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Civil war with Islam in Europe in 2-3 years


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Something grabbed me this morning when I was going through lists of Islamic terror attacks in Europe in the last few years.  It is true that a good way of predicting the future is to look at the past and try to identify any patterns in order to predict the future. And if you look at the number of Islamic terror attacks in Europe starting in 2014 right through to the present day you notice a distinct pattern. Of course there are attacks happening every week but let's look only at the major ones that kill lots of people and that make the headlines because most attacks don't make the headlines or get people's attention:

2014: 1 (Jewish Museum of Belgium shooting)

2015: 2 (Charlie Hebdo attack, November Paris attacks)

2016: 4 (Brussels, Nice, Normandy Priest Beheading, Berlin Christmas Market attack)

2017: 6 (Westminster attack, Stockholm truck attack, St Petersburg metro, Manchester bombing, London Bridge, Barcelona)


And we've still got more than 4 months of 2017 left. I predict another 1 or 2 major attacks before the end of this year. That would mean that to date, every year has seen a DOUBLING of Islamic terror attacks. Now look to the future.  If current trends continue and the politicians don't take any serious action soon (which they won't because they're all useless and incompetent, and it's hardly surprising given none of them have ever had a real job or achieved anything substantial in the real world) then what has happened so far will only continue. It means that if current trends continue next year there will be 16 attacks, then in 2019 there will be 32 attacks and in 2020 there will be 64 attacks. Yes, 64 Islamic terror attacks in Europe. Does anyone really think Europe can withstand and put up with that amount of carnage? 64 major attacks in one year or even just 32 attacks in one year would mean the start of a civil war in many european countries as the people will end up taking matters into their own hands, bombing mosques and outright killing muslims in the streets. There is simply no way the muslims can cause 32 attacks or 64 attacks in a year, and not receive any sort of backlash. And when the backlash from whites begins it will only escalate, and very fast. Muslims will die, leading to more muslims being radicalised, which leads to more Islamic attacks, which results in more backlash from Europeans, which results in more muslims being pushed over the edge, resulting in more muslims slaughtering Europeans, resulting in more backlash from Europeans, you get the point. It becomes an extremely vicious circle. And that's not even considering the possibility of Right Wing political parties being elected, which would result in us cleaning out this Islamic problem, leading to even more muslims rioting and carrying out more attacks on mass. 

So that's my prediction. Based on the stats and the pattern of attacks doubling every year from 2014 onwards, Europe is set to have a civil war in 2-3 years. And when it happens the muslims of Europe will get the biggest thrashing/slaughter imaginable. They simply don't know what's coming to them.  They most likely think they can carry on killing us for ever and that we won't react because they think we're pussies, but in 2-3 years they won't be laughing anymore.   Let me know what you think. Shit is about to get real very soon...


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Well I think of Moses leading the Jewish people out of Egypt(possibly a warrior caste at the time). They stop over in the Sinai first. Reason, because when they get to the land of milk and honey it is populated with other peoples. So he waits a few generations to build up their numbers, massacres one of the tribes for worshipping the wrong Idol, men, women and children. To desensitise them to slaughter. So when they do go into Israel, they kick ass and kill successfully for the best spots(no throwing down towels). I guess the Charlton Heston version was a bit friendlier.

Besides the A-team is working. Westerners are drugged in one way or another. Where as the perverted virtue Ethics of Islam still gives them some strength. I'm thinking that aesthetics is a higher priority then ethics. If you're drugged or psychologically corrupted, you still need strength to backup "your" ethics, general unconsciousness. See but do not perceive, hear but do not listen.

@Crusader1986What's it like in your area of the UK? 

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I highly doubt there will ever be a civil war now that there is the internet available. 

The worse case is the Europeans boycott taxes making any parasite starve or move. 

 It would be pretty idiotic if there was a civil war where one side pays taxes to protect the other people they are at war with lol

Most of Europe does not even have the second amendment. It also seems Christianity is falling in Europe and it was Christianity in the past that gave the Europeans the sense of urgency and awareness of evil. The cry was "deus vult" latin for "God wills it". What is the current cry for Europeans? "white people did slavery, Nazism, etc and are evil. Socialism is good". Its just a guess tho and I could be wrong. I dont live in Europe so I really dont know much about whats going on there.

I live in the US and my own worry is that Scott Adams prediction comes true, which was "The next Muslim country to have a nuclear arsenal will be France.

If Scott Adams is right, war will then become a real possibility. 

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There have been far more than you have listed, Crusader1986 . Even this list is incomplete. Over 20 thousand deaths and 50 thousand injuries worldwide. 

The pattern is a bit different to what you theorise. Terror attacks have been steadily but slowly increasing since the 70s, peaking in 2004, then declining until 2008. From which numbers have been increasing rapidly, peaking in 2015. 2016 has been relatively mild, and 2017 seems to be less likely to top 2015.

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Yes there have been more, but I was only talking about the European ones massively covered in the mainstream media that cause many deaths. The small ones such as the attack on buckingham palace a few days ago and the attack in hamburg a while back dont really get that much publicity compared to the ones in barcelona manchester etc. And forget about the ones worldwide. The ones that will really tip Europeans over the edge will only be the big ones in europe, and so far the number of REALLY lethal terrorist attacks by muslims in europe that get the attention of europeans have been doubling every year since 2014.

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The EU, for 30 years now, has been secretly negotiating with the MENA states of the southern and eastern Mediterranean:

- Our land, our money, our civilisation for their people, their oil, their power. They get to come in, we get to take over. 

And yes, this may result in civil war.

It's basically an imperial expansion, and probably includes aiming to introduce the Euro as an energy-backed currency in those states as well.

And Gaddafi (of Libya) and Assad (of Syria) probably just refused to step aside.

- Everything else is a sham. There is no 'refugee crisis', as migrants are not refugees.




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