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The Jig seems to be up – „der Krug geht so lange zum Brunnen bis er bricht“.

Even Stefan Molyneux is missing this one thing – although he recognizes our moment of critical mass (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQfokkD2ms0

– and that is why he continues to battle with the details of a dysfunctional governmental system. Expressing Aristotelian thought will allow even Molyneux to accept – at least reluctantly to begin with – this proposition:

After all the politicizing and intellectualizing of what ails society – and particularly western society – it comes down to the single most missing element in all conversations, and that is the fact that we have to re-learn (both collectively and individually) to put Spirit foremost in all our thoughts and undertakings and which ultimately also means “love they neighbour as thyself” – at least to the best degree that our consciousness makes this possible.

And it will also have to become a leading conclusive scientific and logical statement (in this case it will truly have to become a case of “settled logical conclusion” as it was for Pythagoras and Plato) so that it can be clearly stated in the constitution of each country – whether this is in Christian terms (put God first) or in Eastern terms (put the Pantheon first) is presently unimportant. Just as it was in Ancient Egypt (after all they were able to build the pyramids). And all this while maintaining the governmental separation of church and state – but not a separation of Spirit (God) and state.

Only then will the Phoenix be able to rise again – and will lead to the transition from the democratic model to a guild government (and a truly classical liberal society in freedom and well-being for all). Sounds too good to be true? As we have nothing to lose we might as well give this a shot. And I am not as yet holding my breath for this to happen any time soon – but soon enough for its necessity to be grasped and understood.



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I agree that the constitution is basically a non-statement of reality. The founding describes rights and powers, but does nothing with epistemology, empiricism, ethics.


It assumes all these, and just launches into rights/powers. Every time someone makes a weird metaphysical claim in a business setting, and it ends up in court, the legal system is presented with issues of epistemology it has no resources to draw from nor skills to cope with. In the movie Miracle on 34th Street this exact issue arises, and the court is confronted with whether someone is actually Santa Claus.


I would like to see the constitution include a statement of purpose for humanity (preferred), a definition of virtue (as a preferred state), and a faux default dogma (preferred but winked at). I would like to see the USA wink at the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), codified in law. Shorthand, god. The reason for this is because no one believes in the FSM (thus giving no one any preference) and because having a specified public religion makes criminal religions more visible and prosecutable, because they will antagonize the FSM and express hostility for it instead of winking. This provides a selection criteria to rid ourselves of those "bad faith" religions.


If FSM was the national religion, prosecuting Islam and legally discriminating against it would be obviously correct to way more people. Now many people think its obviously wrong to discriminate against Muslims. Islam is a criminal syndicate and violation of NAP for even existing: it incites violence in its essence. Islam would kill all those who worship the FSM. Enthroning FSM in law would provide the legal basis to prosecute Islam, and any other ideology that incites violence and can't coexist.


The reason I think this is so necessary is because separating church and state (away from theocracy) just created a vacuum or vacancy in the "god spot". It didn't resolve the fundamental question of epistemology. Leaving that spot open (god figure) is fine for many coexisting religions, and they can live in that society, but once a religion enters that won't/can't leave the god spot open, the coexisting religions will be destroyed.

We need a placeholder (such as FSM) in the god spot to prevent toxic invasion of religions that can't coexist. If we are already a theocracy, Islam can't come in and take that position. Any religion that is expressly theocratic (political-religious like Islam) would be illegal, as a usurpation of the FSM.

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