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Something All Struggling People Might Need To Hear


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Hi guys.  I felt like this was the right thing to do because this could possibly help others going through the same thing. 

Some of you may be going through your history, and bad things may be popping up.  Stuff that you'd rather forget that you did, or more honestly stuff you wish you could change/fix. 

I am dealing with a few things of my own, but I wanted to firstly apologize to anyone who may have read my post on JohnnyBoy's last topic a few months ago.  In it I stated that "as long as you haven't done any un-restitutable harm, you can still have love". 

This was incredibly irresponsible of me.  For someone going through a hard time, reading that and applying it to their specific situation (considering their potential lack of knowledge about this kind of stuff) may have sapped them of the drive to keep digging through their history to better understand and empathize with themselves at a younger age, or even stuff they did recently.  This could have left those who saw it in a really dark place, and I don't wanna leave people in dark places. 

This isn't the rock-solid rule.  You never know what connections you can make in therapy.  You never know what insight you can hear that makes it all come into focus and makes everything clear.  If you are dealing with this type of stuff, do not give up.  The fact that you're here, that your true self is alive, that means something.  Keep searching until you find that bit of information that makes it all understandable because your true self survived, and that is a fact that should not be over-looked. 

To quote/paraphrase Stefan in a podcast called Restitution and The Future:

"You said we can't do anything about the past.  And I don't think you understand what a thing that was to say to me, someone who has spent a lot of time focusing on the past.   The truth is that there is something that we can do about the past.  And that is to understand the truth about it."

I  hope this can help some of you or inspire others to keep pushing the bar in therapy.  The answers are somewhere in your head and you owe it to yourself and your future to keep digging. 


If you could, could you send this post out to some of your friends on this board? I want to try to get this message out to as many people as possible.  I can't do anything about those that may have seen it while browsing and not logged in (there's no way to tell how many people saw it) and that's something I have to deal with but I want as many people to see it as possible, so if you could boost the message I would greatly appreciate it. 

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On 10/09/2017 at 11:37 PM, Pod said:

If you could, could you send this post out to some of your friends on this board?

While the sentiment is praise-worthy, posting it the way you recommend it certainly diminishes it's value to a 'hallmark card', to a simple postcard with lessened 'connective' potential.

At least that's why I automatically delete and filter messages with a broad-ish aim.

Take my comment for what it's worth.

I just think case-by-case is the attentive, caring way to go.


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