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Are the .1% are shooting themselves in the foot by hording.

Gnostic Bishop

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Are the .1% are shooting themselves in the foot by hording.


Presently, the rich preside over a demographic pyramid that is top shaped and de-stabled.


Ironically, because the rich have put themselves so far from the base, they themselves have become the most unstable part of the pyramid. This is not good for the rich.


Trickle down, an economic concept which is what we all live in, if increased would remedy the stability problem.


With the world below being de-stabilized by the rich, due to their distance from the bottom, and the rich knowing the benefits of stability, would be well advised to lower its demographic position and bring profits to the whole demography.


To the rich, with profits to all being possible, I would ask, what are you waiting for?




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Top billionaire investors like Ray Dalio and Geroge Soros are buying gold. 

The .1% rich are hoarding right now because they know things will crash and possibly collapse soon. They will probably buy/spend when things crash as things will be cheaper. 

At least that is my interpretation of the situation

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Sounds like Commie hokum. The ultra rich- like the moderately rich -all do the same thing: they invest and they give to charity. Both of these things are the opposite of "hoarding", they're actively throwing their capital out into the world. Every time someone bemoans "the 1%", they're usually just pernicious and envious, and this is an even greater exaggeration of that, because it's the top 10% of 1%. Extra envious.

Even the worst of the worst "amoral billionaires" are doing the opposite of this "hoarding" claim, disproving this assertion. As Stef pointed out in his recent video about Soros, the man has donated $18 billion dollars to his open society organizations. So even the worst isn't "hoarding".

Stop it with this "the rich need to spread the wealth" nonsense. They already are. They need to STOP, because they're paying people to continue being impoverished and unproductive. The impoverished need to worry about themselves, not blaming everything on the rich. The problem isn't wealthy people, it's this absurd notion that wealth needs to be "spread" amongst the people. No, no it does not.

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In this sort of discussion the age distribution of the wealth holders is typically not discussed but it is key to understanding it. People save for retirement and most wealth is held by old people. Also the "top x%" is highly fluid, which is not the impression that the left give when they talk about these things. As Thomas Sowell points out in his excellent book on inequality "Wealth, Poverty and Politics", 12% of Americans can expect to be in the top 1% by income at some point in their lives, and 56% of American households make it to the top 10% by income. The left encourages people to be envious of their future selves.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/20/2017 at 11:58 AM, SnapSlav said:

Sounds like Commie hokum. The ultra rich- like the moderately rich -all do the same thing: they invest and they give to charity. Both of these things are the opposite of "hoarding", they're actively throwing their capital out into the world. Every time someone bemoans "the 1%", they're usually just pernicious and envious, and this is an even greater exaggeration of that, because it's the top 10% of 1%. Extra envious.

Even the worst of the worst "amoral billionaires" are doing the opposite of this "hoarding" claim, disproving this assertion. As Stef pointed out in his recent video about Soros, the man has donated $18 billion dollars to his open society organizations. So even the worst isn't "hoarding".

Stop it with this "the rich need to spread the wealth" nonsense. They already are. They need to STOP, because they're paying people to continue being impoverished and unproductive. The impoverished need to worry about themselves, not blaming everything on the rich. The problem isn't wealthy people, it's this absurd notion that wealth needs to be "spread" amongst the people. No, no it does not.

You're wrong about the rich needing to "stop." The rich don't need the stop. The government needs to stop taxing them and using those taxes to pay poor people to be poor. Other than that, you are completely right.

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  • 1 month later...

The best explanation I've seen for this is the following.

Resentment doesn't matter. Revolution doesn't matter. Nor does violence nor protest nor any such spectrum of actions.


Because so long as people are not going to increase their knowledge to the point wherein they can Self Govern, then those people are merely slaves looking for masters.


So what if they revolt? Protest, overthrow society. They may even kill you but likely not all of your heirs. And because they're unwise, untrained, ignorant, stupid, insane idiots, then they pose little threat to your power projected down generations. Because those who don't use their brains may as well not have one, and the unlearned man is but a beast looking in search of a collar.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎20‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 4:36 AM, Boss said:

Top billionaire investors like Ray Dalio and Geroge Soros are buying gold. 

The .1% rich are hoarding right now because they know things will crash and possibly collapse soon. They will probably buy/spend when things crash as things will be cheaper. 

At least that is my interpretation of the situation

That hording is what will accelerate our financial problems.

As I said, they are shooting themselves in the foot.




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On ‎22‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 3:28 PM, Somewhere said:

In this sort of discussion the age distribution of the wealth holders is typically not discussed but it is key to understanding it. People save for retirement and most wealth is held by old people. Also the "top x%" is highly fluid, which is not the impression that the left give when they talk about these things. As Thomas Sowell points out in his excellent book on inequality "Wealth, Poverty and Politics", 12% of Americans can expect to be in the top 1% by income at some point in their lives, and 56% of American households make it to the top 10% by income. The left encourages people to be envious of their future selves.

Pure bullocks.





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Can you clarify what  exactly you mean by hoardng? Do you mean people avoiding taxes out of propertarian reaosn (which is their natural right) ..... or do you mean the more imperialsit kind of "hoarding" by which oligarchs of World use their (fradulent) Fiat currency to steal the land and capital assets (factories, companies, intellecutla proeprty etc) of other People in order to take them into their control and to NWO further?

The latter is evil by

However,..... only an outright ideological marxist can the former while saying nothing about the latter.

Ideas are evil and psuedospritual ideas.... marxism itself has origin in the failed of imitators of Illuminst though.. The matiralsizing of spritual infleunces in the name of "social jsutice" which eventually lead to the compelte annihlaition conception of world in name of liberation", "revolution" (but strangely, they did not have any conpet of jsutice....sj of Sjw formula of today caame from libtard borowing of Xtian conepts during the 1960s in America.... this is precursor of the neo-marxists of today.

Liberal, In a just world such people and their successor woudl pay fo the that they have in the Liberal and Atlanticst  that casues such to humanity.

It's not shopoting oneself in the foot to want to keep the capital.... Is that in a Capitlaist involes the work of people to grow. That may unfair to epopel, but that is natual law of the Market (wonky term in your opinion) woks.... They woudl be guilty of theft in doing so......

They lack Spirtual Authority to do such , and thus can never be succesful, except in 


With all due "respect", That's completley fucking wrong, as have many things you have posted about.... as long as no physical force stops them form doing so, they have nothign to fear form other...... They can just kill anyone who oppsoes them....


The "people".............. a very marxist (or apra-marxist) idea.....

Will begin killing each other

On 1/17/2018 at 1:46 PM, Gnostic Bishop said:

That hording is what will accelerate our financial problems.

As I said, they are shooting themselves in the foot.





They will transfer their holdign sinot cypto-currencies (which are already out of the hands of those without mindset to recognize their value) and take them for themselves forever...... If the state devalues their savings, they can always jsut kille

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On 1/17/2018 at 9:50 PM, Gnostic Bishop said:

Pure bullocks.




What part of what I said was wrong, and why?

OK so that video is looking at wealth distribution rather than income distribution; the numbers are different. Again, the video ignores the age distribution of wealth. Wealth rises with age and young people in aggregate are always going to be, relatively speaking, extremely poor. The video also leaves out what has already been done to compensate for skewed wealth distribution, which in most developed countries is a great deal. State pensions ("Social Security" etc) are equivalent to six figure wealth, as are tenancies in public housing, which typically grant a lifelong entitlement to a property with a rent well below market, and which can typically be inherited.

Also, if you take a global view, a lot of those "poor" Americans would suddenly look rather rich. Should they have their assets removed for redistribution too? After all, it's only fair.

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