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dating advice?


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I was ran over by a garbage truck in 2013 and have been disabled but can still walk. 

I cannot drive and work is very limited . In potential dates how do I mention this without it appearing " he has no car so no time for me"?

If you have a physical disability like me but can still walk do you mention this upfront?

I consider my disability a flaw of not my own doing. How do I offset this flaw so that I don't appear less valuable?

I can only think of if my body is injured train the mind. So many people push back when I get into deep topics. It's like I am pointing out the delusions and the person with the delusion attacks me. How do I deal with this in terms of dating?

I'm not dating currently but I want to eventually but it seems like I'm looking for a unicorn 

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I am sorry to hear about you getting ran over by a truck, that is brutal. If you dont mind, could you explain your disability in more detail? I feel that would help with understanding the situation more. 

"I cannot drive and work is very limited . In potential dates how do I mention this without it appearing " he has no car so no time for me"?"

I see no reason why potential dates would see no car meaning no time for them. There are things like uber, taxis, buses, trains, etc. Maybe the date also has a car that can pick you up? The future is headed towards driverless cars anyways and I believe there are some already on the market like Tesla. So owning a car(a trend declining actually) shouldn't be seen as too much of a problem. 

"If you have a physical disability like me but can still walk do you mention this upfront?"

Well, I am still uncertain on the details of this disability but I personally prefer addressing any elephants in the room(if there is one). As if you don't they may feel uncertain about the situation and keep their mind preoccupied with wondering what happened, I think its just best to address it and move on. 


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My disability is that my T-11 ( lumbar) had surgery and the right ankle has diminished strength. 

I cannot do what I could before due to my injured back . No heavy backpack or lifting. 

I can't even lift 50 lbs without pain. 

I can still walk but can't run due to my ankle. 


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Dude you're awesome! You got hit by a truck and it didn't kill you!

Start reframing your story like that. Hell, exaggerate it: next time you walk to a bus stop, use it to start a conversation:
"Hi, yeah i know, i see you looking a me like that. You wouldn't believe what happened to me back in 2013 ... [story time] ... i'm sad to have dented the truck ..."
Also important: pay attention to HOW you speak. If you tell this in a shy tone, without eye contact with your head tilted down: i promise it will not work. Do the opposite with proud and sparkling eyes and clear voice as if you're genuinely having fun telling the story!

Couple of years ago i had a shattered ankle in a cast. (Healed completely, they took out a metal strip and 6 screws a year later).
My buddies were working, didn't feel like asking/pressuring anyone to drive me home so i took public transport on borrowed crutches. Strange but a lot of fun to see how much more female attention and conversation i got! Maybe it was initially just pitty. But if you practice story telling, you _will_ score dates! No need for an online profile though the same advice applies there. Be honest about it but you can still frame it in an i-don't-feel-sorry-for-myself-because-i'm-fucking-awesome kinda way!

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I could reframe it that way but I don't want it to come off as a crutch though my accident can't be a crutch since it's not my fault. 

Guess my body had the will to live. I can confirm no light at the end of the tunnel or supernatural stuff like that either. Which means no brain damage

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