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What is the Ultimate truth?


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Hi @GlenWillson

'In a world full of snake-oil salesman/women, on a forum intrinsically rooted in critical thinking... making empty claims about ultimate truths... hmm. '

It appears, after having seen 3+ near identical promotional posts, each lacking supporting thoughts... Is it because quantity is more important to you compared to quality contributions? I don't know, feel free if that's the case. I just think this community doesn't have a huge appetite for subjectivity. So far that's what you've offered. Did you not?

You haven't provided any reason or explanation as to why to treat your piece of writing any different than an opinion. Aaand the world is swimming in fakery, clumsy pitch-talks, unfounded claims of all sorts.

I try to treat the subject with attentiveness and factuality (be my guests to see my claims for yourself) but it's getting harder to not have doubts regarding any worth

That's so, especially if I think of the possible reasons as to why not once had you responded to my 3+ similar inquiries regarding some clarification.

Dunno man, I like if the 'salesman' can answer a few basic questions, like

- What's in it for me?

- How do you know that you aren't talking just 'hot-air'?

- What if you are wrong?

- Have you read all claims of 'ultimate truths', if not - Why not, you are certainly trying to make people read yours.



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