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Just now, Will 001 said:

Self-honesty is a good sign. It gives you the ability to change. Given your unfortunate self-assessment, you really, really should go to a therapist. They can help you identify your problems, their causes, and solutions. I sincerely wish the best for you.

Thank you, I'll certainly consider seeing a therapist, I think this would sort out a lot of other problems in my life as well.

Edited by Spladam
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3 hours ago, meetjoeblack said:
6 hours ago, barn said:


I'm, sorry but I see little from the' fog' of abstractions... lots of abstractions. Can you distill to concretes or highlight a specific thought?

Only if you want.


This is my point. This^^^^^ above is that vagueness again.


my process is: "42" :teehee: (Douglas Adams - H. H. G. T. T. G. ), but joking aside...

I still don't see how, what I'm saying is vague but should I understand what you are specifically asking, I will do my best to answer.

Currently I am unable to identify what one thing you inquire other than "how I live life".



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23 hours ago, Spladam said:

Thank you, I'll certainly consider seeing a therapist, I think this would sort out a lot of other problems in my life as well.

The pursuit of self-knowledge is a miraculous journey of discovery. I believe you will find more like minded people in the process. How is it coming thus far? IMHO, you seem far too young to be contemplating mgtow.

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Just now, meetjoeblack said:

The pursuit of self-knowledge is a miraculous journey of discovery. I believe you will find more like minded people in the process. How is it coming thus far? IMHO, you seem far too young to be contemplating mgtow.

Well, I have only met one other person who is like minded so far and I don't talk to her anymore. But other than that it seems to be progressing forward pretty well. 

What age would you consider to be old enough for contemplating MGTOW?

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10 hours ago, Spladam said:

Well, I have only met one other person who is like minded so far and I don't talk to her anymore. But other than that it seems to be progressing forward pretty well. 

What age would you consider to be old enough for contemplating MGTOW?

I like Peterson's harsh but accurate portrayal of the group. Its basically feminism in reverse and while mgtow actually points to several simple truths, most have married a whore, and got fucked by the system. At 19, you can go your own way as in, not get married, date, and go on a quest for self-knowledge. Do yourself a favor and read Way of the superior man. I think the ideal of having a purpose in your life is important because you then have your true north if/when a woman were to leave. A woman is not your purpose. Deida dissects this gender neutral rubbish and just emphasizes on the truth that being, it does not work in a sexual polarizing relationship. I am curious as to why you are contemplating it? Did you experience some sort of traumas with women that would make you refrain from dating? I know a guy that got accused of rape by an ex gf. Of course, there was no charges, police report or jail time but, she gets her victimhood and cucks play captain save a hoe. I think this sort of trauma would be something that could cause a man to look alternatively to a different way of life.

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On 11/23/2017 at 2:30 AM, aviet said:

You don't have to be an omega male, look at everything you can do to improve yourself:

lift / workout
up your wardrobe
study how to deal with women
get a hair cut

Like the Movie "American Psycho"? covers all of the above.

“There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction," "But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable...I simply am not there."

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Just now, meetjoeblack said:

I am curious as to why you are contemplating it? Did you experience some sort of traumas with women that would make you refrain from dating? I know a guy that got accused of rape by an ex gf. Of course, there was no charges, police report or jail time but, she gets her victimhood and cucks play captain save a hoe. I think this sort of trauma would be something that could cause a man to look alternatively to a different way of life.

Well, I've been cheated on a lot, and lots of other guys I know, male family members in particular, get cheated on and never really know about it. I've also had the feeling since I was about 7 years old that my mum was cheating on my dad. Most of the women I see out in public are often doing a terrible job with dealing with their children as well and treat their husbands like servants. 

I've also been abused by a female teacher as well, I don't want to say a whole lot on this, but basically I have literal scars left over from that.

Also, basically every woman I know is into drugs and sleeping around which Stef talked about in a video explaining basically how these things are actually really bad to have in your past when you're trying to make a family.

Overall, I'm contemplating it because I don't want lots of shit to deal with in my life that I am legally bound to put up with otherwise I loose half of everything. I hate being screwed around.

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21 hours ago, Spladam said:

Well, I've been cheated on a lot, and lots of other guys I know, male family members in particular, get cheated on and never really know about it.

While I feel for you even though, I have no knowledge of said experience nor have I been through this. In retrospect, is there anything you can say that you missed in these girls that were red flags? Product of a single mom? sloot gonna sloot sexual history? Past of cheating? Liar? Passive aggressive? Feminist?

Note, I am not blaming you for shitty women and their poor choices but rather, giving the situation a second glance in order to take something away from a bad experience. To refrain from living it again. Similar to your shitty experiences, I have had quite a bit of shitty experiences especially around your age minus the cheating. I had women ghost me. A gf even ghosted me once in my teens on a special occasion. It was embarrassing for my family to witness. I found pickup shortly afterward. I read the game and I have not looked back. Basically, the experiences cleansed me of my beta male provider genes. I make a stand to CHOOSE rather than, wait for a woman to choose me when PLAYBOYS STOPS CALLING. Similar to the story of 300; I am willing to go out the same way, as a warrior, and in search of self-knowledge. If i die knowing, I did my best, and I did everything in humanly possible within my power to find the sort of woman I could have a family with, I will have no regrets.


I've also had the feeling since I was about 7 years old that my mum was cheating on my dad. Most of the women I see out in public are often doing a terrible job with dealing with their children as well and treat their husbands like servants. 

That is pretty horrible. I am sorry to hear that. I think the quality or lack thereof in women is pretty evident. I concur with the part in bold. I have worked with and known these tyrannical women you speak of. I caution you to refrain from the MGTOW perspective by mistakenly viewing all women as that tyrannical archetype. There is quite a bit of bad seeds and society seems to give women this get out jail free card quite literally. Still, it does not end well in either event. 

The Gita speaks on the topic of corruption of women:


The Bhagavad Gita: "Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."

Basically, about corruption of women, race is corrupted, loss of lineage, line, and understanding equates to evil. Society promotes cuckoldry. I believe it means, you will need to work long and hard to 'VET A GOOD WOMAN" as Stefan would say. Where I disagree with him is cold approach; approach an outrageous amount of women, having choice rather then waiting to be chosen, and then, dating from a place of opportunity versus scarcity. There is this assumed given value for having a vagina no matter how disgusting the person maybe. Cries of misogyny and white privilege are suppose to shut down 'call outs' when, it is not an argument. Jordan Peterson recently said in a youtube video that, men are unsure of how to compete with women. Now a days, women are competing with the men for the corner office, are trashing their bodies with booze, and running through men in between kids of out of wedlock. Daddy government and beta male cuck providers are expected to foot the bill when shit pops off.



I've also been abused by a female teacher as well, I don't want to say a whole lot on this, but basically I have literal scars left over from that.

My grade one teacher made me feel stupid when I was asked a mathematics question in front of the class. I would later go onto shy away from math as a student. It became a choir when I actually enjoyed and saw the value of math as a subject. She is a piece of shit human being.

Helen Smith wrote the book, "Men on strike" depicting the gross education system and the war on little boys especially in school. I am sorry you went through that. It is disgusting but, a good portion of these women are single moms, feminists, liberal arts and women's studies majors who simply hate little boys. Without a father at home, these boys are treated like their punching bag be it physical, verbal or psychological abuse. It must come to an end.


Also, basically every woman I know is into drugs and sleeping around which Stef talked about in a video explaining basically how these things are actually really bad to have in your past when you're trying to make a family.

EVERY STEFAN VIDEO ON THE SUBJECT (MGTOW/Truth on sex/Single Moms/MASCULINITY, PICKUP, GENE WARFARE series, etc.) I have watched time and time again.

There are a series of problems. A woman can lie about abuse and she gets her victimhood. She can sloot gonna sloot and some cuck will marry her and give her children. There is anti sloot and fat shame when a lot of women should be ashamed of themselves. The silver lining being when the options run dry.

Google search: All the single Ladies ATLANTIC:

^^^ Woman late 20s dumps bf to "find herself." Meaning, Skiing down cawk mountain.

Present day: 40 + cannot get the ring (milks gone bad and playboys stopped calling). Insert victimhood tangent.

With some women, there is no winning be it through sex due to false accusation or its just bad as she is lazy. You cannot show you are a upright man through virtue, values, and character. You can only win by avoiding. If she is bitchy, slutty, entitled, attention whore, etc. You do not pass GO. Keep moving. You do not give crazy access to your sperm or resources.



Overall, I'm contemplating it because I don't want lots of shit to deal with in my life that I am legally bound to put up with otherwise I loose half of everything. I hate being screwed around.

While I agree, it is then all the more important to VET A GOOD WOMAN. Know thyself! Listen to Jordan Peterson youtube videos. Read David Deida "way of the superior man." Have a purpose in this life above all else. Dedicate your life toward that cause. You do not need to avoid women in the process but, MGTOW is correcting in GOING THEIR OWN WAY. IMHO it is sort of a lost cause because it is based upon resentment and hurt. Similarly, your RAS is aimed at not what you want but, at what you do not want. You will always find more of it. Turn on the tv. Look out your window. Swipe on tinder. You will find a lot of it.


I wish I could be of more help and give more advice. Then again, Mr Stefan M. has another two decades plus on me and IMHO, he has pointed out the problem which we are both well aware of yet, no solution is given. I wish it were more simpler but, it is not and nothing great ever comes easy. You will have to claw your way out of the mud and vet a good woman. You will need to screen hard. Qualify her. I am not talking purely on physical looks and attraction. I am talking virtues, values, beliefs, character etc. obv not a fatty because it is a indication of poor health and shitty genetics. Attraction is initial. I think the time for marriage is coming to an end until the bar is raised, women are bringing something to the table, and a toxic vagina after years of stds from the bad boys is not okay.

Approach. Talk to three girls a day. Get numbers. Repeat. That is 21 approaches in a week. Imagine a year? Convert that to dates? To options. To having a choice. What alternative is there? Wait? Be a cuck. raise some other man's children? Wife up a woman when her best days are over? No. Stefan called dating younger creepy. I agree to disagree. I will always choose younger. I will approach. I will get numbers. I will date. I will pull. Wash/rinse/Repeat until I find my wife. I recommend you do the same but, more importantly, find your core purpose and path in life. Self-knowledge is the way.

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12 hours ago, Marshall B said:

Find someone attractive and whom you share values with. Marry her and make babies god damnit. You're a good looking dude. Go...now.

Its not that simple as TS has pointed out. If attractive, women act like divas slut around until of course, they hit the wall, the milk goes bad and she starts bulking. Now, its time to get married and extract resources from some beta/cuck provider male.

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Just now, meetjoeblack said:

While I feel for you even though, I have no knowledge of said experience nor have I been through this. In retrospect, is there anything you can say that you missed in these girls that were red flags? Product of a single mom? sloot gonna sloot sexual history? Past of cheating? Liar? Passive aggressive? Feminist?

It's actually quite hard to tell, but there was always narcissism in the mix, passive aggressive behavior to a smaller extent.

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5 hours ago, Spladam said:

It's actually quite hard to tell, but there was always narcissism in the mix, passive aggressive behavior to a smaller extent.

Well, obviously, you do not date this. For instance, if I pickup a girl, get a number, add to social media, and I note attention whore behavior/ass pics via IG, and anything alike, she falls into fwb, fuck buddy, one night stand material. Not gf or wifey. Sometimes, there is no winning with these types of girls. You do not allocate sperm/proteins to the crazy, to victimhood, and women that the MILKS GONE BAD/SMV cratered.

At 19, you might not be able to be precognitive. I never understood how my parents did it but, they could and would see a bad seed. Now, as time goes on, assuming you continue to date actively rather then passively (Approaching/pursuing/going after women you want vs online dating/swiping/waiting for some woman to pick you), you will see a sequences of similar patterns, behaviors, and red flags you will know to avoid entirely. Red Pill Philosophy did a great video on this you could look up. Women wait for men to propose for dates/marriages/dinners. This is the passive dating role. Men pursuing are in the active dating role. Most cucks and betas wait for one semi decent looking woman to pick them, have children with (assuming, they aren't getting cucked), and it usually doesn't end well. They get cucked, divorced, screwed financially.

Now, if you DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER to ACQUIRE A WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE (not just aesthetics and looks) and you fail in your process, you are no worst off then you are now. You can always go MGTOW them. Ideally, why not take the tenants of MGTOW, basically, DEIDA Way of the Superior Man/CORE PURPOSE/Dream/AMBITIONS < cuckoldry/Scarcity, cratered SMV, raising some man's babies? You can fallback as MGTOW. Deida is a spiritual teacher who debunks society, PC Culture, and this beta male cuck provider nonsense. You want to live at your edge.

Approach three new girls a day. See what happens. Date. Hookup. Have options. Some girls will flake. Some will ghost (even after sex sometimes). They will hit their late 20s and want to play homemaker when the alphas stop coming. At 19, the likely probability you find the ideal girl now is unlikely. Approach. More likely, the girl you are seeking, is much younger. You hit 25, she is 18. You hit 30, she is 23/24. See what I am saying?



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5 hours ago, Spladam said:

Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not getting married any time soon, if I ever do.

She has to earn it. In society, women are entitled as fuck, are divas on social media, and then, after cratering SMV, its white picket fence time. Cucks are lining up. Its cowardice. A lot of men have no spines. They set no boundaries and take the shit sandwich life hands them willingly. You don't turn a whore into a house wife. This was common knowledge since the stone age. Men knew this but, with social conditioning, no shame for sloot gonna sloot, men are following women into the abyss.

Calling all in and swearing away your resources is ridiculous especially the way most modern western women behave. Ideally, if you were to marry a woman, she best have dedicated her 20s to you without any ambiguity, infidelity, cuckoldry or anything remotely questionable.

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Just now, meetjoeblack said:

Approach three new girls a day. See what happens. Date. Hookup. Have options. Some girls will flake. Some will ghost (even after sex sometimes). They will hit their late 20s and want to play homemaker when the alphas stop coming. At 19, the likely probability you find the ideal girl now is unlikely. Approach. More likely, the girl you are seeking, is much younger. You hit 25, she is 18. You hit 30, she is 23/24. See what I am saying?

I've actually been trying to talk to at least 1 girl per day, and it's going alright, so far it's all failures but I need to try a bit more. And yeah, I guess I'd have to be older for a girl of substance to even consider me.

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6 hours ago, Spladam said:

I've actually been trying to talk to at least 1 girl per day, and it's going alright, so far it's all failures but I need to try a bit more. And yeah, I guess I'd have to be older for a girl of substance to even consider me.

Dude, I strike on the daily. ZERO FUCKS GIVEN.

Read David Deida Way of the Superior Man. Its in alignment with MGTOW in Purpose > Women! Still, you put yourself out there. You pursue but most important of all A WOMAN IS NOT YOUR PURPOSE. Cucks/beta/White knights excuse family for not starting their biz, for not living their dream, and pick the path of least resistance. Their women and children feel this weakness and are repulsed by it.

Work your way up to three approaches a day. Girl in a coffee shop, grocery store, the gym, bar, club, and everywhere. You rewire yourself to be the sort of man that pursues like a shark in water. This is ones nature. With all this cuck fest PC culture and women are victims nonsense, it pedals more fuckery. As for "failures," you have one dick. You cannot bang them all. It is not humanly possible. Furthermore, all you want to do is sift through the fuckery, and VET A GOOD WOMAN. They are few and far between these days. Most will be single moms, cratered SMV, pissed away youth chasing career woman rubbish, and following the beaten path of society off the cliff.

You misunderstood my point on age. If I am 24 and the girl I marry is currently 18, when I am 30, she is 24. My point is that, in all probability, the woman you marry is not legal drinking age meaning, you got to get a few more years under your belt. Ideally, have a dating life worthy of selection. Men propose. Women dispose. Its men they dispose on the surface but, in reality, they are disposing their fertility, aesthetics, and SMV. When players stop calling, it is GAME OVER for her. Yes, cucks and betas will come but, the frequency of playboy and alpha will drop off.

For men, there are no alternative ways. You are at a fork in the road. You either step up choosing the path of self-knowledge, approaching women, pursuing "a life worth remembering" as Bruce Said or you can follow the beaten path of society and all that is amateur hour, wait for a mediocre woman to pick you after her best days are over, raise some other man's baby, play homemaker with a woman in her best days who would never give you the time. The latter path is the one most men take. These men then become MGTOWs.

Finally, if in the end, you choose MGTOW, so be it. Just put your best foot forward before doing so. Dedicate oneself to that three approaches a day. You'll eventually get to the point, acquiring digits is like nothing. You will get excited and she will flake. You will date and women will ghost. The final bell has yet to be heard. Keep plowing. If you need inspiration, google search: "THIRTY DAY CHALLENGE." Eventually, you begin to date regularly, you have choice, and instead of dating out of scarcity, you pick. You make a active choice. You hear and see the lies of don't judge 'sloot gonna sloot.' Obviously, a woman can spend her best days skiing down cawk mountain and cratering her SMV. You don't got to be the cuck that jumps on the grenade. Change your life. Shift from the paradigm you are in. In the end, you have NOTHING TO LOSE.

Please, update me on your journey. Its like being disillusioned; seeing the little man behind the curtain, and realizing that the placeholder society has for most of us is keeping society orderly. Someone needs to allocate resources to these women running wild. I just wont be the man. YOUTH/YOUNG/ATTRACTIVE or no dice.

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My simple advice @Spladam at this point is to take the advice of those who are where you want to be in life, or at least value their advice first and foremost. Stef's advice is pretty simple: work on yourself, make every date count (by cutting off most women after the first or second date, by telling them what you want, what you have to offer, then ask them what they want and they have to offer, and then eventually childhood and past stuff) and eventually you'll find someone.

I'd ditch the PUA nonsense because I have yet to see a PUA in a stable successful marriage. If you want to get laid I'm sure they're right; but in this age of hentai and internet, what is getting laid worth? 

I just don't want you wasting your youth making yourself into someone un-marriageable in a way awfully similar to most women post-feminism. Keep knowledgeable about female nature but also note that they are trends and it's the exceptions you're looking to marry. Therefore you have to be exceptional yourself, especially relative to the MGTOWs, PUAs, wannabe PUAs, and Betas/Cucks. 

Which really isn't that hard, given the sorry state of masculinity today is about as bad today's femininity. 

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2 hours ago, Spladam said:

Any ideas on how I can achieve this?

Simple become successful in a career (ranging from things like business and professional specialties to the arts and mind)--especially by a young age--and become a good man personally.

As always the Devil is in the details.

For the first thing I recommend figuring out what in life you want to do and then afterwards chart out a plan on how you can be making high 5 figures/low 6 figures within the next 5-10 years. Then and meanwhile, research doing that like one Crusader fellow has been researching how to make it as a music teacher...

For the latter it's an especially personal journey. Know your strengths, weaknesses, and learn how to suss out the strengths and weaknesses of others. Then go to work on mitigating/turning around your weaknesses and capitalizing on your strengths. Of course a tricky part here is even being able to objectively determine your own strengths, weaknesses, and whether or not you are accurate in figuring out others. I'd recommend listening to Stef a lot for figuring out others' and his Call-in-Shows and therapy for yourself.

The next step, before focusing on you career, is to identify your biggest weaknesses and how to solve them as well as identifying your biggest strengths and how to make money (and eventually a honey) with them. 

Again for that I recommend therapy and the help of whatever wisemen you can find on the Internet. I would avoid anyone who isn't living an approximation of what I want in life since chances are if I follow their advice to the letter my life will become a lot like their's. 

So, to sum up a list of what to do:

1:Know yourself, figure yourself out.

2: Figure out what you love, what you're good at, and how to make a lot of money from it.

3: Seek outside help all the while. Professional help for your material dreams, psychological help for your character. 

After all this you should become a pretty decent man able to attract a pretty decent woman, who can be proven decent at the very least by her ability to sense and desire pretty decent men. Note that by my standards a good woman literally cannot fall for a bad man because she must be smart enough and sensitive enough to know the difference and make wise and informed decisions. And if she's got all that and blows it, you know she wanted the trouble. If she isn't, then she would have dragged you down with her...

...Therefore you got to find a wise and smart woman and they will only pay heed to men they can marry (for obvious reasons) and the only marriageable men are men who have both resources and good character. One or the other doesn't do it. 

You might find such a woman before you're ready for her, and you might be able to convince her that you're en route to becoming ready, but I wouldn't hold my breath and I would assume she'll move on to better prospects because we all run on tight biological clocks (men too if we want a decent woman rather than a far younger than us idiot--because the best women will find a 25 year old with the wisdom and wealth of a 35 year old--, a semen toilet, or a cock blender. Or if we're very lucky and very great, a young genius who can somehow be 25 and have the same or acquire quickly the same wisdoms and knowledge of a 35 year old man).

How's that for simple (lol) and achievable? 


Edited by Siegfried von Walheim
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Just now, Siegfried von Walheim said:

How's that for simple (lol) and achievable? 

FML... well, I better get started.


Just to clarify though, I'll probably start making the high 5 low 6 figure income next year, but that is just a prediction. Also, what wisdom would a 35 year old have? And where can I find such wisdom?

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1 hour ago, Spladam said:

FML... well, I better get started.


Just to clarify though, I'll probably start making the high 5 low 6 figure income next year, but that is just a prediction. Also, what wisdom would a 35 year old have? And where can I find such wisdom?

Conceivably the wisdom a 35 year old ought to have is life experience, what works and what doesn't (relative to people, politics, and work), knowledge (about the things I just mentioned), and character virtues like patience (without being too patient or indecisive) and courage (as a result of life experiencing teaching one that life is short and not to be wasted) and I suppose, again speaking of those that follow the basic life plan that was commonly followed by historical high achievers, a level of earned confidence and built-in endurance that an entry-level person or newbie simply wouldn't have.

As a man I can't tell you what to want; I can say in general I want to be as free as possible and as comfortable as possible. Therefore I must be self-disciplined (make things happen) and far-sighted (to see down the road of what will likely happen if I do A B or C) while also humble to new information and respectful of my own limitations, as well as the limitations of those around me. As for women I want someone who has these three virtues: intelligence, wisdom, and compassion. I have no tolerance for the stupid and less for the ignorant. Meanwhile even if these things are overflowing like a Super Saiyan's yellow aura, they can be disastrous without compassion, empathy, and a conscience. 

Naturally women likes these are in very high demand and are regularly being found/finding similarly high quality men (who are more likely focused on applying these traits to making money rather than babies and supporting someone else's money making dream) but I have no reason to suspect there are a relative shortage or abundance of either high quality men or women because both are very rare and have difficulty finding each other from all the commoners. 

If you really can make good money by (I think you said you were 19? My age? So 20?) the next year than you've beaten most of your competition as far as that goes. Next would be making yourself durable and wise. Durability being your tolerance for failure and setbacks, wisdom being your ability to overcome them and avoid them in the future while also making yourself a richer person both materially and spiritually.

After that I'd recommend doing Stef's basic formula for dating until you find someone who passes the test and then give it a few months to see whether they're the real deal before marrying. Of course marriage should be a declared goal for any relationship with a woman that isn't purely business or friendship--after all you want to scare away the flingers and attract the ringers. And the "no hymen no diamond" rule should also be applied given the stats.


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On 30/11/2017 at 4:30 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Simple become successful in a career (ranging from things like business and professional specialties to the arts and mind)--especially by a young age--and become a good man personally.

Great post. I did want to follow up with a lot of things on what you commented. Hopefully, I can see through your process and take something away going forward. Let me begin by asking, are you married? Wife? Children? family?



As always the Devil is in the details.

For the first thing I recommend figuring out what in life you want to do and then afterwards chart out a plan on how you can be making high 5 figures/low 6 figures within the next 5-10 years. Then and meanwhile, research doing that like one Crusader fellow has been researching how to make it as a music teacher...


The quest for self knowledge is what everyone should be working towards but, I find society is in a strange place now a days. Instead of 'know thy self,' the left is looking towards victimhood and a scapegoat especially the far-left. I think I mentioned it before. I read Talent is Overrated some years ago. You got to drive in that lane where you do your best work and where you can turn talents into star performer. Unfortunately, this message usually goes to deaf ears. Banished father figure in households. A cookie-cutter government education system. A real lack of actual value provided for these days. Your charting out and planning on how to make it happen in 5-10 years sounds similar to Peter Druker's advice in Managing Oneself through Feedback Analysis. Goal setting and putting a plan into motion over a span of 9-12months all the while seeing where one's talent are and refraining from areas where you simply cannot perform at a high level.


On 30/11/2017 at 4:30 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:



For the latter it's an especially personal journey. Know your strengths, weaknesses, and learn how to suss out the strengths and weaknesses of others. Then go to work on mitigating/turning around your weaknesses and capitalizing on your strengths. Of course a tricky part here is even being able to objectively determine your own strengths, weaknesses, and whether or not you are accurate in figuring out others. I'd recommend listening to Stef a lot for figuring out others' and his Call-in-Shows and therapy for yourself.

Baiscally, what is input through Managing Oneself only, Druker suggests to refrain from turning mediocre abilities into near amateur performance. He goes onto suggest its best to refrain from taking on positions one cannot be a star peformer and to committing to those one can deliver at a high level. That Feedback-Anylsis is something I am starting on ATM. Similar to Talent is Overrated, the sooner one learns of there strengths, they can get to that world class star performer leve but, it takes reps. I listened to Arnold in Total Recall, his memoir and he deemed everything in life comes down to reps.



The next step, before focusing on you career, is to identify your biggest weaknesses and how to solve them as well as identifying your biggest strengths and how to make money (and eventually a honey) with them. 

Again for that I recommend therapy and the help of whatever wisemen you can find on the Internet. I would avoid anyone who isn't living an approximation of what I want in life since chances are if I follow their advice to the letter my life will become a lot like their's. 

So, to sum up a list of what to do:

1:Know yourself, figure yourself out.

2: Figure out what you love, what you're good at, and how to make a lot of money from it.

3: Seek outside help all the while. Professional help for your material dreams, psychological help for your character. 


With respect to mitigating weakness, this all takes time, and time away from one's star talent. The same with respect to therapy. If one needs it, by all means but, for the sake of just doing it, I question the merit here. I've lost a lot of family over the years. I am sure it would be benefical but, again, it is time away from crafting star performance in areas of strength. I found a lot of value in listening to Jordan Peterson, dong Self Authoring, and his Personality test. At 19, you have the time but, even then, it goes by in a blink Time is ones greatest asset. If I got to the point of spinning my wheels, despite my best efforts, I could not overcome a scenario, I would seek therapy then. It just seems all to glamorized now a days. Unless mentally ill or near breaking point, I would much prefer to shift my time into areas I can see immediate results be it financial or other.


After all this you should become a pretty decent man able to attract a pretty decent woman, who can be proven decent at the very least by her ability to sense and desire pretty decent men. Note that by my standards a good woman literally cannot fall for a bad man because she must be smart enough and sensitive enough to know the difference and make wise and informed decisions. And if she's got all that and blows it, you know she wanted the trouble. If she isn't, then she would have dragged you down with her...

I do not dispute this.

The thing is, even "educated" women are skiing down cawk mountain. The mother of your future children likely isn't the sort of woman who has ass pics up on IG assuming you are a man seeking self-knowledge and is a free thinker. It seems awfully convenient that men attempt to attract women with their resources. She leaves and then takes said male's resources through the state.

If I am following your 5-10 year plan (ideally, i would much prefer to hit the six figure range in the next two year), I would want the idesl woman before having acquired that higher end six figure salary. At six figure range, I am not interested in then playing homemaker with a woman while I did all the heavy lifting and she wants to setup camp now. A lot of good women are sleeping around, are socially conditioned, following the culture, chasing career, and squandering SMV.

We can blame society, culture, the normalizing of 'sloot gonna sloot' as well as single mother victimhood but, at the end of the day, individuals be it male or female are responsible for the choices they make and fail to make. Women got the victimhood bumper sticker so, they can make a series of bad decisions and daddy government will bail them out or some cuck will marry them.

A woman the other day was bragging about how her bf (high end five figure income) cooks and cleans. She is a tramp with really high kill count. Squandered what SMV she once had. Highly entitled, expects the ring, and cannot turn on a stove. Obviously, she is a liability. There is more of this now a days and even women in the conventional nuclear family is parading around the hornets nest of single motherhood.

I have a fair bit of heavy lifting to do the next few years. I came to FDR seeking a solution with respect to finding a wife. Staking claim in the free market in an area of one's genius is the path. Seeking self-knowledge and knowing how one succeeds is the path but not one of least resistance. When I get to where I am going, I refuse to be a ATM or squandered SMVs meal ticket. I am not trying to be the richest stiff in the cemetery but, I want to live a good life so, I am progressing toward said goals.


On 30/11/2017 at 4:30 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

...Therefore you got to find a wise and smart woman and they will only pay heed to men they can marry (for obvious reasons) and the only marriageable men are men who have both resources and good character. One or the other doesn't do it. 

You might find such a woman before you're ready for her, and you might be able to convince her that you're en route to becoming ready, but I wouldn't hold my breath and I would assume she'll move on to better prospects because we all run on tight biological clocks (men too if we want a decent woman rather than a far younger than us idiot--because the best women will find a 25 year old with the wisdom and wealth of a 35 year old--, a semen toilet, or a cock blender. Or if we're very lucky and very great, a young genius who can somehow be 25 and have the same or acquire quickly the same wisdoms and knowledge of a 35 year old man).

How's that for simple (lol) and achievable? 


This is what I seek.

I find the more I follow the 'superior man' path (David Deida), the harder I work, "the luckier I seem to get." This path is riddled full of obstacles and assuming you are on a similar path, walking the walk, you know all too well what I mean. 

I wish I find access to this sort of knowledge at 19. I am still approaching women. I am still putting myself out there but, I grow avoidant especially when I see sloth.

Even good women in the nuclear family I see socially conditioned chasing career and looking to compete with men for that corner office all the while allocating her eggs towards the man with far too many options. Conservative women are extremely rare or usually converts.

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On 30/11/2017 at 10:50 PM, Spladam said:

FML... well, I better get started.


Just to clarify though, I'll probably start making the high 5 low 6 figure income next year, but that is just a prediction. Also, what wisdom would a 35 year old have? And where can I find such wisdom?

Its fantastic knowledge to have given especially at 19. Any idea as to what field you want to go into? The wisdom will come in time. Read modern and classic philosophy. Socrates - Know thy self. Read Managing Oneself by Peter Druker. You have the fire within you. It is portrayed in your desire to seek self knowledge. Put that to work in whatever areas you are skilled and talented in. Listen to Jordan Peterson.



The last video I found enlightening. Have that vision for yourself and life. Use fear to be that driving force.

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On 11/30/2017 at 4:30 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Simple become successful in a career (ranging from things like business and professional specialties to the arts and mind)--especially by a young age--and become a good man personally.

Great post. I did want to follow up with a lot of things on what you commented. Hopefully, I can see through your process and take something away going forward. Let me begin by asking, are you married? Wife? Children? family?


Before I say anything, please hit the "Quote" button to quote me since I have to copy and paste to quote you otherwise and the default is this mess. 

I think you already figured out from below where I'm at. I'm single, 19, a virgin, and at the start of my career. In fact I made a post here months or a year ago about my disillusionment with women and that's how we first met...





For the latter it's an especially personal journey. Know your strengths, weaknesses, and learn how to suss out the strengths and weaknesses of others. Then go to work on mitigating/turning around your weaknesses and capitalizing on your strengths. Of course a tricky part here is even being able to objectively determine your own strengths, weaknesses, and whether or not you are accurate in figuring out others. I'd recommend listening to Stef a lot for figuring out others' and his Call-in-Shows and therapy for yourself.



Baiscally, what is input through Managing Oneself only, Druker suggests to refrain from turning mediocre abilities into near amateur performance. He goes onto suggest its best to refrain from taking on positions one cannot be a star peformer and to committing to those one can deliver at a high level. That Feedback-Anylsis is something I am starting on ATM. Similar to Talent is Overrated, the sooner one learns of there strengths, they can get to that world class star performer leve but, it takes reps. I listened to Arnold in Total Recall, his memoir and he deemed everything in life comes down to reps.



The next step, before focusing on you career, is to identify your biggest weaknesses and how to solve them as well as identifying your biggest strengths and how to make money (and eventually a honey) with them. 

Again for that I recommend therapy and the help of whatever wisemen you can find on the Internet. I would avoid anyone who isn't living an approximation of what I want in life since chances are if I follow their advice to the letter my life will become a lot like their's. 

So, to sum up a list of what to do:

1:Know yourself, figure yourself out.

2: Figure out what you love, what you're good at, and how to make a lot of money from it.

3: Seek outside help all the while. Professional help for your material dreams, psychological help for your character. 








Baiscally, what is input through Managing Oneself only, Druker suggests to refrain from turning mediocre abilities into near amateur performance. He goes onto suggest its best to refrain from taking on positions one cannot be a star peformer and to committing to those one can deliver at a high level. That Feedback-Anylsis is something I am starting on ATM. Similar to Talent is Overrated, the sooner one learns of there strengths, they can get to that world class star performer leve but, it takes reps. I listened to Arnold in Total Recall, his memoir and he deemed everything in life comes down to reps.



With respect to mitigating weakness, this all takes time, and time away from one's star talent. The same with respect to therapy. If one needs it, by all means but, for the sake of just doing it, I question the merit here. I've lost a lot of family over the years. I am sure it would be benefical but, again, it is time away from crafting star performance in areas of strength. I found a lot of value in listening to Jordan Peterson, dong Self Authoring, and his Personality test. At 19, you have the time but, even then, it goes by in a blink Time is ones greatest asset. If I got to the point of spinning my wheels, despite my best efforts, I could not overcome a scenario, I would seek therapy then. It just seems all to glamorized now a days. Unless mentally ill or near breaking point, I would much prefer to shift my time into areas I can see immediate results be it financial or other.

The kind of weaknesses I'm talking about especially are character weaknesses.

For example: I'm a really great talker, I have an easy time getting and keeping others' attention, but I am generally shy around people. Isn't that a bit of a contradictory weakness? Well if I want to embark in say business or politics I need to work on breaking that shyness so only my natural charisma comes out. Otherwise it's like carrying a bazooka but having only one arm to wield it with.

I can't recall where I got the idea from. I suppose therapy, Stefpai, Jorden Peterson, and some minor input from others' would have to be the basis given they're the people I generally study from.

I would recommend mitigating your weaknesses ASAP since chances are if they're bad enough they're crippling your strengths and filtering you out from those who don't have the weakness.

In general I think the weaknesses that you ought to look for are: laziness, cynicism, lethargy, short-temper, shyness, and whatever else you might imagine would turn off a high performing superior, peer, or inferior, and might turn off a decent woman.



After all this you should become a pretty decent man able to attract a pretty decent woman, who can be proven decent at the very least by her ability to sense and desire pretty decent men. Note that by my standards a good woman literally cannot fall for a bad man because she must be smart enough and sensitive enough to know the difference and make wise and informed decisions. And if she's got all that and blows it, you know she wanted the trouble. If she isn't, then she would have dragged you down with her...

I do not dispute this.

Yet you do down below...


The thing is, even "educated" women are skiing down cawk mountain. The mother of your future children likely isn't the sort of woman who has ass pics up on IG assuming you are a man seeking self-knowledge and is a free thinker. It seems awfully convenient that men attempt to attract women with their resources. She leaves and then takes said male's resources through the state.

Educated =/= Intelligent or Wise. In fact it tends to equal "brainwashed" or "gullible". Also this is a partial contradiction to what I said above about decent women... 


If I am following your 5-10 year plan (ideally, i would much prefer to hit the six figure range in the next two year), I would want the idesl woman before having acquired that higher end six figure salary. At six figure range, I am not interested in then playing homemaker with a woman while I did all the heavy lifting and she wants to setup camp now. A lot of good women are sleeping around, are socially conditioned, following the culture, chasing career, and squandering SMV.

The main reason for wanting the money before the honey is to not get distracted (professionally) and to attract the highest quality women--who for obvious reasons want the guys making the most money at the youngest age. Since if I were a great woman at my age I'd be aiming to seduce, convince, marry, and get impregnated by the likes of *insert single equivalent Donald Trump Jr.*, it makes sense I'd as a man try to become relatively wealthy ASAP.


We can blame society, culture, the normalizing of 'sloot gonna sloot' as well as single mother victimhood but, at the end of the day, individuals be it male or female are responsible for the choices they make and fail to make. Women got the victimhood bumper sticker so, they can make a series of bad decisions and daddy government will bail them out or some cuck will marry them.

Sure, but who cares about them? If you aren't aiming for an exception you may as well just stick your wick into a blender. 


A woman the other day was bragging about how her bf (high end five figure income) cooks and cleans. She is a tramp with really high kill count. Squandered what SMV she once had. Highly entitled, expects the ring, and cannot turn on a stove. Obviously, she is a liability. There is more of this now a days and even women in the conventional nuclear family is parading around the hornets nest of single motherhood.

Well, don't bother with them! Also, who cares (as far as you're concerned)?! It's not about them, it's about you! Look for a woman for yourself don't focus your attention on the crap! I know it's terrible, but sheep's gonna bleet and any genius or above average person really ought not waste himself trying to stop sheep from doing what their shepherds tell them to do. 


I have a fair bit of heavy lifting to do the next few years. I came to FDR seeking a solution with respect to finding a wife. Staking claim in the free market in an area of one's genius is the path. Seeking self-knowledge and knowing how one succeeds is the path but not one of least resistance. When I get to where I am going, I refuse to be a ATM or squandered SMVs meal ticket. I am not trying to be the richest stiff in the cemetery but, I want to live a good life so, I am progressing toward said goals.

Well if you want quality you have to be quality.

I hate to say it, but imagine you were a woman right now and said all this about men. It doesn't matter if it's true--it implies heavily you are cynical and jaded about men and therefore highly likely to divorce men and do pretty much everything you're stating (factually in this case) men would/are doing.

Which is why I discourage you from talking about the gutter trash and instead put a positive spin to it; you sure as Hell are losing a lot of competition when they stick their wicks into blenders, and the fact you can spot a thot from a thought means you've have a much easier time spotting a decent woman.


...Therefore you got to find a wise and smart woman and they will only pay heed to men they can marry (for obvious reasons) and the only marriageable men are men who have both resources and good character. One or the other doesn't do it. 

You might find such a woman before you're ready for her, and you might be able to convince her that you're en route to becoming ready, but I wouldn't hold my breath and I would assume she'll move on to better prospects because we all run on tight biological clocks (men too if we want a decent woman rather than a far younger than us idiot--because the best women will find a 25 year old with the wisdom and wealth of a 35 year old--, a semen toilet, or a cock blender. Or if we're very lucky and very great, a young genius who can somehow be 25 and have the same or acquire quickly the same wisdoms and knowledge of a 35 year old man).

How's that for simple (lol) and achievable? 




This is what I seek.

I find the more I follow the 'superior man' path (David Deida), the harder I work, "the luckier I seem to get." This path is riddled full of obstacles and assuming you are on a similar path, walking the walk, you know all too well what I mean. 

I wish I find access to this sort of knowledge at 19. I am still approaching women. I am still putting myself out there but, I grow avoidant especially when I see sloth.


You sound like you're just approaching random women. I bet you're giving them the benefit of your cock every now and then too...

...You don't think that turns off decent women by default?

Of course it's hard to spot a decent woman. But I think you can at least filter by location. Like, are you approaching women off the street? In a bar? Or at a club? Obviously the latter two are terrible places while the first is very unpredictable. I suggest follow Stefpai's advice of approaching women who are essentially doing what you're doing--either career wise, hobby wise, or as relations to your male peers in these areas--and/or aim for places only high quality people go to. 

However I don't know really what you're doing that's leaving you empty-handed for sure, but I do recall you mentioning you basically doing the typical PUA crap which ought obviously be a turn off to decent women...therefore you never find any...so, what is it you do exactly?

Of course I do nothing. I'm just not ready for that kind of responsibility.


Even good women in the nuclear family I see socially conditioned chasing career and looking to compete with men for that corner office all the while allocating her eggs towards the man with far too many options. Conservative women are extremely rare or usually converts.

They aren't good women. Wash that from your head! They're just sheep...do you want to f__k a sheep? Or a wolf? A woman who does what she's told and influenced into doing, or a woman with actual agency, intelligence, and dignity?



As always the Devil is in the details.

For the first thing I recommend figuring out what in life you want to do and then afterwards chart out a plan on how you can be making high 5 figures/low 6 figures within the next 5-10 years. Then and meanwhile, research doing that like one Crusader fellow has been researching how to make it as a music teacher...


The quest for self knowledge is what everyone should be working towards but, I find society is in a strange place now a days. Instead of 'know thy self,' the left is looking towards victimhood and a scapegoat especially the far-left. I think I mentioned it before. I read Talent is Overrated some years ago. You got to drive in that lane where you do your best work and where you can turn talents into star performer. Unfortunately, this message usually goes to deaf ears. Banished father figure in households. A cookie-cutter government education system. A real lack of actual value provided for these days. Your charting out and planning on how to make it happen in 5-10 years sounds similar to Peter Druker's advice in Managing Oneself through Feedback Analysis. Goal setting and putting a plan into motion over a span of 9-12months all the while seeing where one's talent are and refraining from areas where you simply cannot perform at a high level.



As always the Devil is in the details.

For the first thing I recommend figuring out what in life you want to do and then afterwards chart out a plan on how you can be making high 5 figures/low 6 figures within the next 5-10 years. Then and meanwhile, research doing that like one Crusader fellow has been researching how to make it as a music teacher...




The quest for self knowledge is what everyone should be working towards but, I find society is in a strange place now a days. Instead of 'know thy self,' the left is looking towards victimhood and a scapegoat especially the far-left. I think I mentioned it before. I read Talent is Overrated some years ago. You got to drive in that lane where you do your best work and where you can turn talents into star performer. Unfortunately, this message usually goes to deaf ears. Banished father figure in households. A cookie-cutter government education system. A real lack of actual value provided for these days. Your charting out and planning on how to make it happen in 5-10 years sounds similar to Peter Druker's advice in Managing Oneself through Feedback Analysis. Goal setting and putting a plan into motion over a span of 9-12months all the while seeing where one's talent are and refraining from areas where you simply cannot perform at a high level.



You saying my general plan's similar to someone else's? Well, I can't say I'm surprised. I can't the only smart person in the world.

And yeah, the general idea is to focus on talent/passion and make money off of it rather than focus solely on areas of expertise (that don't make me happy or fulfilled) or solely on areas of passion (where I have no actual talent for, and am therefore constantly bewildered as to why no one likes my *insert artistic crap here*...).

Rather you ought to have both: this way you can make money and actually feel good doing it. 

I strongly recommend focusing first on getting the money before the honey since I think it's awfully distracting to be pursuing women when work is precious, while also when money is still a question I think smart women would rather have the guy that's already done it than the guy who is currently doing it. Especially if at a similar age. 

I know you're not young, but I am primarily interested in those who are since that's where my advice can potentially do the most good. 

PS: Please hit quote. Only my stuff should appear quoted and not the repeated garbage that came about due to copying and pasting your stuff onto this page (which I did because I got nothing hitting quote since your entire post is quoted).

Otherwise this is a mess!

Edited by Siegfried von Walheim
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On 12/3/2017 at 1:27 AM, meetjoeblack said:

Its fantastic knowledge to have given especially at 19. Any idea as to what field you want to go into?

I have no idea, I love everything really, which has put me down the path of entrepreneurship because I can take my journey through many different Industries and areas of knowledge without having to be at university for half my life. But again, maybe there is something I am missing here, maybe there is some way I could be better utilized? I'm assuming that self-knowledge is the path to take to figure this out. Any suggestions? Did you ever find this tricky when you were my age?

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On 12/7/2017 at 7:12 AM, Spladam said:

I have no idea, I love everything really, which has put me down the path of entrepreneurship because I can take my journey through many different Industries and areas of knowledge without having to be at university for half my life. But again, maybe there is something I am missing here, maybe there is some way I could be better utilized? I'm assuming that self-knowledge is the path to take to figure this out. Any suggestions? Did you ever find this tricky when you were my age?

Man, I wish I was in that place of mind at 19. My father always spoke of it. While alive, I wanted "stability," something I never had any experience with growing up. I associated struggle with entrepreneurship and business. Furthermore, I was in a cookie-cutter education system. After 17 years of government education and nothing to show for outside the pieces of paper for diplomas not worth the paper it was even written on. The one guy gave you a ton of advice about researching the field. I am years older then you but, assuming you are tech savy, you will have access to a bunch of opportunities. Keep learning. Self-knowledge. 

Yes. Inbox me. I got a few tips. Entrepreneurship feels like you are putting together a abstract puzzle. Ideally, pick a niche and run with it. Gain as much knowledge along the way. Do your research. Pull the trigger. Continue to approach minimum three times a day. Shocker, you will be in more access of women once you have a successful business. Endless if and when you get rich. Classic female hypergamy. Hence why you want to find an ideal mate before then because you will never trust her thereafter. 

When I was your age, I was partying, and chasing girls with shitty results. I wanted to be a cop but, I did not want to go to school for it. I thought about trades. I spun my wheels. Are you employed right now? Go on Stanford and Harvard business school websites. Look at the book recommendations. Read those. I highly recommend reading Peter Drucker's book Managing Oneself. You will gain a lot of knowledge from it. Trial and error. Before 25, find what you are good at. Stay in that lane. Build off strengths. Don't attempt to fix things you are barely competent at. You want star performance. 

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6 minutes ago, meetjoeblack said:

Are you employed right now?

Nope, just quit my part-time job to become a fitness contractor. Hopefully I can turn that into a business.

Also, I would consider a high standard women as one who would want a man with skills and principles which are beneficial for fathers to have rather than a woman who thinks about the money and resources. I argue that because skills and principles will help to gain resources and money in the long-term, where as already having those things (money and resources) is something which one could gain a short-term benefit from. I'm not sure if that line of reasoning is accurate or not, but if it is then I should look for a woman who is skill and principles oriented too.

Also, thanks for all the advice so far, very much appreciated :) 

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Begin putting out content. Focus on content creation. For now, put out workouts and refrain from being a gimmick. Be warned. It is super over saturated. Regardless, the experience will be monumental in your development. I hate to be the barrier of bad news. These days, most women are skiing down cawk mountain. Are running through dudes. Are walking cesspool of stds, used condoms, and aborted fetuses. I had a woman come up, start a convo with me the other day, and brag about running through guys. Woman was 30+, had hit the wall, and literally was delusional. A man almost needs a helmet and mouth guard in the dating world these days. Your resources are more of a factor when she wants to play homemaker and when she is done getting blown up by the alpha males. Interestingly enough, this is the same time blow jobs begin to disappear because she is not into it. The same woman was into giving random men throaters when much younger and fitter. Be selective as fuck. Vet a good woman but, know its a zero sum game and a lot of women can put on the act to rope in some schmuck.

I think the basic tenants of MGTOW like focusing on your self, life purpose, direction in life, and refraining from the beaten path are ideal way for a man to act in this day and age without identifying with the actual ideology. If you are to follow the beaten path, acquire while young, drag her through her twenties dedicated, and yeah, sure, get her a engagement ring assuming you believe it however, her twenties are yours. Any ambiguity, cucking or weirdness, you ghost her. Be willing to walk away. I cannot remember the name of the universal principle but, you simply go first. I think its the law of entropy or state transference but, I could be mistaken. In any event, you put out into the world what you seek first. You lead by example. You have vision. You have faith and you believe. Set RAS on the things you want rather then moving away from the things you do not want or fear. Peterson describes putting your fears behind you so, it is what is driving and motivating you rather then freezing you. 

You sound like a good young man. You are ambitious, seeking self-knowledge, and willing to step up. Follow your path. Lead. Find your way to the library. Research. Look at content creation. Set trends rather then follow. A classic example is Donald Trump's presidency. Going against PC Culture rather then pedaling what is the social norm. 

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On 12/14/2017 at 10:58 PM, meetjoeblack said:

Set RAS on the things you want

RAS? What's that?


On 12/14/2017 at 10:58 PM, meetjoeblack said:

I had a woman come up, start a convo with me the other day, and brag about running through guys. Woman was 30+, had hit the wall, and literally was delusional.

Women like that are very creepy, especially when you find out that they're single mothers and are sleeping around. I feel sorry for the kids and/or future kids she may have. 

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On 12/18/2017 at 9:44 PM, Spladam said:

RAS? What's that?

Reticular activation system. So the argument goes, you look around the room. I ask you to close your eyes and point to something RED. Open your eyes now. Okay. Close your eyes again. Look for something BLUE. 

Likely, you don't remember because your RAS was aimed at ________. In this case RED. Its one of the issues with misogyny, with cynicism or assuming all women are whores and sluts. Your RAS will see it. It will gravitate towards stuff like MGTOW, with slutty women, and women that shouldn't ever get the ring or access to your sperm/proteins/DNA EVER!


On 12/18/2017 at 9:44 PM, Spladam said:

Women like that are very creepy, especially when you find out that they're single mothers and are sleeping around. I feel sorry for the kids and/or future kids she may have. 

Dude, this woman is 35+. Hubby had a good six figure income. Paid for her to go back to school. She makes more money. Hangs out with whores and they all go out cucking their husbands, the men that married and gave them children. 

Said women would be taken out, shot, and pissed on in the middle east if not stoned. Do not turn a whore into a house wife. Ideally, acquire top form SMV while young, have her dedicate her entire youth to you or find a new woman. Keep sharp on your biz. Keep with researching, with self-knowledge, reading, and exploring consciousness. 

Have you met any new girls? 3 approaches a day? Interestingly, the same overcoming fears bleeds into other areas of life. A lot of men marry the first semi decent looking woman who puts on the snow white good girl shtick the best. It doesn't end well as it did for the dude who got cucked. If you watch anything mainstream (HIMYM, Stranger Things, Breaking Bad, Shameless, House of cards, etc), women cucking the lead male is just being normalized by hollywood and society. 

If a man allows a woman to cuck him, his genes do not deserve to breed and reproduce. 


Good luck on biz. Please continue to update us. 

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Just now, meetjoeblack said:

Have you met any new girls? 3 approaches a day?

Nope, but I have been trying. Not at 3 approaches per day, but one. I'm working my way up to 3, there have been a few days so far when I have met 3 or more, but most days it's just one. 

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21 hours ago, Spladam said:

Nope, but I have been trying. Not at 3 approaches per day, but one. I'm working my way up to 3, there have been a few days so far when I have met 3 or more, but most days it's just one. 

There was a bloke by the name Julien Blanc. He put out some great content with respect to pickup before going full retard and getting kicked off planet earth. I am talking banned from countries and an apology on CNN (CUCK NEWS NETWORK). Prior the way he debunked dating, pickup, what women say versus what they do was pretty enlightening. He still took things too far. He has since bounded back. Jungian psychology speaks of the shadow. We saw this man's shadow. There is something to be said of being harmless and moral signaling versus growing teeth, harnessing the monster within, knowing you can do harm or wrong, and then CHOOSING AN ALTERNATIVE ROUTE. If you were to contrast before the media shit storm to now a days, you would be like, WTF? The push for three approaches a day works out to 21 a week. Given, you would in all probability DO MORE. Transition this to actually getting numbers, dates, hookups, and thus having CHOICE!

Don't lose focus on your dream, purpose, and self value. The more you explore consciousness and self knowledge, the better you become with problem solving. You begin to ask yourself better questions. You have things to talk about so, your sense of self value is not based upon the validation of a woman. Continue your journey man. I wish I was in your head space at your age. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@meetjoeblack, I read 'Way of the Superior Man' by David Deida, and quite honestly I found the book to be terrible. Mostly unscientific, and heavily centered around sex. I talked to some family members about the book and they said that even though it doesn't really make sense to me now, it probably will later on, especially when I do get into a relationship. So even though I find it terrible now, I'm open to the possibility that it may help later on.

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On 03/01/2018 at 8:12 PM, Spladam said:

@meetjoeblack, I read 'Way of the Superior Man' by David Deida, and quite honestly I found the book to be terrible. Mostly unscientific, and heavily centered around sex. I talked to some family members about the book and they said that even though it doesn't really make sense to me now, it probably will later on, especially when I do get into a relationship. So even though I find it terrible now, I'm open to the possibility that it may help later on.

It was more or less the MGTOW route. Its simply not for you.

MGTOW are simply blue pill men that went red pill after getting destroyed in a system they were fodder too. Furthermore, much of the ideology is centered around Deida be it consciously or unconsciously. The points are pretty hard to deny; that a woman is not your purpose, not living at your edge has consequences, and excusing mediocrity for having a wife and kids is the mating call of the loser.


Continie on your path. I don't necessarily agree with everything there but, there is a call out @ gender neutral nonsense. Nobody can give you the path to follow in life. I thought I would come across a solution here. This is far from the truth. Lots of know it alls and wordy commentary. Lots of chatter and little follow through.


The connection between men and women is pretty damn severed. Unless a man has won the genetic lottery, has resources, looks or all of the above, maybe game, its slim pickings. With the #MeToo essentially blurring the lines of actual rape and pedaling more female victimhood, it is going to get worse before it gets better. If there was WWIII, there would be a lot less men thereafter, and it would change things (not necessarily for the better).


If you are going to go out on your shield in this life, call into being that which would make this life worth living. I've found more answers in Jordan Peterson videos then just about anything now a days. I would love to hear his take on the severed relationship between men and women. I recently heard a woman at the gym bragging about cucking her husband. It is really savage these days.


Continue on your path. Keep me posted on how it goes? Just don't drop your dreams and life path the sec a hot woman who puts out comes along.

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It may be too late. All I can really do is tell you about myself. 

I'm effectively a MGTOW. I've researched and watched all the channels, videos and articles and so I understand female nature, which makes me very wary of relationships. I broke up with my last girlfriend over two years ago and have been single ever since.

I'm not going to lie and say I wouldn't consider another relationship or one night stand (not that I'm into those), as I'm more of a purple pill kind of guy, but I've honestly never been happier. I like to write and produce videos about anarchism and similar things to what Stef talks about and being single with no kids and no mortgage is a blessing in this regard. I'm self-publishing my newest book next week and aim to publish one every six months.

I don' think I could do that, as well as produce videos for my small YouTube channel, manage my FB and website, if I was married or in a serious relationship. I can get up before 5am everyday and work on these things and more importantly FINISH them, which is great. Being single is incredibly productive. You can explore yourself more freely and become the kind of man you want to be as time is abundant.

I guess I'm saying that given how young you are (sorry, it's not meant as an insult; I'm actually jealous lol) you have years to develop your skills, job prospects, etc which will make you even more of a catch for the right kind of girl. Male SMV (sexual market value) only rises through time, so you will only become MORE attractive to women as you mature and become more experienced, skilled and richer. 

If you can, put off marriage for a few years (at least until your mid 20s or early 30s). Anyway that's just my 2 cents. Hope it all worked out or is working out.

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