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Sustainability or Endurance - To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures. Nietzsche. But maybe just on a base survival level.
Accessibility - Just to have stuff to hand and a place for everything, like preparedness.
Stewardship - To have something I manage and grow myself.
Wisdom - Some partially shielded experience of chaos.
Trust - A degree of certainty to build on.
Legacy - A mark on the world I guess.
Environment - Just a generally pleasant environment.
Mastery - The pinnacle of skill in at least one area of expertise.
Economy - What do people value, how could I best serve.
Direction - A form of plan and not just pure chaos, but also avoiding minefields.
No Bureaucracy - Loath paperwork.
Responsibility - One of those things where maximum responsibility is the mindset to have the most influence on becoming something.
Fluency - In a European foreign language, mostly so I have options to travel more freely.


Was wondering what values people have and how perhaps they go about ordering them? Here are 13 values of mine by priority, that I have or would like to embody. I omitted truth as a value as I take it as a default. I also have a longer list with Ethics at number 40. Another thought I had was in order to embody various values, perhaps the way to do that is not to aim at them directly which maybe a grind, but to do so indirectly. Sort of like if you want to look at the Medusa(Chaos), you use the reflection in your shield.

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Great topic. 

Truth/Wisdom - To know
Freedom/freewill/Self Control - To be
Ethics - To behave
Justice - For Purpose
Courage - For Action

These are my top 5 values. I ordered them in a way that leads from knowing to action. The journey of knowing truth or having wisdom, to recognizing self control or the freedom to do what you will. To ethics to know how to behave with your freedom. To justice to understand how you and others have been treated. And courage to take action on injustices that have been done to you and others. 

I have also ordered them in a way where one cant be obtained without having the other first. Like truth is needed to know if you are free or not, freedom is needed to have ethics, ethics is needed to have justice. 

I am curious on you having a longer list with ethics at number 40. would love to see that list if you dont mind. Also, would you say one needs to know ethics to know if one was responsible? 

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Here is my list:
1. Values: Our values are our most valuable values.
2. Truth and Wisdom: I think one is useless without the other
3. Will of God: Aymeen
4. Free Will: The free will of man is something that not only God, but even the devil respects.
5. Humility: "All I know is that I know nothing"
6. Honour: There is a special place in hell for those who don't stand by anything
7. Life: Human life first, of course.
8. Beauty or Aesthetics: If you have no god, beauty is most probably your god, and for good reason.
9. Power: This has zero moral content, but I still find it very important in life, especially with regards to willpower.
10. Purity or Simplicity: I am a sucker for simplicity. "If something cannot be simplified, you are probably doing it wrong."

13 hours ago, RichardY said:

Sustainability or Endurance - To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures. Nietzsche. But maybe just on a base survival level.
Accessibility - Just to have stuff to hand and a place for everything, like preparedness.
Stewardship - To have something I manage and grow myself.
Trust - A degree of certainty to build on.
Legacy - A mark on the world I guess.
Environment - Just a generally pleasant environment.
Mastery - The pinnacle of skill in at least one area of expertise.
Economy - What do people value, how could I best serve.
Direction - A form of plan and not just pure chaos, but also avoiding minefields.
No Bureaucracy - Loath paperwork.
Fluency - In a European foreign language, mostly so I have options to travel more freely.

- Forgive me if I am mistaken, RichardY , but I find that your values (except for wisom and responsibility) have no moral content. For instance, sustainability is not a good thing, if the thing in question is not a good thing; it is still not scientifically settled whether or not it is a good thing that humans exist. So just curious why that might be...

- How can a negative be a value? "No bureaucracy"

- How is your fluency going? Need some help?

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@Boss I placed Individuality above Ethics as a value, because you can still have an ethos under slavery or not fully conscious tribal communities(Eye for an Eye level perhaps), even if it's not universally preferable(The distinction being identification with a community). Before Ethics are my more conscious values or ones that I would like to try and embody, after Ethics are my less conscious values. 


Sustainability - Endurance Reverence Outlandishness Informative Depth
Accessibility Synergy Thoughtfulness Resolute Open Minded
Stewardship Reliability Thrift Decency Transcendence
Wisdom Utility Frugality Independence Comprehensive
Trust Toughness Guidance Freedom Longevity
Legacy Simplicity Entertainment Relationships Acceptance
Environment Effectiveness Wealth Curiosity Communication
(Mastery)- Developing a Skill Resourcefulness Gentility Awareness Significance
Economy Self-Knowledge Facilitating Accuracy Cunning
Direction Philosophy Attentiveness Opportunist Credibility
No Bureaucracy Adroitness(skill) Noble Seriousness Recognition
Responsibility Exploration Preeminence Perceptiveness Impact
Fluency Inquisitive Warmth Preparedness Merit
Holiness Virtue Wholesomeness Meaningful Work Presence
Adaptability Victory Liberty Initiative Belonging
Learning Progress Positioning Discretion Originality
Adventure Individuality Discovery Consciousness Global
Poise Genuineness Thoughtful Correctness  
Wonder Contentment Reflection Faith  
Coordination Ethics Self Awareness Finesse  

Preliminary, so not embodied, logical and possibly word salad to some extent.

Green= Extrinsic Values mostly....       Cyan= Intrinsic Values.......         Yellow= Social.........


Sustainability, Endurance -  "I want to exist from my own force, like the sun, which gives light and does not suck light." C.G.Jung.

Moral Values - I know I was persuaded by the von Mises argument for laissez faire economics and society rather than "Taxation is theft" or UPB. My concept of honour and morality is more at the personal level, not the political(though it does factor in). 

Negative Value - "No Bureaucracy" Yeah I don't think a person can have negative values( even remember saying something like that months a go), but I saw it in a list of values and it was something that stood out to me. Might just be my low conscientiousness, going along stereotypes, but an expression in English is sometimes to call a person Teutonic(esp referring to Germans) which is derogatory, but acknowledges a person is very thorough, High conscientiousness. Probably should think on that one a bit more. 

Fluency - Maybe, I'm actually looking at going to Germany or definitely somewhere in Europe by the end of the month or early October. In the past I have used a site called workaway to look for places to stay. My plan is to fly into southern Germany then work my way south into France or Switzerland then end up in Italy. I wouldn't mind volunteering somewhere or working for cash in hand if the opportunity is there. I know there is a site called couchsurfing, but found the concept pretty weird, strangely a lot of girls do it. Other than that, slum it Hobo or refugee style, maybe not the best idea, but I need a bit of adventure. I plan to do a lot of reading, self-knowledge and philosophy. 

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2 hours ago, RichardY said:

1. Sustainability, Endurance -  "I want to exist from my own force, like the sun, which gives light and does not suck light." C.G.Jung.

2. Moral Values - I know I was persuaded by the von Mises argument for laissez faire economics and society rather than "Taxation is theft" or UPB. My concept of honour and morality is more at the personal level, not the political(though it does factor in). 

3. Fluency - Maybe, I'm actually looking at going to Germany or definitely somewhere in Europe by the end of the month or early October. In the past I have used a site called workaway to look for places to stay. My plan is to fly into southern Germany then work my way south into France or Switzerland then end up in Italy. I wouldn't mind volunteering somewhere or working for cash in hand if the opportunity is there. I know there is a site called couchsurfing, but found the concept pretty weird, strangely a lot of girls do it. Other than that, slum it Hobo or refugee style, maybe not the best idea, but I need a bit of adventure. I plan to do a lot of reading, self-knowledge and philosophy. 

1. Ok, got it. So basically not being a parasite, but a giver.

2. Right...

3. I think that is a brilliant idea. Getting to know the world is extremely useful and interesting too. But I would advise you not to do it superficially, and to stay at a place as long as possible. I don't know where you stand lingually, but you should definitely do months of studying beforehand. Download duolingo, keep at it religiously for a month, and you are set for a basic conversation.
A shame is that Mr.Molyneux does not know any foreign language. I wanted to ask him to address the debate between Merkel and Schulz, but I couldn't even find a German transcription of it, let alone an English dub. I may translate it myself just to have him talk about it, because it was one of the most important events on the continent, and there was so much in there so interestingly discussed. He is missing out on a ton of information by not knowing languages.

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