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Civilization in the absence of central power


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Hopefully not for muh longwe without leadership (even local one detached form corrupt liberal state) goes agiasnt nature's laws


As for examples, though, it is rumuing only primitive societies, except that wpulnd't really b "civilizations"  I my slf would suggest privateers of  early age of sale

Evn thoguht they wherr eunder orders oof their respective Crown,, they by themselves

They were free enough to be humans 


Of course, tha toculd jsut be whimsicall y 


Other examaples here make sense,... Hawiians (despite their token monarch) lived without until about 1600 or so. the indepndant Italian city states alao


 Wild West  is definitely one [the state was so weak as to not be able to enforce law or to be tool of landowner cast....People had  to be inepdent and to, are only oblidegd to look afer... lesson that we in or "dmdoern" age must relearn as as possible, althogu hav edobultess better than ...... quicklywhen  could literally kill their bureacrats...]


Quite old though,

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