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Binary is the new religion

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pray to 0s and 1s
shekels and rubles
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Infinity is cyclical, look at the figure 8 symbol
Curiously linked with the pareto principle (80/20)
r vs k is pareto
Everything is bell curves
Everything is probability distributions

Binary is the purest language
It is the language of the cosmos
Of the universe

I shall audaciously surpass my inspiration and mentor, Stefan Molyneux, because I am the one

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Sorry (*3).

 (1) Paraphrasing Stefan M. 's story about someone in a(2)n academic setup, taking a bunch of 'uppers' before a test.

I also feel (3) for the op's state/frame of mind. Though, could be a 'mashed typist'.

- on the day of the test -

mt: Man! I've just written THE best, 8 page essay of my life!

- when the results are out -

classmate: What did you get?

mt: I failed.

classmate: Wha...? Why?!

mt: I wrote it in one line.

classmate: Don't get it.

mt: Words on top of each other?

>classmate :...¯\_(ツ)_/¯... thinking ("The lights are on, but... ")

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