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[YouTube] WHy I'm breaking up with Hollywood

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I wish Steph could read this, but anyhow I'd like to give my point of view or experiences in regards to this. 

Obviously I loved movies growing up, but as I got older and more cynical I started to see the corrosive effect they have on society, and I sort of 'checked out' of watching newer movies. All I could see was actors acting against a fake backdrop; the stories didn't matter to me anymore. All I could see was my own cynicism reflected back at me from the screen. Since I 'talk to the screen' when I watch movies with me wife, soon she was in the same boat. 

Anyhow, it was around this time (maybe 6 years ago) that I started to watch more Molyneux, and spend my time watching things that challenge me, or make me smarter, or help me learn things. 

I've always had a love for Star Wars, since I was 9 years old, my single mother used to leave me home alone well into the evening. I would watch Star Wars and I can't express how thankful I am for that world George Lucas built. It saved me from being a lonely kid by myself; and gave me a world I could unleash my imagination in. I read all the books as I got older, played the games, and the universe was fleshed out and alive. 

Then one day J.J. Abrams came along and with one fell swoop of a pen decided everything I had spent my life reading and enjoying was no longer canon and his shitty 'reboot' movies were now Star Wars. I was so bitter, I just refuse to watch any of the new movies. Even for free. 

Add to that a movie on my Top 3 fav list: Master and Commander. A movie so flawlessly dedicated to the source material, incredible acting, the whole 9 yards. Made by Weinstein. Shit.

I guess it doesn't take away from how good the movie is, but i will always have a sinking feeling in my stomach while watching it. 


P.S. I miss that mall too, I had many good memories there




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