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philosophy books?


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What are ten great philosophy books I should purchase and read? 

I am looking at certain authors but uncertain which book they have is most important. Can you suggest one book for each author? If there are other authors what can you suggest? 


- Nietzsche

- Aristotle: Nichomachian Ethics

- Socrotes

- Marcus Aurelias: Meditations 

- Adam Smith 

- FrederBastiat: The Law 

- Ludwig Von Mises

- Ayn Rand: Atlas Shrugged 

You suggest two more authors and one book each 

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'Philosophy in the Boudoir' by Marquis De Sade

'The Will to Power' by Friedrich Nietzsche

'Nietzsche's Teaching: An Interpretation of Thus Spoke Zarathustra' by Laurence Lampert

'Nietzsche And Modern Times: A Study of Bacon, Descartes, Nietzsche' by Laurence Lampert

'Natural Right And History' by Leo Strauss

'The City And Man' by Leo Strauss

Plato's 'Symposium'

Plato's 'Republic'

Plato's 'The Laws'

'Love And Friendship' by Allan Bloom

'Giants And Dwarves' by Allan Bloom

'The Closing Of The American Mind' by Allan Bloom

'Alexandre Kojeve: The Roots Of Post-Modern Politics' by Shadia Drury  

'A Short History Of Decay' by E.M. Cioran


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