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I had a conversation on YouTube this morning and some interesting thoughts were exchanged. I thought I would share them in this forum.

When I was younger, I studied music at the university and my teachers told me that Berkeley was the best school for musicians but it was way too expensive for most of us. It was still the dream of most musician to go and study there.

Now, today we see Antifa, BLM, feminists, snowflakes who have taken over the university. Just today, we saw images of random people being beat up by mobs and had piss pored on them. Some people paid over 20 000$ per semester to study there. At the end of their studies, they will probably have a 6 figures dept. Now think for a minute when these people will look for a job and on their resume, the name Berkeley will be writen on the piece of paper. I think the employer will say ''thanks but no thanks. We are here to work and we dont want no trouble makers here''. So a diploma at Berkeley will have a negative value. I bet that in the coming years, Berkeley will have a hard time economically because no one will want to apply at that university. Berkeley will go down in history as a synonyme of failure. 

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Wow, I really do hope karma comes to collect on them as you suggest.

Of course in the 60's it was known as a trouble maker campus also. It didn't slow them down much then. I know this is a bit different, but maybe in the 60's it wasn't perceived so differently than now.

Personally I wouldn't get my hopes up for such karmic justice, because people so easily bury their cognitive dissonance.

1 hour ago, Garrett said:

Wow, I really do hope karma comes to collect on them as you suggest.

Of course in the 60's it was known as a trouble maker campus also. It didn't slow them down much then. I know this is a bit different, but maybe in the 60's it wasn't perceived so differently than now.

Personally I wouldn't get my hopes up for such karmic justice, because people so easily bury their cognitive dissonance.

I'm betting on more then karma.

- Canada is 80% western european decent. This means that the average IQ is around 100. When you have an average IQ over 90, you are able to create a free society. 

- Canada is a cold country. People who cannot heat their homes during winter usually die. When you sleep in the streets during winter, its a death sentence.

- The soil in Canada is extremely fertile. And most of Canada is inhabited. Also, most of the base population living in towns have family in rural parts or even more isolated regions. 

- Economists have estimated that at the end of Trudeau's 1st term, the national dept will be around 1.5 trillion $ and he started at 400 billions 2 years ago.

So, with all this information, you can see that Trudeau builds 1 trillion of dept per 4 years. You add to that the ever growing interest we will have to pay on that dept. The country will probably wont be able to borrow within 6 years. And I'm not even counting the Paris accord that he will probably join. So the country will be bankrupt fast. This means no more welfare state. Those who are not native born of Canada will probably die during the 1st winter. Or at lease a good portion of them. Canadians will move to rural parts where they can grow food, cut wood and return to a life on the land they left 50 years ago. It will be hard, but they will survive. once the tyrannical liberal government is gone, people will vote in conservatives and without the welfare state, we will probably have something that resembles the free market and small tight knit communities.

My predictions arent based on karma, but on facts. =)

2 minutes ago, GatoVillano said:

I'm betting on more then karma.

- Canada is 80% western european decent. This means that the average IQ is around 100. When you have an average IQ over 90, you are able to create a free society. 

- Canada is a cold country. People who cannot heat their homes during winter usually die. When you sleep in the streets during winter, its a death sentence.

- The soil in Canada is extremely fertile. And most of Canada is inhabited. Also, most of the base population living in towns have family in rural parts or even more isolated regions. 

- Economists have estimated that at the end of Trudeau's 1st term, the national dept will be around 1.5 trillion $ and he started at 400 billions 2 years ago.

So, with all this information, you can see that Trudeau builds 1 trillion of dept per 4 years. You add to that the ever growing interest we will have to pay on that dept. The country will probably wont be able to borrow within 6 years. And I'm not even counting the Paris accord that he will probably join. So the country will be bankrupt fast. This means no more welfare state. Those who are not native born of Canada will probably die during the 1st winter. Or at lease a good portion of them. Canadians will move to rural parts where they can grow food, cut wood and return to a life on the land they left 50 years ago. It will be hard, but they will survive. once the tyrannical liberal government is gone, people will vote in conservatives and without the welfare state, we will probably have something that resembles the free market and small tight knit communities.

My predictions arent based on karma, but on facts. =)

:huh::blink::ermm: Did Berkeley move to Canada without notifying me? Or did we get some threads confused? Or maybe I missed the connection between Berkeley and Canada???

29 minutes ago, Garrett said:

:huh::blink::ermm: Did Berkeley move to Canada without notifying me? Or did we get some threads confused? Or maybe I missed the connection between Berkeley and Canada???

Oh shit, I mixed up 2 conversations =P

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