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TA Disciplined for Playing Jordan Peterson Video in Classroom


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So I just watched the full video of the audio of the interrogation of Lindsay Shepherd. Wow. I am blown away by what I heard. I knew that leftists believed their bullshit, but now I hear them saying that their worldview is that people aren't left enough! It's a disturbing listen, so those who look up this video (provided by 1791L youtube channel), be forewarned, it is both dull and horrifying all at once.

For those who don't know, a graduate student Teacher's Assistant, Lindsay Sheperd, played a few minutes of a youtube video of a Jordan Peterson discussion in a classroom setting. Some students complained, and she was disciplined for her actions. As a result of the ugly process she was put through, she's grown totally disillusioned with academia and is going to leave the university setting. This video is just the audio of the meeting in which the administration grills Ms. Shepherd for playing Jordan Peterson, and it was just the beginning of the trials and tribulations for Shepherd... all because some students' feels got hurt. As someone who lived through something similar, this disturbed me greatly.

Listen at your own peril.


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As someone who grew up in Canada , I'm afraid it might be too late to save Canada from soviet-style leftist hell. Stories like this, and bill C-16 seem to support that. I'm not a fatalist though. If anything, this means leftism must be fought harder than ever. In my experience, Canadians are very, very conformist. This trait allowed for the unchecked spread of political correctness. I don't think that trend will change soon. I don't know about the new generation, though. 

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Some people are saying it's great that she had the foresight to record the meeting, and that it's the only way things will change. But... nothing's changing. Not improving, anyway. (Just look at Evergreen University.) Those "apologies" are just blips in time where these administrations play a political game of shedding some crocodile tears right before they go back to resuming their status quo. They're not being put through the wringer. They're not being pressured to change. Their university isn't going to revamp its structure. This is all just Monica Lewinsky all over again: public outcry, they're briefly embarrassed, some new "shiny object" will come along to distract everyone, fast-forward to 19 years later and people will have fond memories of them.

As I indicated in my description of my reaction to the audio recording.. these people believe that they're not being Left enough! Nothing's changing, except that they're just moving further and further in the wrong direction...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well I was rather encouraged when I saw Jordan Peterson's video breaking down the entire situation at Laurier University, and joining him were two teachers, at least one (or was it both?) who taught at that very university. So it was relieving to see that some of them are seeing the trouble and realizing that it's not good. But the flow still seems to be going in the direction that it is...

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On 11/22/2017 at 6:48 PM, Will 001 said:

As someone who grew up in Canada , I'm afraid it might be too late to save Canada from soviet-style leftist hell. Stories like this, and bill C-16 seem to support that. I'm not a fatalist though. If anything, this means leftism must be fought harder than ever. In my experience, Canadians are very, very conformist. This trait allowed for the unchecked spread of political correctness. I don't think that trend will change soon. I don't know about the new generation, though. 

Maybe that’s my calling, Dictator.

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  • 4 months later...

It's not going to go away, Lindsay is taking (massive, brave) action.

I think in both cases, whether they acknowledge or try to diminish her documented silencing... Universities better get their act together or else... (Although in my estimation there's only going to be doubling down, 'falling in their own drawn sword' based on the consistent trend on both sides of the Atlantic.)

Here's the breakdown from J. B. P.


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  • 3 months later...

As predicted:

"The number of confirmed full-time, first-year students at Wilfrid Laurier University for September is 3,928, down from 4,634 last fall. - Andrej Ivanov , Waterloo Region Record"

-15.2% LESS enrollment

Wait for it... wait for it...

"We've landed exactly where we wanted to be," said Jennifer Casey, assistant vice-president of enrolment services and registrar at the university. "It's still an exceptional (*) growth pattern that Laurier is in."

I'm sure it is. A kind of a 'growth', that's for certain.

Jennifer probably forgot to add the word negative*. Mathematically that is.

As in: If this 'exceptional growth pattern' continues, it will 'grow' into an ordinary failure and an ordinary closure of the facility, 'freeing-up' currently tied down human 'resources' many of whom will certainly be scooped up by other 'exceptional' universities... Oh, dear. Sophists...

By the way...while we are at PC policing universities... New enrollment at Evergreen State College is also down, by some estimates - 70%, only 300 new students this fall (from ~900-1100, by unconfirmed sources). Naturally, the official report is a lot more 'forthcoming' and leaves no place for doubt...'to read is to believe'. (link)

(Naturally, I'm just kidding. Believe, think, make up your mind as you please.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well-well-well... the message is being broadcasted far and wide, things are getting incrementally worse by the day for Sir Wilfrid Laurier (good, well deserved) :

"Peterson has now launched a second $1.75 million defamation suit after he alleges the university’s press release accompanying its statement of defence issued last month also attacked his integrity."


Annnd... it's likely there'll be more, soon, I think. (morally corrupt people's track record of doubling down -> till utter defeat ->and further... ->and a bit more...in 'fukt', practically forever.)



' person A: Where do you want to go to?

person B: To Wilfrid Laurier University, for my degree.

person A: The one that held secret meetings and is currently snowed under law-suits, some by a well respected clinical psychologist, successful author and role model internationally?

person B: Yeah, I know...

person A: W..Wh... WHY??? What good that will do to you?

person B: I haven't made up my mind totally... It is my first choice before Evergre...

person A: Da fu...?! Wh...aaiii?

Alright. Listen. Sorry, I have to go now... um... have to feed my unicorns and sh&t... see you around! (turns on jetpack and flies away...) :wacko::woot::laugh:'


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