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Partitioning America to Prevent Bloodshed

Will 001

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Is it possible to peacefully partition America into multiple countries? The alternative is inevitable war in my opinion. Once the left started normalizing violence, it's not possible for them to turn back because it would require self criticism. They would have to own up to what they did. That's impossible because SJWs always double down. Am I a pessimist?

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I don't know, but if anyone knows of an example please let me know. It might be very unlikely that a peaceful partition will happen, but things are going to get ugly if we continue down this path. It's worth considering unlikely solutions when the alternative is so awful. There's no reason to think Genocide and ethnic cleansing can't happen in America.

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51 minutes ago, luxfelix said:

Do we have any prior case studies of where partitioning a nation prevented bloodshed?

Czechslovakia, Soviet Union (arguable), Breakup of the Benelux countries, just to name a few current ones.

Hi, Will 001

In my humble opinion, the USA cannot be partitioned (for now at least) for the same reason that Switzerland cannot be. The country is founded on ideological grounds, not nationalistic, historic, ethnic, genetic or lingual. These aspects play a role, sure, but they are trumped by the American Idea. If however, the Americans choose to place genetics, race, or whatever else over ideology, then partitioning is inevitable. But I think that is far from happening, despite what the alt-right and the leftists have been doing.

I would be far more concerned about France and Germany in your stead.

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I don't think it is possible to peacefully partition America.

The ethnic groups in America, unlike in Russia (unless one counts the Germans whom lived there for centuries till being persecuted and displaced during/after WWII) or Bohemia, are living amongst each other in various densely concentrated packs all across the continent. If we were to partition the Fatherland into smaller parts, how would we do that and who would live there? Blacks have the highest concentration along the East Coast, Los Angeles, and the South. Does that mean all these places ought to be seceded as "Blackia"? With the "Hispanics" (if we're going to pretend they're one big race) would they have the whole American Southwest (California except Los Angeles to Texas)? Okay. Then what about all the White and Asian folks? Do Asians (Orientals to revive the word) get San Francisco and that's it? Do Whites pack up their bags and move out to the sparsely inhabited Mid-West? 

I doubt the peoples being displaced will move without a fight. Unless an overwhelming central force is directing this, I think this attempt at new Apartheid will result only in a massive civil war that divides the country along ethnic lines (for non-Whites) and ethical/ideological lines (for Whites and some non-Whites who are of a kind) and chances are the Fascists or the Communists will be the victors since I doubt any kind of Right-wing school like Capitalism or Christendom will win out. 

The only way to avoid civil war is to enforce the law equally and damn anyone that gets in the way. Once the nation's faith in the law is restored, I am fairly certain the worst has been averted. Then we'd have to fight the slow and creeping decay that all Democratic Republics naturally follow (due to their nature of favoring the lowest common denominator's whims over any intelligent or moral few's).

Therefore I recommend we either pack up our bags and go Galt by immigrating to Russia, South Korea, and similarly stable/safe countries or build up our  bunkers and try to become Duke Nukem Solid Snakes capable of being of actual help to whatever radical group happens to be the least bad in the upcoming civil war. 

I'd rather not see my grandchildren slaughtered by Communists or used as pawns by a vainglorious power-seeker. Unless we get some well-meaning individual intent on establishing a Christian Monarchy, then the country is pretty much doomed due to its flawed design. It's like trying to make Communism or Fascism work. It never will. Therefore, go Galt and lend your/our talents/skills to countries with a bright future like Russia, Japan, South Korea, etc. etc.

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On 10/18/2017 at 5:23 AM, Jsbrads said:

Let's see what happens in Catalonia. Tho if anyone is taking odds, put me down for the Spanish government doesn't give an inch :/

Most likely a cvil war. Whether it lasts a couple weeks or a couple decades or somewhere in between depends on how badly the government is handling itself and how hot and angry the various Spanish peoples in the provinces are. 

I'd extrapolate this prediction to include pretty much every non-Russian Western country. Heck if you're an American like myself, the safest thing to do is go Mid-West near Colorado or Utah because anywhere else is bound to be deadly once the crap hits the fan and Civil War II comes along. If you're an American and wealthy or European, I'd recommend spending a decade immigrating to Russia since they seem poised towards survival and prosperity as well as ethnic brotherliness rather than ethnic conflicts.

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On ‎10‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 1:34 AM, Mishi2 said:

Czechslovakia, Soviet Union (arguable), Breakup of the Benelux countries, just to name a few current ones.


Ah, well there we go.

If Catalonia, Scotland, Southern Tyrol, Venice, Corsica, etc. can secede (same thing as partition?) peacefully, then more power to them. Maybe smaller more unified nations can better resist attacks and become more accountable to their constituencies?

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Thanks for your thoughts. To clarify, my concerns are regarding the 10 year+ time horizon, and I don't believe a breakup would be politically feasible any time soon. I think an inevitable consequence of demographic trends is that political conflict will grow without stopping, untill it boils over. Few things are worse than war, so I desprately hope things can be resolved peacefully.

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