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Why Bad Boy?

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1. Bad Boy Motorcycle riding like Terminator 2, Bad to the Bone? Wouldn't a Bad Guy be partially camouflaged to nearly everyone?, kind of like the liquid Terminator, milk scene, which is pretty funny.

In the "Two Gentlemen of Verona", Valentine a Bad Boy (Strong & Youthful, but kind of smarmy) ends up as Captain of a group of Brigands(brigade, also mostly banished suitors), after he is banished by the Duke of Milan for planning to proposition his daughter Silvia(who "loves" Valentine), although Valentine does show a level of persistence and honesty if not necessarily commitment. Proteus(Old man of The Sea and Prophecy) the other main character, agrees to marry Julia another character earlier in the play.  But after meeting Silvia, in Milan he changes his mind and wishes to Marry Silvia(Spirit of the Wood, but Old) whom he considers "Earthly". There by breaking his commitment. Anyway Julia(Youthful) later dresses up as a man to go find Proteus who went to Milan after meeting Julia towards the beginning of the play. Silvia will not have anything to do with Proteus, perhaps being similar in temperament and personality, although the flip sides of Masculine and Feminin. Proteus(feminin), Siliva (mascuiline) Valentine(Masculine), Julia(Kind of Both, Initially feminin but then Masculine)

Behold her that gave aim to all thy oaths,
And entertain'd 'em deeply in her heart.
How oft hast thou with perjury cleft the root!
O Proteus, let this habit make thee blush!
Be thou ashamed that I have took upon me
Such an immodest raiment, if shame live
In a disguise of love:
It is the lesser blot, modesty finds,
Women to change their shapes than men their minds.

Than men their minds! 'tis true.
O heaven! were man
But constant, he were perfect. That one error
Fills him with faults; makes him run through all the sins:
Inconstancy falls off ere it begins.
What is in Silvia's face, but I may spy
More fresh in Julia's with a constant eye?



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Con-Fident: With Fidelity, with faith, but faith in what?... Cafe con leche.

In-Fidelity: Without Faith.

Fidel Castro: Faith in Castles and Fornication/Fortification.

Che Gueverra: Guerra - War.


Quality: Girls with a "good" relationship with their father can have princess syndrome. Could always "double-bag" that's a bag over their head and one over yours in case  theirs falls off (thinking shorty bag scene from Scary Movie 2), but yeah there is the primal instinct that varies. Courage, having recently read the Tao Te Ching, one of the bits that struck me was to have courage, one must have kindness(Kindred), if they have "princess syndrome" or even if they do not, look for how they are kind.

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On ‎2017‎. ‎10‎. ‎22‎. at 7:33 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

1. Girl gives signal; dog plays tricks and stick a  fern up his anus; girl is pleased. Girl praises dog. Girl grants sexual access. Dog wags his tail and says "now youse soiled B-B-itch!!!" I know I'm not hot stuff, but I still would rather be the one giving the signals and determining Yea or Nay rather than the puppy that attentively seeks to please women "for revenge".

2. CRACKER!!! Good girl= BY DEFINITION seeks and smells GOOD GUYS!! Otherwise she's either stupid AF or not really into good guys and is therefore a slut!!
Cracker: Good men= By definition attracted to and smells for other good men. You have admitted to being bad, therefore all your friends are either idiots or not good. Except any therapists or clergymen you might know since it's their job to reach out. Cracker. Lesser women swarm your dick like metal on a magnet. Come on...you know a woman's gotta be worth something if she isn't into you.

3. I don't know what I'm failing to convince you of. ANY GOOD DADDY IS TEACHING HIS KIDS THE WORLD BEFORE SENDING THEM INTO THE WORLD. If he doesn't he's just some coward or sadist who doesn't give a crap about his kids.

4. I know. You're attracting the pond scum and repelling the fine fertile female goddesses who smell you and smell swamp gas. The reason is because they instinctively smell who you are; someone who is internally conflicted and waging a war against himself. High quality girls don't waste time with guys unless they think one small push is all that's needed to set them right. And even then I'd wonder since she could probably just bang and marry the reincarnation of Donald Trump Jr. or Stefpai because those are the kinds of guys high quality has the hots for. Any girl that wants to have sex with you (in your current state) is a girl who is by definition cheap trash and has to be banished with all kinds of crosses and sutras until you manage to overcome the demon within and make peace with the part of yourself that you hate. Once you stop your jihad, you'll finally get to square one on the long road of becoming a decent man. 

5. Because the moms had sex with older versions of you. Because they're low quality just like their daughters. Because their husband/daddy IS YOU! 

6. I think you have to figure out why you have this addiction to being every trash girl's poodle (because your seeking affirmation and praises is far more similar to a parade dog than a lion or a wolf seeking to build a clan/family) and make peace with the "Bad Boy" within--understand why he evolved to be a foundational part of you and how he served your survival in childhood. Perhaps your parents neglected or didn't praise you enough and therefore praise by bad girls makes you feel better. Perhaps you're like that crazy Russian girl in that one call in show who slept with guys in exchange for the cuddles she never got as a kid!

7. Perhaps this time I've struck a cord with you. If I haven't, it's back to the drawing board. Please petition Stefpai to appear on his show. If you want answers, Punished "Philosopher" Snake is the way to go.

8. I think you'll do fine so long as you scare yourself enough. If you're afraid of being predatory then I'm sure you won't be, so long as the fear comes from not wanting to harm or do evil rather than merely fear of consequences......Although fear of consequences could work functionally, I can't imagine being able to sleep at night if all I lived on was fear of consequences rather than fear of immorality.

1. I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe you are mistaking me for Don Juan again.

2. Here be the problem... Nobody I have ever seen at my age is into good guys, and I have never seen a girl who wasn't into me since I was 14. Could it be that I have never seen a single good girl in my life? I guess that is possible, even though I have been to more countries than I can count. Or you should give me a more specific definition of a good girl.
As for my friends, they are good, and I am not up to debating that.

3. You are missing my point. There are certain things in life that no words can replace as teachers. And it is hard to imagine a girl being wise without experiencing those things. The things I mean are the following: Birth, death, hunger, thirst, poverty, plenty, work, boredom, love, hate...

4. It is not about sex, and I don't know how many times I have to repeat that. 

5. You don't know that. Either way, they are already familiar with my type, that is true.

6. You have to define trash girl to me better. And you cannot do that by assuming that only trash girls are attracted to badboys, because if that were so simple, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The entire point is that they are not trash girls.

7. You suddenly went waaaay off this time. I don't think I am ready to discuss this with him. 

8. Well, the congregation happened this week, and I am not sure whether I want to be proud of myself. This was the first time I played in over a year, and I was far too successful in the bad sense. I can't not play. Even if I am not playing, I am still playing passively. 
The good news is that I had a very lengthy discussion with my mother about it, and she gave a few important answers. My father is definitely the one whom I take after, as he is the one who simply walks into a room of strangers and has everyone doing exactly what he wants in minutes. One thing in which I differ is that I only aim at good girls. With everyone else I am absolutely normal.
Another issue is that I am not exactly convinced that it is immoral, though in my conscience I know it is. That is so because most of the time it leads to nothing. I get what I want, (which again, is not sex nor praise), and I move on. 

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On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

1. I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe you are mistaking me for Don Juan again.

If you are saying you have animal magnetism I simply don't believe you. Otherwise... well, I suppose you'd either have an undiscovered STD or be the test subject of many sexologists.

On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

2. Here be the problem... Nobody I have ever seen at my age is into good guys, and I have never seen a girl who wasn't into me since I was 14. Could it be that I have never seen a single good girl in my life? I guess that is possible, even though I have been to more countries than I can count. Or you should give me a more specific definition of a good girl.

A good girl isn't hard to figure out. She's someone who is both wise and of good behavior, as well as possessing a strong sense of right and wrong, plus empathy and compassion. It's easy to tell if someone isn't a good girl because she's lacking these traits.

On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

As for my friends, they are good, and I am not up to debating that.

If you are seriously the object of lust of every woman since the age of 14, I don't know what to say other than "so what?" It takes your consent for anything to go anywhere. 

I also don't understand how being hot and being attractive to women makes the women horny for you necessarily bad. I get erections all the time for bad women but I don't pursue them... 

...And I am sure the case is true when a good woman/girl sees you gets wet and instinctively avoids you. 

On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

3. You are missing my point. There are certain things in life that no words can replace as teachers. And it is hard to imagine a girl being wise without experiencing those things. The things I mean are the following: Birth, death, hunger, thirst, poverty, plenty, work, boredom, love, hate...

4. It is not about sex, and I don't know how many times I have to repeat that. 

I never said it was. I said you're clearly someone with a huge complex and having a mental civil war. I'm sure lots of people sense that and that leads to being surrounded by low quality people (which includes bad girls, which by extention includes "good girls" who are actually bad girls but come off as good to you. I wouldn't trust my ability to discern good girls from bad if I had a tendency to assume X girl is good when she does some "unforeseeable" evil some point later) who want something from ypu.

On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

5. You don't know that. Either way, they are already familiar with my type, that is true.

If their daughters are into you (in your current state), then they failed as mothers most likely because they married older versions of you. 

On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

6. You have to define trash girl to me better. And you cannot do that by assuming that only trash girls are attracted to badboys, because if that were so simple, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The entire point is that they are not trash girls.

It really is that simple. Good girls by definition are only attracted to good guys (and can separate them from bad guys--I'm not going to try defining varying levels of bad guys since I frankly consider it a waste of time). 

On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

7. You suddenly went waaaay off this time. I don't think I am ready to discuss this with him. 

Considering the magic he's worked in the past as well as the kinds of people he's helped (which include truly pitiful souls) I think you're being awfully cowardly.

Given I haven't had a show with him (yet) but my excuse is that I have no privacy--all my neighbors would hear me.

You mentioned your father was like you; perhaps that means something. I am inclined to throw in the towel on theories since I'm much more inclined towards practical and actionable steps at this point.

On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

8. Well, the congregation happened this week, and I am not sure whether I want to be proud of myself. This was the first time I played in over a year, and I was far too successful in the bad sense. I can't not play. Even if I am not playing, I am still playing passively. 

For Christ's sake I don't buy that crap at all. Either you're basically like my dad (oh man, I just can't help myself...) in which case you're beyond saving, or you're delusional (perhaps as the result of your childhood, seclusion in a church perhaps, or something else entirely). 

Be a man and stop screwing around. It's that simple. All this really comes down to self-control and self-control is REALLY EASY since it involves YOU controlling YOURSELF. The brain in the body bag moves the levers; not the body itself independent the brain!

On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

The good news is that I had a very lengthy discussion with my mother about it, and she gave a few important answers. My father is definitely the one whom I take after, as he is the one who simply walks into a room of strangers and has everyone doing exactly what he wants in minutes. One thing in which I differ is that I only aim at good girls. With everyone else I am absolutely normal.

You don't. You aim for bad girls that seem good. You aim for sociopaths. Stop doing that.

On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

Another issue is that I am not exactly convinced that it is immoral, though in my conscience I know it is. That is so because most of the time it leads to nothing. I get what I want, (which again, is not sex nor praise), and I move on. 

You said it was praise some pages ago cracker...

And you know it is immoral to dick around and waste yourself. You have a whole progeny to think about. One wrong move and you may as well shoot your semen one at a time. 

I give up on trying to figure out why you are the way you are (even though I know it's important) since either I am simply too ignorant of psychology or you don't know yourself well enough to confirm or deny my theories (or both). 

My simple solution: stop screwing around and actually make something of yourself. Once your're able to financially support a family of 5, then you can start thinking about women and who to marry. At that point IT REALLY IS AS SIMPLE as noting whether she has compassion, empathy, and wisdom. Because that's what good women are: kind, compassionate, empathetic, wise, smart, and morally clear. Basically Stefpai with a 'gina, breasts, and a butt. 

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On ‎2017‎. ‎10‎. ‎30‎. at 6:03 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

If you are saying you have animal magnetism I simply don't believe you. Otherwise... well, I suppose you'd either have an undiscovered STD or be the test subject of many sexologists.
A good girl isn't hard to figure out. She's someone who is both wise and of good behavior, as well as possessing a strong sense of right and wrong, plus empathy and compassion. It's easy to tell if someone isn't a good girl because she's lacking these traits.

Ok, I think I have written about this before, but I will try again. 
I know people very well, especially girls. I know exactly what each of them want, and I know I can feign those qualities. And I am best at portraying such qualities that good girls are looking for. And most of the time, I play a better goodguy than the actual goodguys. Here is the problem though: I am still a badboy.


If you are seriously the object of lust of every woman since the age of 14, I don't know what to say other than "so what?" It takes your consent for anything to go anywhere.
I also don't understand how being hot and being attractive to women makes the women horny for you necessarily bad. I get erections all the time for bad women but I don't pursue them...
...And I am sure the case is true when a good woman/girl sees you gets wet and instinctively avoids you. 

I never claimed that I don't have moral agency in the matter.
You have misunderstood something. It is not that they are attracted to me and that's it. I always go far enough, just far enough to break their heart.
The only women who avoid me are those who already have good men. But I avoid them too, so there is no case there. BUT if you still insist that good women avoid me, then there is no problem here in your mind, and this topic is closed.


I never said it was. I said you're clearly someone with a huge complex and having a mental civil war. I'm sure lots of people sense that and that leads to being surrounded by low quality people (which includes bad girls, which by extention includes "good girls" who are actually bad girls but come off as good to you. I wouldn't trust my ability to discern good girls from bad if I had a tendency to assume X girl is good when she does some "unforeseeable" evil some point later) who want something from ypu.

No, I have mathematically zero low quality people around me. Sometimes I get a few badgirls approach me, but those interactions last about 2 minutes, and are always in work setting.


If their daughters are into you (in your current state), then they failed as mothers most likely because they married older versions of you. 

Seems like you are removing moral responsibility from the children again. One can be a good parent, yet have a child who makes bad decisions. Just as one can be a bad parent and have their child making good decisions. Proof are you.


It really is that simple. Good girls by definition are only attracted to good guys (and can separate them from bad guys--I'm not going to try defining varying levels of bad guys since I frankly consider it a waste of time). 

What if I can look like a good guy? You seem to think everyone has a keen eye for people. Also, getting ripped off after signing a contract does not necessarily make you stupid. It may mean the other person is a very good conman and fled to Algeria. Just a possibility.


Considering the magic he's worked in the past as well as the kinds of people he's helped (which include truly pitiful souls) I think you're being awfully cowardly. Given I haven't had a show with him (yet) but my excuse is that I have no privacy--all my neighbors would hear me.

You mentioned your father was like you; perhaps that means something. I am inclined to throw in the towel on theories since I'm much more inclined towards practical and actionable steps at this point.

I have spoken to him once, but the process of getting there was awfully tedious. And since there is a 6 hour time difference, I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got on the line and couldn't discuss much. It's simply not worth attempting with what I have at the moment.

There is a lot to be said about my father, as it is his genes that give me such tendencies. But even if we suppose it's not genetic, he abused me a lot, so there is a lot there as well.


For Christ's sake I don't buy that crap at all. Either you're basically like my dad (oh man, I just can't help myself...) in which case you're beyond saving, or you're delusional (perhaps as the result of your childhood, seclusion in a church perhaps, or something else entirely). Be a man and stop screwing around. It's that simple. All this really comes down to self-control and self-control is REALLY EASY since it involves YOU controlling YOURSELF. The brain in the body bag moves the levers; not the body itself independent the brain!

Sure, don't buy into it. Of course I can help myself. I can do basically nothing, which was my strategy for the past year or so. You don't have to tell me not to make a hydrogen bomb, while all I am doing is asking you how the hydrogen bomb works. All I want is to know why thing are the way they are with me.
I CAN live my life avoiding problems. Even if I play a few times here and there, it is absolutely not the end of the world, since hardly anyone gets hurt. The issue is my tendency. If I had homosexual tendencies, I would be just as curious as to why I do.


1. You said it was praise some pages ago cracker... And you know it is immoral to dick around and waste yourself. You have a whole progeny to think about. One wrong move and you may as well shoot your semen one at a time.
2. I give up on trying to figure out why you are the way you are (even though I know it's important) since either I am simply too ignorant of psychology or you don't know yourself well enough to confirm or deny my theories (or both).
3. My simple solution: stop screwing around and actually make something of yourself. Once your're able to financially support a family of 5, then you can start thinking about women and who to marry. At that point IT REALLY IS AS SIMPLE as noting whether she has compassion, empathy, and wisdom. Because that's what good women are: kind, compassionate, empathetic, wise, smart, and morally clear. Basically Stefpai with a 'gina, breasts, and a butt. 

1. Stop calling me cracker. I don't know what it means, and that is not my name.
I don't dick around, as I have already told you. I work, I study, and I only make friends with quality people and girls who are at least 5 years older than myself.
2. You are doing a good job at getting my wheels turning, but you keep assuming stuff. Which is something I find Mr.Molyeux doing quite often, and it's pretty annoying. Whatever you may have gotten right, I always confirm. It is in my interest to get to the bottom of this after all.
3. That is the plan. It is hard as fck, but so far I'm doing good. That said, I have to figure out what this thing is within those five years, and then solve it too. One can't be an emotionally abusive arse in a relationship.


15 hours ago, smarterthanone said:

You had an overbearing mother, probably who complained to you about your father.

My parents are extremely powerful in their will. Their methods may vary, sometimes being peaceful or forceful, but they like to impose their will on others as well. Both my parents used to hit me, they stopped when I was around 9. 
Your guess however definitely does not apply to my mother, rather my father. I guess my mother had a few words to say about him once in a while, but I wouldn't call it complaining. She was good at taking moral responsibility for her decision of choosing him. He was not though.

Both have been very good parents since their spiritual awakenings around 7 years ago, and they have acknowledged their parenting mistakes; just to be fair. 

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1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

Ok, I think I have written about this before, but I will try again. 
I know people very well, especially girls. I know exactly what each of them want, and I know I can feign those qualities. And I am best at portraying such qualities that good girls are looking for. And most of the time, I play a better goodguy than the actual goodguys. Here is the problem though: I am still a badboy.

I guess the easiest way to confirm this is for you to explain to me how that works. I have never met anyone that could actually fool me into believing they are one thing when they are actually another. I figure human quality is something sensed more than anything since it is virtually impossible to maintain a false facade for too long. 

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

I never claimed that I don't have moral agency in the matter.

I never claimed you didn't.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

You have misunderstood something. It is not that they are attracted to me and that's it. I always go far enough, just far enough to break their heart.
The only women who avoid me are those who already have good men. But I avoid them too, so there is no case there. BUT if you still insist that good women avoid me, then there is no problem here in your mind, and this topic is closed.

No there is still a problem: you're doing it and it's fundamentally self-destructive. I am not arguing for the girls but for you; I care about you (more than a stranger; less than a friend).

If you are not a drunk calling into AA but a totally self-controlled player, then that contradicts what I recall some pages back about not being able to help or restrain yourself...

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

No, I have mathematically zero low quality people around me. Sometimes I get a few badgirls approach me, but those interactions last about 2 minutes, and are always in work setting.

Either you're the mythical beast that can infiltrate the ranks of the high quality, or you are surrounded by wolves in sheep's clothing. 

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

Seems like you are removing moral responsibility from the children again. One can be a good parent, yet have a child who makes bad decisions. Just as one can be a bad parent and have their child making good decisions. Proof are you.

I am not. However I do believe it impossible for a good parent to raise a bad child; the latter I believe is true if  I count personal reforms because it wasn't my parents who saved me from the dark path I was going; it was a therapist, the internet, and Stefpai.

Of course I don't think the latter is true 100% of the time, I just haven't found the times it is. Like Stefpai saved himself via literature of Objectivism and Philosophy (and probably other things). That wasn't his parents' raising.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

What if I can look like a good guy? You seem to think everyone has a keen eye for people. Also, getting ripped off after signing a contract does not necessarily make you stupid. It may mean the other person is a very good conman and fled to Algeria. Just a possibility.

I guess but I only see it in fiction and hear it from clearly deranged women. I am inclined to believe the perfect sociopath doesn't exist--he'd give himself away after a while. 

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

I have spoken to him once, but the process of getting there was awfully tedious. And since there is a 6 hour time difference, I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got on the line and couldn't discuss much. It's simply not worth attempting with what I have at the moment.


I wanna hear that. I kinda wanna know what you sound like... 0.0

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

There is a lot to be said about my father, as it is his genes that give me such tendencies. But even if we suppose it's not genetic, he abused me a lot, so there is a lot there as well.

Yeah, but I can't seem to get anywhere so I've largely given up on the "why" (someone better at this than me must try) and am instead focusing now on actionable stuff.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

Sure, don't buy into it. Of course I can help myself. I can do basically nothing, which was my strategy for the past year or so. You don't have to tell me not to make a hydrogen bomb, while all I am doing is asking you how the hydrogen bomb works.

If you're telling me you just want to know why PUA tactics work, then why the hell are you dedicating a few hours a week for a month to conversing about your childhood??? 

I'd be far more interested in disarming the hydrogen bomb and becoming something like a man, and if that includes how you got into bomb making in the first place then so be it, than simply discussing this in the abstract. The abstractions are almost pointless.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

All I want is to know why thing are the way they are with me.
I CAN live my life avoiding problems. Even if I play a few times here and there, it is absolutely not the end of the world, since hardly anyone gets hurt. The issue is my tendency. If I had homosexual tendencies, I would be just as curious as to why I do.

Not being a PUA IS avoiding problems in the same sense as avoiding terminal illness and dick-pencil-sharpeners (for the soul if not the actual penis).

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

1. Stop calling me cracker. I don't know what it means, and that is not my name.

You don't? Basically it's the White equivalent to "nigger" and is meant to invoke the same image: someone who is dominated by their base impulses, a beast (particularly a dumb one since the big N used to actually refer to stupid people in general before it became racial-ized)

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

I don't dick around, as I have already told you. I work, I study, and I only make friends with quality people and girls who are at least 5 years older than myself.

Then you don't have a problem to solve?

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

2. You are doing a good job at getting my wheels turning, but you keep assuming stuff. Which is something I find Mr.Molyeux doing quite often, and it's pretty annoying. Whatever you may have gotten right, I always confirm. It is in my interest to get to the bottom of this after all.

I can't compare myself to Stefpai since when he tries to make connections and perform his awesome psychological exorcism it actually works 99% of the time while 99% of what I have been doing is so far the equivalent to swinging around a sword trying to hit somebody with a blindfold on me and without much experience in swordsmanship. 

If I have actually hit something, do let me know since so far I think I've pretty much hit a lot of wind and trees but no body.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

3. That is the plan. It is hard as fck, but so far I'm doing good. That said, I have to figure out what this thing is within those five years, and then solve it too. One can't be an emotionally abusive arse in a relationship.

What's hard? If you can avoid dicking around then it's not hard, right? Is it hard to resist being a sociopath or is it hard doing the other parts (i.e. aiming for that ambition and making it happen)? I'd assume both is true, although as far as I remember your ambition is to become a college professor and attempt to redpill the mass of European academia, which I think you'll have a hard time doing if you act against your values (i.e. being a playboy is very contrary to Christian values).

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:


My parents are extremely powerful in their will. Their methods may vary, sometimes being peaceful or forceful, but they like to impose their will on others as well. Both my parents used to hit me, they stopped when I was around 9. 
Your guess however definitely does not apply to my mother, rather my father. I guess my mother had a few words to say about him once in a while, but I wouldn't call it complaining. She was good at taking moral responsibility for her decision of choosing him. He was not though.

Both have been very good parents since their spiritual awakenings around 7 years ago, and they have acknowledged their parenting mistakes; just to be fair. 

I could ask questions like "what exactly happened" but I don't know what Stef would do here. I think he'd shrug and move on since if what you say is true then presumably they spent the remaining years trying to make it up to you and your siblings. 

To sum up: do you actually have a problem? If you're saying you simply have a skill set, then there is no problem. If this is all meant to be theoretical and about some abstract concept of the alpha dog or whatever then this is a waste of time. Where's the meat of the matter? What can I hack into?

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On ‎2017‎. ‎11‎. ‎02‎. at 4:20 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I guess the easiest way to confirm this is for you to explain to me how that works. I have never met anyone that could actually fool me into believing they are one thing when they are actually another. I figure human quality is something sensed more than anything since it is virtually impossible to maintain a false facade for too long. 

Fair inquiry. It is actually something that women like to employ when they ensnare men. The badboy is the one that has learned this technique and uses it as a countertactic against them. First, one finds out where the "subject" is from. This is extremely easy. Then one has to learn what they want. These two steps must be taken whilst laying low so that there won't be conflicts of facades later on. As you know, 80% of communication is nonverbal, therefore one relays extremely subtle signals that communicate what the subject wants to see. When you go to a store looking for a red shirt, you will notice the red shirt, all while everyone else may not take notice. What quality women want to see is much harder to portray compared to others, and that is exactly why I like it. Now, this does not mean I am constantly lying, because I actually do have some of the qualities they are looking for. The issue is not there. The sin is when I start pulling the string and making them do what I want, making them feel what I want, and making them think what I want. The worst part is that they think they are the ones who want all that. This is what makes me a badboy.


No there is still a problem: you're doing it and it's fundamentally self-destructive. I am not arguing for the girls but for you; I care about you (more than a stranger; less than a friend). If you are not a drunk calling into AA but a totally self-controlled player, then that contradicts what I recall some pages back about not being able to help or restrain yourself...

The analogy of being drunk is actually pretty accurate. One may not have drunk for a year, but if they still crave it, there is a problem. And I crave it a lot. So much so that I have to completely avoid women my age to avoid trouble. 


Either you're the mythical beast that can infiltrate the ranks of the high quality, or you are surrounded by wolves in sheep's clothing. 

My family is high quality, at least our nuclear family. We are of Roman Catholic, middle class, intellectual-entrepeneur stock. My parents never got divorced, nobody drinks, nobody does drugs, and we work on our moral standing. I was born into the quality ranks.


I am not. However I do believe it impossible for a good parent to raise a bad child; the latter I believe is true if  I count personal reforms because it wasn't my parents who saved me from the dark path I was going; it was a therapist, the internet, and Stefpai. Of course I don't think the latter is true 100% of the time, I just haven't found the times it is. Like Stefpai saved himself via literature of Objectivism and Philosophy (and probably other things). That wasn't his parents' raising.

You are arguing my point. Parents are not the only influence in a child's life. A good girl can (and does) decide to fall for a badboy very often despite being from a quality household. And that is our problem here,


I guess but I only see it in fiction and hear it from clearly deranged women. I am inclined to believe the perfect sociopath doesn't exist--he'd give himself away after a while. 

He does give himself away after a while. Not even accidentally. I, for instance, have given myself away either to put an end to the game, or to see their faces when they learn the truth. 


I wanna hear that. I kinda wanna know what you sound like... 0.0

I'll send you the link if I can find it. 


1. Yeah, but I can't seem to get anywhere so I've largely given up on the "why" (someone better at this than me must try) and am instead focusing now on actionable stuff.
2. If you're telling me you just want to know why PUA tactics work, then why the hell are you dedicating a few hours a week for a month to conversing about your childhood???  I'd be far more interested in disarming the hydrogen bomb and becoming something like a man, and if that includes how you got into bomb making in the first place then so be it, than simply discussing this in the abstract. The abstractions are almost pointless.
3. Then you don't have a problem to solve?

1. That is important as well. And I appreciate your effort. I think I have largely understood how the mechanism works, though there are some questions remaining. Saying "evolution" is a good answer, but not sufficient for me. In order to break my cycle completely, and not pass it on to my childen, I have to learn more.
2. There is nothing to DO. Or at least I cannot do anything right now, since I don't have enough information. I am already doing what you are suggesting anyway.
3. No, WE have a problem to solve as a species. My part is in figuring out why things are the way they are.


What's hard? If you can avoid dicking around then it's not hard, right? Is it hard to resist being a sociopath or is it hard doing the other parts (i.e. aiming for that ambition and making it happen)? 

It is an addiction. Of course it's hard. I would be lying if I claimed otherwise. And it is also a great hinderance and an energy drain in my life.


1. I could ask questions like "what exactly happened" but I don't know what Stef would do here. I think he'd shrug and move on since if what you say is true then presumably they spent the remaining years trying to make it up to you and your siblings.
2. To sum up: do you actually have a problem? If you're saying you simply have a skill set, then there is no problem. If this is all meant to be theoretical and about some abstract concept of the alpha dog or whatever then this is a waste of time. Where's the meat of the matter? What can I hack into?

1. A lot happened. I grew up when I was 12. Nothing sexual, thank God, but a lot of neglect, emotional and physical abuse from both parents. It is still affecting me today, no doubt. Though they have been making up for it. We were homeschooled for a couple years, my father began spending more time with us, my mother got off birth control. The effort was pretty obvious.
2. Control. There is the problem. I love manipulating people, which means I don't fully respect human free will. And since I am also very good at it, it is a big problem. What makes it a gigantic problem is that there are many like me without a moral compass. And the women are the ones who turn in into a problem that will be the end of us, because they love us.
Personally, I just want to be normal at last. I am tired of feeling guilty, I am tired of being torn in two.

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1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

Fair inquiry. It is actually something that women like to employ when they ensnare men. The badboy is the one that has learned this technique and uses it as a countertactic against them. First, one finds out where the "subject" is from. This is extremely easy. Then one has to learn what they want. These two steps must be taken whilst laying low so that there won't be conflicts of facades later on. As you know, 80% of communication is nonverbal, therefore one relays extremely subtle signals that communicate what the subject wants to see. When you go to a store looking for a red shirt, you will notice the red shirt, all while everyone else may not take notice. What quality women want to see is much harder to portray compared to others, and that is exactly why I like it. Now, this does not mean I am constantly lying, because I actually do have some of the qualities they are looking for. The issue is not there. The sin is when I start pulling the string and making them do what I want, making them feel what I want, and making them think what I want. The worst part is that they think they are the ones who want all that. This is what makes me a badboy.

How do you determine the desired qualities and then begin using them as a bait to manipulate women into doing things?

Reversing the genders for a moment, is it like: first a woman notices a guy comes from an abusive single mom household and desires a stable, compassionate woman; so she acts caring ("tell me about yourself"; "How do you feel about that") and stable ("don't worry about that--I've got it"; "No worries; I understand") to make the guy desire her and then, assuming her goal is to make him give her money, speak as if she struggles with money and work and wishes someone could help her? 

How is it exactly? I am interested in at least as a novelist since I could find it useful. 

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

The analogy of being drunk is actually pretty accurate. One may not have drunk for a year, but if they still crave it, there is a problem. And I crave it a lot. So much so that I have to completely avoid women my age to avoid trouble. 

Maybe the problem is "why do you crave it?" If it's control, why do you want control?

Personally I wanted control because my life as a child was hectic and ran by incompetent and selfish people, I wanted control so that I could run it (be it a household, a nation, or a family) right. It's both a projection of the elderly around me's faults on the world as well as the arrogance that I knew the answers and how best to run people.

Perhaps there's something similar going on with you.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

My family is high quality, at least our nuclear family. We are of Roman Catholic, middle class, intellectual-entrepeneur stock. My parents never got divorced, nobody drinks, nobody does drugs, and we work on our moral standing. I was born into the quality ranks.

They can't be high quality. They beat and verbally abused you. Which is anti-Christian as well as ghetto/ape-level humanity. 

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

You are arguing my point. Parents are not the only influence in a child's life. A good girl can (and does) decide to fall for a badboy very often despite being from a quality household. And that is our problem here,

Well, if I was armed and reared correctly I wouldn't need to managed as a teenager and young adult. Likewise arm my children correctly and then I am no longer needed.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

He does give himself away after a while. Not even accidentally. I, for instance, have given myself away either to put an end to the game, or to see their faces when they learn the truth. 

I'd be interested in how that works...

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

I'll send you the link if I can find it. 


1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

1. That is important as well. And I appreciate your effort. I think I have largely understood how the mechanism works, though there are some questions remaining. Saying "evolution" is a good answer, but not sufficient for me. In order to break my cycle completely, and not pass it on to my childen, I have to learn more.

I think you're abstracting from the difficult zone to the safe zone. Something I occasionally do, but I think you might be doing it even more so since you think there is value in studying why monkeys through their poop.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

2. There is nothing to DO. Or at least I cannot do anything right now, since I don't have enough information. I am already doing what you are suggesting anyway.

I think you only need two bits of information: "Why do good girls (seemingly) fall for players?" "Why do I want to play?"

I think the first is a matter of you mis-identifying bad/stupid/bad-judge girls for good, and the latter a lack of control during a hectic childhood.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

3. No, WE have a problem to solve as a species. My part is in figuring out why things are the way they are.

I don't have a problem. Any girl dumb enough or vulnerable enough to fall for a player is nothing I want to touch. 

Your problem is that you both like it (I think because you want to feel safe maybe) and dislike it (because you know it's a lie; these women don't actually like you, merely your projection. Also I imagine it dampens your faith in the species as well as the genders because as a man you naturally want to believe other bipedal hominids got your back and that there is a fine fertile female with a brain out there somewhere).

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

It is an addiction. Of course it's hard. I would be lying if I claimed otherwise. And it is also a great hinderance and an energy drain in my life.

I can't sympathize; I've never been addicted to something. All I can do is try to shed some light and perhaps quench your desires.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

1. A lot happened. I grew up when I was 12. Nothing sexual, thank God, but a lot of neglect, emotional and physical abuse from both parents. It is still affecting me today, no doubt. Though they have been making up for it. We were homeschooled for a couple years, my father began spending more time with us, my mother got off birth control. The effort was pretty obvious.

This is what I was referring to above.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

2. Control. There is the problem. I love manipulating people, which means I don't fully respect human free will. And since I am also very good at it, it is a big problem. What makes it a gigantic problem is that there are many like me without a moral compass. And the women are the ones who turn in into a problem that will be the end of us, because they love us.
Personally, I just want to be normal at last. I am tired of feeling guilty, I am tired of being torn in two.

I think the best kind of woman is the kind with clear-eyes and intelligence. She'd see you for what you are and what you're doing; you'd love her for it. She'd probably reject you since she probably wouldn't be able to trust you, and then you'd be the one whose heart is being pulled like a wolf with strings binding him to the white dove. 

Perhaps our best fit is similar in that regard; can smell bull crap, is intelligent, and also is compassionate towards those she likes and loves. 

However I think to find the woman you can't mislead (and therefore feel safe with), you have to stop being a player. 

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On ‎2017‎. ‎11‎. ‎05‎. at 6:38 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

1. How do you determine the desired qualities and then begin using them as a bait to manipulate women into doing things?
2. Reversing the genders for a moment, is it like: first a woman notices a guy comes from an abusive single mom household and desires a stable, compassionate woman; so she acts caring ("tell me about yourself"; "How do you feel about that") and stable ("don't worry about that--I've got it"; "No worries; I understand") to make the guy desire her and then, assuming her goal is to make him give her money, speak as if she struggles with money and work and wishes someone could help her?
3. How is it exactly? I am interested in at least as a novelist since I could find it useful. 

1. Pretty straightforward with women. Always goes back to the father. If I know her father personally, that is a huge advantage. If I don't, the paternal relationship is always glaringly visible on women. You can tell by the way they dress, talk, look, etc. Anyway, I always aim to match their idea of the perfect dad. The ones who have good fathers always aim for traditional christian qualities, such as stability, wisdom, courage, etc. My luck, so to speak, is that such qualities are extremely rare in today's west, especially among guys my age, so there is hardly any competition. This is where the mystery of evolution kicks in, and here is where the good girl differs no longer from the bad girl. The girl I have picked for myself will want to do anything in order to keep me around, just as a healthy man would do almost anything to keep around the most beautiful woman.
2. I think women have a much easier time manipulating men. All they have to do is put out. But yes, as I said, we stole their strategy, which is to morph into whatever the other individual desires, and then leashing them to the lie. For women though, it is an evolutionarily hardwired strategy.


Maybe the problem is "why do you crave it?" If it's control, why do you want control? Personally I wanted control because my life as a child was hectic and ran by incompetent and selfish people, I wanted control so that I could run it (be it a household, a nation, or a family) right. It's both a projection of the elderly around me's faults on the world as well as the arrogance that I knew the answers and how best to run people. Perhaps there's something similar going on with you.

Definitely something similar. I remember being very small, looking out the apartment window onto the street, wanting to determine where people on the sidewalks should be allowed to walk. But this is as far as I can recall of anything that has to do with control. And again, I only want to control women. Frankly, I think it is genetic for me, since the tendency runs in the family.


They can't be high quality. They beat and verbally abused you. Which is anti-Christian as well as ghetto/ape-level humanity. 

Sorry, I meant to say that the social status of our family is quality. We always only hang around other quality families. Not to say they are all perfect, but they definitely strive.


I'd be interested in how that works...

I'm only guessing what your question is. You can reveal yourself bit by bit, or very suddenly. I prefer the gradual process. Showing signs of psychopathy, of lust for control, of emotional coldness. This is still part of the game though. I want them to feel confused. Also, there is some sick pleasure one finds in showing evil to the innocent.


I think you're abstracting from the difficult zone to the safe zone. Something I occasionally do, but I think you might be doing it even more so since you think there is value in studying why monkeys through their poop. I think you only need two bits of information: "Why do good girls (seemingly) fall for players?" "Why do I want to play?"

I don't think I am abstracting. I simply need an abstract frame in which I can arrange the real stuff.
Those are the questions I have been asking.


1. I don't have a problem. Any girl dumb enough or vulnerable enough to fall for a player is nothing I want to touch. 
2. Your problem is that you both like it (I think because you want to feel safe maybe) and dislike it (because you know it's a lie; these women don't actually like you, merely your projection. Also I imagine it dampens your faith in the species as well as the genders because as a man you naturally want to believe other bipedal hominids got your back and that there is a fine fertile female with a brain out there somewhere).

1. You have a problem because you will have daughters. 
2. Well put, nothing to add.


I can't sympathize; I've never been addicted to something. All I can do is try to shed some light and perhaps quench your desires.

I have read that sexual reward hormones, endorphines or whatever, clear from the body after two years. I can definitely feel that they have, and that helps a lot. But this only means that my desire is not corporal, but emotional. So maybe it is not genetic, idk. All I can say is that control, or power is no doubt very addictive, and I have already tried it, so I can sympathise with leftists a bit.


I think the best kind of woman is the kind with clear-eyes and intelligence. She'd see you for what you are and what you're doing; you'd love her for it. She'd probably reject you since she probably wouldn't be able to trust you, and then you'd be the one whose heart is being pulled like a wolf with strings binding him to the white dove. Perhaps our best fit is similar in that regard; can smell bull crap, is intelligent, and also is compassionate towards those she likes and loves. 

However I think to find the woman you can't mislead (and therefore feel safe with), you have to stop being a player. 

Supposing such a woman exists... One has to have seen a badboy to know a badboy, I think.

The difference between player and badboy is that the player is no threat to good women, but the badboy is. More often than not, a badboy wears a suit and a tie instead of a leather jacket. The good ones at least. But anyway, yes I agree, I should stop.

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45 minutes ago, Mishi2 said:

1. Pretty straightforward with women. Always goes back to the father. If I know her father personally, that is a huge advantage. If I don't, the paternal relationship is always glaringly visible on women. You can tell by the way they dress, talk, look, etc. Anyway, I always aim to match their idea of the perfect dad. The ones who have good fathers always aim for traditional christian qualities, such as stability, wisdom, courage, etc. My luck, so to speak, is that such qualities are extremely rare in today's west, especially among guys my age, so there is hardly any competition. This is where the mystery of evolution kicks in, and here is where the good girl differs no longer from the bad girl. The girl I have picked for myself will want to do anything in order to keep me around, just as a healthy man would do almost anything to keep around the most beautiful woman.

I think I understand. I could probably do it myself but I always feel an immense fear after lying to someone. I hate to say I could teach someone how to be evil, but I suppose I could. However I am thankful I am naturally bad at being evil because...I dunno, maybe it's evolution or maybe it's my culture. Lying has always been hard for me, even when I succeed.


2. I think women have a much easier time manipulating men. All they have to do is put out. But yes, as I said, we stole their strategy, which is to morph into whatever the other individual desires, and then leashing them to the lie. For women though, it is an evolutionarily hardwired strategy.

Yeah. I don't necessarily think it's bad though since good actions of bad intent are still good actions; it's just that we'd also like some good intent to be there too, right?


Definitely something similar. I remember being very small, looking out the apartment window onto the street, wanting to determine where people on the sidewalks should be allowed to walk. But this is as far as I can recall of anything that has to do with control. And again, I only want to control women. Frankly, I think it is genetic for me, since the tendency runs in the family.

I hate to admit it but I've always wanted to control large numbers of men and make them do my ideological bidding. I still do, which is why I am respectful of those that are actually good at resisting the temptations of power and humble of myself. I have only been interested in women since puberty since before that I considered women to be lesser, annoying, and weaker men. 

Now I think I'm much more respectful of the species because I realize more why things are the way they are and how they work. I listened to a recent podcast where Stef asked "what has Europe brought to the world in the last 100 years?" and I'm not so cynical as to say nothing. From medicine to technology, Europe has been the world's leader this past century even if our morals have waned. 

I wonder if the secret to having a lesser desire for control is humility; the respect for the strengths of others' and the weakness of the self. I find the more impressed I am by the greats and surprisingly impressed by the smalls (i.e. the nameless businessmen and workers of history) the less desire I have to control since I have better faith in people, which is why I am an AnCap since I think that is where humanity ( or at least the Eurasians) will flourish! Monarchism might be the best way there since it denies the will of the mob and supports the will of the few, which is what everyone must endeavor to be the best few rather than the worst few.


Sorry, I meant to say that the social status of our family is quality. We always only hang around other quality families. Not to say they are all perfect, but they definitely strive.

An important differentiation. 


I'm only guessing what your question is. You can reveal yourself bit by bit, or very suddenly. I prefer the gradual process. Showing signs of psychopathy, of lust for control, of emotional coldness. This is still part of the game though. I want them to feel confused. Also, there is some sick pleasure one finds in showing evil to the innocent.

I hate to say I know what you mean. I think it's revenge; we're angry that we've been "led" to believe the virtue of X and therefore desire to mentally overwhelm them. I think the solution is both humility and honesty with the self. Perhaps you should make peace with yourself (as opposed to jihad) and figure out how best you can serve your future family and tribe (not racial tribe but ethical tribe).


I don't think I am abstracting. I simply need an abstract frame in which I can arrange the real stuff.
Those are the questions I have been asking.



1. You have a problem because you will have daughters. 

My daughters will have me and their mother as examples. I will teach them as you've taught me; they'll learn. And besides, I know they would never "surrender themselves" (sexually, emotionally, etc.) because I'll warn them that that's a sign of manipulation by the bad boy. Perhaps if they experience a bad boy (without sex of course) they'll learn best how to block them forever and that would make their descendants all the stronger. 

I'm not terribly worried because I think they'll be most attracted to guys like me; therefore the trick is to be the best guy I can be.


2. Well put, nothing to add.

I have read that sexual reward hormones, endorphines or whatever, clear from the body after two years. I can definitely feel that they have, and that helps a lot. But this only means that my desire is not corporal, but emotional. So maybe it is not genetic, idk. All I can say is that control, or power is no doubt very addictive, and I have already tried it, so I can sympathise with leftists a bit.

I think the trick is to humble the self.


Supposing such a woman exists... One has to have seen a badboy to know a badboy, I think.

And that'd be a good thing, wouldn't it? One example is Stef's wife; he talks about her now and then (especially in older podcasts when he became a father to when his daughter was growing into toddler-hood) and from what I can tell she's a stellar example.

The trick is to find a similar kind of woman while she's young enough to support a big family. Sadly she and Stef were late and barely able to have one child.


The difference between player and badboy is that the player is no threat to good women, but the badboy is. More often than not, a badboy wears a suit and a tie instead of a leather jacket. The good ones at least. But anyway, yes I agree, I should stop.

I'm going to keep using the words interchangeably. I don't think the distinction matters when they're both on the same spectrum.

I think you need to be humbled, as well as have faith in good women. Faith that good women exist, and faith that good women will know and recognize you based on your actions. If you stop being a bad boy, while continuing to improve yourself financially and morally, you'll eventually attract a truly good woman. You'll know her when I see her, I have faith in that. 

Perhaps as examples you should research the great women of history. Saint Olga of Kiev, Wang Yi of Han China, Margaret Thatcher, and Saint Isabella de Castillo come to mind. They aren't all perfect, but they do emphasize certain desirable strengths that recognizing the existence of them could inspire faith in the existence of good women.

After all; if good men exist, surely good women do. Just don't lower your standard of good men; by definition good men can smell bad girls and avoid them. Therefore good men can never be tricked by bad women because they have moral and mental shields against them as well as wisdom. Likewise good women to men.


ADDED: Easy example is the lady who posted "Good Advice For Young Women". I don't know much about her, but I do know she wants to improve herself and figure out how to evolve. She's a perfect proof that good women (or at least women seeking to become good) exist, like how good men (or men seeking to become good) exist. 

Edited by Siegfried von Walheim
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@Siegfried von Walheim , to add another angle to this conversation, one of OP's fundamental assumptions is that he is doing something unto other women. Another assumption is that those women were pure.

Why accept either of those premises? Did those women not have a choice in the matter? Assuming they did, how can they choose to be whores if they were pure? Don't you think it makes more sense that they were whores to begin with? 

If you accept that line of reasoning, don't you think it only makes sense that like attracts like (i.e. promiscuous woman with promiscuous man), as opposed to the bad boy theory ?

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3 hours ago, Fashus Maximus said:

@Siegfried von Walheim , to add another angle to this conversation, one of OP's fundamental assumptions is that he is doing something unto other women. Another assumption is that those women were pure.
Why accept either of those premises? Did those women not have a choice in the matter? Assuming they did, how can they choose to be whores if they were pure? Don't you think it makes more sense that they were whores to begin with?
If you accept that line of reasoning, don't you think it only makes sense that like attracts like (i.e. promiscuous woman with promiscuous man), as opposed to the bad boy theory ?

Hi, Fashus Maximus
We have been discussing that angle for about the last ten posts. What you are talking about is the Player, who differs from the badboy in that he does not aim for quality, but for quantity, and his methods are rather different as well.
I think we have established fairly well that there are genetics and evolution at play. Therefore, it has to affect all women. Concurrently, men are evolutionarily and genetically hardwired to look for good-looking women; no matter how virtuous of a man you are, you will consider the best-looking babe in the room. Women will consider the man who displays the traits that seem most evolutionarily preferable, particularly masculinity. What makes a badboy, is that he can fake these traits, sometimes even better than the real quality men, and sometimes so well that it does not set off the quality women's bullshit meter.

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6 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

We have been discussing that angle for about the last ten posts. What you are talking about is the Player, who differs from the badboy in that he does not aim for quality, but for quantity, and his methods are rather different as well.

I am aware, but what I question is the ability of any PUA (even the Player) to acquire pure women. How can a woman be pure and promiscuous at the same time? That's contradictory is it not?

Also, would any type of PUA wait to get married before consummating the relationship? Has any type of PUA ever convinced a pure woman to sacrifice her virginity (and therefore SMV) for a fling? These last 2 questions are a matter of empiricism, and the answer to both of these would have to be "yes" for the majority of pure women in order to validate the PUA theory, wouldn't you think?

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3 hours ago, Fashus Maximus said:

I am aware, but what I question is the ability of any PUA (even the Player) to acquire pure women. How can a woman be pure and promiscuous at the same time? That's contradictory is it not?

Promiscuity is not part of the game. Not necessarily at least. But even if it were, the devil tempts everyone, even so the best of us. There is a reason we pray "do not lead us into temptation". Even the best falter sometimes in the face of temptation. Especially if that temptation looks like me.

Anyway, we have already established that sex is not necessarily what I lead them to. And I mostly target those from whom I know I won't be able to get sex.

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@Mishi2 what is the goal of the "game" if not sex?

22 minutes ago, Mishi2 said:

Even the best falter sometimes in the face of temptation. Especially if that temptation looks like me.

It is a woman's nature to go where the wind blows. Whores are rather common these days. However, there is a growing community of women who see the winds blowing towards traditionalism, and have opted to preserve their purity in exchange for the opportunity to get with fit white men with fashy haircuts. Care to try your luck at www.wasp.love ?

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1 hour ago, Fashus Maximus said:

@Mishi2 what is the goal of the "game" if not sex?

It is a woman's nature to go where the wind blows. Whores are rather common these days. However, there is a growing community of women who see the winds blowing towards traditionalism, and have opted to preserve their purity in exchange for the opportunity to get with fit white men with fashy haircuts. Care to try your luck at www.wasp.love ?

I think you should read the conversation I have been having with the Kaiser. It is control. The aim of the game is control. I don't find sex particularly rewarding.
I am not familiar with that site.

20 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I think I understand. I could probably do it myself but I always feel an immense fear after lying to someone. I hate to say I could teach someone how to be evil, but I suppose I could. However I am thankful I am naturally bad at being evil because...I dunno, maybe it's evolution or maybe it's my culture. Lying has always been hard for me, even when I succeed.

True evil does not look like count dracula. True evil does not lie outright, rather buries a pinch of lie in a mountain of truth, and with time, the lie spoils the entire truth.


Yeah. I don't necessarily think it's bad though since good actions of bad intent are still good actions; it's just that we'd also like some good intent to be there too, right?

I am a catholic, so I try to leave the decyphering of intent to God. But I don't really know. All I know is that it is evolutionarily advantageous for women.


I wonder if the secret to having a lesser desire for control is humility; the respect for the strengths of others' and the weakness of the self. I find the more impressed I am by the greats and surprisingly impressed by the smalls (i.e. the nameless businessmen and workers of history) the less desire I have to control since I have better faith in people, which is why I am an AnCap since I think that is where humanity ( or at least the Eurasians) will flourish! Monarchism might be the best way there since it denies the will of the mob and supports the will of the few, which is what everyone must endeavor to be the best few rather than the worst few.

Yes, the respect for free will definitely requires humility. However, even the Devil respects human free will, but only up until they hand over their free will of their own free will. This is what I do. I like reading the Life of Saints, because they are the perfect example of the way to respect human dignity. 


I hate to say I know what you mean. I think it's revenge; we're angry that we've been "led" to believe the virtue of X and therefore desire to mentally overwhelm them. I think the solution is both humility and honesty with the self. Perhaps you should make peace with yourself (as opposed to jihad) and figure out how best you can serve your future family and tribe (not racial tribe but ethical tribe).

I recognise your assessment as true of my father. He has been wronged so many times by stupid and evil people, women in particular. Sometimes my mother describes him as a woman-hater. I don't think that far is true, but he does indeed expose his scars quite often. As for me, I don't think it is true.


1. I think you need to be humbled, as well as have faith in good women. Faith that good women exist, and faith that good women will know and recognize you based on your actions. If you stop being a bad boy, while continuing to improve yourself financially and morally, you'll eventually attract a truly good woman. You'll know her when I see her, I have faith in that.
2. Perhaps as examples you should research the great women of history. Saint Olga of Kiev, Wang Yi of Han China, Margaret Thatcher, and Saint Isabella de Castillo come to mind. They aren't all perfect, but they do emphasize certain desirable strengths that recognizing the existence of them could inspire faith in the existence of good women. After all; if good men exist, surely good women do. Just don't lower your standard of good men; by definition good men can smell bad girls and avoid them. Therefore good men can never be tricked by bad women because they have moral and mental shields against them as well as wisdom. Likewise good women to men.

1. I must admit, sometimes my faith falters. Still, I have seen very good women in my life, so there is no doubt in my mind that they exist. One particular girl comes to mind who is so good that she scares me. I haven't taken a shot at her because she was a classmate of my brother's. Every girl I ever missed haunts me forever.
2. Yeah, as I said, the lady saints are really inspiring. To that account, I always feel an extraordinary amount of shame whenever I pray the Hail Mary.

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1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

True evil does not look like count dracula. True evil does not lie outright, rather buries a pinch of lie in a mountain of truth, and with time, the lie spoils the entire truth.

*Ahem* Hitler. Stalin. Lenin. Mao. They don't exactly look like saints and when one listens to them, one can hear the deceit (at least when one knows the language).

However there is truth to that. Hitler, for example, created the myth of Jewish war against the Germans by adding just a few lies to the true fact that the Jews were/are the dominant force in money politics and entertainment (in the West). Just needed to make it seem like the Jews are totally evil and beyond saving to make the Germans hate them enough for a self-fulfilling prophecy to occur; the Jews needed to defend themselves and since the wealthiest among them are quite well connected, they were able to bring in the A-team of Western nations to bring down the Third Empire. 

I guess I described an example of your intent.  

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

I am a catholic, so I try to leave the decyphering of intent to God. But I don't really know. All I know is that it is evolutionarily advantageous for women.

Yes. Also advantageous for women to be with a man who can detect manipulation and call it out. Frankly I wouldn't worry so much about it since you're not interested in random women, but the really good ones.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

Yes, the respect for free will definitely requires humility. However, even the Devil respects human free will, but only up until they hand over their free will of their own free will. This is what I do. I like reading the Life of Saints, because they are the perfect example of the way to respect human dignity. 

Is that a book or...? I'd be interested in reading that. Better yet; hearing that.

It never ceases to amaze me how progressive the Church has been throughout history. Or how wise.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

I recognise your assessment as true of my father. He has been wronged so many times by stupid and evil people, women in particular. Sometimes my mother describes him as a woman-hater. I don't think that far is true, but he does indeed expose his scars quite often. As for me, I don't think it is true.

I think it's a little true, at least. 

I mean, why is control so delicious? What happens if you surrender trying to control others' and live honestly and freely? I think you might like that more.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

1. I must admit, sometimes my faith falters. Still, I have seen very good women in my life, so there is no doubt in my mind that they exist. One particular girl comes to mind who is so good that she scares me. I haven't taken a shot at her because she was a classmate of my brother's. Every girl I ever missed haunts me forever.

If she and you are meant for each other, you'll surely meet again. In fact, aren't you most attracted to the girls that are so good they scare you? The harder they are to get, the better they are to keep because only you will be able to keep them and therefore so long as you maintain your part of the marital bargain you have nothing to fear.

1 hour ago, Mishi2 said:

2. Yeah, as I said, the lady saints are really inspiring. To that account, I always feel an extraordinary amount of shame whenever I pray the Hail Mary.

If that's the case your chin should be up because you have proof that virtuous women exist, and therefore all you have to worry about is yourself! I think the solution is simply to surrender trying to control others' ("Just say no.", as Nancy Reagan says very wisely and succinctly) and be yourself and only yourself. I think you'll feel a lot more secure and self-confident once you start setting honest signals which could attract the real white doves. 

So, to make it actionable, I suggest you stop worrying about women and simply have faith that so long as you are virtuous and attentive you will find the right one, and instead focus on making yourself into a true man. 

How's that sound for a prescription?

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2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

I think you should read the conversation I have been having with the Kaiser.

Post a link? I don't see anyone by that username in your activity

2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

The aim of the game is control.

I'm assuming you don't mean physical control. So, in what way do you control women? As in, using authority to offer some form of reward - or lack of punishment - in exchange for sex?

You mentioned to @Siegfried von Walheim that you believe it is a genetic trait, as it runs in your family. Are you of a certain famous ethnic tribe that shall not be named, known to have a pattern for engaging in such pursuits?

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9 minutes ago, Fashus Maximus said:

Post a link? I don't see anyone by that username in your activity


I self-demoted to Count based on a claim I actually have a very weak claim to.

9 minutes ago, Fashus Maximus said:

I'm assuming you don't mean physical control. So, in what way do you control women? As in, using authority to offer some form of reward - or lack of punishment - in exchange for sex?

He likes to feel gratification through compliments, looks of admiration, and I think senses of trust and need. He's basically being an attractive woman who seduces men by acting out the role she detects as them either missing and desiring or having and wanting more of. For example, acting like a true Western man to girls raised by seemingly true Western men. 

9 minutes ago, Fashus Maximus said:

You mentioned to @Siegfried von Walheim that you believe it is a genetic trait, as it runs in your family. Are you of a certain famous ethnic tribe that shall not be named, known to have a pattern for engaging in such pursuits?

He's half Mongolian, half Hungarian, with some German elements to it.

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On 2017-10-01 at 8:49 PM, Mishi2 said:

Now here you are on to something. I have noticed a couple years ago that I don't care about anyone outside my family, and I view them as machines.

On 2017-10-03 at 1:20 AM, Mishi2 said:

It is very sad, because I am a very empathetic person (no, really). It breaks my heart whenever I see anyone crying, or when someone else makes a girl cry.

You seem to contradict yourself in these two statements. When I think “bad boy,” I consider it to mean low-empathy, high-narcissism, psychopathic, etc. Your first statement fits that and is what I would expect. If you view people outside your family as machines, why would you cry when they cry? If they’re not human to you, how can you empathize?

I’ve been interested in this question of “bad boy” preference myself, as I do see it quite often. Personally, I don’t find myself attracted to the psychopathic elements, but I know women that are. My sister is a good example. She married someone I would consider the domineering, power-seeking, low-sensitivity bad boy.

I think you didn’t agree with the r/K selection theory suggested, but I believe it has some validity and might be a useful way to start to frame it at least. It seems to me that the extreme “bad boy” type is what r-selection would produce. If there are excess resources available, it’s not necessary to form pair bonds in order to raise children. In such an environment, the man that finds pleasure in sleeping with women one after the other, doesn’t get attached to them, and doesn’t care about the children produced is going to be able to have more children.

I know you think it’s not about sex, but in a state of nature, your actions would produce children with many different women. You said that you come from a good family: parents stayed together, lots of nurturing and support. But that doesn’t mean you won’t have genetic personality traits that lead you to act differently. Also, I think culture plays a large part in shaping who we are and, at least in the west, there is a strong push towards more r-selected traits at the moment (in my opinion).

My explanation for why a lot of girls go for the bad boy type is this: women are biologically programmed to seek high-status men for obvious reasons. It’s hypergamy and fairly universal among women. However, what women consider to be high status changes depending on what she values. The woman that goes for the bad boy is choosing the “successful” man in an r-selected environment. The west has excess resources, so it increasingly encourages the r-mode.

So I’ve questioned why I’m not attracted to this type, and I think the reason is that I don’t follow the culture. I’m very future-oriented and know what it would mean to be with a low-empahty user. The man I plan to marry is very loving and loyal, non-aggressive, and would perhaps be considered a “beta” male by your standards. However, he thinks for himself, isn’t controlled by his emotions or lusts, and competes well in the free market - so he is high-status by my standards.

One other thought I’ve had is that feminism is partially behind this. Feminism tells women that they must be equal in every way to a man. There should be no yeidling or submitting to men. But, in my experience, women like submitting - and sexually, most women probably need to do this in order to be happy. The traditional rules include “marry and submit to your husband.” Since the modern women can’t do that, they seek out sexual partners that force them to submit: the high-aggression, psychopathic men that will never love them.

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On ‎2017‎. ‎11‎. ‎07‎. at 9:57 PM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

*Ahem* Hitler. Stalin. Lenin. Mao. They don't exactly look like saints and when one listens to them, one can hear the deceit (at least when one knows the language). However there is truth to that. Hitler, for example, created the myth of Jewish war against the Germans by adding just a few lies to the true fact that the Jews were/are the dominant force in money politics and entertainment (in the West). Just needed to make it seem like the Jews are totally evil and beyond saving to make the Germans hate them enough for a self-fulfilling prophecy to occur; the Jews needed to defend themselves and since the wealthiest among them are quite well connected, they were able to bring in the A-team of Western nations to bring down the Third Empire.

In historical context, these guys definitely look like the saviours of their countries. One thing about Hitler is that he portrayed such an image of christian humility, that he only wore a single medal on his chest: the wound badge that he received during ww1. About Mao, the same thing. He wore the exact same grey workers suit that everyone else in China wore. These guys knew their stuff.


Is that a book or...? I'd be interested in reading that. Better yet; hearing that. It never ceases to amaze me how progressive the Church has been throughout history. Or how wise.

Good question. Apparently in English it has been published as The book of Saints . My family only had it in Hungarian, and the direct translation would be The Life of Saints.


I mean, why is control so delicious? What happens if you surrender trying to control others' and live honestly and freely? I think you might like that more.

I enjoy it for the same reason that one enjoys doing crack. It literally gives me a high. And you know, we all have our vices.


If that's the case your chin should be up because you have proof that virtuous women exist, and therefore all you have to worry about is yourself! I think the solution is simply to surrender trying to control others' ("Just say no.", as Nancy Reagan says very wisely and succinctly) and be yourself and only yourself. I think you'll feel a lot more secure and self-confident once you start setting honest signals which could attract the real white doves.  So, to make it actionable, I suggest you stop worrying about women and simply have faith that so long as you are virtuous and attentive you will find the right one, and instead focus on making yourself into a true man. How's that sound for a prescription?

It's alright. Thanks. There are still a few question left unanswered, but of course I don't expect you to know everything.


On ‎2017‎. ‎11‎. ‎07‎. at 10:21 PM, Fashus Maximus said:

1. Post a link? I don't see anyone by that username in your activity
2. I'm assuming you don't mean physical control. So, in what way do you control women? As in, using authority to offer some form of reward - or lack of punishment - in exchange for sex?
3. You mentioned to @Siegfried von Walheim that you believe it is a genetic trait, as it runs in your family. Are you of a certain famous ethnic tribe that shall not be named, known to have a pattern for engaging in such pursuits?

1. Sorry, it is Siegfried von Walheim whom I like to call Kaiser.
2. The same way one would control a horse; with a carrot. I offer them, at least seemingly, the perfectest man that they can imagine. Women are programmed to want to keep a man like that.
3. I have mentioned in my very first post that my grandfather was a womanizer. Also that my father has been warning me about engaging with women since I was 6 years old. I guess you can also note that Mongols are not particularly famous for respecting women's free will in matters of relationship.


5 hours ago, violet said:

1. You seem to contradict yourself in these two statements. When I think “bad boy,” I consider it to mean low-empathy, high-narcissism, psychopathic, etc. Your first statement fits that and is what I would expect. If you view people outside your family as machines, why would you cry when they cry? If they’re not human to you, how can you empathize?

2. I’ve been interested in this question of “bad boy” preference myself, as I do see it quite often. Personally, I don’t find myself attracted to the psychopathic elements, but I know women that are. My sister is a good example. She married someone I would consider the domineering, power-seeking, low-sensitivity bad boy.

3. I think you didn’t agree with the r/K selection theory suggested, but I believe it has some validity and might be a useful way to start to frame it at least. It seems to me that the extreme “bad boy” type is what r-selection would produce. If there are excess resources available, it’s not necessary to form pair bonds in order to raise children. In such an environment, the man that finds pleasure in sleeping with women one after the other, doesn’t get attached to them, and doesn’t care about the children produced is going to be able to have more children. I know you think it’s not about sex, but in a state of nature, your actions would produce children with many different women. You said that you come from a good family: parents stayed together, lots of nurturing and support. But that doesn’t mean you won’t have genetic personality traits that lead you to act differently. Also, I think culture plays a large part in shaping who we are and, at least in the west, there is a strong push towards more r-selected traits at the moment (in my opinion). My explanation for why a lot of girls go for the bad boy type is this: women are biologically programmed to seek high-status men for obvious reasons. It’s hypergamy and fairly universal among women. However, what women consider to be high status changes depending on what she values. The woman that goes for the bad boy is choosing the “successful” man in an r-selected environment. The west has excess resources, so it increasingly encourages the r-mode.

4. So I’ve questioned why I’m not attracted to this type, and I think the reason is that I don’t follow the culture. I’m very future-oriented and know what it would mean to be with a low-empahty user. The man I plan to marry is very loving and loyal, non-aggressive, and would perhaps be considered a “beta” male by your standards. However, he thinks for himself, isn’t controlled by his emotions or lusts, and competes well in the free market - so he is high-status by my standards.

5. One other thought I’ve had is that feminism is partially behind this. Feminism tells women that they must be equal in every way to a man. There should be no yeidling or submitting to men. But, in my experience, women like submitting - and sexually, most women probably need to do this in order to be happy. The traditional rules include “marry and submit to your husband.” Since the modern women can’t do that, they seek out sexual partners that force them to submit: the high-aggression, psychopathic men that will never love them.

Hi, violet ! Thanks for posting!

1. That's a fair observation. I did say though "2 years ago". I have changed a lot since, but I still have a tendency to view others as non-persons. That said, the reason I feel for those defrauded women so much is because of my astronomical guilt. Whenever I see them, I am reminded of what I do. 2 years ago, this was not the case yet.

2. The important thing is that I don't think your sister agrees with you. She does not see her husband as a psychopath, and that is the point. If he is truly a badboy, he was aiming to fool her, not you. I bet she believes him to be a true masculine man, with a strong will, but a good heart deep inside.

3. You make a looooot of good points regarding the r/k theory. I grew up in the East in the developing world, not the west though, so that theory doesn't really hold up. However... 
Here is the theory that yours brings to mind: In a society with limited resources, they produce R-men and K-women, and in a socity of abundance, we have K-men and R-women. As far as I can tell, there are many virtuous women in poorer societies, who get married, stay married, and have lots of children. In the west, as it seems, women have become repulsively promiscuous, and have chosen only to settle for the highest status men, hence MGTOW. As for men, there are a ton of strong and masculine R selected men, who are aggressive, willing to bang a lot of women and make a lot of babies, hence the Migrant Crisis. Whereas in the west, men don't even have sex anymore, and many have even gone MGTOW, hence the Migrant Crisis.
Apparently, I am the aggressive thrid worlder who is missing in the west. I suppose this is where RK theory may play a part.

4. I like beta men, because they make good husbands. On the other hand, I have a strong contempt for them because I see in them the decay of the West. Whenever I look for a friend, I look for someone whom I can take to the next siege of Constantinople. Today's guys can't even hold a flag straight.

5. When I was small, I found it rather odd and backwards that in the Bible it says women should submit to the man. But as I got older and saw the West, it has become pretty clear to me why Islam and Christianity are still so popular. There is no such thing as democracy; It will be either the man on top, or the woman. If it is the woman though, society will collapse, as we have seen with Sweden.

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On 11/9/2017 at 5:09 AM, Mishi2 said:

In historical context, these guys definitely look like the saviours of their countries. One thing about Hitler is that he portrayed such an image of christian humility, that he only wore a single medal on his chest: the wound badge that he received during ww1. About Mao, the same thing. He wore the exact same grey workers suit that everyone else in China wore. These guys knew their stuff.

Indeed. I think I was a bit too arrogant in saying they were obvious since, to know them in real time, a man would have to be really attentive to their words and knowledgeable of their actions. Without that, how can Hitler not seem like Charles Martel and Mao like Liu Bei? 


Good question. Apparently in English it has been published as The book of Saints . My family only had it in Hungarian, and the direct translation would be The Life of Saints.

Thank you. I think the "Life of Saints" makes a better title but that's semantics. 


I enjoy it for the same reason that one enjoys doing crack. It literally gives me a high. And you know, we all have our vices.

I dunno. A vice to be a vice has to be self-destructive. I have my hobbies, but they aren't self-destructive unless I live exclusively for them and ignore my work and my livelihood. I am sure man can be without vice without having to have the strong constitution of a saint. 


It's alright. Thanks. There are still a few question left unanswered, but of course I don't expect you to know everything.

Maybe I can keep poking. I'm still interested in the topic since Violet brought in an interesting view. 


3. You make a looooot of good points regarding the r/k theory. I grew up in the East in the developing world, not the west though, so that theory doesn't really hold up. However... 
Here is the theory that yours brings to mind: In a society with limited resources, they produce R-men and K-women, and in a socity of abundance, we have K-men and R-women. As far as I can tell, there are many virtuous women in poorer societies, who get married, stay married, and have lots of children. In the west, as it seems, women have become repulsively promiscuous, and have chosen only to settle for the highest status men, hence MGTOW. As for men, there are a ton of strong and masculine R selected men, who are aggressive, willing to bang a lot of women and make a lot of babies, hence the Migrant Crisis. Whereas in the west, men don't even have sex anymore, and many have even gone MGTOW, hence the Migrant Crisis.
Apparently, I am the aggressive thrid worlder who is missing in the west. I suppose this is where RK theory may play a part.

I think you misunderstand alpha/beta versus r/k. 

An alpha is a man of integrity and assertiveness; a beta is a boy of cowardice and either arrogance or excessive humility. 

An Alpha K is like Stefan Molyneux or Charles Martel. An Alpha r is more like Genghis Khan or Hitler. Basically Good vs. Evil. 

Beta ks might include the wimps that is the modern White male, but I'm hesitant since the definition of K requires alpha integrity and assertiveness, though under duress I can understand keeping one's head low, I wouldn't call that cowardice. I suppose a Beta K might be the guy that is somewhat wise and inclined towards wisdom but lacks the courage or the integrity (or the morals) to do what is right. 

Beta rs are the drug addicts, horny boys and girls, and basically the waste of skin that isn't worth taking seriously as anything other than movable pawns on the demonic chess board. 

The West's Ks have either died from too many wars, been out-bred by the r's, and/or are being out-voted out-muscled by the mobs of r's. 

Betas have always made for common conscripts, alphas are the volunteers (especially back when conscription was practically impossible for countries not named China), nobles, and knights. 

The Alpha K's are either going Galt (albeit not self-destructively like the Beta K's), standing up (like Stef), or jumping ship (like me considering heading off to Russia once I'm able since I consider Russia a beacon of light to be defended compared to the inequity of the West). Beta K's are either keeping silent or taking advantage to further themselves. Alpha r's lead the extremist groups while the beta r's are everyone's foot soldiers. 

Our problem is that the Alpha K's have been dethroned with the chaining of their determination by the left and their alienation from the foot soldiers that used to call them noble. 


4. I like beta men, because they make good husbands. On the other hand, I have a strong contempt for them because I see in them the decay of the West. Whenever I look for a friend, I look for someone whom I can take to the next siege of Constantinople. Today's guys can't even hold a flag straight.

What do you mean by "beta men"? I've never gotten along with betas. They disgust me with their cowardice and ineptitude. I have only ever gotten along with alphas, but I am basing this statement on the definitions I've provided. I suppose some could be mistaken for betas (like beta ks) since most of them weren't horny boys or players. Which I'd define as a beta r. 


5. When I was small, I found it rather odd and backwards that in the Bible it says women should submit to the man. But as I got older and saw the West, it has become pretty clear to me why Islam and Christianity are still so popular. There is no such thing as democracy; It will be either the man on top, or the woman. If it is the woman though, society will collapse, as we have seen with Sweden.

Well, I am one for the belief that man must submit when he is in the wrong, and stand when in the right. 

I think politically it is foolish to assume just because women have the vote that women are naturally bad at politics; women have been involved in politics since the dawn of time. They raise the kings, advise their noble husbands, and encourage their knights. The problem with the West is republicanism since the common woman, like the common man, is bad at politics. 

Perhaps I am a strange creature, but I am most attracted to women who are assertive when right, humble when wrong, and capable of knowing the difference and maintaining their integrity. 

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On 9/30/2017 at 10:35 AM, Mishi2 said:

This is the first really personal post of mine ever, so be understanding, but don't reserve the truth bombs.

It seems like an overwhelming number of the call-in shows involving women make a mention Bad Boys. Please confirm that I am not the only one who finds this to be like a track on repeat.

Is there a philosophical assessment of the bad boy that Mr.Molyneux has already made? Is there an explanation as to why women keep falling into the same trap over and over again?

This is important to me because I am a bad boy myself. I like manipulating women, I like their attention, I feel powerful when I see their tears, I love building uncertainty and mystery, I like the thrill of conquest, I feel validated when I get the prettiest and most innocent girl in the room, and I like undressing her and deflowering her.
This is an unusual trait for me to have because neither of my parents were promiscuous, neither of my brothers are either. My paternal grandfather was a true player, however I never saw him.

Also worth noting that my family does not look leniently upon my tendencies. My brothers have ostracised my for my behaviour, and my father and I have not spoken for over a year partly due to my behaviour. My family is first generation Roman Catholic, so morals are still pretty strong. What I am looking for is not what is right or wrong, but an intellectual evaluation of such behaviour.

Well, in our society, men are evil, fathers are banished, and women can do no wrong. A classic example is Jion Ghmeshi whereby, male pushing 50 is smashing women in their 20s and when plummeted SMV women more his age find out, they freak the fuck out and cry foul. False sexual assault allegations, collusion, lying under oath, and of course, no fallout for their actions. It was clearly a shot at genetic ostracism.

Nice attempt at trolling. Had me until you said "deflower." Hows the red light district treating you?

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On 11/7/2017 at 11:47 AM, Mishi2 said:

Promiscuity is not part of the game. Not necessarily at least. But even if it were, the devil tempts everyone, even so the best of us. There is a reason we pray "do not lead us into temptation". Even the best falter sometimes in the face of temptation. Especially if that temptation looks like me.

Anyway, we have already established that sex is not necessarily what I lead them to. And I mostly target those from whom I know I won't be able to get sex.

Your conversion rate sounds spectacular and that coming from someone that spam approaches lol

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22 minutes ago, meetjoeblack said:

Your conversion rate sounds spectacular and that coming from someone that spam approaches lol

I keep forgetting he compliments himself a lot. I guess I've gotten quite used to him, eh? Even from a man I sort of find that level of autism cute. There's just something, regardless of who's saying it, attractive about unintended or instinctive self-flattery or self-compliments. 

Really off topic but Mishi reminds me of a really hot woman more than anything. I could easily imagine a woman with his personality and mentality....

....and then I start wishing Mishi was an attractive woman. He'd be a lot like my mother when she was his age.

I know he has self-confidence issues even though he knows he's hot. I think it has something to do with projecting a false self and people liking the fake him rather than the real him. A month and we've come this far, I wonder how far we'll continue to get...

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2 hours ago, meetjoeblack said:

Nice attempt at trolling. Had me until you said "deflower." Hows the red light district treating you?

What's your problem? Isn't that how you put it in english? 

If you are suggesting I visit a redlight district, you better have some good evidence to support your assumption.

2 hours ago, meetjoeblack said:

Your conversion rate sounds spectacular and that coming from someone that spam approaches lol

What conversion?

Oh, I get it. A reasonable objection you have. Sex is in the package only as far as it serves domination and control. What I have been saying is that sex is not the aim. I have also mentioned earlier that I don't prefer if they can be pulled into bed because it ends the game and my high. Still, I like doing it because I'm a dude. Yet again, I prefer it drags on as long as possible without it for the sake of the high.

Edited by Mishi2
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On 11/9/2017 at 5:09 AM, Mishi2 said:

The same way one would control a horse; with a carrot. I offer them, at least seemingly, the perfectest man that they can imagine. Women are programmed to want to keep a man like that.

That's my point, for many women, the carrot is having kids from a good father. How can you dangle such a carrot without a marriage proposal? Cuz without one, you can talk all you want but all the woman is thinking is "yaya keep talking f**k boy..."

On 11/9/2017 at 5:09 AM, Mishi2 said:

I have mentioned in my very first post that my grandfather was a womanizer. Also that my father has been warning me about engaging with women since I was 6 years old. I guess you can also note that Mongols are not particularly famous for respecting women's free will in matters of relationship.

Regarding ethnic tribes, I was referring to the "steinberg" tribe. Hungarian, eh? Like... the George Soros variety?

I ask because looking at one's behavior from an ethnic pov adds historical, cultural, and evolutionary context. It can give you the "levers" (so to speak) to dial up or down maladaptive behaviors. It certainly helped me with my own flaws.

In your case, it sounds like a non-predatory version of Harvey Weinstein. And yes, Mongolian genes too.

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22 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Indeed. I think I was a bit too arrogant in saying they were obvious since, to know them in real time, a man would have to be really attentive to their words and knowledgeable of their actions. Without that, how can Hitler not seem like Charles Martel and Mao like Liu Bei? 

Exactly. People are illogical and irrationall. Once you accept that, a whole lot oh history starts to make complete sense.


I think you misunderstand alpha/beta versus r/k. An alpha is a man of integrity and assertiveness; a beta is a boy of cowardice and either arrogance or excessive humility. 

Beta ks might include the wimps that is the modern White male, but I'm hesitant since the definition of K requires alpha integrity and assertiveness, though under duress I can understand keeping one's head low, I wouldn't call that cowardice. I suppose a Beta K might be the guy that is somewhat wise and inclined towards wisdom but lacks the courage or the integrity (or the morals) to do what is right. Beta rs are the drug addicts, horny boys and girls, and basically the waste of skin that isn't worth taking seriously as anything other than movable pawns on the demonic chess board. The West's Ks have either died from too many wars, been out-bred by the r's, and/or are being out-voted out-muscled by the mobs of r's. Betas have always made for common conscripts, alphas are the volunteers (especially back when conscription was practically impossible for countries not named China), nobles, and knights. The Alpha K's are either going Galt (albeit not self-destructively like the Beta K's), standing up (like Stef), or jumping ship (like me considering heading off to Russia once I'm able since I consider Russia a beacon of light to be defended compared to the inequity of the West). Beta K's are either keeping silent or taking advantage to further themselves. Alpha r's lead the extremist groups while the beta r's are everyone's foot soldiers. Our problem is that the Alpha K's have been dethroned with the chaining of their determination by the left and their alienation from the foot soldiers that used to call them noble. 

What do you mean by "beta men"? I've never gotten along with betas. They disgust me with their cowardice and ineptitude. I have only ever gotten along with alphas, but I am basing this statement on the definitions I've provided. I suppose some could be mistaken for betas (like beta ks) since most of them weren't horny boys or players. Which I'd define as a beta r. 

Right, thanks You make an important distinction between beta-alpha and R-K. Something I may have missed. I think my theory is still more or less correct though, either way, I will wait for violet 's response.
Of course, I meant Beta-Ks.


Well, I am one for the belief that man must submit when he is in the wrong, and stand when in the right. I think politically it is foolish to assume just because women have the vote that women are naturally bad at politics; women have been involved in politics since the dawn of time. They raise the kings, advise their noble husbands, and encourage their knights. The problem with the West is republicanism since the common woman, like the common man, is bad at politics. Perhaps I am a strange creature, but I am most attracted to women who are assertive when right, humble when wrong, and capable of knowing the difference and maintaining their integrity. 

Here is a scenario that I paint for every feminist and beta male I meet: In the future, you and your spouse are going to disagree, and you are going to disagree bigtime, on values for example, and you won't be able to resolve it through negotiation. At the end of it, either one of your wills will have to prevail, or your marriage will fall apart. As you know the old saying, war is the continuation of diplomacy. If diplomacy fails (and it will), one of you will have to back down, or you will have to escalate, maybe even to the point of violence. In this situation, it helps to have a pre-established principle of dispute-resolution. Now, you never want to bring the state or a third party into it, because all that will do is destroy the man, and nor do you want your children to be your arbiters, because that is child abuse. You have to keep it between yourselves. Which means one of your wills will have to be predeterminedly (in the marriage contract) the greater will.

14 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

1. I keep forgetting he compliments himself a lot. I guess I've gotten quite used to him, eh? Even from a man I sort of find that level of autism cute. There's just something, regardless of who's saying it, attractive about unintended or instinctive self-flattery or self-compliments.
2. Really off topic but Mishi reminds me of a really hot woman more than anything. I could easily imagine a woman with his personality and mentality...and then I start wishing Mishi was an attractive woman. He'd be a lot like my mother when she was his age.
3. I know he has self-confidence issues even though he knows he's hot. I think it has something to do with projecting a false self and people liking the fake him rather than the real him. A month and we've come this far, I wonder how far we'll continue to get...

1. You think that's called complimenting? Well, I have to disclose that you have seen nothing yet. On a serious note, if you look at the jabs I take at myself, you will see that I m just being honest. If I wanted to truly flatter myself, and not just in the tongue and cheek manner I did earlier, I can.
2. No, it is definitely not off-topic. I have an unusual amount of female characteristics that is pretty clear to anyone who knows me. So much so that my father used to viciously mock me for being girly when I was small. There is no question that I have some overdose of female hormones, or even a partly female brain. This is what I utilise to understand how women work. I never took a class in women's studies. It just happens that I could sympathise with them more than the average dude.
3. The funny thing is that I think I am hot only as far as empyrical evidence allows. I have the exact amount of ego that I can confirm to be warranted based on my interactions with people, particularly women. Which is again, why I play with women. Personally, I don't like my face, and I don't like my body; I have to get it confirmed to be hot every single day.

7 hours ago, Fashus Maximus said:

1. That's my point, for many women, the carrot is having kids from a good father. How can you dangle such a carrot without a marriage proposal? Cuz without one, you can talk all you want but all the woman is thinking is "yaya keep talking f**k boy..."
2. Regarding ethnic tribes, I was referring to the "steinberg" tribe. Hungarian, eh? Like... the George Soros variety?
3. I ask because looking at one's behavior from an ethnic pov adds historical, cultural, and evolutionary context. It can give you the "levers" (so to speak) to dial up or down maladaptive behaviors. It certainly helped me with my own flaws.In your case, it sounds like a non-predatory version of Harvey Weinstein. And yes, Mongolian genes too.

1. Excellent question. I will give you an example. This happened back in high school. 
If you suddenly saw me show up at a school field day with a medium sized dog in my arms that I am holding like a baby, you may think it was odd, and you would be right. When I did that, guys were amused, teachers were amused, staff were amused. But of course, they were not my audience. I was putting on the show for a particular nice girl. Because I knew what it would trigger on her. At this point, we hadn't yet talked much, but I was already "wooing" her. As far as she was concerned, this incident had already answered most of her questions. She got the signal that I was family man material. As I have said before, lying outright is not my thing, that is not our element as men, plus, women sniff it out anyway.
This is just one simple incident, but I hope it gives you a sense of how I lie.
2. Yeah, I got some jewish blood. In fact, let me lay it all out for you: 20% Tsahar tribe, 20% Uzemchin tribe, 10% Northern Han, 30% Magyar tribe, 10% Hungarian Jew, 10% Danubian German.
3. I have been acutely aware of my background, since I never looked anothing like any of my countrymen. One would say my Special Snowflake claim be warranted. Keep in mind though that I have 2 brothers of the exact same stock, who are very much unlike me in these tendencies towards women.

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2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:


Before I say anything: I pressed the wrong buttons and lost my progress again. *Censored*!!!!!!!!!

So, er, the quality of my response might be mixed. 

2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

Exactly. People are illogical and irrationall. Once you accept that, a whole lot oh history starts to make complete sense.

Irrational but in recognizable patterns that make sense given the right (which would be objectively wrong) mindset. 

2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

Right, thanks You make an important distinction between beta-alpha and R-K. Something I may have missed. I think my theory is still more or less correct though, either way, I will wait for violet 's response.

I'd be interested in what a woman has to say given as a man I have to guess what the other side thinks. But I might be overestimating the credibility of gender. I mean, a white man can talk about the black experience factually even if he doesn't sound as good saying it. But then again, a black man probably knows more about what it means to be a black man than even a very well-studied white man. 

2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

Of course, I meant Beta-Ks.

Here is a scenario that I paint for every feminist and beta male I meet: In the future, you and your spouse are going to disagree, and you are going to disagree bigtime, on values for example, and you won't be able to resolve it through negotiation. At the end of it, either one of your wills will have to prevail, or your marriage will fall apart. As you know the old saying, war is the continuation of diplomacy. If diplomacy fails (and it will), one of you will have to back down, or you will have to escalate, maybe even to the point of violence. In this situation, it helps to have a pre-established principle of dispute-resolution. Now, you never want to bring the state or a third party into it, because all that will do is destroy the man, and nor do you want your children to be your arbiters, because that is child abuse. You have to keep it between yourselves. Which means one of your wills will have to be predeterminedly (in the marriage contract) the greater will.

Won't happen. If I can't reason with my wife, I won't marry her. We will know each others' values before we marry because that's first and second date material. In general we will defer to whoever is wiser (like when I'm greater at something or the provider of something, I get the authority, while if she's better then the authority is her's, while if we're both poor then we ought to seek an outside source like a doctor of three for medical stuff assuming medical stuff is the thing we're bad at). 

2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

1. You think that's called complimenting? Well, I have to disclose that you have seen nothing yet. On a serious note, if you look at the jabs I take at myself, you will see that I m just being honest. If I wanted to truly flatter myself, and not just in the tongue and cheek manner I did earlier, I can.

It is, technically. It's cute because I find such alpha characteristics to be attractive from women (and I suppose men but obviously for different reasons), cool because it's also a sign of self-confidence, and mildly autistic because you probably don't realize you are doing it. However if you do then it's also smart because you're probably trying to repel certain types of people and attract other types. Definitely a level of social acuity I find attractive.

In fact, I wish I knew you personally since I think we'd make good friends. Of course I don't know how much of myself I have revealed to be certain of that. Just a hunch.

2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

2. No, it is definitely not off-topic. I have an unusual amount of female characteristics that is pretty clear to anyone who knows me. So much so that my father used to viciously mock me for being girly when I was small. There is no question that I have some overdose of female hormones, or even a partly female brain. This is what I utilise to understand how women work. I never took a class in women's studies. It just happens that I could sympathise with them more than the average dude.

I'm sorry to hear that (note: I want to be more expressive in giving sympathy since Stef does this and I want to be like Stefpai. I do meant it though), that shouldn't have happened and I hope you're right about your father taking responsibility, repenting, and trying to make restitution with you. 

I don't want to talk about the genetic stuff since I'm all about free will. I think the key is acting in accordance to morality, being proud of your strengths, humble to your weaknesses, and...something I wrote below, be yourself so that your praise is earned. 

2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

3. The funny thing is that I think I am hot only as far as empyrical evidence allows. I have the exact amount of ego that I can confirm to be warranted based on my interactions with people, particularly women. Which is again, why I play with women. Personally, I don't like my face, and I don't like my body; I have to get it confirmed to be hot every single day.

Brother, this I think is where the conversation needs to go. I think because you were abused as kid you desire praise as a man. You put on a false self to get that praise because being yourself probably meant a beat down as a little kid. Therefore you probably fear being fully yourself because you might not be liked by people you want to like you (or at least praise you) and probably realize that and therefore want control to both feel safe as well as get revenge against your father and mother for mocking you for being yourself as a kid.

That might not be a bullseye but I think we're getting somewhere. 

2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

1. Excellent question. I will give you an example. This happened back in high school. 
If you suddenly saw me show up at a school field day with a medium sized dog in my arms that I am holding like a baby, you may think it was odd, and you would be right. When I did that, guys were amused, teachers were amused, staff were amused. But of course, they were not my audience. I was putting on the show for a particular nice girl. Because I knew what it would trigger on her. At this point, we hadn't yet talked much, but I was already "wooing" her. As far as she was concerned, this incident had already answered most of her questions. She got the signal that I was family man material. As I have said before, lying outright is not my thing, that is not our element as men, plus, women sniff it out anyway.
This is just one simple incident, but I hope it gives you a sense of how I lie.

I think the key for you is to be yourself so that when people compliment you, they're complimenting you and not just a projection. Then your self-confidence will be earned and, on top of living according to morality, you'll get better over time.

To sum up I think the practical key is to: take pride in your strengths, be humble to your weaknesses, and be unapologetically yourself.

2 hours ago, Mishi2 said:

2. Yeah, I got some jewish blood. In fact, let me lay it all out for you: 20% Tsahar tribe, 20% Uzemchin tribe, 10% Northern Han, 30% Magyar tribe, 10% Hungarian Jew, 10% Danubian German.
3. I have been acutely aware of my background, since I never looked anothing like any of my countrymen. One would say my Special Snowflake claim be warranted. Keep in mind though that I have 2 brothers of the exact same stock, who are very much unlike me in these tendencies towards women.

I think I hit gold this time; what do you think?

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On 10/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Mishi2 said:

2. Here be the problem... Nobody I have ever seen at my age is into good guys, and I have never seen a girl who wasn't into me since I was 14. Could it be that I have never seen a single good girl in my life? I guess that is possible, even though I have been to more countries than I can count. Or you should give me a more specific definition of a good girl.
As for my friends, they are good, and I am not up to debating that.

Reading over some of the older posts here (and feeling a bit embarrassed since I got a bit pissy with one. Though in my defense, I tend to respond either early in the morning or late at night...), i notice this contradiction. 

If girls your age aren't into good guys then how are you pretending to be a good guy to get them? Sure it conforms to my theory that you simply haven't met the good girls yet, but it conflicts with yours that good girls can be fooled. 

I don't know how important this contradiction is, but I think it might be worth pointing out.

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On 11/10/2017 at 3:20 AM, Mishi2 said:

What's your problem? Isn't that how you put it in english? 

If you are suggesting I visit a redlight district, you better have some good evidence to support your assumption.

What conversion?

Oh, I get it. A reasonable objection you have. Sex is in the package only as far as it serves domination and control. What I have been saying is that sex is not the aim. I have also mentioned earlier that I don't prefer if they can be pulled into bed because it ends the game and my high. Still, I like doing it because I'm a dude. Yet again, I prefer it drags on as long as possible without it for the sake of the high.

You sound psychotic and delusional. Like you have some woman's name on a sock puppet.

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