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Are things really so dire, and what is the most useful mindset?


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Every day I read how there is a stock bubble, housing bubble, currency collapse coming, the environment is past its tipping point, possibility of nuclear war, open borders to the welfare state are creating havoc, and the nwo and agenda 2030 are right on track to enslave us all, along with many other indicators of impending doom. There are many facts to support all this, and there are definitely bad things happening, but what if it is just hyperanalysis and over dramatization now that info is so readily available and a big disaster is not so imminent? Trump is Satan incarnate if you listen to leftist media, but in reality looking neutrally he is no worse than any other president - they all had pros and cons.

Changes are happening and more coming, but is it all as “end times” dire as it seems?

Disaster is always imminent and looking back at the past even recently we made it through the economy in 2008 and through 9-11/ iraq etc, are we getting overly concerned about a collapse that won’t happen, or that won’t be so immediately catastrophic? For example, there is a seemingly imminent housing bubble ready to pop in canada- especially bc and ontario- yet in spite of the doom and gloom, Warren Buffet one of the most successful investors of all time bought into it and bet against it- successfully so far-https://www.fool.ca/2017/08/30/was-warren-buffetts-bet-against-canadian-housing-market-crash-right/

If it is really any day now that it all comes apart then we better all live like it will be our last chance - focus on the short term and checking off our bucket lists (which also ironically could make the debt bubble bigger depending on what you want to do, but if it is already imminent...) but if it isn’t, putting in tons of work building a business or working extra for that promotion for example - looking at the long term is important - but why put in hard work for future gain which won’t exist? Is prepping the only long term plan that will matter? 

So my question is- Are things really as “end times” dire as they seem, or just a bit more of the “same old” amplified due to media - (maybe we just didn’t know or see/hear as much before) and what is the most useful mindset and way of planning going forward in these times? 

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I think the hype is always used to sell people on dome idea or thing. You can tell its just hype if the implication is that a massive event is about to happen, and moreso if an easy fix is also presented.

The reality is that society ends with a torturously slow grind to the grave. Good things are eroded away one grain at a time. The living won't viscerally feel the subtle changes (unless you have a socialist the dictator..), but we are marching down the continuum nonetheless.

To attempt to change this could be like punching a wave in the ocean. You might stop some water, but a million gallons are still crashing past you unbothered. In order to stop the waves, you have to change the current that causes them, first calming the waters, and then sending the waves in the opposite direction altogether.

So if society is in decline, maybe the solution lies not in dealing with all the symptoms, but in restoring similar conditions to when we were on the uptick.

I'm still exploring this myself, but thats where i'm at.


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5 hours ago, RamynKing said:

I think the hype is always used to sell people on dome idea or thing. You can tell its just hype if the implication is that a massive event is about to happen, and moreso if an easy fix is also presented.

The reality is that society ends with a torturously slow grind to the grave. Good things are eroded away one grain at a time. The living won't viscerally feel the subtle changes (unless you have a socialist the dictator..), but we are marching down the continuum nonetheless.

To attempt to change this could be like punching a wave in the ocean. You might stop some water, but a million gallons are still crashing past you unbothered. In order to stop the waves, you have to change the current that causes them, first calming the waters, and then sending the waves in the opposite direction altogether.

So if society is in decline, maybe the solution lies not in dealing with all the symptoms, but in restoring similar conditions to when we were on the uptick.

I'm still exploring this myself, but thats where i'm at.


Yes this is what I mean - change normally happens over a long period of time, but it seems to be accelerating, and listening to the available media it seems like we’ve gone from a downhill stroll to a sprint towards a cliff, but though the future projections may not be so far off, maybe it is not as immediate as it seems. 

I agree there is nothing we can do, people like Stephan speak out and inform - that is noble and will help to a point but as you say, in general we are punching a wave in the ocean, we can vote differently than before but that is about it, and even with that with the demographic shift it won’t matter, so it is best to adapt or prepare for the crash if that is even possible now (maybe watching too many disaster movies makes it seem impossibly fictional for everything to come down in the west or something).

I wonder if we can restore the uptick conditions you speak of? How or where would you even start? Like if you are an environmentalist you can bring cloth bags to stores, but it is only a tear drop in the ocean, what actual difference can the average person make in order to live their life better, or what is the best strategy moving forward- for example- if you don’t already have kids, knowing what seems to be coming, why would you? 

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