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The Future of White People, science/medical


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Since Stefan seems to have become an "unreachable", which is to say unreachable unless you have a large youtube audience, or have a special Hollywood agent that can get in contact with him, I figure I will leave my question for Stefan here. It took several months to get "verified" even to reach this website and I have tried twitter, youtube, calling the FDR skype address during it's hours, and emailing Mike, his assistant, with what I consider important information. I will say I am in no way special, except that I suffered this specific collection of diseases for more than a decade that I think they may account for many of the ills effecting Whites and other groups of people, including symptoms similar to: fibromyalgia, depression, low testosterone, estrogen dominance, severe headaches, disk degeneration, memory problems, mood swings, sensitivity to light and sound, and other things seemingly unrelated conditions like dental problems. Clearly, I am not saying every time you have a headache it is Lyme Disease and associated diseases related, I point towards more "chronic" cases for what I am talking about, chronic is now used medically to mean having a long history and never ending. Another way of saying that is chronic diseases never go away without the correct treatment. Here is my email to Mike,


Hi Mike,
I would like to be scheduled in advance and make an argument before all wise Stefan, I am ordering a new headset to avoid interference and for its new mic, to get my audio quality up.  Hopefully the wait list is at least a week long (which it probably is) to give the head set time to arrive via the mail. I am charles5555nc on Skype.
My Argument:

From your videos it is clear you care about Western European people
and their survival. (My links below have references attached usually
at the bottom of the web page, short descriptions of a link is
usually written AFTER the link).

I think the lowering IQ, lowered birth rates, increased
 Healthcare costs, shortened vocabulary, rising rates of neurological
 disorders, and increased social spending re disability can be
 significantly but not solely attributed to slow growing,
 chronic infections like Lyme Disease and diseases known to be
 regularly transmitted along with Lyme.  (mycloplasma, bartonella, Ehrlichia, Rocky Mountain Spotted fever. HHV6, epstein barr, coxsackie B virus, c. pneumonae, others)

I was bitten by a tick in 2005 and my life slowly started spiraling
out of control. The tick bite combined with some steroidal
anti inflammatories- which temporarily shuts off the immune system,
lead to rapid infection growth. Over six months I developed
brain fog, joint pain, muscle pain, partial facial droops, confusion/ADHD, extreme anger,
sexual dysfunction, night sweats, extreme sensitivity to loud sounds, severe headaches,
and a host of other health complaints.

I then began my long road in looking for appropriate medical treatment,
I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, then Lyme disease,
XMRV, Rocky mountain spotted fever, Epstein Barr virus, Cocksackie b
virus, C. Pneumoniae, Bartonella, Babesia, Cmv, Mycoplasma infections.
I have not been tested yet, but I also suspect I was also infected
with a newly discovered disease, Protomyxzoa Rheumatica. This suspicion
allowed me to try new tactics and help reduce symptoms further lately.
These diseases are often referred to as Lyme and associated diseases,
and some of the diseases on the list are as bad or worse than Lyme.

-Lyme disease is a spirochete, the same kind of disease as Syphilis and also
sexually transmitted, which is notorious for its effects on the mind
and body, if left untreated.


Syphilis brought Al Capone down to the mentality of a 12 year old. Was antibiotic resistant.

Lyme study suggests Lyme can be sexually transmitted
Lyme can be passed from mother to fetus.

-Lyme's ability to avoid the immune system, difficulty in accurate
testing, and its ability to destroy health lead it being studied by
the Japanese as a potential bioweapon in world war 2. Also, some history
of Lyme.


-Lyme is named for Lyme Connecticut and there is a yet unproven theory
that Lyme is an accidentally or intentionally escaped bioweapon from
Plum Island nearby. For decades, Plum Island was denied as bio-weapon
facility by US government, and then finally admitted years later. The US government
is very aggressive about down playing the effect of lyme, the number
of people who have it, and still maintains it is usually easily treatable with a few weeks
of antibiotics.

-Official story is that Lyme is easily treatable, especially early on,
and if you don't get better then you have "post Lyme disease syndrome"
implying that the Lyme has been completely destroyed and something
else must be going on (which they dont bother researching further).
Other people who disagree that the Lyme is completely gone after a
few weeks of antibiotics refer to it as chronic Lyme (and associated)


-The CDC for decades said that only 30,000 people a year get Lyme
disease, kind of like the Liberal talking point of there only
being "10 million illegals" for decades. In 2013 the cdc updated
their 30,000 people to 300,000 people, ten times their previous


0. Good (but not exhaustive) list of potential lyme symptoms


1. Chronic Infections lead to lowered hormone levels-
adrenal exhaustion, low testosterone

Conversation between two doctors that treat Lyme re lyme related
hormone problems, neurotoxins from Lyme can make even replacing
hormones difficult.

2. Lyme and associated diseases severely effect the brain-
depression, emotional outbursts, rage, poor concentration,
low tolerance to frustration.

Ny Times

3. Lyme disease effects the joints and spine

Spine Pain
Contributes to disk disease in the spine
Joint damage can require surgery if successful treatment of Lyme
is delayed.
Cardiac (heart) damage from Lyme that lead to 3 deaths.

4. Transmission not just from Ticks.
CDC says just ticks, but when listening to establishment compulsive
liars, I think the opposite of what they say.

ticks, mites, flies, fleas and mosquitoes have lyme in their bodies
and can transmit Lyme via bite
(already previously sited above) Sexual intercourse (same as with
its relative, Syphilis) transmits Lyme. May be passed from mother
to child.


So a disease (Lyme) that with some tests, fail to detect it a majority
of the time, with there being 100+ different species
of Lyme with varying susceptibility to testing, with symptoms that
mimic many other diseases, that is slow growing which may make
patients not be able to associate the cause of their emerging health
problems after a tick or other insect bite, or after sexual
transmission. A disease that lowers hormone levels, ability to concentrate, lowers
emotional control, may be passed from mother to child.

Lyme produces people who are emotional thinkers, cant remember government
corruption, desperate for government help, people who cannot
physically or mentally resist Soviet era political correctness bullying/guilt trips.
People who cannot handle having or taking care of children and/or have
hormonal/reproduction problems which prevents them being able to have kids.

Some of the "social justice warriors" have banned clapping and
prefer snapping. I suspect this is due to the sound sensitivity
seen in Lyme.

Testing failure reference
Poor testing rates for Lyme, 50% rate of developing "bull eye" rash
(most doctors think it happens 100% of the time), less than 50%
even recall a tick bite, over 100 strains of Lyme in USA alone.
Social Justice Warriors ban clapping that "triggers" them, prefer
quieter snapping.
"Senior moments" of severe memory loss or forgetfulness being
re-branded to apply to middle aged people as well.
Lyme disease makes you more susceptible/leads to higher cancer rates
If anyone would like to email me on this or a related topic, my email is [email protected]. I did see Stefan mention he would be talking about Lyme Disease a single time on twitter but dont know if he has followed through on any recent podcasts.
-Charles B.
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Doing a presentation on Lyme disease, not exactly a straightforward topic. The guy isn't exactly a medical research scientist. Have heard Lyme disease affected Norway a lot in the past. 

12 hours ago, Charles555nc said:

Yeah looks like Stefan is still chasing fame and writing stupid books on principles while Western Civilization dies. Theater arts, fruity, shill.

Stefan himself has said that Western Civilization isn't dying it's dead, what's left is its corpse, that people are feeding on.

Is there anyone else that is better or different? covering medical, psychological, political, philosophical topics, historical topics?

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