free audiobook here.

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Conservatives need to lose their moral inhibitions when it comes to culture warfare. When there is so much life and blood on the line, adopting SJW tactics is not only moral, it's fun! Use ad hominems. Appeal to emotion. Use hyperbole. Being nice to your enemy is not a virtue. Don't do anything your conscience can't accept, of course. Mike Cernovich is a great role model for this. Also, SJWs Always Lie and SJW Always Double Down are great warfare manuals.

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When communicating, it's very important to give off positive energy. Leftists are not K-selected. They will be turned off by doom and gloom warnings about future. Someone like Paul Joseph Watson is great for talking to K-selected types, I doubt he has much success bridging the gap between us and the R-selected. In other words, it's better to tell a fat joke about a lesbian than talk about federal unfunded liabilities. Sad to say, but you have to talk to people in their own language.

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One more thought. If you're uncomfortable using SJW tactics against the left, your discomfort might be the unconscious voice of your social group. Are they cuckservatives or leftists? If this is kind of rhetoric is new for you, you might have to find new friends.

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A major trait of those on the left is their belief that they have the moral high ground and it's impossible to argue with someone who believes they are morally superior to you.

Ridicule them, laugh in their faces, point out the obvious contradictions in their indoctrinated minds but overall make it clear you cannot take them seriously. Smile and then walk away because you won't waste your time arguing with someone who is so stupid.

These people are driven by 'feelings' not facts or evidence so target where they are most vulnerable, they absolutely hate it!


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On 8/23/2017 at 5:33 AM, Kristoffer Trolle said:

I have been reading about the identitarian groups in europe and their fight. Briefly on how they see things:
* The socialists took power by first winning what they call meta-politics (everything in society besides politics), by activism, pushing their views in the face of people, slowly taking control of the culture, later the media and government. 
* The old right have (as Stefan also points out) used the same failed method: "the best argument will always win". Problem is that most problem can't think critical, the best arguments don't win. 
* And the old right have been trying to please the left. When the left went crazy, the right backed out and gave up. The left keep repeating this until they win. These old right-wingers are also known as cuckservatives.
* The last 10-15 years the right wing battle in europe has been fought by the lower class (often people impacted by the problems of middle eastern immigration in europe), but these people have poor argumentation skills, are "uncool" and can't start a counter culture.
* The new rights strategy, use the cultural marxist strategy (activism, make fun of their opinions in public, shaming, expelling them, build our own medias and communities, produce our own culture etc.) except for their bad strategies (violence and lying). And don't compromise with the left when they start whining, ignore them.

What do you guys think about it, can the right-wing win meta-politics?

I think it's very interesting to see the Identitarians work. Check out Martin Sellner's videos. Hint hint: Stefan should do an interview with him.

Good thoughts.  However it shouldn't be called meta-politics since it is not above politics but beside it.  Call it para-politics instead.

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