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November 4 antifa


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Antifa are planning huge rallys on Nov 4 until Trump and Pence are gone, Soros of course recently putting $18 billion into his funding for Antifa, BLM etc, so it seems like it could be major.... some places say the protests (all in blue states) are a distraction for other actions. What could realistically happen? Could it be the start of a new civil war? Could unrest crash the stock market or affect the US $?

look at refusefascism.org and on Twitter look up #nov4 #nov4itbegins could be troubling stuff, or just bunch of hippies in a park yelling like the Occupy thing, though on the site they talk about canvassing neighborhoods...

The occupy movement had no defined end game just that it was against the 1%, but this one does, and excessive funding...

what is your take on it?

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I think Soros put his money into charity to protect it from seizure. I think the rogue elements of antifa are paid to be rogue elements and the majority have no idea what is going on. I think the Nov 4 "riots" and the buzz to lead up to them are an effort to keep the "right is fascism" idea alive in the media. The best thing we can do is ignore bad behavior and immediately quash threatening behavior, as it affects all of these things: money used to promote violence can still be seized, peaceful antifa will leave demonstrations and groups that are violent, and if the only fascist behavior comes from antifa, their meme dies on the vine.

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I’m sure Soros has things locked up offshore in different countries etc so funds would be untouchable - he is evil, but very smart...

I agree not all antifa are paid, but there are especially radical elements that likely are, and he does pay to transport people around and for promotion/propaganda to obtain more useful idiots, and there are many.

I agree the best bet is to ignore and avoid, but if they are coming door to door and blocking freeways, along with whatever other violent acts, it could become difficult...

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I don't think there are many better ways you could erode the power of the varying incarnations of redistributive and grievance politics than sinking $18B into such groups. I hope as many BLM, Hamas, PLO, Antifa, campus crazies get into the Democrat, Labour and similar parties as possible.

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