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Genetics and DNA


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I took a test from 23 and me and got the following results. 

78.6 Euro( Nw euro 34.3, British/Irish 19.5, South Euro 32.6, Iberian 10.8, Italian 6.9, Ashkenazi jew 0.02, Broadly euro 11.6 and broadly southern euro 14.8)

17.1 Sub Sahara Africa( West Africa 13, Central / South Africa 2.2, broadly sub Africa 1.9

2.3- Native American

0.7- Middle East/ N. Africa 

1- Unassigned


What would I call myself if asked what race are you?

I appear to be Dominican and I'm related to that region . 

Look at my picture. 

Would I just say mixed. 



Edited by robert1986
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The results from these tests are somewhat experimental and in development. I had one test done several years ago and as the company have updated their method for determining these results, the results changed quite dramatically. They were actually most accurate before their last update.

I've also had both my father and his sister tested by different companies and here are the results:


These, which I suspect will be similar to the 23AndMe results are meant to be deep ancestry (c. 5,000 years ago). So before any solid knowledge of population movements from historic records.

For my maternal results, they changed my results from being Ashkenazi Jewish to Sephardic Jewish, even though all of the relatives I have matched with are from Eastern Europe (Ashkenazi). My quota of Indian (east) ancestry has also fluctuated between 6 and 25% as they change their method.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to the specifics unless you have a paper trial to match it to. For that:


Judging by your results I would describe you as blacker than Shaun King, fool.

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