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Does anyone want to make an app for sentence completions ala N. Brandon?


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Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone wanted to make a sentence completion application?

I had a plan to pick up a hybrid framework and make one for Nathanial Brandon's sentence completion structure but I can't spare the time to do the whole thing myself (because I am a bit of a noob when it comes to programming and have to finish writing something). I can still contribute 8 hours a week and I  figured though there might be those more experienced that I who liked the idea and could take a lead or muck in?

I was thinking of a "simple" application, basically some structure for progressing through the completions, some non-jarring alert system for when you miss your daily completion, a bit of UX to communicate progression through the structure (something like a tree growing from a seed and flowering or fruiting as a function of progression through the structure) and a donation request at some point in time (10 weeks in and upon completion? Was going to use it for my FDR donations :D )

Anyway, let me know if your interested.

Best, lorry.

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  • 3 months later...

A bit late answer, but this is going to be my final project as a software engineer student. It will be done by the end of June 2018. I started doing the exercise myself, and found it very useful, but really, writing all the sentences, keeping track of the phrases and the weeks and storing the finished sentences till the end of the week to review them could use some automation. Im going to give my best shot to creating a desktop application for the purpose, though I am yet to learn Android or/and IOS, so the idea of a mobile app has to wait.

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Consider a mobile framework.


When I was going to do this (can't now, I've committed the time to another project) I was planning on using a hybrid framework so I could program in Js. If you don't know Js, there is Xamerin for C#.

I know python (kivy), C# and Js (there are many for Js), so those were the three I was looking at. But a quick search return a cross platform (iOS and Android) framework for your language of choice.



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9 hours ago, hewiestolarz said:

A bit late answer, but this is going to be my final project as a software engineer student. It will be done by the end of June 2018. I started doing the exercise myself, and found it very useful, but really, writing all the sentences, keeping track of the phrases and the weeks and storing the finished sentences till the end of the week to review them could use some automation. Im going to give my best shot to creating a desktop application for the purpose, though I am yet to learn Android or/and IOS, so the idea of a mobile app has to wait.

Big, fat, massive thumbs up! 

I for one will definitely check out your fruits of labour. (also, focusing on the goal not the 'flaws' if any)

More (computing) power to you!


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Oh well, I basically finished a desktop app that I submitted as my final project at school, but hell, I have to face that I am not qualified for the challenge. I guess it is just out of practice now, but till June - thats the date I said, right? - I'll also make a website where people could do the exercise regularly, and maybe look after how to host it and make it public. But I am just a student. I don't want to be people's only hope about such an app. :D I mean, it would be flattering, but I fear that I would fail them, since I am such an unexperienced programmer. I am not even in university, just studying software engineering in trade school.

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6 hours ago, hewiestolarz said:

Oh well, I basically finished a desktop app that I submitted as my final project at school, but hell, I have to face that I am not qualified for the challenge.

Awesome, hope you get good grades for it.

Compared to who? I can't program, on a computer. I think you should do as much as you can, keep an eye out for and ask for help...Lucky things do tend to happen more, much more often to those that are 'in motion'. But if you didn't want to do it, I'd understand.

Again, if you thought I could be of help... any menial stuff, typing up text, finding things... dunno. Give me a shout!

6 hours ago, hewiestolarz said:

till June - thats the date I said, right?

Yes, you did. I was just checking in way ahead of time, trying to be practical. Sorry if my asking came off annoying.

6 hours ago, hewiestolarz said:

But I am just a student.

You could look at what you are doing, like that. Certainly.

I look at it differently. To me, you are working on something that has the potential of changing lives. Regardless how old, proficient or experienced you were. I know Nathaniel Branden's sentence completion is GOLD, I've seen what it can do. Furthermore, it's a challenge within your realm.

Yet again, compared to what...

How do you eat an elephant?

In pieces.

It doesn't have to be pretty, nor streamlined. Can the first version be text based, hell yeah! Focusing on the achievable, working on the next consequent step is how amazing things get done by great people. And then people who haven't been following are mesmerised and think it just materialised out of nothing.

You could do it.

I will respect your choice, whatever it'll be.

Have a think about it, focusing on the practical and achievable!

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I have a project which will take me about a week to finish,

then I have a bunch of code the I need to write tests for (oh gawd), should take a week,

then I'm scheduled to learn React Native, again, should take about a week,

then I'll build this (probably take about a week knock out an MVP).


I'll post the repo here when I start, so if anyone reading this in the future wants to read my code and tell me I write code like a monkey on cocaine, I would appreciate it. 


p.s. If anyone knows of an app with good visuals from which I can plagiarise the design, that would also be appreciated.

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3 hours ago, lorry said:


I have a project which will take me about a week to finish,

then I have a bunch of code the I need to write tests for (oh gawd), should take a week,

then I'm scheduled to learn React Native, again, should take about a week,

then I'll build this (probably take about a week knock out an MVP).


I'll post the repo here when I start, so if anyone reading this in the future wants to read my code and tell me I write code like a monkey on cocaine, I would appreciate it. 


p.s. If anyone knows of an app with good visuals from which I can plagiarise the design, that would also be appreciated.

Hi. I've had this same exact idea for a while, but never got around to writing any code I'll PM you.

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